The campus is so cute

56 You want to play with fire

Han Zixuan felt that it should be explained briefly. These two girls hurt me so harshly. After a long time, he really couldn't bear it.

In fact, I didn't go home to get married, because something happened at home, so I had to ask for leave, but it's not easy to ask for leave in the military camp, so I made up such a reason.You misunderstood me, please don't be so vicious, Yunxi is still a girl.

The two women were naturally suspicious, but He Lizi was a little happy in her heart. She and Ye Tianyu looked at each other, wondering whether his words were true or false.

He Lizi was aggressive: "Then let me ask you, where have you been and what happened at home, if you can't explain clearly, we will go to the school and broadcast that you are a big green-haired turtle."

My day, it's really cruel.

Han Zixuan briefly talked about going to Beijin for execution, and mentioned that Bi Yunxi's brother was in trouble at the casino, and he helped to solve the problem.

"What's the relationship between you and Bi Yunxi? Why do you have to go with her when something happened at her house?" Ye Tianyu pinched Xiao Man's waist, like an interrogating instructor, but her chubby face was a little cute.

This question must be explained clearly. Han Zixuan thought about it and we have known each other for a long time. My family is in Beijin, and we were neighbors at that time.She couldn't help it at the time, so she asked me for help.

"Is it just an ordinary neighbor? Who would believe it? If you go to help yourself, she must be grateful to you. Maybe you guys are fucking hot now." When He Lizi said this, her taste was a little sour.

Ye Tianyu covered her mouth and snickered, He Lizi glared at her: "Little kid, what are you laughing at?"

"Sister, the tone of your question just now seems to be jealous, don't you like Brother Zixuan?" Ye Tianyu likes the excitement the most, in fact, she has long since discovered that it is different. Since her military camp, He Lizi has been Let her keep a close eye on Han Zixuan's actions.

He Lizi blushed quickly, and gave her a hard look: "What nonsense, get the hell out of here."

Ye Tianyu twisted her waist: "Okay, I'll go, I'll make room for you, you can talk about love to your heart's content."

Seeing Ye Tianyu leave, He Lizi immediately explained: "Don't listen to her nonsense, I don't mean that to you."

"I know, I never had extravagant expectations. You are the eldest lady of the He family, and I am a wild boy from the countryside. You are a born fairy, and I am a toad on the ground. I never thought of eating swan meat." Han Zixuan finished speaking Turning around: "It's the same sentence, thank you. I'll treat you to dinner as compensation when I'm free. I'm leaving if I have nothing to do."

"Why are you going?" He Lizi felt uncomfortable when she heard what he said just now. She was a young lady, but she was already lowering her figure.

"It's time to report to school. I've disappeared for a few days. Go and see my classmates." Han Zixuan left the room and hurried downstairs.

He Lizi followed immediately and asked, "Remember to come back tonight."

Han Zixuan shook his head: "Forget it, I'm fine living in the dormitory now."

"No, you have to come back to live. This is my grandfather's rule. Don't tell me you want to break your promise and be a villain without credibility." He Lizi left these words and looked at him meaningfully.

Of course Han Zixuan wanted to stay, but he couldn't bear Yunxi.Suddenly he remembered that since Yunxi was from Molong, so was He Tianbei, presumably He Tianbei also knew about Bi Yunxi, so why not let Yunxi move in as well.

Of course, this kind of matter must not be discussed with He Lizi, because there is no discussion.

When he returned to school, the students from the museum department naturally warmly welcomed him back. Yunxi was next to him, the little bird was close to him, such a beautiful couple.

Shangguan Fei and the others really stretched out their hands, asking for candies.Han Zixuan had already prepared and distributed wedding candy to everyone in the class.When he arrived at Xie Wenhao's place, he still politely handed out wedding candies.

Xie Wenhao took the candy, feeling very uncomfortable.But it was a done deal, especially when he thought that he and his brother were unable to move to him during the military training, the regret in his heart was real, and at the same time, he also had a little fear in his heart.

After returning home, he told his family what had happened to him. Unexpectedly, his grandfather Xie Zhongxian did not always dote on him. Instead, he asked Han Zixuan to come to their house and said he wanted to see him.

Xie Wenhao took the candy and said, "Congratulations, best wishes to you."

The whole class was almost dumbfounded, and Han Zixuan didn't expect it either.Originally thought that when he returned to school, the enmity between him and Xie Wenhao would get deeper and deeper, and he was still in trouble and didn't know how to resolve it.

"Master squad leader, I am very happy to receive your blessing." Han Zixuan said equally sincerely.

Xie Wenhao suddenly said mysteriously: "Han Zixuan, come out, I have something to tell you."

The two came to the corridor, Xie Wenhao said: "Do you have time tonight, come to my house, my grandpa wants to see you."

Oh, Han Zixuan knew that the Xie family was quite powerful in South China Sea. He had offended the Xie family time and time again. Their family must have never finished with him. He didn't expect the revenge to come so quickly.

"Don't be nervous, there is no deep hatred between us, at most it is a little friction between men." Xie Wenhao's attitude has changed very quickly now, his arrogance is much less, but he shows the tolerance and generosity of a big brother.

Han Zixuan thought he heard it wrong: "I don't know your grandpa, why does he want to see me?"

"My grandfather heard about you and admired you very much. Besides, if he really wants to touch you, why bother." Xie Wenhao patted him on the shoulder: "You must come."

Han Zixuan didn't hesitate, it was a disaster he couldn't avoid.Thinking about it, I didn't have any great hatred with Xie's family, especially Xie Wenxi, who was able to leave the barracks later, and he also helped a lot.As for Xie Wenhao, as he said, it was at most a small friction between men.

After school in the afternoon, Han Zixuan took Bi Yunxi to a place.Bi Yunxi was puzzled: "Zixuan, where are you taking me?"

"To visit someone, I guess you must know him too."


"He Lizi's grandfather, He Tianbei, is a very kind old man."

A smile appeared on Bi Yunxi's face: "Oh, it turned out to be Grandpa He, yes, he came to Nanhai to take care of you, and even forgot that there is this old grandpa. We should really visit him."

The two came to He Tianbei's residence, Ah Fu was very excited to see Han Zixuan coming, and brought them into the house.

He Tianbei and Bi Yunxi had obviously known each other for a long time. The two spoke very kindly, and Bi Yunxi said: "Grandpa, I am very sorry. I forgot to call on you when I came to South China Sea. Please forgive me."

"Yunxi, it looks like you are getting more and more beautiful as you grow up, and your speech is getting better and better. Bi Xiao is very lucky to have such an excellent granddaughter like you."

Bi Yunxi immediately responded: "Grandpa, He Lizi is also very good, everyone is a lady, she is knowledgeable and courteous, she is better than me."

"No, Lizi's personality is not as good as yours. Look at how sensible you are. To be honest, she rarely comes to see me." He Tianbei had just finished complaining when he heard an uncoordinated voice at the door: "Grandpa, are you here again?" Say bad things about me, no one will come to see you."

He Lizi walked in with something in her hand and a smile on her face.But when he saw Han Zixuan and Bi Yunxi in the room, his smile froze instantly.

He Tianbei blushed, seeing his granddaughter coming, he was extremely excited: "Lizi, you have a good day today, and you even thought of visiting me."

He Lizi came up to him, and said with a sullen face, "I mean, it turns out that someone was one step ahead of me. Grandpa, you are really eccentric. You raped your own granddaughter in front of outsiders."

He Tianbei hurriedly rounded up the situation: "How could it be, of course you are the closest."

Bi Yunxi hurriedly came to He Lizi and smiled slightly: "Lizi, how are you?"

Because her grandfather was in front of her and Han Zixuan was watching, He Lizi tried to be as polite as possible: "Bi Yunxi, hello."

He Tianbei said happily: "It turns out that you have known each other for a long time, that's fine, the three of you can chat first, I'll let Ah Fu prepare dinner, you stay and have a light meal together. Liz, you won't go back right away. "

He Lizi said that she would not go back immediately, she came here to have dinner with her grandpa.There were only three of them left in the room, Han Zixuan felt a little embarrassed, and said he wanted to go out to help, so he turned and left the room.

Bi Yunxi also wanted to go out, but He Lizi stopped her: "Bi Yunxi, let's talk, it's rare that we can meet here."

Bi Yunxi nodded: "Okay, let's talk about something."

"I heard that you and Han Zixuan went back to the countryside to get married. How are you? You are very happy." He Lizi said very flatly, without any fluctuations in her expression.

Bi Yunxi's face was brimming with happiness: "Well, I'm very happy. Isn't it a woman's life to find a good man to marry? I'm honored that I found it."

Damn Han Zixuan, you actually lied to me.

"Is that so, congratulations. Oh, I heard that you are pregnant, but why is your belly still not swollen? You can't see it at all." He Lizi stared at her belly with sharp eyes.

Bi Yunxi's expression was a little twitchy: "Lizi, there is nothing at all, we don't have that yet."

Suddenly, she realized that she had slipped her tongue, and immediately understood He Lizi's intention for asking these words.

But He Lizi understood everything, it's okay, this man didn't lie, everything was Bi Yunxi's wishful thinking.

In the kitchen, He Tianbei had a secretive expression on his face: "Boy, you and Yunxi are on good terms, Bi Xiao, this guy is really quick enough to catch up with me."

"Grandpa, to be honest, Yunxi and I are in love, and we are on good terms." Han Zixuan helped wash the vegetables, and He Tianbei was in charge of cooking.

"Zixuan, what about my Lizi, you should hurry up, why is the speed so slow?"

"Grandpa, you think it's so easy to pick up girls, and you know how difficult it is to pick up your granddaughter. Besides, I'm with Yunxi now, and it's too difficult to pick up your granddaughter again."

"Anyway, I've made an agreement with you. You can't dump my granddaughter. I know that Lizi's personality is definitely not as good as Yunxi's, but you have to improve her slowly. In fact, she can also be very well-behaved and sensible."

Can it be possible? Han Zixuan questioned in his heart, and at the same time was frightened. He didn't know what would happen to the two girls in my room.

Suddenly, Han Zixuan remembered that there was one more thing to do: "Grandpa, Yunxi is still living in the school. I am worried about her safety, and I want her to move into the villa too. You can think about it."

"Boy, you want to play with fire." He Tianbei looked at him, and suddenly had an idea: "It's also a good idea, it can stimulate Li Zi, and maybe it will have a good effect."

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