The campus is so cute

396 Separation of Forces

Xie Wenhao saw Han Zixuan coming, and immediately ran over to greet him earnestly. When he saw the other two strange men, he could tell each other's good looks with a glance. That's it.

Han Zixuan introduced two people, one is a comrade in arms and the other is a good brother, they are here to help you.

"Brother Tao, thank you very much. With your joining, our strength will definitely be improved to a higher level." Xie Wenhao stepped forward and hugged Ling Tao warmly.

Ling Tao looked at Xie Wenhao. Although he was immature, he had good roots. He would be a material that can be made in the future. Given time, we can look forward to it.He said a few humble words, let's make progress together and work hard together.

A few people sat around together, Xie Wenhao had already prepared everything, a table of wine and dishes was set up, he started to gather, and poured wine for everyone, after all, he is the youngest here, and the people around him all look powerful Masters, they are all seniors, and I must learn a lot from them.

After a few glasses of wine, everyone got to know each other better.

Huang Boqing asked Xie Wenhao: "Little brother, how many brothers do you have now?"

Xie Wenhao blushed slightly: "Brother Huang, you are laughing at me. I just took over, and there are not many people under me. They are all crooked."

Ling Tao on the side said: "Don't underestimate these crooked melons and cracked dates. They have their uses. They are like this at the beginning. Talents are not easy to absorb. You have to take your time. Wen Shao, I believe you can definitely successful."

"Brother Tao, just call me Wen Hao, I'm not the eldest, the eldest is there." Xie Wenhao looked at Han Zixuan.

Ling Tao patted Xie Wenhao on the shoulder: "Since you are the owner here, you are Young Master Wen. Young man, don't be too modest, the future big brother must be yours."

Xie Wenhao suddenly felt elated. Although these brothers are trying to save face, everyone likes to hear good words.

"Young Master Wen, have you been in trouble recently?" Han Zixuan asked respectfully.

Xie Wenhao rolled his eyes at him, triumphantly said: "Not yet, Lei Yun will lie in the hospital for a few more days, probably in a few days." He also understands that Lei Yun's revenge is behind, and he has already prepared it. fully prepared.

Han Zixuan looked at Ling Tao: "Brother Tao, you have been with Wei Baoshuai before, and you know the situation in the South China Sea fairly well, tell Young Master Wen about the situation."

Ling Tao thought for a while and said, "Wei Baoshuai was the eldest brother of Nanhai when I was with him, not to mention number one, he was about the same. After Wei Baoshuai fell, Nanhai must have changed a lot, and I have not been here for the past two years, to be honest I don’t know the specific circumstances, but I do know a few people.”

"After Wei Baoshuai's downfall, those people who used to fight against Wei Baoshuai suddenly stood up. The east of the city is dominated by the two brothers, the two tigers and the three tigers. These two people got along well before, and they are more loyal. The north of the city is the Lang family. Yes, these people are relatively rough. They used to be farmers, but they are very daring and not afraid of trouble. Now they have mixed up and started to look decent, but they can't hide their inner turkey. Zhang Gaba is a small man in the south of the city. But the person is the darkest and the most vicious, and he will die sooner or later. The west side of the city is more chaotic, because it used to be Wei Baoshuai's territory, and there is no big brother in charge of the station. They are all under the hands of Brother Bao back then. There are two or three groups of people Of course, this place is also the fat that the other three big brothers are staring at. They have been waiting for the opportunity to strike, but they have to be wary of each other, so they dare not strike.

Ling Tao looked at Xie Wenhao and said: "We are located in the west of the city, we need to open the passage from here, we just need to wait for the opportunity."

Han Zixuan said: "You two can discuss this matter. No matter how you do it, there is only one final goal, to unify the underground of the South China Sea. The time is half a year at most."

"Half a year, boss, are you dreaming? Every big brother has been around for more than ten years. You have to deal with them in half a year. It's too fake." Xie Wenhao couldn't believe it, and felt that Han Zixuan's request was too high.

Ling Tao thought for a while and said, "Half a year is already a long time. In fact, I think it can be won in about two months."

Han Zixuan glanced at Ling Tao: "That job, it must be won in one month, so it's settled."

Ling Tao's eyes were firm: "Okay."

Xie Wenhao looked at the two people left and right, they must be crazy.

The three of Wan Ting stuck to the window and looked hard at the room.Nai He couldn't see it clearly, but he heard the general idea that this group of people planned to sweep the South China Sea and implement unification.

Huang Mao and Bancun curled their lips, thinking that they drank too much and they were bragging, but Wan Ting didn't think so. He had a feeling that his future might change, and it depended on whether he could seize the opportunity.

Suddenly, the sound of a car braking suddenly came from outside the bar, and the three hurriedly moved away from the window, looking in the direction of the car.

Three cars came, all big Mercedes, and three or four people got out of each car quickly.The three of them looked closely, and saw that the person in front of them was very familiar, and it was Xiao Shun, the owner of this land.

Xiao Shun was Wei Baoshuai's subordinate back then, and now he continues to hang out here. He controls several main streets in the west of the city, and the Beer Street is his sphere of influence.Why did he come, Lei Yun called him.

Xiao Shun knew that Lei Yun was his younger brother, but they were all at the bottom, so he didn't pay attention at all.But the younger brother called the elder brother for help, and he naturally wanted to help.And the most important point, he was very upset when someone came to his place to steal his brother's business.

Xiao Shunchang was tall and burly, with a bald head, and looked sturdy and ferocious.He drank a lot of wine today, and when he was happy, he received a call from Lei Yun. He was very angry, and immediately brought a few brothers over.

Huangmao and the others immediately understood that Young Master Lei had invited Boss Xiao out.

Come on, let's continue to bet, what will happen in a while, I bet those people just now must be shitting, kneeling and crawling out of the bar.Bancun is much more cautious. It seems that the two tough women will definitely come in a while. It is difficult to predict the situation at that time, so we will wait and see for the time being.

Huang Mao curled his lips: "No matter how strong a woman is, she is still not a woman. After all, she will marry a man. Those who sleep with men are not men's opponents."

Wan Ting sneered and said, "Don't blow it too much, you were scared to pee that day, just put on a show." He rolled his eyes and said, "Xiao Shun is so pissed, I think he's going to die."

Xiao Shun ordered the younger brothers around him to shout, this group of people entered the bar noisy, the waiter immediately came up to ask what he wanted, but was pushed down by the person opposite, and threatened to call your boss and make him kneel on the ground Give us boss a waiter or smash his bar.

Han Zixuan and the others drank happily, and immediately frowned.Huang Boqing likes to be lively: "Haha, here we come, it's interesting."

Ling Tao glanced at the door, recognized Xiao Shun at a glance, and snorted: "Grass, this grandson is now a thing."

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