The campus is so cute

397 Form a group to carry out the task

Xiao Shun was also looking around at the same time. There was only one table of people drinking in the bar, and there were no other guests. Among the guests at this table, he recognized Ling Tao at first sight, his lips twitched a few times, and then he moved his steps. Approach this way.

Huang Boqing still didn't feel the slightest danger, and continued to drink.But Xie Wenhao was a little worried, absent-minded, and paid close attention to the group of people who came.

Xiao Shun came to Han Zixuan's table and looked at each of them one by one. Except for Ling Tao, the other three were all kiddos, and even students. He was convinced.

"Ling Tao, you're back, so you're here, no wonder." Xiao Shun said with arrogance.

Ling Tao glanced at Xiao Shun, and asked angrily, "Xiao Shun, since you know I'm covering this place, what's the point, take your people and get out."

Xiao Shun snorted coldly and said, "Ling Tao, the times are different. Back then when I followed Brother Bao, you were the number one, and I respect you three points. But now, I am the boss here." His tone changed from From the moment he entered the door, he was arrogant.

But then he smiled: "Ling Tao, we have gotten along in the past, I will give you face. This place was originally owned by my brother Lei Yun, and it was taken over by two women and a kid a few days ago. Now Leiyun came to me, and I have to solve the problem. I don’t know why you work for them, but I kindly remind you, get out of here immediately, if you are short of jobs, I can provide you, as my second in command, I'm still very welcome."

Xiao Shun said something, the people at this table were still drinking heavily, no one took him seriously.A brother behind Xiao Shun recognized Xie Wenhao, and he was the little boss behind the scenes.

Han Zixuan glanced at Xie Wenhao: "Young Master Wen, what's going on, it's too noisy, why don't you let people drink?"

Xie Wenhao immediately understood that this was the clarion call to prepare for a counterattack.He stood up abruptly from his seat, holding a beer stick in his hand, and came to Xiao Shun's group with anger on his face: "Xiao Shun, where the hell did you come from, get the hell out of here. It's the site of my young master, Wen Shao, so don't you bastards don't know how to flatter you."

Xiao Shun got angry immediately, how could he be frightened by the bastard in front of him, but before he could express his opinion, Xie Wenhao smashed the beer stick in his hand.The strength and accuracy were in place, and it directly hit Xiao Shun's head.

There was a bang, the sound of a beer bottle bursting.At the same time, Xiao Shun's body shook a few times, and blood gushed out of his head.The brothers behind Xiao Shun were shocked, they didn't expect this Young Master Wen to be so vicious and preemptive.

Xie Wenhao intends to show a good performance today. After fighting with Zhang Yunfei in the cafeteria a few days ago, this kid's fighting skills have improved, and with Han Zixuan and other great gods behind him, he is not afraid at all.

Holding the fragment of a beer bottle in his hand, he ruthlessly stabbed the stomachs of several people behind Xiao Shun.The other party had no time to resist, and was slightly intimidated by Xie Wenhao's vigorous momentum.And their boss, Xiao Shun, was squatting on the ground at the moment, holding his head and moaning in pain.

Xie Wenhao stabbed four people in a row, and the others seemed to react after seeing this.They all brought something in their hands, daggers, and sharp knives with them.The remaining six or seven people surrounded Xie Wenhao, preparing to launch a counterattack.

Ling Tao appreciated Xie Wenhao's dominance and vigor, and couldn't help admiring him.But after all, fighting is short-sighted, once Wen Shao is injured, it is difficult to explain.He immediately jumped out of the bar and stopped the group who besieged Xie Wenhao.

Ling Tao was originally from the domestic special forces, so his skills are naturally excellent.Coupled with the training in the Sichuan base in the past two years, the whole person is more confident.Then they grabbed the heads of the two people, and then they collided vigorously, only to hear a bang, and the two unlucky guys fainted.Then he grabbed one person's wrist and used his back forcefully to fall down, and the other person lay down in response.Another move was to snatch the dagger with bare hands, and then hit the opponent's face with a punch. Just like that, within ten seconds, Ling Tao easily eliminated seven people.

Xie Wenhao, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, was dumbfounded. He didn't realize how awesome Ling Tao was before, he was just a little better than me.Now it seems that the other party is too powerful. With him in charge in the future, I will definitely be invincible.

Now only Xiao Shun was left, he stood up from the ground in a daze, looked around, and all fell down.He cursed secretly as a waste, touched the blood on his forehead and looked at Xie Wenhao opposite.

Xie Wenhao glanced at Xiao Shun: "Xiao Shun, right? I blame you for being unlucky today, and insisted on disturbing my drinking pleasure. How about this, get out of here with your people, and come to me to report obediently tomorrow, and let you Hand over all the property under your command to me."

Xiao Shun immediately understood the meaning of the other party and let himself withdraw from this territory.His lips twitched a few times, thinking that he came too hastily today, and he didn't bring anything he could type at home.When I go back, I'll take a breather and come to settle accounts with you.

"Thank you, Young Master Wen, I will definitely come tomorrow." Xiao Shun promised.

Xie Wenhao kicked him in the face fiercely, and the opponent immediately fell backwards, he stepped on Xiao Shun's hand with one foot and said viciously: "Don't fight with me haha, if you don't do it, I will unload you personally Paw, get out."

The three of Wanting heard a fight in the bar, which was within the plan of the three.It's just that I didn't expect the battle to end so quickly, I don't know who will come out first from here.When he saw Xiao Shun coming out of the bar like beggars with a group of injured younger brothers, Huang Mao secretly cursed for bad luck, and obediently paid for it.

After Han Zixuan and the others finished their wine, they parted ways.Han Zixuan asked Huang Boqing if he had a place to live, and Huang Boqing smiled and said to a five-star hotel.

Damn, what kind of mission are you doing with such high equipment, is the chick ready for it?

Huang Boqing licked his face and said: "Not really, Young Master Han, you can get me two decent ones, I want a Shuangfeiyan."

"I'm not afraid of your Zhang Juan, she is jealous." Han Zixuan reminded.

"It's okay, man, you have to be flirty when it's time to be flirty." He had just finished speaking when the phone rang, and when he saw the call, he immediately changed into another person: "Hey, Juan, I just came out of Zixuan, Getting ready to go back."

"What, you've already arrived at the hotel. That's fine, I'll be there soon, wait for me, I love you, Sweetie." Huang Boqing's soreness made people want to vomit.

Han Zixuan asked puzzledly: "What's the situation, your whole family formed a group to carry out the mission."

"That's right, the leader cares about his subordinates, and specially created a chance for Zhang Juan and me to have a private tryst. Brother, my little virgin is going to be sacrificed tonight, so congratulate me." Huang Boqing was eager to try: "This drink is really good. , I'm getting more courageous, I just go back and knock her down."

Han Zixuan smiled: "Congratulations, I have some medicine, do you need it?"

"No need, you go back and deal with your tigresses, I'm in good health, I can deal with one without any problem." Huang Boqing laughed, waved his hands and left.

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