Although this person's hobbies are perverted, but for Elena, she has no sexual desire after all, so she should feel lucky.

She was turned around, and then slowly took out the thing. After the whole set of movements, she herself felt a little exhausted, thinking in her heart, he doesn't know how to use this thing to handjob every night, it's so disgusting.

Han Zixuan took the things, and carefully packed them in a bag, as if he was treating some treasure, which made Eileen's skin goosebumps.

"Thank you, well, let's go and see that female secretary together." Han Zixuan made an invitation gesture.

Elena felt a little empty in her crotch and asked for a new one.When Han Zixuan opened the door, all the women outside were staring, and even eavesdropping on their ears.

Especially Shen Hanyu, with an angry and dissatisfied look.She felt that Han Zixuan's behavior was too immoral, why would he humiliate him if he didn't kill him.

"She needs a pad, which one of you has it, prepare one." Han Zixuan looked at the girls.

Someone immediately went to prepare, Xie Wenxuan said with tears: "Husband, the time is too short, how can you be so embarrassing."

"I haven't done it yet." Han Zixuan really wanted to kill this bitch.

"Oh, it scares the hell out of me. So what's the point?"

"There's too much blood, I can't cheer up." Han Zixuan said with a weary face. At this time, Duan Hongying brought the things, and Han Zixuan took them and threw them into the room, and then came out.

Shen Hanyu pulled Han Zixuan over, dragged him into the bathroom, and took off his pants by himself to check them carefully.

Han Zixuan urged sadly: "What are you doing, you don't believe me. Besides, if I really do it, how can you not hear the slightest movement."

Shen Hanyu inspected for a long time, puzzled: "Then what did you do just now?"

"Just talking, Hanyu, am I the kind of rogue and shameless person?"

"Of course I believe you, it's all the nonsense of that dead girl Wen Xuan." Shen Hanyu hurriedly tidied him up and zipped up his trousers.

"Honey, I was wrong. I didn't believe you just now, and I even thought you were a shameless scum."

"It's okay, I'll take your pants off at night, and I'll be a complete scum." Han Zixuan smiled, and squeezed her butt vigorously.

Shen Hanyu scolded coquettishly, ran away in a hurry, and opened the bathroom door.

Elena glanced at Han Zixuan, feeling extremely awkward: "Go see John's secretary now."

Han Zixuan nodded and led the way outside.Xie Wenxuan wanted to follow, but Shen Hanyu grabbed her.Guo Linghua and Chen Yuluo followed.

In the car, the air is a bit dull.Guo Linghua smiled and asked, "Zixuan, what did you do just now?"

Elena's body tensed up, even though she didn't have a penis, it was embarrassing enough.

"It's just a talk, talk to Ms. Ai, and hope that the two sides can cooperate sincerely."

Eileen nodded hastily and said, "Yes, the conversation just now was very successful, and both sides showed their sincerity."

Guo Linghua smiled and said: "I can also see that my man actually cares about the physical health of other women. It seems that you are really sincere in talking about it."

Elena blushed slightly, it was the first time she blushed since she was caught.This abnormal expression was captured by Chen Yuluo and Guo Linghua at the same time.

It was strange that when she was caught, she was dressed like a young lady, and even though she was captured, even attacked by them with various words, Xie Wenxuan took advantage of it, she didn't blush.

Obviously, something just happened, and what it is is arousing speculation.

When he arrived at Qian Zhao's place, Han Zixuan planned to interrogate Vanessa, but Qian Zhao's face turned red immediately. He has a pretty face, and his blushing is easy to be noticed.

What's the situation, Gan Zhao hastily pulled Han Zixuan aside, and whispered: "Young Master Han, that, I'm with Vanessa."

Han Zixuan asked confusedly, "Which one is it? What does it mean?"

Gan Zhao said anxiously: "Young Master Han, you know, we share the same bed."

Han Zixuan was a little dumbfounded, and looked at Qian Zhao in disbelief: "You are a decent boy, how can you do something like a beast."

"During the interrogation last night, I didn't hold back. Also, didn't you allow me to stop using the handjob."

Han Zixuan chuckled: "Okay, I was mistaken. But it doesn't matter, by the way, what does the big boat feel like."

Qian Zhao did not answer directly, but instead said: "Young Master Han, I have a request, don't touch Vanessa, she is my first woman, and I cherish her very much."

"What's wrong, I've been really moved." Han Zixuan frowned. Qian Zhao is a technical talent, but emotionally weak. He was a little worried that Vanessa took advantage of him.

"She seduced you, didn't she?" Han Zixuan asked.

No, I took the initiative, Qian Zhao scratched his head, he also understood what Han Zixuan meant, and hurriedly said: "Young Master Han, believe me, I will definitely watch her, she will not become trouble."

"Okay, but I still hope that you don't want to touch the truth, just play around. After all, she is a member of the company, and I don't know if she is an enemy or a friend."

Qian Zhao nodded: "I understand. Vanessa told me that she will help us. If we cooperate with the company, it will definitely help us. Their strength is very strong, Vanessa said Will help us contact the company."

Han Zixuan heheed a few times: "Qian Zhao, the thing under your crotch is very fierce. You actually conquered a big ocean horse. I am impressed."

Qian Zhao understood that Han Zixuan still didn't believe Vanessa.

However, Han Zixuan will not dampen his enthusiasm. If this is true and Vanessa surrenders her sincerity, Han Zixuan will welcome her with open arms.But I'm afraid, this girl has premeditated plans.

"Okay, of course I hope it's true. I want to see her now and ask her a few questions, all right."

"Of course." Gan Zhao led Han Zixuan to meet Vanessa.

Vanessa was in the room, sitting on a bed, reading a book quietly, with one hand cuffed beside the bed.This was what Vanessa requested on her own initiative, but at night, the handcuffs were released.

Vanessa looked at Han Zixuan, and immediately raised her eyelids. There was a change in her expression, and she was no longer as tough as before.

Han Zixuan will not point it out, this matter is still left to Qian Zhao to deal with, use his artifact to slowly conquer this foreign horse.

Vanessa saw Elena, a very strange woman.At that time, she was already in a coma, and she didn't see Elena. She just knew that John was kidnapped by another woman, Han Zixuan told her so.

Elena took the initiative to introduce her identity and the purpose of coming here, hoping that you can hand over the key and open the suitcase.Otherwise, John would be passive, and Han Qingyun would be against him.

Vanessa looked at her: "Who the hell are you?"

"Hehe, I'm acting as your secretary in my current role, doing things for Han Zixuan."

Vanessa seemed to understand that all of this was a trick played by Han Zixuan, who found someone to replace her, and then approached John.In this way, not only was he captured, but also Dr. John was having a hard time.

But why Dr. John took out the key is a company secret.It's quite possible that Dr. John is being manipulated by them.

Could it be that they bought the veritaserum as a cover to keep the company's secrets.Han Qingyun, Han Zixuan, obviously they are all in the same group.

The Huaxia people are so despicable, they deliberately separated the two, and then used various methods to intimidate and lure them, but you have already got the key, why are you still not satisfied.

Suddenly, Vanessa understood that the other party wanted the key to the suitcase.Obviously not referring to his own, that is to say, the other party is not here for the company.Thinking about it, there is no force that dares to fight against the company.

Han Zixuan just found the key by accident, but he didn't know what it would do.

Elena said anxiously: "We just need the key to the suitcase."

"The suitcase has no keys, it's just a combination lock, give me a pen and paper, and I'll write to you." Vanessa said.

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