The campus is so cute

53 Senior Brother, Junior Sister

Han Zixuan held the invitation card in his hand and smiled wryly. This announced my death sentence and gave me no chance at all.

Bi Yunxi refused to let him go to the appointment, and asked to leave Beijin as soon as possible, maybe there is still a glimmer of life.

It's useless, the road leading to the South China Sea has long been covered with manpower arranged by the Chen family, and it will be difficult to escape if you want to escape.But if you go to the appointment, an ambush must have been set up there, wouldn't it be more dangerous.

It was equally dangerous, but with Chen Yuluo on his side, his risk factor was a little smaller, and he could catch her as a hostage when it was a last resort.

The next day, Han Zixuan got up early, and first went to Shen Zhirong's side, which was a serious farewell.If the operation goes well, he will leave Beijin tonight.

Shen Zhirong thanked Han Zixuan for his hard work these days, and held his hand tightly: "Zixuan, take care all the way. Although Hanyu is mature and stable, she has her own principles in handling things, but she is a weak woman after all, and she needs a man to support her. It's all up to you."

Han Zixuan nodded, reassuring Shen Zhirong.At the same time, I told him to take good care of his body in recent days, pay close attention to the surrounding environment, dormant and forbear, and when the time is right, there will be another complete explosion.

Shen Zhirong is full of confidence and looks forward to that day coming as soon as possible.

Then he met with Dong Changjie again, but he didn't call Dong Changhua. In comparison, Dong Changjie was more trustworthy, not as smooth as his younger brother.

"Brother, if things go well, I will leave Beijin tonight. Keep watching the driver who caused the accident for me, and I will come back again."

Dong Changjie questioned him in detail about his actions tonight, how he could get out smoothly, and it was not easy to escape the sniping of the Song family and the Chen family.Han Zixuan was full of confidence and placed all his bets on Chen Yuluo.

Dong Changjie couldn't help but nodded: "I have thought about it for you these few days. Although I can't help you, don't worry, I will go to the South China Sea tonight. I don't believe they dare to kill me Killing people under their noses. Do you really think that there is no kingly law in this world?"

To be honest, Han Zixuan was very moved.It was just a few drinks with Dong Changjie, but unexpectedly they made friends. Han Zixuan said a few words of thanks, but he didn't know how to express his inner gratitude.Dong Changjie patted him on the shoulder: "Brother, you are a dragon, and sooner or later you will be successful. At that time, don't forget your brother and I will be there."

"Have you not seen my brother Changhua?" Dong Changjie was puzzled.

Forget it, he belongs to Song Jingtian.I was afraid that Song Jingtian would turn his back on what he said, and if he knew my whereabouts, he would assassinate me halfway.

Dong Changjie knew in his heart that he didn't say anything.

Finally, back to Bi's house, the whole family had a normal lunch at noon.Bi Shaohan and his wife didn't know what had happened recently, and their daughter and son-in-law behaved very well, especially Han Zixuan, who stopped going to the casino, and they both felt very happy.

Han Zixuan said: "Mom and Dad, Yunxi and I are leaving tonight, because we are still students, and now the military training is coming to an end, it's almost time for class."

Bi Shaohan agrees, that's true, and he didn't keep him. He just hopes that Zixuan will take care of Yunxi more at school, and that you two will love and help each other, and make progress together.

Liu Huiran was reluctant to part with her daughter, so she went back to Yunxi's room and helped her pack her things. At the same time, the two mothers said some sweet words, of course the main focus was how to tie a man's heart.

Han Zixuan went to Bi Yunfan's room, just about to open his mouth to say something.Bi Yunfan said: "Zixuan, don't talk about it, I know about the casino, I hope you can leave tonight, God bless you."

I didn't expect you to know, then I'm relieved.I will transfer 2000 million to your account tonight, but you will have to report to the Shen Group starting tomorrow.The agreement between us must be fulfilled.

Originally, I wanted to go to the Song family, but now it's impossible.Bi Yunfan regretted infinitely: "Zixuan, I wish you good luck, I am waiting for your good news."

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Yuluo had already been waiting in Xiao Yulou.Hundreds of years ago, this place belonged to scenic spots and historical sites. After the baptism of war and the precipitation of years, it is now a barren place.Even so, the scenery here is beautiful, and it seems that the prosperity of the past can still be seen through every plant and tree.

Xiao Yulou is actually an ancient building, but it is withered.The Beijin Tourism Bureau has not repaired it, because why not keep the original taste.When it comes to the New Year's Eve, there will be people visiting here.Belonging to special landscape ancient books.

In the afternoon, there are almost no tourists.Chen Jingzhi didn't take part in today's operation, so there's no need for him to kill a little Han Zixuan himself.To be honest, Chen Yuluo was enough, not to mention there was Chen Yuqi rounding up the surrounding area.As long as Han Zixuan arrives, he will definitely not be able to escape.

Time passed by, and it was 03:30, and Han Zixuan still didn't show up. Chen Yuluo couldn't help feeling anxious, this bastard would probably run away.

Chen Yuqi was not in a hurry. He had just received the call when Han Zixuan had already left the house and was heading towards the eastern suburbs.

He told his sister: "He is coming, get ready."

At [-]:[-], Han Zixuan's Lamborghini arrived.He asked Yunxi to sit in the car and wait for his good news.Bi Yunxi reluctantly exhorted: "Zixuan, be careful in everything. If you encounter misfortune, I will not live on. I will go to hell with you."

Silly girl, Han Zixuan turned his face away, stared at her melancholy and clean face, and touched it lightly: "No, I haven't tasted your red pill yet, I won't die."

What is the red pill, Bi Yunxi does not understand.

Han Zixuan whispered in her ear, and Bi Yunxi's face suddenly turned red. Even at this moment, he was still in the mood to joke.The scene of the two flirting fell into Chen Yuluo's sight, she sneered in her heart at this time, you are still in the mood, doesn't it mean he doesn't know the danger at all.

In fact, she sent out the signal yesterday, and based on what she knew about Han Zixuan, I believe he would understand.

Standing in front of Chen Yuluo, Han Zixuan apologized, "I'm late, I hope you understand." He looked at the beautiful rivers and mountains around him: "This place is nice, I never thought Beijin would have such a beautiful landscape."

"Don't talk nonsense, we have agreed before, I want to discuss with you, and I hope you don't hide your secrets, I have a characteristic, when I fight with people, I don't want to die, maybe I will kill you, I hope you can understand "Chen Yu signed off the outer clothes, revealing a black delicate vest inside, exposing her perfect and moving lines.

Perhaps because of martial arts training, her skin is wheat-colored, which is two completely different colors from her face.Han Zixuan couldn't help laughing: "Are you a yellow race or a white race?"

"Of course he's of the yellow race." Chen Yuluo clenched his hands into fists, took steps with his legs, and put on a pose.

"Don't worry, I still have something to say." Han Zixuan interrupted her.

"Long story short." Chen Yuluo stared at him.

"Although we are sparring, it is inevitable that there will be contact. If I touch something that shouldn't be touched, I hope you will understand." Han Zixuan smiled with his mouth pursed and his head lowered.

Chen Yuluo was not a fool, so he naturally understood the meaning of his words, and suddenly a chill came out of his heart, showing his murderous intent: "Han Zixuan, don't just talk but don't practice."

Then, Chen Yuluo's fist rushed to Han Zixuan's face, extremely fierce.

Han Zixuan didn't dare to slack off in the slightest, and hastily dodged.I couldn't help exclaiming in my heart that this girl is too fast. Fortunately, I met me today. Compared with her, Yunxi probably is not an opponent.

Chen Yuqi watched with a binoculars in his hand, and praised, "Okay, Yu Luo's kung fu has really improved again, good guy, this continuous killing move really has momentum.

But he focused all his attention on Han Zixuan. Seeing that Han Zixuan was able to cope with it freely, although he seemed to be in a defensive posture all the time, and his movements were a little awkward at times, Han Zixuan's ability to resist his sister's attack was already very impressive.

On the contrary, Chen Yuluo didn't feel happy at all.Her eyes are serious and her movements are serious.But that person, with a playful smile on his face, seemed a little embarrassed every time he dodged, but she knew in her heart that these were Han Zixuan's intentional flaws to lure her.

Chen Yu fell into a rage, remembering that he had just returned from studying art in Emei, and learned a new kung fu from his master, why not use Han Zixuan to practice his skills

With confidence in his heart, Chen Yuluo's movement suddenly became much faster.Han Zixuan didn't dare to neglect, knowing that this girl was about to change her mind.In fact, what he most wanted to learn was Chen Jiaquan, but he had never seen it.He knew in his heart that Chen Yuluo would definitely disdain to use their family's secret knowledge with him.

However, the tricks she used just now are all common methods in the Jianghu, and there is nothing novel about them.Hey, Han Zixuan couldn't help being surprised, this is Emei Kung Fu.Being with Yunxi every day, in addition to exchanging knowledge about physiology and other aspects, the exchange of martial arts is essential.

Although he has never learned it, he is a martial arts genius, and he will remember it after Yunxi shows it once.

Therefore, Han Zixuan simply used Emei Kung Fu to deal with Chen Yuluo.This time, Han Zixuan stopped defending and took the initiative to fight back. The two fought very well.

The people ambushing around were all dumbfounded, everyone stared wide-eyed, Chen Yuqi couldn't help nodding, Han Zixuan was indeed a monster, he must be eliminated today, otherwise it will be a disaster in the future.

Chen Yuluo stopped suddenly, stood still, panting slightly: "How do you know this kind of kung fu, who taught you."

"Hehe, Ma Yunfeng." Han Zixuan teased, "Junior Sister, how are you? My kung fu is not bad."

Chen Yuluo was dumbfounded, and stood there in a daze.Suddenly her eyes widened: "My master never accepts male disciples, so don't fool me."

"That's not sure, it's hard to say. As far as I know, you are not Ma Yunfeng's disciple, but a registered disciple. You have only learned a little superficial kung fu, but I am different. I went to Emei to practice kung fu in my early years. I belong to the authentic sect." disciple."

This sentence is true, but Han Zixuan Emei's master is a man, not just Ma Yunfeng.

Chen Yuluo couldn't judge whether Han Zixuan's words were true or not, and was a little at a loss for a moment.If Han Zixuan is really Ma Yunfeng's apprentice, she can't kill him just for fun, and she also knows that it is absolutely impossible for her to kill him.Why not sell a favor.

Han Zixuan said: "Junior Sister, can I go? I'm covered in sweat. I want to go home and take a shower."

"Wait, I have something to tell you." Chen Yuluo hurriedly stopped him, and moved closer to him.Han Zixuan was on guard, fearing that she would make a move.

Chen Yuluo gave him a cold look: "There are killers around, it's not easy for you to leave."

"What do you mean, you deliberately set up a situation to ambush me."

"Don't pretend to me. In fact, you have long understood the current situation. Since you dare to come, you are ready. Are you planning to kidnap me as the last hostage?" Chen Yuluo looked at him playfully.

It was difficult for Han Zixuan to admit it or not, so he nodded: "If the matter has reached that point, that's all I can do."

"Brother, you take this opportunity to catch me now, this is your only chance to escape." Chen Yuluo said in a low voice.

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