Every woman longs to wear a wedding dress, and every woman longs to marry the man she loves. Although Bi Yunxi has not fulfilled her final wish, taking wedding photos is already very satisfying.

She didn't believe it a little: "just lie to me and make me happy."

Speaking with practical actions, Han Zixuan drove around the street and came to the largest wedding photo studio in the city.The two of them went to take wedding photos at night, which was absolutely exciting. The waiter was very surprised. After asking many times, he finally confirmed that the two of them were not lunatics.

Looking at the two of them again, the man is handsome and handsome, and the woman is gentle and beautiful, which is really a bit enviable.The staff of the photo studio are about to get off work at this time, and besides, they have to make an appointment in advance to shoot the wedding dress, choose the clothes, choose the background, choose the photographer, etc. In such a hurry, the photo studio really doesn't want to take this job.

Han Zixuan said that the price is negotiable, and they must shoot the wedding dress today.In fact, Han Zixuan felt guilty in his heart, and wanted to give Yunxi a good dream.After talking about it, I finally talked about the photo studio.

The two changed their clothes casually. Even so, the photographer still couldn't help admiring. To be honest, there are not many successful pairings between handsome men and beautiful women. This world is a bit puzzled. All beautiful women marry rich people, and there are very few rich and handsome men. , thus resulting in a lot of Beauty and the Beast collaborations.Whenever a photographer sees such a group of people taking pictures, he will feel a little uncomfortable.

But today, the photographer found the feeling he hadn't seen for a long time. Even at night, the work was very serious. Han Zixuan and Bi Yunxi also cooperated very well, especially Yunxi, with a touch of sweetness in his heart.Although I will not own this man alone, but this is the first time I have given this man to myself.

After taking the photo, it was past nine o'clock, and it was impossible to go back to school.So the two went to a five-star hotel to enjoy the VIP service.

The two lay side by side on the bed, Yunxi buried herself in Han Zixuan's arms with a flushed face, still reminiscing about what happened just now.

As for Han Zixuan, he started to untie the beauty's dress with ease, and soon Yunxi became a beautiful little white sheep, lying softly on the bed, closing her beautiful eyes shyly.

This was Han Zixuan's request. After taking the wedding photos, Yunxi gave him a special reward.In Beijin, because they lived in their father-in-law's house, the two of them didn't dare to make too much noise, they were both cautious, but today it was different, there were only the two of them here.

"Zixuan, just now I was really worried that the two of us would not come back. To be honest, I regretted that moment." Yunxi obediently began to untie his clothes.

"Oh, what a pity." Han Zixuan felt that it was really troublesome for a woman to undress a man, so why couldn't he act faster.

"It's a pity that I didn't really become your woman. At that time, I even thought that you wanted me in the car, and then we would go to hell together." Leaned up lightly.

Women, sometimes crazier than men, Han Zixuan gently stroked her smooth skin, teasing her increasingly firm breasts developed by him.

"Yunxi, don't worry, that day will come." Han Zixuan couldn't help baring his teeth: "Yunxi, your skills are getting better and better."

Yunxi shook her seductive body lightly and worked harder.

In the morning, Han Zixuan sent Yunxi to school first, and then he drove to He's villa. The trip to Beijin, thanks to having such a good car, he would like to thank He Lizi.

Li's mother came out to open the door. When she saw Han Zixuan, she was stunned for a moment before she came back to her senses: "Young Master Han, you are back. Ms. Ye has already returned from military training. Why are you here today?"

"Oh, I'm going out to do some errands. The family is doing well, how are the three young ladies?" Actually, Han Zixuan didn't need to worry. When he didn't live here before, their lives were fine.But people are emotional animals, and when they get along for a period of time, he is full of worries about the three women.

"The three ladies are all very well. Miss Shen has gone to school, and Miss Ye and Miss He are at home. I'll report to them right away. When you're not around, they talk about you every day."

Can they, they will talk about me, probably curse me.

Han Zixuan drove the car into the garage, and took the keys to the villa.On the first floor, Mama Li looked puzzled: "I told the two young ladies that you are back, but they didn't respond at all. Young master, go upstairs and see them."

Han Zixuan went upstairs, pushed He Lizi's room away, and saw He Lizi and Ye Tianyu chatting, Ye Tianyu seemed to be asking He Lizi for advice with a book, Han Zixuan couldn't bear to disturb such a hardworking girl.

His coming in naturally attracted the attention of the two of them, but they just glanced at him and ignored him, as usual.

Han Zixuan had a cheeky face: "Miss, I'm back. You guys are too mean, why don't you go downstairs to greet me."

Puchi, Ye Tianyu couldn't help it first, came to him, looked at him eighteen times, stretched out his nose and sniffed him.Frowning, he said, "Officer Groom, the honeymoon is over, how about it?"

Han Zixuan hehe said: "It's okay, I wanted to play for a few more days, isn't school starting now, I'll be back early."

"Hmph, you still have the face to come back, I thought you forgot about this place." Ye Tianyu asked: "Why are you alone, where is your wife?"

"Oh, you said Yunxi, I told her to go back to school first, and I'll return the car." Han Zixuan came to He Lizi and handed her the car keys: "Lizi, thank you for your car, don't say it." , A luxury car is a cow, it’s really fast.”

He Lizi said lightly: "Let it go, you're welcome."

Han Zixuan knew it was over, and the relationship between the two had reached an impasse again.He turned his face and asked Ye Tianyu: "Tianyu, the military training is over. How about it, look at you, your face is tanned, it really works."

Ye Tianyu became angry when he thought of the military training, why was he so honest, he lived and suffered there, he learned from Han Zixuan back then, so he asked for leave.But no matter what, the instructor just doesn't give vacations.She wanted to find a man to marry at home, but there was no one, and Miss Ye was angry for many days.Suddenly, she remembered that the reason why Han Zixuan was able to ask for leave successfully was because Bi Yunxi was pregnant.

She asked curiously: "Han Zixuan, Bi Yunxi is going to have a baby soon, you are going to be a father so soon."

Uh, Han Zixuan is ashamed, he is carrying the blame.

"It's still early, probably a year or two."

He Lizi interrupted: "No way, I remember that when you left the military training, Bi Yunxi was pregnant for several months, and her belly is swollen now. Thinking about her, she is really pitiful, she has a big belly at such a young age."

Ye Tianyu said sarcastically: "That's right, going to school with a big belly, I'm sure the teachers and students will laugh at her." She looked at Han Zixuan again: "Han Zixuan, is the child in her belly yours? You won't be cuckolded Bar."

He Lizi snickered beside her, laughing like a jerk.

Han Zixuan was speechless and completely collapsed.These two girls obviously deliberately buried me.

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