The campus is so cute

388 The Results of the Cultivation

Lei Zhenyang mainly considers for his son, but also for himself.He didn't want his son's other identity to be exposed, so he considered asking for leave in the name of the two going on a trip.Anyway, the two of them will definitely not leave the hospital during this time.

Du Jing was overjoyed, she didn't expect things to turn out like this.

Lei Zhenyang took a look at Du Jing: "Teacher Du, I know your relationship with our family Lei Yun. I also know that you like him very much. Because of him, you were injured. I feel very guilty, so I tried my best I might try to make up for you, but I don’t know if this method will work.”

Du Jing was naturally very happy, and looked at Lei Yun who was sitting opposite her.

Lei Yun's face was very calm, he was listening to what his father said, to be honest, Du Jing was just his plaything, so he would not marry her.But yesterday, at the most critical moment in his life, Du Jing helped him leave there and arrive at the hospital. He is grateful to this woman, isn't it just a piece of paper, he can promise.

"Yes, Du Jing, do you think it's okay?" Lei Yun looked at Du Jing.

Du Jing shed tears of happiness, thinking of a song, Andy Lau's Today.This is exactly what Du Jing expected and waited for.

Lei Zhenyang nodded, he will arrange everything next.He is the dean of the School of Physical Education of Nanhai University, so he naturally knows some people in Nanhai, so it is no problem to get a marriage certificate.

After finishing everything, he went to the personnel department with their marriage certificate, saying that the two had just gone through the marriage formalities and went on vacation to the south.Sorry, I didn't say hello to the school before, but when the two come back, there will definitely be a lively wedding.

The people in the personnel department were stunned, what's going on, traveling and getting married, the world is really crazy.However, I still want to congratulate Lei Zhenyang, but in my heart, I feel that the slutty man and slutty woman have finally achieved the right result.Let Lei Zhenyang arrange the classes well, so that the absence of the two of them should not be affected.

Naturally, the School of Physical Education still wants to talk about it. Lei Zhenyang explained the situation to all the teachers, and the two traveled and got married.This is wedding candy, but after the two come back, there will definitely be a beautiful wedding, and everyone will join in the show.

When Lao Lei left, the office immediately became lively. Of course, it was cool enough to discuss the adulterers and sex, and he left without taking a cloud.

Guo Linghua glanced at Duan Hongying, and the two went to the bathroom.

"Sister Ling, what's going on. Why did Dean Lei say that? What does he mean?"

Guo Linghua smiled: "Of course he won't tell the truth that the two of them were admitted to the hospital. When the time comes, the teachers will all visit, so it will be revealed. But Lao Lei is really capable. Think about it, let's also It counted as a good deed and accelerated a marriage.”

Duan Hongying asked worriedly: "I don't know who Dean Lei is, but I feel that he should definitely investigate this matter. We will be exposed sooner or later."

"So, we have to take precautions. If we mess with the boy, we must also deal with the old man. But this old guy is not easy to deal with. Let's go and ask Dean Shen." Guo Linghua led Duan Hongying to find Shen Hanyu.

Lei Zhenyang left the academy and hurried to the bar run by his son to find out the situation there.After careful investigation, I realized that the bar has changed hands, and the current owner's name is Xie Wenhao.

Does the name Xie Wenhao sound familiar? The waiter said that he is also a student of Nanhai University.

Lei Zhenyang asked if something happened here last night, the waiter shook his head and said he was not sure, we went to work during the day and went home at night.I didn't know until early in the morning that the boss had changed.

Lei Zhenyang left the bar and continued walking along the bar street.He knew that many nearby bar owners were familiar with his son, and he also knew a few familiar faces.Soon Huang Mao and the others were found.

When these people saw Lao Lei, they all avoided and hid far away.After all, before leaving yesterday, the female devil warned her not to talk nonsense, or you will bear the consequences.

Lei Zhenyang grabbed Huang Mao's hand and tugged hard.The other party immediately began to wail. Don't look at Lao Lei who is now in his sixties and will retire in a few years.But when he was young, he was also a good sportsman, a national first-class athlete.The items I practice are heavy-weight items such as shot put. Although I am old, my hand strength is still strong.

He asked Leiyun who did it yesterday, it must be a gangster near you.Who is that person, you tell me.

Several people shook their heads and said they didn't know, did Young Master Lei not go to school?

What the hell, he's in the hospital now, and Teacher Du Jing was also injured.Tell me, who is that person, otherwise I will call the police, arrest you all, and confine you for a period of time to receive education.

"Principal Lei, we know that you are a teacher, but we have kept ourselves safe recently and have done nothing wrong. It is not easy to run a bar and do business on a small basis, so don't frame us." Open your mouth.

Lei Zhenyang could see it, this group of people dare not speak, it seems that the other party is a ruthless character, and gave them a certain amount of hush money.

Lei Zhenyang suddenly counted money from his bag, which was a total of eight thousand, and threw it to the three people, saying: "You take this money first, and tell me who that person is."

Huang Mao still shook his head, and the wretched man looked at the money greedily, this guy is simply a collector of money and sex.The man who looked a bit fierce-looking was silent.

Lei Zhenyang saw that the money was not easy to use, and asked: "I will double the amount he gave you. Don't be afraid, I know friends from the police station, and I will definitely become this person."

Friends from the police station, the three of them thought about it.The other party dared to pull out a gun blatantly, and there must be someone who knows someone in the bureau.And the key point is that Young Master Lei provoked each other first, even if they fought, it would probably be bad luck for Young Master Lei.

Bancun said: "Dean Lei, put away the money, since Young Master Lei is hospitalized, let's buy more supplements."

Lao Lei scolded angrily: "Damn you, what do you mean, our family is short of this little money to buy supplements."

Bancun was silent, and Lei Zhenyang saw that the wretched man with a monkey face was attracted to money, so he decided to start with him.

"Okay, since you're showing loyalty, I won't force you. I'm leaving." Lei Zhenyang put away the money and left the bar.

However, he didn't leave, he was waiting hard, and when the wretched man was left alone, he rushed up again.Lei Zhenyang worked hard today, and he must seek justice for his son.

Besides, Guo Linghua went to Shen Hanyu's side and explained the situation briefly.

Shen Hanyu is no longer the gentle woman she used to be. She has experienced the turbulent changes in the Shen family, and the life and death parting with Zixuan in the car explosion.She has matured a lot and looks at things a lot more rationally.

She also knew what happened last night. Lei Yun was indeed punished, but the two women's methods were a little more brutal.

"Since Lei Zhenyang has intervened, he will definitely find you out. In terms of background, we can instantly kill Lao Lei by several blocks, and he won't have any ability to resist. But after all, today is a society ruled by law, and we still have to obey the law with virtue. People. So, I suggest you start with him, as far as I know, he has many problems, as long as you can find out."

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