The campus is so cute

54 There are still 4 villains

Han Zixuan was slightly taken aback, and Chen Yuluo said sharply: "Hurry up, time is running out, maybe you still want me to automatically get into your arms."

There is no way, the kidnapping is so easy these days, Han Zixuan has no scruples, grabs Chen Yuluo, and then stands behind her, with one hand around her beautiful neck, he is too embarrassed to use force.

Chen Yuqi kept watching the situation on the field, only to see that the two stopped their hands, then muttered something, and then the situation changed.He secretly scolded the girl for being an idiot, why she was so unguarded, and now she is a hostage.

When the ambush man saw him, he panicked and immediately asked, "Master, what should I do? Miss has been kidnapped."

Chen Yuqi was surprised, everything was well planned, even if Chen Yuluo couldn't beat Han Zixuan, it didn't matter, because the two were just sparring.When the time comes, Chen Yuluo will leave first, and he will lead people to launch a roundup operation. Even if he escapes, he will not be able to leave Beijin one step.

Han Zixuan didn't dare to stay, and hurriedly dragged Chen Yuluo into the car. Bi Yunxi was very nervous just now, but now he felt relieved seeing Chen Yuluo captured, and finally had a hostage in his hand.

Han Zixuan and Chen Yuluo sat in the back row. He told Yunxi to drive, get on the highway, and then looked at Chen Yuluo: "Junior Sister, how will the next scene be played."

Bi Yunxi was surprised when they became brothers and sisters.

Chen Yuluo gave him a blank look: "Let go of me, I'll take out the phone, call my father, and ask him to prepare 2000 million for you."

Okay, this chick is quite interesting, everything is going according to the previous plan.When the two made an agreement, as long as Han Zixuan agreed to compete with Chen Yuluo, Chen Yuluo would give him a sum of money.At that time, Han Zixuan asked her if she had so much money, and Chen Yuluo said angrily that you can kidnap me then, and my father will definitely take the money.

Although the plot is staged according to the previous plan, there is only a small episode in the middle, as long as it does not affect the result.

Chen Jingzhi had already got the situation, and doubts arose in his heart.His daughter was raised by him himself, and he has accepted more than ten missions since his debut, and all of them succeeded without even failing.Unexpectedly, it failed this time, and he became a hostage.

He arranged for Chen Yuqi's car to follow closely behind him, and he could not act rashly. Chen Yuluo's life was more important.

After answering the call, Chen Jingzhi was very excited: "Yuluo, how are you doing now, are you okay?"

Han Zixuan snatched the phone: "Boss Chen, I'm Han Zixuan. Don't talk nonsense, prepare 2000 million, and then let me leave Beijin safely."

Chen Jingzhi didn't refute at all. He knew that Han Zixuan would definitely make a request. Although the amount was huge, it was within his tolerance.The only regret was not being able to hunt and kill Han Zixuan, which would definitely become a hidden danger in the future.Now he doesn't have much time to think about this, his daughter's life is the most important thing.

Han Zixuan gave the other party his bank account number, and asked him to send money immediately. When the money arrived, let him go, and he left here.

Because it will take some time before the money arrives, Bi Yunxi has already arrived at the intersection of the highway, where the traffic police are checking. Han Zixuan saw Dong Changjie in the crowd, and he really meant what he said. Although he didn't care about it, he still came.

Dong Changjie saw Han Zixuan's car appearing safely, and took a closer look. There was indeed Chen Yuluo in the car, so he felt relieved, smiled at him, and paid close attention to the surrounding environment.

"Junior Sister, I have a question, why did you help me leave. Your father and your brother don't think so."

"Zixuan, why have you become brothers and sisters?" Bi Yunxi felt extremely awkward when he heard their senior brothers and sisters addressing each other.

Han Zixuan chuckled: "Your masters are both Ma Yunfeng, you were also my junior sister back then, and now Chen Yuluo is also my junior sister."

Chen Yuluo looked at Bi Yunxi in confusion: "You and Ma Yunfeng also learned kung fu."

"Well, I'm surprised." Bi Yunxi smiled slightly: "Actually, there is no way to kidnap you today, otherwise it will be really difficult for us to leave Beijin, thank you."

"You're welcome." Chen Yuluo looked at Han Zixuan: "Do you want to know why I helped you, then let me tell you, I hate Song Xuyao, there is an utter hatred between us, I will kill him sooner or later. "

Han Zixuan and Bi Yunxi looked at each other. There was a mortal hatred between them, so it shouldn't be.He knew everything that happened in the casino very clearly, the two of them were at best at odds, not hatred.

Chen Yuluo saw the confusion in his heart, and suddenly asked: "How much do you know about Beijin, do you know that there are four young masters of Jinmen?"

Of course I know this. The new generation of outstanding representatives of several big families in Beijin City, Song Jingtian from the Song family, he just met a few days ago. This person is a character, but he is not sure about the other party. The most eye-catching king in the city.Zhang Jiahao from the Zhang family, I have never seen this person, but Bi Yunfan said that he is kind and gentle, and he is a weird person among the rich.

The Shen family, Shen Mingrui.Han Zixuan knew that she was Shen Hanyu's brother, but actually Shen Zhirong's godson.Shen Zhirong has never had a son, so he adopted a godson for the obvious purpose of adding some weight to his future.

And Chen Yuqi, Han Zixuan asked doubtfully: "How could your brother be included in the ranks of the Fourth Young Masters of Jinmen? He is too despicable, he is not even high enough." He said, looking at the car behind.

Chen Yuluo ignored him, and said, "Do you know that there are four evils in Jinmen, the four most damned villains."

When Han Zixuan saw her talking here, his eyes were fierce, as if he was about to eat her into his stomach, and he said vigilantly: "Song Xuyao ​​is one of the four evils."

"That's right. They are motivated to do bad things, especially working hard on women. Not long ago, I found out that Song Xuyao ​​and the others had set their sights on me, so there is a sworn hatred between us."

What the hell, men don't look at women, are they looking at men? You, Chen Yuluo, are too sensitive, and they didn't really attack you.

Bi Yunxi couldn't help asking, "Who are the remaining three?"

Han Zixuan hurriedly stopped: "Yunxi, why are you asking this question? Maybe you are interested in them. Look at me, Young Master Han. Although I am not the Fourth Young Master of Jinmen, I will definitely not become a villain in the future. Just keep your eyes on me." gone."

"Smelly poor, I'm just asking, I want to know who they are, after all, it is definitely not easy to be on the list."

Chen Yuluo said: "Song Xuyao, Shen Qifeng. Luo Wenbin, Chu Yuhang."

Han Zixuan shook his head, except for Song Xuyao, the other three didn't know.But he has heard of Shen Qifeng's name, he is Shen Zhiqiang's son and Shen Zhirong's nephew.The Song family and the Shen family are very interesting, there is a scourge in the family, and it will definitely be very lively in the future.

But Luo Wenbin and Chu Yuhang, he has no impression at all.It's been a while since I came to Beijin, and I haven't heard of anyone from the Luo family or the Chu family.Chen Yuluo didn't want to say anything more. Anyway, I am grateful for your help. Although Song Xuyao ​​is not dead, being blind is enough to relieve his anger.

Well, I secretly helped Beijin solve the disaster, but unfortunately no one gave me a certificate, and I was rounded up by many parties.

At this time the phone rang, and Chen Jingzhi said that the money had already arrived, and he hoped that Han Zixuan would release his daughter as soon as possible, and the two sides would not interfere with each other from now on, as if this had never happened.

Han Zixuan's phone rang just now, and the text message reminded him that he had received the money.He said to the phone: "Boss Chen, don't worry. This matter is not over, and I will come to Beijin soon. At that time, you and I must not become rivals."

Instruct Bi Yunxi to drive, passed the toll booth, and then walked for a while, the car stopped.Han Zixuan looked at Chen Yuluo who was beside him: "Get out of the car, your brother is right behind, I won't get out of the car to see you off."

"Han Zixuan, I will go to Emei again, and I will definitely investigate you thoroughly. This time, I will let you go, don't be too pretentious. But I tell you, don't come to Beijin, your hair is still too young. Here The water is too deep, wait until your feathers are plump, and then come to the muddy water here."

Han Zixuan couldn't help nodding: "I know that I was able to leave Beijin smoothly, thanks to your Miss Chen. I never forget to repay you for your kindness. When you encounter difficulties, maybe I can help you." Han Zixuan opened the car door: "The green hills will not change, and the green waters will flow forever. We will have a meeting later, and say hello to your master instead of me."

Bi Yunxi hurriedly said: "Chen Yuluo, I don't have a chance to see my master. When I see her old man, tell her for me that I miss her very much, and I will go to see her."

Han Zixuan and Bi Yunxi switched places, and the car disappeared instantly.Chen Yuluo stared at the shadow of the car going away, only billowing smoke and dust remained.Standing beside her, Chen Yuqi said shamelessly: "I really admire you, our family has really lost money on this mission."

"That's not necessarily the case, brother, take a long-term view. Han Zixuan is a talent, if he can be used by us in the future, then we will make money." Chen Yuluo turned his head and got into the car, returning to his previous stern arrogance.

"You took the wrong medicine, how could he join our family." Chen Yuqi also followed.

Chen Yuluo suddenly said: "I'm not going home, you tell Dad, I'm going to Emei, I'm going to the airport now."

Mental illness, Chen Yuqi muttered to himself.

After more than three hours, Han Zixuan finally returned to the South China Sea. It has been almost a month, and it is considered a life-and-death disaster.Looking at the sky in the South China Sea and the clouds in the South China Sea, Yunxi smiled happily: "Zixuan, I'm finally back. Although I was with my parents in Beijin, I always felt very awkward. Now I finally have The world belongs to the two of us."

Han Zixuan said cheaply: "That's right, let's open a private room at night and have a couple bath, so it's refreshing."

"You're so beautiful." Bi Yunxi pouted, and suddenly remembered something: "My classmates know that we got married at home, and when we go back to school, they must ask for wedding candies, what should we do if we are swollen?"

"Then buy some." Han Zixuan said with a smile.

Bi Yunxi nodded: "Then they want wedding photos and wedding videos."

Han Zixuan was stunned, these things are not easy to handle.Although they lied and left the barracks at the beginning, and there was a lot of commotion at the time, if the two of them had no evidence at all, wouldn't they be suspected.

Bi Yunxi pouted: "Forget it, let the classmates watch me joke, I was dumped by you when I just got married."

Han Zixuan kept laughing, thought for a while and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to take wedding photos, this can always fool them."

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