The campus is so cute

401 Who is your baby

He Lizi was very angry, this guy was too irritating, she was too gullible, and exposed her feelings in a daze.

She was about to get angry, but instead of getting angry, she giggled inwardly.I blame myself for being stupid, I am stupid, I was fooled once, and I will be fooled a second time.

"Bad guy, stinky rascal, where are you? I'm going to beat you hard now." He Lizi hasn't acted like a baby for a long time, and has been suffocating her emotional world, almost turning into a wooden person.

Han Zixuan said solemnly: "Lizi, I didn't lie to you just now. There was indeed a sniper, and I was almost shot. I called you just to make sure. If one day I was unfortunately shot, I would like to know Do you still love me?"

"Bastard, you are not allowed to say that. You must be fine. You are so powerful, how could you die. Bah, bah, what am I talking nonsense. Zixuan, where are you, I want to see you." He Lizi felt a surge of longing at this moment She came out, wanting to throw herself into his arms.

Han Zixuan continued to say solemnly: "Lizi, what I'm telling you now, you must keep it a secret, and don't reveal half of it. Can you promise me?"

"Why are you so serious, I just listen to you." He Lizi pouted.

"Where is Bi Yunxi, are you staying with you these days?" Han Zixuan asked.

He Lizi giggled and said: "Smelly rascal, you forget the old love when you have a new love, you should run away in anger at Yunxi, she is angry."

"Be serious, does she live with you?"

He Lizi said: "After Yunxi left from you, she has been living in my house. We go to school together, leave school together, and eat together at noon. We are almost inseparable."

"Where is she now?" Han Zixuan asked.

He Lizi called Yunxi's name a few times, but there was no response.She said Yunxi should go out, although today is the weekend, but it seems that she has a class, so she should be at school.

Han Zixuan thought for a while and said, "Lizi, I've given you a task. During the time Yunxi is living with you, you have to observe her every move, see who she associates with, and see if she behaves suspiciously." .Let me tell you the truth, the sniper I encountered today may have something to do with her."

He Lizi couldn't believe her ears, but Han Zixuan's words must have his truth, and Bi Yunxi's behavior from Han Zixuan's sudden appearance was very suspicious.

And now, He Lizi knows her own background and Han Zixuan's life experience. Both she and Bi Yunxi are the key women to break the seal in his body.

"Remember, don't let her suspect you, so during this time, we'd better not contact each other, so as not to waste all our efforts. You can continue to meet with Deng Bochao, and I won't care about you." Han Zixuan joked.

He Lizi said angrily: "Okay, you wait. I'll find a better one next time, let's see if you're in a hurry, hmph."

"Baby, can you complete this task?" Han Zixuan hurriedly gave a sweet date.

He Lizi was happy in her heart, and cursed shamelessly: "Who is your baby? We are still in a state of confrontation." Then she immediately stated: "Don't worry, I, He Lizi, am not just a vase, I can definitely finish it."

"Then I'll hang up." Han Zixuan said.

"Hang up, who cares about you." He Lizi hung up the phone first, Han Zixuan was stunned for a while, her change was indeed big enough, a mature transformation from a girl to a woman.

After finishing the phone call, Han Zixuan felt a lot more relaxed.He went to school immediately, and Shen Hanyu was still at school, preparing for the upcoming school celebration performance.

When he went, it happened that Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying were both there. They pretended to be helping, but in fact they were protecting Shen Hanyu's safety in disguise.

Han Zixuan found Guo Linghua, did not hide anything, told her what happened in the bar just now, and asked her to be careful, especially to protect Hanyu's safety.

Guo Linghua nodded and asked, "Who is the other party?"

Han Zixuan told her his analysis idea, it was just analysis for the time being, he is investigating closely, so they don't have to worry too much, just be more careful than usual.After all, this is the South China Sea, China.The opponent's courage is not that great, and they only dare to use sniping methods, which shows that they must be very worried about exposing their targets, and it is very possible that I know them.

After leaving school, Han Zixuan thought about Bi Yunxi, and planned to go to her academy to see if she was in class as Li Zi said.

Inquiring casually, he inquired about Bi Yunxi's professional class. He sneaked in through the back door quietly, and then looked around, and he found Bi Yunxi's figure.Beside her, sat two girls, surrounded her.

Han Zixuan heaved a sigh of relief, fortunately he wasn't a boy.It just so happened that the teacher asked Bi Yunxi to answer the question by name.She stood up and answered the teacher's question simply and fluently, and the teacher gave her a look of approval.This girl is a learning material, and she can easily cope with changing majors. She is a talented player, much stronger than herself.

Worrying about revealing his target, Han Zixuan immediately slipped out through the back door.

As soon as he came out, Xie Wenhao called, and Han Zixuan thought that he probably succeeded.

"Boss, please bless me, please admire me. Without any effort, Xiao Shun's place was taken over, and now it is my territory." Xie Wenhao was very proud, and his colleagues showed a sense of embarrassment.

Han Zixuan ignored him, asked if Ling Tao was there, and asked him to answer the phone.

Soon, Ling Tao answered the phone: "Young Master Han, everything is going well and there is no difficulty."

Han Zixuan hummed: "Thank you for your hard work, but you have to be careful. Xiao Shun should come out tomorrow at the latest. You should think about how to solve the problem."

Ling Tao said: "I know what to do."

Han Zixuan suddenly said: "Just now I was drinking with Bo Qing at the bar, and a sniper was ambushed outside, and I almost died."

Ling Tao was very surprised, and then asked about his physical condition and whether he was injured.Han Zixuan couldn't tell the truth from the fake, not to mention that Ling Tao has been trained for many years and is already a mature veteran.

"It's okay, I've also experienced life and death. I'm just reminding you to be careful these few days. I'm worried that it might be Lei Yun who found a master to deal with us." Han Zixuan tried it out intentionally.

Ling Tao said: "Maybe, Young Master Han, I will investigate this matter, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

"No need for now, Boqing and the others are investigating. You can help Wen Hao deal with his affairs. If there is a problem with his life, I will ask you to settle the score." Han Zixuan half-joked, and then hung up the phone.

He felt too tired and bored, testing the people around him, and at the same time he was afraid of knowing the result.What should he do if the result is not what he expected.

If you think too much and are too tired, why don't you go home and take a nap first.Han Zixuan went home to rest for an afternoon, but he didn't have a good rest. Xie Wenxuan happened to be at home, so he quickly looked for an opportunity to work overtime while no one was paying attention.

Han Zixuan told her not to mess around, and to be a class leader should lead by example.Xie Wenxuan rolled his eyes at him: "If you don't tell me, I won't tell you, who knows."

Helpless, I can only add the day shift sadly.When I opened my eyes, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon, and the other women had also gone home. They were making dinner, and it seemed that they planned to have a happy weekend gathering.

However, Huang Boqing called to urge his life, and the comrades gathered at night.Han Zixuan could only bid farewell to the women and let them entertain themselves.

The girls didn't say anything, and asked him to drink less. The only request was not to stay outside overnight. Xie Wenxuan wrinkled her nose and said like a cat: "If you smell like a wild woman's perfume when you come home, look at us. How to fix you."

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