The campus is so cute

390 The Gang Members Reunite

Brother Li Shunjie lives together. Although they have worked for three years and saved a lot of savings, it is still not enough to buy a big house.

The three of them rented a house, located in an old-fashioned building in the western suburbs of the city, with two bedrooms and one living room, and the three of them barely lived here.Although the days are tough, there is still hope.

Li Shunjie has been waiting, waiting for the opportunity to be promoted, and his salary can increase a lot.I didn't expect that when my life was about to enter the peak, such a thing would happen.

After the three of them returned home, they naturally suffocated and bought a bunch of beer to vent their depression.The two Wang Song brothers were upset, they couldn't swallow their anger, they were bullied by two women, they were ashamed, and they couldn't go back to their hometown to explain to their master.

Li Shunjie understands that it is too difficult for him to take revenge, not to mention that the three are no match at all in terms of force, and these two women may be elegant or handsome, but they are always beauties, and there must be a behind-the-scenes boss who takes care of them.

The three of them are nothing more than people who come to the South China Sea to make a living. To be honest, they are not much better than migrant workers.Life would go on, and the three decided to find a chance to go to the school to ask the dean Lei Zhenyang, hoping to give them a chance.

But think of the time before leaving.Lei Zhenyang didn't keep him at all, and I heard that that night, they went to clean up the two women. Only the newcomer laughed, and the old one was sad.

Li Shunjie explained the situation to the two juniors. If he wanted to go back to school, there was probably only one way, begging that woman.

The three of them were silent, so they continued to drink, it would be better to drink to death.

Just when they were at a loss, their master's son appeared in the South China Sea.The three of them are used to addressing them as the young master, the young master knows that they are doing well in the South China Sea, let's come and see the three of them.

The three of them were grateful, but the elder and younger looked at the three of them with frowning faces and a bitter attitude, which seemed to be far from being a good guy.Finally, the three of them drool with the young master, their jobs were ruined, and they were kicked out by the two women.

The young master frowned after hearing this: "You are really promising, since I am here, I will definitely help you. It is too late today, I will take you to find someone tomorrow, and he will definitely help you solve this problem. "

Li Shunjie was very happy, knowing that not only was this young man the best in kung fu among their juniors, talent was part of it, and of course there was also the relationship between the master's help.In addition, the eldest and younger are now out to serve in the army, and they are doing well in the army. With the help of the eldest and younger, there must be no problem.

So, Li Shunjie called Wang Song to continue buying wine and celebrate.

The young and the young were also unambiguous, and they had a drink with the three of them, and told about their experiences in the army. The three of them were very envious.

Wang Song drooled while aiming at the pistol on Young Master's waist: "Young Master, this is a real guy, isn't it fake?"

"Grass, do you think our third brigade is just a display? Our Sixth Saber Company is well-known throughout the country, even better than the most outstanding Spike Special Brigade." The young and old unloaded their pistols and took turns giving The three watched and played.

At this time, Lei Zhenyang found the addresses of the three of Li Shunjie.Lei Zhenyang came here once before, but he doesn't remember anything, but it finally came in handy today.

The house Li Shunjie lives in is an old-fashioned building, which is actually a simple second floor. The cement outside has begun to slag, and the tiles on the roof are dilapidated. There is a possibility of relocation at any time.

Lei Zhenyang touched the window and looked in through the window. Although the light in the room was not very bright, he could still see clearly.The three of Li Shunjie were sitting around drinking in the living room. There were beer bottles and instant noodle boxes all over the floor, which was a mess.

Sitting next to the three of them was a young man with a handsome appearance, well-dressed, and a bit of a bossy demeanor.Lao Lei took a closer look, the three of them were playing with a pistol, and it really had a gun.

Lei Zhenyang was very excited, it seemed that he had indeed found the right person, he must be right, it was definitely Li Shunjie and the others who did it, son of a bitch, you can't escape.

Lao Lei hurriedly evacuated, found a quiet place, took out his phone and called his friends at the police station in the west of the city, saying that a group of gangsters were reuniting, and they still had pistols in their hands.

Lei Zhenyang's friend at the police station is the deputy director. Although he has some official title, he has little power.I have been longing for the opportunity to get promoted, but I have no chance.Hearing that Lao Lei said there were underworld bastards at the party, he immediately became excited.

Asked about the address and the number of people on the other side.The deputy surnamed Li was a little confused.Impossible, gangsters gathering in old houses, it's too nonsense.Is this old Lei dreaming in the middle of the night, confused?

When asked what was going on, Lao Lei said that his son was shot dead by the other party, and he is still in the hospital.

Deputy Li was very surprised when he heard this: "It's true, Lei Yun was beaten."

Deputy Li knew that Lei Yun's background was a bit of a gangster's way, and he also advised Lao Lei to let your son settle down and not cause trouble. It seems that unfortunately he was taken seriously.

He was a little timid. After all, the other party was a social bastard. These days, the police and the bandits can be called a family, and there is no positive figure behind any bastard.He said wait for tomorrow, I will take a few people there, it is too late now.

Lei Zhenyang understood his worries and explained the situation. The other party was not a professional bastard.It used to be our school's physical education teacher, who has been having some friction with our family. These people just left their jobs a few days ago, and they came to take revenge on our Leiyun.

Director Li questioned him carefully, and Lao Lei would definitely not fool him. In this way, there are really criminals carrying guns. If he can solve this case, he may be promoted.Think about how conscientious I am, get up in the middle of the night to perform tasks, and protect the safety of the people of the country. I am too great.

"Okay, you wait for me." Director Li hurriedly got up, put on a dress and went out.

Soon, the two met. Lei Zhenyang was so excited that he couldn't stop holding Deputy Li's hand to express his gratitude.

"Don't be polite to me, let's go and have a look." Deputy Li asked Lei Zhenyang to lead the way, and the two arrived at the old house.

The two leaned against the window and looked inside.The people inside were still drinking, and there was a shining pistol on the coffee table.

Deputy Li was very excited, rubbed his hands vigorously, turned to Lei Zhenyang and said, "Lao Lei, how about this, let's rush in together and take care of each other."

Lei Zhenyang thought the same way. If he wanted to rush in, he had to watch the three of them being escorted to the police station.

When the two came to the door, Deputy Li pulled out a pistol from his waist. He hadn't used it much before, so he didn't know the name of the gun.But he was dressed in a police uniform, and he was a bit fanciful with a gun.

Lei Zhenyang silently yelled one, two, three, and the two broke open the door and rushed in.

Lao Lei gestured with his right hand in the shape of a pistol and shouted: "Don't move, be honest, put your hands behind your back, and squat on the ground with your head in your arms."

Director Li stared at Lao Lei and almost peed.

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