The campus is so cute

48 I want to be a prince

In a secluded coffee shop, Han Zixuan and Chen Yuluo were sitting face to face. They seemed like a couple on a date, but the mood and atmosphere didn't quite match.Han Zixuan was enjoying it, while Chen Yuluo was coping with it.

"Don't come to my casino from now on."

Han Zixuan smiled slightly: "Why are you so stingy, I didn't win much money."

"Han Zixuan, what is your purpose? Are you short of money?" Chen Yuluo was puzzled. He can drive a sports car, so he shouldn't be short of money.

"I'm short, money is never enough. Don't worry, I'll leave if I win a little more, and I won't cause any trouble to your casino." Han Zixuan's eyes signaled her to drink too, don't just sit around and waste it like this good location.

Outside the window is the warm sunshine in the morning, the air is fresh, and it is rare to have such a carefree day in life.

"I can give you how much money you want." Chen Yuluo said.

Han Zixuan put down his cup and laughed: "Then I dare not accept it. Who knows what I will do after taking your money, making me submit to your lust against my wish, I will definitely not do it."

"You, boring." Chen Yuluo cursed, picked up the coffee cup and took a sip, then immediately put it down, with a very painful expression on his face.She doesn't like to drink this stuff, and prefers to drink tea.

"You're in trouble." Chen Yuluo decided to tell him about Song Xuyao. Although she didn't have a good impression of Han Zixuan, she even found a girl to humiliate her during the racing yesterday, but she hated Song Xuyao ​​even more. I's appearance is too hateful, especially his pair of lecherous eyes, sooner or later she will goug his eyes and kick them as balls.

"My trouble is you. Tell me, why did you chase after me yesterday? I'm married, and I don't want to have an extramarital affair." Han Zixuan continued to play around, and found it quite interesting to have a relationship with such an unfamiliar woman.

"Han Zixuan, I don't like this way of talking. Let me tell you seriously, Song Xuyao ​​has his eyes on you. To be more precise, he has his eyes on the woman next to you." Chen Yuluo sneered, not understanding why men are like this lecherous.His elder brother, Chen Yuqi, was like this. He played and played in bars every night, and Song Xuyao ​​was not a thing. He would snatch any girl he liked the next day.Han Zixuan is probably even more shameless than them, what Master said is too true, men all over the world are heartless.

Song Xuyao, who is he?Han Zixuan didn't have this character in mind at all.Seeing his blank face, Chen Yuluo was surprised and puzzled. Where did he come from? If he was from Beijin, he must know this scum surnamed Song.

"Song family, maybe you don't know, you haven't heard of it."

Han Zixuan had an impression, and Bi Yunfan analyzed the situation in Beijin with him. The Song family was the leader, so they belonged to their family.He pretended to be panicked: "No way, I have no grievances or enmities with him, and I didn't offend him."

"If you have a beautiful woman by your side, you're offending him." Chen Yuluo briefly explained about Sun San, and of course, if he went to the casino after talking about it, he would chop off his fingers himself.

"Really, then you have to catch me on the spot." He was proud.

"I can see your technique. You know kung fu, and it's the kind of kung fu with internal strength." Chen Yuluo showed a happy smile on the corner of his mouth.

Han Zixuan's smile froze, and then he was relieved. Yunxi could tell that she could do it too.If she didn't see it, he would doubt the woman's IQ.

"How much money did you give me? I'm ready to stop." Han Zixuan decided, let's talk about the money first.

"How much do you want?"

"1000 million." Han Zixuan felt that this amount was not too much, after all, it was the amount to honor his brother-in-law.

Chen Yuluo didn't expect that she would open her mouth like a lion, but thinking about it, this amount is not too much. According to his gambling method, tens of millions is not enough for him to win.But she doesn't have that much money in her hand, and she has no interest in money.Usually, she doesn't like to go shopping or buy bags and jewelry. She devotes herself to family interests.

"I'll give you 2000 million." Chen Yuluo said.

This chick is generous enough.

"But I have a condition. I want to compete with you. As long as you agree, I will immediately cash in the 2000 million amount."

"Okay, let me declare in advance that we are not allowed to slap our face when we fight." Han Zixuan insisted.

Although Chen Yuluo gave a warning, Han Zixuan still wanted to go to the casino as usual, but he wanted to see what Song Xuyao ​​was up to, and he fell in love with my woman.He fucks, my woman dares to make a wrong idea.

In the evening, he asked Bi Yunxi to dress up a bit, but in fact, she was already very beautiful without dressing up.Bi Yunxi had wanted to see Chen Yuluo for a long time, but she had heard that Chen Yuluo was unparalleled, so she didn't want to lose to this woman.

I just went out, but Han Qingyun also appeared.Han Zixuan is going all out today, since we are very pushy, let's push the wind to the end.Make that Song Xuyao ​​jealous to death.

Han Qingyun was wearing a well-tailored dress, covering her curvaceous breasts. After Han Zixuan accidentally looked at something she shouldn't have seen yesterday, when she saw her aunt again, she felt a sense of guilt in her heart, and stared at Han Qingyun vaguely. High chest.

Bi Yunxi is naturally not as plump as Han Qingyun. Seeing her dressed up like this, she is enchanting and moving. Where is a woman over 30 years old, she looks younger than her.However, she knew about Han Qingyun's life experience, and she was Zixuan's direct savior, so her misunderstanding of her was greatly reduced.

"Auntie, you are so beautiful." Bi Yunxi stepped forward to take her arm, staring sideways at her face: "Auntie, you are about the same age as me this year."

"Smelly girl, just like Zixuan, learn to be poor-mouthed." Han Qingyun nodded on her forehead: "Yunxi, you are beautiful."

"Okay, you two stop flattering each other. See what I'm wearing today, and see if I can attract the women in the casino." Han Zixuan deliberately wore a white suit, and he looked like a prince charming, because his lines Beautiful, with a clean and handsome face, quite a bit of a European prince.He is going to be a prince today.

When the car came to the casino, the guard was already familiar with Han Zixuan's Lamborghini.Knowing that the Lord is coming, he secretly smiled.When Song Xuyao ​​came to find fault, everyone knew about it.As long as Han Zixuan comes again, he will definitely cut off his fingers.

When the guard saw Han Qingyun and Bi Yunxi, his eyes froze unnaturally. They were so beautiful that his saliva dripped unconsciously and he forgot to give way.Bi Yunxi covered her mouth and smiled secretly, whispering in Han Qingyun's ear.

The doorman suddenly realized, and hastily came up respectfully: "Young Master Han, please come inside. The two ladies are like fairies, adding luster to our casino."

On the left and on the right, Bi Yunxi and Han Qingyun held Han Zixuan's arm, swayed and swaggered through the market.Just entering the lobby on the first floor, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Dong Changhua came early, and was stunned for a moment when he saw his appearance, but he immediately came back to his senses and rushed up: "Young Master Han, the two young ladies."

Bi Yunxi and Han Qingyun knew about Song Changhua and nodded to him.Song Changhua leaned close to Han Zixuan's ear: "Brother, what are you doing? Attending a banquet, it's so grand."

"Is the casino also a grand event? Look at the men and women here, are they all dressed grandly? I can't help but join in the fun today." Han Zixuan asked the elder brother how he was, and whether he was sincere in doing things.

Song Changhua hummed: "Young Master Han, the eldest brother told me that you are very sincere and worthy of association. Although I am older than you, let me get closer to you in the future, and you can improve, but you are not talking nonsense."

Oh, Han Zixuan was secretly happy, Song Changjie was so difficult to deal with, and he was cheeky one day, but he didn't expect the effect to be good.

When they arrived at the card table, the beautiful dealer saw Han Zixuan and smiled a little bit. It turned out that she looked at Han Zixuan with a mournful face.

Han Zixuan knew that he was going to be a target today.

Chen Yuluo didn't expect Han Zixuan to come again, and in such a high-profile way, he brought the woman beside him, and not only brought one, but two.The last time she saw Han Qingyun, she felt astonished. Now that she saw Bi Yunxi again, she was shocked. These beautiful girls must be crazy.

Chen Yuqi has been waiting for Han Zixuan's arrival, and then see how this guy will deal with Song Xuyao.Seeing Bi Yunxi nestled in his arms, the corners of Chen Yuqi's mouth still twitched a few times.

This unnatural movement caught Chen Yuluo's eyes, she sneered and said, "Seeing people hugging left and right makes me hungry."

Chen Yuqi reminded: "Yuluo, Song Xuyao ​​will definitely come later, will you chop off Han Zixuan's fingers?"

"Chop it up, why don't you chop it up. It counts as venting your anger." Chen Yuluo said sarcastically.

The spies of the Song family discovered Han Zixuan's arrival and immediately reported it to Song Xuyao. Song Xuyao ​​was dissatisfied, so he specially asked out his lover. The retired and popular female anchor of the city's radio station came to him and wanted to go to the casino to have a good time.

Soon Song Xuyao ​​showed up at the casino with Yu Hong. Song Xuyao ​​himself is a celebrity in Beijin, but his reputation is not very good.Yu Hong is also a well-known woman in this city, so the arrival of the two naturally attracted attention. Many people came to curry favor with Song Xuyao, bowing their heads and bowing their heads to say hello.

Song Xuyao ​​ignored these people at all and threw himself directly at the poker table.Because his hungry wolf eyes sent a target.I rub it, it's juicy enough, he's fucked, why does this kid hug left and right.

Seeing that his master was coming, Sun San gave him a wink and told him who Han Zixuan was. Song Xuyao ​​pretended not to see him and led Yu Hong to wander around the casino, but his eyes were fixed on the two women.

Yu Hong tasted it: "Xu Yao, why do you keep staring at those two women, they have their own masters."

Song Xuyao ​​suddenly realized that Yu Hongchou in front of him was dead. He was already half-aged, and his face was smeared like a goblin.He was quite impatient: "Let go of me, I'll go elsewhere."

Yu Hong was not reconciled. Ever since she got married with Song Xuyao, she quit her job. There was nothing she could do. Her reputation was so bad that the TV station directly kicked her.Besides, she doesn't have the energy to work at all, and now she is using her last remaining warmth to influence this man, hoping to become the young mistress of the Song family one day.

"Xu Yao, what's the matter with you, you seem to be angry. I'll take care of you when I get home later." Yu Hong stuck to him, and reached out to touch him. She knew this man and liked women to take the initiative the most.

Song Xuyao ​​had no choice but to take Yu Hong to the baccarat board slowly.Seeing his master coming, Sun San hurriedly gave up his seat: "Master, you are here."

Song Xuyao ​​was sitting in front of the gambling table, but he had no intention of gambling. He didn't know how to pay a thousand dollars, and his winnings depended on luck, and he was too unlucky today, so he lost a lot.

Damn it, why didn't Chen Yuluo show up yet?Song Xuyao ​​also found that Han Zixuan could always win money, and he won a lot.

Smelly bastard, you even fooled me.Song Xuyao ​​saw Chen Yuluo, but she was indifferent, just stood aside and watched quietly.

Song Xuyao ​​asked Sun San to find Chen Yuluo.Sun San came in front of Chen Yuluo: "Miss Chen, Han Zixuan is here, and he is cheating again, you should arrest him."

"Sorry, I didn't catch it." Chen Yuluo said coldly.

Sun San was stunned: "Miss Chen, you are wrong. We agreed at the beginning that we should not favor anyone. You are breaking the rules by doing so."

Chen Yuluo gave Sun San a cold look: "Be more honest with me today, if you spend more money, I will chop off your other hand."

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