Chen Yuluo knew that Song Xuyao ​​brought Sun San to find fault today, and he had already seen Song Xuyao's sinister intentions, so he was not afraid to stand up: "I did it."

Song Xuyao ​​looked at Chen Yuluo's cold face in disbelief, and secretly scolded the little girl for being a villain. He had heard that you were a murderous devil.It's a pity that such a beautiful face should be stripped and let me ravage it to my heart's content.

"No way, you are a girl, how could you do such a thing."

"Master Song, one person is responsible for everything. What is the purpose of bringing Sun San today? Just mention it, why beat around the bush."

Chen Jingzhi hurriedly stopped: "Yuluo, speak politely to Young Master Song."

Song Xuyao ​​showed a soft smile: "Boss Chen, we are also friends. But this unpleasant incident happened, what do you say? Sun San's fingers can't be connected. He hasn't married yet. In the future, even his wife will be married." If you can't ask for it, as a man, wouldn't you regret it for the rest of your life?"

Sun San was crying on the sidelines, it was horrible.

Chen Jingzhi bowed: "Sun San, I'm sorry. How do you think this matter will be resolved so that you can feel relieved. If you have any requests, feel free to ask, as long as I, Chen, can satisfy."

Sun San said that he was not convinced, and was also out of luck. Why did that little boy escape yesterday? He was so unlucky.Ask the Chen family not to show favoritism, and must chop off that person's finger.Otherwise, Ms. Chen Yuluo is just trying to protect me, seeing that I am not as good-looking as that little boy, and intentionally embarrassing me.

Chen Yu trembled with frustration, there was no logic in this.

Song Xuyao ​​looked around and asked, "Is that little face-changer here?"

Chen Jingzhi asked the people around him, and they said that he didn't show up. He usually came early, but he might not be able to come today.

"Sun San, your request is very reasonable. As long as that person comes to our casino and catches him to make money, his finger will definitely be chopped off."

"Boss Chen, this is what you said. I hope you will keep your promise. My brother's request is actually very low. He didn't even ask for any medical expenses. It's enough to give you face." Song Xuyao ​​still looked amiable.

Chen Jingzhi immediately asked his son Chen Yuqi to take the money, and soon handed 20 in cash to Song Xuyao.Song Xuyao ​​felt that Chen Jingzhi was good enough, this old fox was quite good at handling things.

He handed the money to Sun San and came in front of Chen Yuluo: "Yuluo, don't be so violent in the future, why should a good girl act like a gentleman, if she is too fierce, she won't be pretty." Being cleverly avoided by Chen Yuluo, she just glared at him with glaring eyes.

Song Xuyao ​​suddenly sternly said: "Boss Chen, let's make a deal. If you don't keep your promise, Chen Yuluo will bear all the consequences. Don't blame me for being cruel."

Song Xuyao ​​led Sun San away, and exchanged the remaining chips for cash, taking them away as well.

Chen Yuluo followed her father and brother back to the second floor, and she cursed: "Song Xuyao, sooner or later I will chop you up with my own hands."

"Come on, you, if you are really majestic, why didn't you go up and hack him just now." Chen Yuqi sneered.

Chen Jingzhi hastily persuaded the two of them, wondering why Song Xuyao ​​was following Han Zixuan, and whether there was hatred between them.Chen Yuqi rolled his eyes. Song Xuyao ​​was a well-known pervert in Beijin. He probably fell in love with Sun San when he heard that Han Zixuan's Xiaomi was beautiful.

Chen Jingzhi was puzzled: "Is it possible, but it doesn't work logically."

Chen Yuqi looked at his younger sister: "Yuluo, you have to be careful. Song Xuyao ​​has been staring at you since you entered the door, so be careful when you go out." He also looked at his father: "Dad, make all the preparations to deal with Song Xuyao. Home."

Satisfied, Song Xuyao ​​used Sun San's severed finger to both cheat money and blackmail him. He stared at Sun San: "You come to the casino every day these days, and when you see someone surnamed Han appear, call me."

Sun San was puzzled: "Master, what kind of play are we singing?"

"The proverb says that the hero saves the beauty, let's sing it too, but we are taking the curve to save the country. If we save that surnamed Han, and then kill the surnamed Han, the beauty next to him will belong to me. "Song Xuyao ​​said: "Sun San, his Xiaomi is really beautiful."

Sun San still didn't understand the young master's intentions, but when the young master asked Xiaomi beside him, he couldn't help but look confused: "Beautiful, much prettier than Chen Yuluo."

Chen Yuluo, Song Xuyao ​​gritted his teeth, little girl, sooner or later I will ride on your body to see how arrogant you are.

Chen Yuluo suddenly turned around and left, Chen Yuqi hurriedly asked: "It's so late, why are you going?"

"Look for Han Zixuan." Chen Yuluo's car had already started.

"Dad, is she crazy? What is she going to do? Could it be possible to chop off people's fingers? It's too ridiculous." Chen Yuqi looked at his father blankly.

Chen Jingzhi shook his head helplessly: "Forget it. I'll talk to the Song family tomorrow. This matter should be kept as small as possible."

Chen Yuluo was not idle during the day. Through investigation, he found out where Han Zixuan lived, but he only knew what neighborhood he lived in, not which room he was in.

She felt that there must be other reasons why Han Zixuan didn't come tonight, and he must have ulterior motives in coming to gamble over and over again.

Han Zixuan and Dong Changhua drank for a while, Dong Changhua got drunk and took a taxi back.Naturally, Han Zixuan would not be drunk, so he raised his arms and looked at his watch. It was past eleven o'clock, and going back so late would definitely disturb the rest of Bi's family.Moreover, he felt that it was not convenient for him to live there. In Beijin, he should have his own home sooner or later.Waiting to win some more money and buy a big house here, I think it's a pity that I didn't go to gamble tonight.

Driving around the street, I wanted to find a hotel to stay in, but I was afraid that Bi Yunxi would think too much, and I would learn badly outside.It suddenly occurred to me that my aunt had a home in Beijin, so why not visit her.

He rang the doorbell, and soon the door opened. Han Qingyun smiled and said, "I knew it must be you. You are the only one who knows that I live here."

Han Qingyun just took a shower, wearing a white pajamas, looking lazy and hazy, with a mature and elegant charm.The aroma of shampoo and shower gel exudes from the body, which smells very good.

He sat down and looked at the room carefully. It was very spacious and the decoration was very petty.She took out a bottle of red wine, gave each of them a glass of wine, and slowly drank each other.

"It's so late, why haven't you slept yet?" Han Zixuan asked concerned, while looking for other men in the room.

Han Qingyun gave him a blank look: "Stop searching, I'm alone."

"Seeing that you just took a shower, I thought there was a man waiting for you on the bed." Han Zixuan half-joked.

Han Qingyun blushed inexplicably, and blamed: "Stinky boy, I'm not the same age as I am now, you can joke with me like this." Then he asked seriously: "Why didn't you go back to Bi's house, Yunxi will definitely miss you."

Han Zixuan talked about drinking with Dong Changjie and his brothers at night, it was too late, and he was embarrassed to disturb Bi's family's rest.And I want to buy a big house in Beijin, after all, I will live here often.

Han Qingyun said why buy a house, I have 150 square meters here, and there are many rooms, in fact, I bought this house for you when I bought it.

"That's right, you're going to get married sooner or later, and a man will buy you a house. Then I'll save some money, and I'll move in here in the future depending on the situation." Han Zixuan took a sip from his wine glass, and the phone rang. Bi Yunxi called.

Han Qingjun smiled and said, "Yunxi is a good boy. She has no name or distinction with you. You should treat her kindly in the future."

"It's too late, I won't go back tonight, you tell your parents." Han Zixuan said softly.

"Then where do you live, you shouldn't go to a hotel."

Sure enough, it turned out that he found that Yunxi was a pure and beautiful girl with conservative thinking, and she didn't understand why she seduced a man.Now, under his careful guidance, he understands everything he should know, and he also learns what he doesn't understand.

"My aunt is here, tell her something."

Bi Yunxi thought about it and felt a little relieved, but her heart was still a little pimple: "That's fine, be careful."

What the heck, I've become a little sheep.

"She's jealous." Han Qingyun watched him put down the phone with great interest.

No, she is still a child and doesn't understand why vinegar tastes like.Han Zixuan hastily corrected: "Auntie, you are really bad enough to trick me on purpose."

"Hehe, I haven't seen her for several days. I guess she won't wink at me as much as before." Han Qingyun smiled coquettishly, her body trembling slightly. Inside is a piece of dazzling white flowers.

Han Zixuan hurriedly lowered his head and changed the subject: "Auntie, I want to go up the mountain to see my master."

"Forget it, you have just come down the mountain, it is possible that you can't solve this matter now, and you need the old master to help you out."

That's not true, I just want to chat with him, about Molong, about my life experience, and want to know more.

Han Qingyun nodded: "You ask, I know I will tell you."

"Then tell you first, who are you and how did you become my aunt." Han Zixuan stared at her in surprise.

In fact, what I don't want to say, I want to keep dust in my heart.On the day Molong disbanded, your grandfather was attacked by Tianxing's people, and your parents were not spared either.I was only 11 years old at the time. I had no father or mother. I was adopted by your grandfather. My role at that time was a maid.Before your mother died, she handed you over to me, and I fled with you in my arms.Otherwise, how could I, a little maid, have the status I have today.Your master and the others thought I had merit, so they gave me the surname Han, and I became your aunt.

It turned out that his savior was right in front of him. Han Zixuan saw that her eyes were red with tears, and believed that these were all true. Stories can be deceiving, but feelings should not be deceiving.

"Auntie, why didn't you tell me earlier."

"Why, ask you for credit, so that you will be filial to me in the future. I know my identity and become your aunt, and I feel very satisfied and happy in my heart." Han Qingyun slowly regained his emotions: "Stop talking about this, we have to look forward future."

Han Zixuan nodded firmly, and suddenly said, "Auntie, I finally know your age."

"Little kid, I fell for you." Han Qingyun cursed and hit him with his hand.

When Han Zixuan drove to the gate of Bi's community in the morning, he found a familiar car that belonged to Chen Yuluo.It was too late for him to escape, because Chen Yuluo walked out of the car door and came to his car.

This chick probably stayed here last night, why, I haven't seen each other for a day, and I just miss me that much.

He rolled down the car window: "Beauty, have you had breakfast? Your face is sallow. You didn't rest last night. Well, you came so early. Could it be that you miss me?"

Chen Yuluo really waited here all night, she just wanted to talk to him, and at the same time, she wanted to warn him to leave Beijin as soon as possible.

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