The campus is so cute

462 Men Are Uncomfortable

Han Zixuan took the password written by Vanessa, which is a set of strings, not very long, presumably John is not stupid, so he can't even remember this thing.

He handed the note to Elena, and she took it over and glanced at it: "It's that simple, you Dr. John can't even remember this stuff."

Vanessa nodded, saying that this is not surprising. The doctor's experience is mainly used in research and development and design, and the combination lock will be changed frequently, and I will replace it every time.

She didn't know about Dr. John's situation, but it must have been bad.And Dr. John is obviously reminding me on purpose that I must protect the key, so I let this Elena come over. On the surface, it is to ask for the key of the suitcase, but in fact it means something else.

In fact, Vanessa's guess is not wrong.

John received a message from Vanessa that day, and he knew it might be a dream or a reminder.But John felt an ominous thought welling up, Vanessa must have been arrested, or had already died, this may be a vision of a dream.

Regardless of their identities, one is a doctor and the other is a secretary.But there is a deeper identity behind Vanessa, more important than his doctoral title, that is, the holder and guardian of the key.This thing is related to the company's secrets and the future of the company, and it must not be obtained by anyone who cares.

John was not in the mood to continue helping Han Qingyun, and was very worried about Vanessa's situation, so he said that the key to the suitcase was in her hand, but in fact he wanted Han Qingyun to inquire about Vanessa's news.

Vanessa understood everything, looked at Elena and said that I hope you can help me send a message to the doctor, I'm fine, he doesn't have to worry too much.

Elena glanced at her: "Really, I'm afraid not necessarily. Your life is a danger to me, so I can only put you..." She made a murderous gesture.

Vanessa looked slightly panicked and looked at Han Zixuan.

Han Zixuan naturally understood what she meant. In fact, Han Zixuan would not keep Vanessa. Anyway, this person is a burden, so he can't let her go. If she goes back to move troops, she will definitely be threatened.It would be troublesome to stay here. People from the company will find her sooner or later. Who knows if there is an invisible tracking device in her body? The company mainly focuses on research and development, so it must be able to do so.

However, everything changed yesterday, that gentleman Qian Zhao turned into a beast.In any case, Gan Zhao is considered his most capable general, and he can't kill Vanessa for him.

Moreover, if it is really the best choice to cooperate with the company successfully in the future as Qian Zhao expected.For example, Han Qingjun, she is her idol.

Han Zixuan called Elena out: "Okay, you can go back quickly after you got the things, don't forget the agreement between us."

Elena glanced at the room: "This woman is a trouble, both for you and me."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

Elena looked at him: "Could it be that you brought her into the harem."

Han Zixuan said hehe: "I really want to take you in."

Eileen's face immediately cooled down, she turned and went downstairs, Han Zixuan reminded from behind: "Miss Ai, have a good journey."

Han Zixuan heaved a sigh of relief after the matter was dealt with in this way for the time being, but he still didn't dare to take it lightly, so Qian Zhao kept a close eye on every move over there.

Qian Zhao asked Vanessa to work with him. This woman is not free and will help us a lot.

Han Zixuan decided to have a conversation with Vanessa, which can be regarded as a reminder.

Han Zixuan unfastened Vanessa's handcuffs and squinted his eyes at her.And Vanessa is also observing Han Zixuan, this young man has no relevant information about him in the American company, so it can be seen that he is a newcomer.

The rest of the information was disclosed to her by Qian Zhao, and it was all superficial.Vanessa, on the other hand, was very curious and wanted to know more.

Han Zixuan directly opened the mountain and said: "I learned from Qian Zhao that you have taken refuge with us. But to be honest, I don't believe you. You must have a purpose for doing this. If I find out that you betrayed us once, I'm sorry, I I can only kill you."

Vanessa immediately said: "I didn't seek refuge with you, I just got along with Qian Zhao. I am still a member of the company, but I just hope that we can coexist peacefully and cooperate in the future. You are also a sensible person, and you definitely don't want to be with us. Be an enemy, let me tell you, if you become an enemy of the company, you will be very unfortunate."

"Okay, as you said. But I will always keep an eye on you." Han Zixuan didn't want to talk nonsense, and the rest was up to Qian Zhao himself.

After leaving here, Han Zixuan received a call from Yang Xueyi. Zhang Yunfei planned to treat him, so it was a return invitation.

Han Zixuan lost interest as soon as he heard it: "You go, I'm busy."

"What are you busy with? You don't see anyone every day." Yang Xueyi felt a little bitter in her heart, he wouldn't deliberately avoid me every day, right? As for what, I don't know how to eat people.

"It's just very busy, you can accompany me to eat." Han Zixuan seemed a little impatient.

Yang Xueyi immediately became angry: "Han Zixuan, what do you mean, you don't want to see me anymore, right? That's fine, you go home today and see my grandfather, let's make things clear."

This girl, don't go home and see grandpa all the time, Han Zixuan is really afraid of Yang Qihua, once that old guy entangles you, it will be very troublesome.

"You're thinking too much, I'm just not feeling well." Han Zixuan made up a reason.

After hearing this, Yang Xueyi immediately asked him what was wrong and where he felt uncomfortable.

"That's here." Han Zixuan said.

"Bah, get the hell out of here." Yang Xueyi cursed.

"What's the matter, only you women can come once a month, but we men can't come. In fact, men and women are the same, and there will be some uncomfortable days every month."

I think you just do that every day, and your health is broken.Those flirtatious girls in your family are also real, they are like wolves and tigers, so they can't give you a holiday.

There are holidays, once a week, Han Zixuan joked.

Yang Xueyi was dumbfounded: "No way, then you have to start work almost every day, and Iron Man can't handle it." Then she said angrily: "Wait, I'll talk to Shen Hanyu, it's too shameful."

"No, you're crazy. Shen Hanyu didn't offend you, and our relationship hasn't been made public yet, so don't make trouble for me."

"Hee hee, then hurry up and come over for dinner, or I'll find Shen Hanyu."

Helpless, Han Zixuan could only go to see Yang Xueyi. After the meeting, Yang Xueyi looked him up and down and asked him how he was, and if he was really uncomfortable.He also reached out and touched his forehead, his concern was palpable, and the students passing by saw him and showed envious expressions.

"It's nothing, I'll make it right." Han Zixuan pushed her hand away, he didn't want to be the focus.Although it is rumored that the two are a couple in the school nowadays, it is just a rumor. After all, the two did not openly walk around the campus holding hands.

"Are you strong in that area?" Yang Xueyi stared at him across the board.

Han Zixuan coaxed coaxingly: "Of course, what's the matter, I want to try."

"Okay, you are not allowed to run." Yang Xueyi said sweetly.

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