The campus is so cute

389 Why did you choose me

Lei Zhenyang had been waiting hard behind a building outside the bar, and finally the three of them came out of the bar and parted ways.

Regardless of his own safety, Lao Lei began to follow behind the wretched man.The wretched man hummed an unknown tune and walked in front, unaware of any abnormality behind him.

Lei Zhenyang saw the timing right, it was already midnight and there was no one around.So he pounced on him like a mad dog, directly pressing him down without giving the other party any chance to breathe.

The wretched man's real name is Wan Ting, a jobless vagrant.This guy is lazy, his only hobby is masturbation, a pure social scum.But this person has a problem, he is timid and afraid of getting into trouble.Don't look at the self-proclaimed social person, but he has never done anything in the real underworld, never beat anyone, never raped, let alone followed a certain woman and sneaked into her house to do bad things.It's just eating and drinking with Lei Yun and the others.In normal fights, it's just shouting slogans. When encountering an emergency, they are the first to slip away.

When he felt that someone was sneaking up on him from behind and was planning to do violence to him, his heart was very painful. I am so ugly and there are still people who like me. God, you can play with me.

Wan Ting was tall and skinny, with a face shaped like a monkey, and when he smiled, he showed two rows of scorched teeth, which was indeed quite wretched.But why did Lei Yun win over this kind of person to follow him? Although this guy has no special skills, he also has a skill, first-class stealing skills, maybe he was born with it. His father is still serving the bureau for a certain elder brother in the bureau. Woolen cloth.

Therefore, Lei Yun and the others took him in.

"Brother, please forgive me. I am ugly and my skin is not fair. Why did you choose me?" Wan Ting begged for mercy.

Lei Zhenyang slammed his forehead hard, and said coldly: "Boy, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

My day, the other party is still an old guy, and it turns out to be Lei Shao's old man.Lei Shao is a well-known beast, and he really has roots to be found.

If Lei Zhenyang knew that the wretched man in front of him had commented on him like this, he would probably go crazy immediately.He still asked who that person was, and shook the wallet in his hand, and said the person's name, and the money in it was yours.And if you help in the future, I can help.

Ban Ting asked Lao Lei to loosen his neck so that he could catch his breath and get used to the rhythm.As a colleague, he was turning his head quickly. Thieves are generally smarter, which is also Wan Ting's point, otherwise it would be difficult for him to get out of their circle.

Of course he knew those two beauties, the teachers of the Physical Education College of Nanhai University.No matter how they said it, they were all familiar with Lao Lei.Even if he doesn't reveal it, I believe Lao Lei will know sooner or later.After all, there is a woman named Du Jing among them. If the matter is revealed, the responsibility can be shifted to her. Anyway, Young Master Lei doesn't like her, so it's not wrong to offend others.

"Dean Lei, I can say that the only requirement is to ensure my safety in life. You can't leak my secrets, or I won't be able to survive." Wan Ting put forward his own request.

Lei Zhenyang nodded, and said calmly: "Don't worry, I can guarantee it with my personality."

"Okay, I believe you, but you have to pay first." Wanting greedily looked at the wallet next to Lao Lei.

Without hesitation, Lei Zhenyang escaped from the wallet and handed over all the money in it to him: "Who is he and what is his name?"

"I don't know the name, but I know it's a teacher from your physical education college, and he can kung fu, very good." Wan Ting said.

Lei Zhenyang narrowed his eyes, the Kung Fu teacher in our school.He asked: "What kind of kung fu does the other party use, martial arts, taekwondo, sanda, Tai Chi or Bagua boxing?"

Wan Ting was confused: "How do I know? I don't understand. Anyway, the kind that is very powerful. Dean Lei, I only know this." I can't guess the origin of those two people, I'm too smart.

By the way, Lei Zhenyang thought of the teachers of the Physical Education College, and indeed ignored Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying. After all, the two had just arrived, and when they were celebrating that day, Lei Zhenyang saw that the two women behaved well. Besides, how could the women have any connection with the underworld? He also wouldn't believe that two dainty beauties shot his son.

How many of them are there, Lao Lei asked again.

Wanting thought about two or three people. At that time, I was scared and didn't look carefully.

Lei Zhenyang asked him to recall carefully how many people there were.Wanting did some calculations, at first there were two beauties, and then a young behind-the-scenes boss appeared.He gestured a number three, which meant that the other party was three people.

A physical education teacher, a teacher who knows kung fu, it seems that this is not a vendetta, but a personal grudge.Who would be the one who had a gap with Lei Yun in the Physical Education Institute? Suddenly a figure appeared in his mind, martial arts teacher Li Shunjie.

Li Shunjie came to the Institute of Physical Education and performed very well, and his colleagues and students appreciated him very much.But there is something wrong with this person, he is outspoken, and as the saying goes, he speaks uprightly, which may have something to do with his martial arts personality.He just couldn't understand Mr. Lei Yun's way of doing things. He hung out with female teachers in the office every day and quarreled with many girls in school. He was like a beast.So he reported the situation to Lao Lei many times, hoping to expel a scum like Lei Yun.

Of course Lao Lei protects the calf, so there are many conflicts between him and Li Shunjie.

When Guo Linghua came, he forced the three brothers Li Shunjie to leave the school.When Lei Zhenyang and Lei Yun came home, they even congratulated with a drink, this annoying guy finally left.The most important point is that when Li Shunjie left, Lei Zhenyang didn't even have the slightest intention to keep him. Could it be because of this reason that Li Shunjie and his three juniors retaliated against Lei Yun.

Although it doesn't make sense in theory, everything is possible.Now that the three of them are not in school, they have no scruples about doing things.But how to explain the pistol, it is possible that the other party is also a mess.

Regardless of that much, Lei Zhenyang decided to start the investigation with the three of Li Shunjie.He thanked Wanting, and told him that the matter was top secret and no one could tell.

Wan Ting hurriedly asked: "Dean Lei, I know who the other party is."

"It's almost there, I basically have an idea in my heart." Lei Zhenyang said gratefully to him.

Wan Ting was not sure, and reminded: "They are men."

"Nonsense, I need you to remind me. Take the money and get out." Lei Zhenyang disappeared through the night, he didn't dare to neglect, he wanted to continue the investigation.

Wan Ting smirked foolishly, this old Lei was really fooled.

Li Shunjie and the others came from the south. They have studied martial arts with their master for many years, but they have made little progress in martial arts.It's just that at the bottleneck stage, the master hopes that they can go out and use their martial arts to make a living, and stop fooling around with me.

The three of them bid farewell to their master with tears streaming down their faces, so they came to Nanhai. This is an economically developed city, and employment will definitely be high.At first, they worked as security guards, or bodyguards, but the wages were poor, and they felt that this kind of work degraded their identity.

Nowadays, there are so few warriors, they are a jewel of the country, how can they be buried in the security army.

They also have more realistic dreams, to buy a big house and marry a beautiful girl as a wife.If you mess like this, when will you be able to get ahead?

By chance, Nanhai University recruited martial arts teachers from abroad, and they came.

I worked well for three years, but unexpectedly, I was forced to leave the house by two women. Back then, I was humiliated by my master and said that I had no future, so I hurried to leave. It was better than today.

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