Han Zixuan was still in shock, but he regained his composure a little bit, his eyes narrowed into a line.The recent days have indeed become a little more comfortable, and he himself has relaxed a lot.

Fortunately, Leiyun's bar is well designed, especially the glass is still bulletproof glass. He bent down to pick up the bullet casings on the ground. They are American-made sniper rifles. This model is not available in China, even if it is not available in the military.There is only one possibility, the other party is an American.

At this time, Huang Boqing came back from the outside with a face full of regret, sighed and said: "Fuck, I didn't catch up. The other party was ambushing in a building opposite. When I arrived, there was no one left."

"Our lives are pretty big, but we don't know whether the other party is targeting you or me." Han Zixuan looked at Huang Boqing playfully.

Huang Boqing lightly punched him on the shoulder: "Nonsense, of course it's for you."

Han Zixuan nodded, looked at Huang Boqing solemnly and asked, "Boqing, tell me the truth, what kind of mission did you come to South China Sea this time?"

Huang Boqing coughed: "To be honest, my mission here is to protect your safety. It seems that I am indeed right. You are really dangerous."

Oh, Han Zixuan pondered, could it be that his identity has been exposed, or he knows who the enemy is today.

He immediately asked: "Who gave you the order, why should you protect me?"

Huang Boqing put on a puzzled gesture: "I'm still wondering, you are not a relative of the emperor, why should you protect you? It's all tasks arranged by Lao Lu for me, and they are very confidential. They only tell me, Zhang Juan and Luo Yutong may not know about it."

Lu Guangzong, Han Zixuan asked Huang Boqing to contact Lu Guangzong immediately, and he wanted to ask for clarification.

Without hesitation, Huang Boqing immediately took out his phone to contact Lu Guangzong, and they got through the phone very quickly.Han Zixuan snatched the phone from his hand, and asked without saying hello, "Old Lu, why did you ask Bo Qing to come to Nanhai to protect me?"

Lu Guangzong was obviously a little surprised, he hesitated for a moment and asked: "What's the matter, are you in trouble?"

"Yes, there were snipers ambushing around just now, I almost died." Han Zixuan said angrily.

Lu Guangzong laughed: "You are destined to die. But you still have to be careful. If you have any questions, you can directly discuss with Boqing. I am very busy. If there is no problem, I will hang up."

"Wait, hang up. You haven't answered my question yet, why are you protecting me? And do you know who sent today's sniper." Han Zixuan is actually thinking about it, it is very likely that there are two forces , Han Qingyun and Liu Peng.In fact, to put it bluntly, they are all the same aspect, but one is in the light and the other is in the dark.

Lu Guangzong lowered his voice and said: "I just received an order from Chief No. [-] to protect your safety. As for who the enemy is, I don't know. I will immediately arrange someone to go to the South China Sea to take charge of the investigation. You have to be more careful during this time." , If you have anything to discuss with Bo Qing, you are all experienced fighters, and you will definitely be able to solve the problem."

Lu Guangzong didn't say much, and hung up the phone.

Han Zixuan holding the mobile phone slightly lost his mind, it turned out that it was Zhao Zekai and his father, and his heart was moved.

Huang Boqing anxiously asked: "How is it, what's the situation?"

"It's nothing, Boqing, work harder and help with the investigation." Han Zixuan said gratefully.

"You don't need to tell me about this, I will do it. By the way, why should the higher-ups protect your safety? You are a chick who picks up girls all day long. This kind of person should be shot. Why should they protect you?" Huang Boqing never said. understand.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Your task is to obey. In addition to sleeping at night these days, you have to be responsible for my safety during the day." Han Zixuan said hehe.

"Grass, you are still beautiful, but don't worry, I will definitely find out. By the way, who is your father, you must not be some awesome character." Huang Boqing didn't know much about Han Zixuan until now. , I just know that he is very good at martial arts, and his martial arts teacher is Martial Saint Ye Qingsong.Except for these, there is nothing.

"Go and check it yourself, aren't you capable?" Han Zixuan smiled: "Okay, I'm going to school, call Zhang Juan and Luo Yutong tonight, let's have a little gathering."

Han Zixuan left the bar, pondering in his mind, the other party must be an American.The former Tianxing organization is closely related to the Americans. Tianxing has been destroyed now. Could it be that Tianxing came to seek revenge and came to my door.

After thinking about it, it shouldn't be. Although Molong and Tianxing are on opposite sides, they are only limited to the domestic battlefield.Moreover, Chu Xiaotian and Han Xiaotian are already dead, Wen Lan was taken away by Han Qingjun, and Tianxing was wiped out by Liu Peng. The Americans must be beyond their reach. Besides, even if they come to China to seek revenge, there are still big people on top, why lock me up? .

Han Zixuan's only worry is that his identity will be exposed, and Liu Peng will start tricks on him.This kind of worry is very great. After all, Wen Lan was caught by Han Qingjun. Once Wen Lan leaks the secret, these will be a chain reaction.

At present, this worry is the biggest, and the focus of suspicion is Liu Peng and the people in Sichuan.Suddenly, he thought of Han Qingyun's boyfriend Mike, but he was a true American, so could he have something to do with them.

There is another question, if Han Qingyun plans to attack him, why not let Bi Yunxi or Ling Tao perform this task, after all, they are people around him, so it is easier to attack.

But during the time just now, Bi Yunxi was not around, and Ling Tao and Xie Wenhao just went to clean up Xiao Shun's situation.Although both of them have alibi, they are also the focus of suspicion.

Han Zixuan suddenly took out the phone and dialed the number that had not been broadcast for a long time. After waiting a little longer, the other party connected.

"Lizi, it's me." There was a trace of tension in Han Zixuan's voice.

He Lizi's voice seemed to be equally tense, and she said after a long time: "I know, what's the matter?"

"I was targeted by snipers just now, and they shot at me." Han Zixuan deliberately made his voice tremble, as if he was still in shock.

He Lizi immediately collapsed, and her voice increased a little instantly: "Zixuan, are you injured?"

"Fortunately, I'm only one step away from death, but I'm afraid I won't last long. When I'm about to go to another place, I'll say goodbye to you for the last time." Han Zixuan said with style.

He Lizi's voice choked up: "Zixuan, are you in the hospital, which hospital, I'll go find you."

"Why are you looking for me? Don't you have Deng Bochao? You are a good match. I wish you happiness." Han Zixuan's voice was hoarse and heavy. If you just listen to the voice, you can't tell the truth from the fake, not to mention He Lizi is a stubborn fool. girls.

"Zixuan, I don't like that Deng Bochao, I only like you. I was wrong, I shouldn't play the young lady's temper, deliberately test you, deliberately make you angry. Tell me quickly, where are you, I want to find you .” He Lizi was about to go crazy.

Han Zixuan sighed: "But you haven't forgiven me yet."

"I've forgiven you a long time ago, Zixuan, don't talk about it, tell me where you are and whether you were injured." He Lizi cried.

"Hee hee, I'm just kidding you. I'm fine, I'm just testing you." Han Zixuan smiled slyly.

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