The campus is so cute

58 Listening to Spring Songs

Xie Wenhao was slightly taken aback, then turned his head to look at Han Zixuan, and called out respectfully: "Master."

Han Zixuan hurriedly waved his hands: "Grandpa Xie, forget it. We should still be brothers, I can't afford it."

"You can call me whatever you want." Xie Zhongxian looked at Xie Wenhao: "Wenhao, you are going to school with Zixuan now, and you will follow his arrangements for everything in the future. His orders represent my orders."

Xie Wenhao did not refute, but nodded in agreement.Han Zixuan felt a little hesitant in his heart, still not believing the facts in front of him.It turned out that when I came to the South China Sea, Master had already laid out the route for me.Although the Xie family is not considered a top family, it is still very important.

Han Zixuan chatted with Xie Zhongxian for a while, it was already late, Xie Zhongxian asked Xie Wenhao to drive him back.

On the way, Han Zixuan felt a little awkward, looked at Xie Wenhao and said, "Wen Hao, I never thought our relationship would become like this. I know, you must be unconvinced in your heart, and even hate me even more."

"I'm not that stingy. Today I understand why grandpa arranged for me to go to Nanhai University. The purpose is to let me follow you." He smiled: "You still remember the first day of school, I was very arrogant, because at that time I was in a bad mood, and my grandfather told me that there is a person in Nanhai University who is the object of our family's lifelong service, and it turns out that person is you."

"No one will be happy if you change it, please forgive me for being unreasonable at that time." Xie Wenhao said solemnly: "I will call you Young Master Han in the future, after all, the status is different."

"Wen Hao, you don't need to do this. I feel ashamed." Han Zixuan was not being hypocritical. Master called Xie Zhongxian to save Xie Zhongxian with a single needle, and Xie Zhongxian used all his belongings to repay Master.He is nothing more than picking up a big bargain. He also wants to own Jiangshan, but he has to fight for it himself.

"Then how about this, we are brothers in front of people, and we should call you Young Master Han in the future." Xie Wenhao shrugged: "Actually, I know that I am so weak that I can be a dude at most, but I am far worse than you. My grandfather is right, I will learn more from you in the future."

"Learn from each other and make progress together." The two smiled at each other, looking forward to a bright future.

Back at the villa, the three girls were watching TV on the sofa, occasionally exchanging plots and chatting happily.Han Zixuan originally thought that Bi Yunxi and He Lizi couldn't get along, but he didn't expect that he was worrying too much.

Bi Yunxi hurriedly stood up, ran to Han Zixuan and asked him how he was doing and what he had talked about.Han Zixuan stroked her head and said mysteriously, "Good thing, I'll tell you later when I go to bed."

When He Lizi saw the two of them lying around as if there was no one there, she felt displeased immediately, and stared at the TV screen with a sullen face.Ye Tianyu didn't speak, just covered his mouth and laughed, watching the excitement.

Han Zixuan greeted He Lizi and Ye Tianyu and asked, "Is Sister Yu back yet?"

Ye Tianyu said that he was back early.Han Zixuan went upstairs and knocked on Shen Hanyu's door, and disappeared for a long time, saying that he didn't want to talk about it.At least to see if her face is still captivating.

Shen Hanyu looked at Han Zixuan, the expression on his face didn't change, it even looked very cold: "You're back."

Seeing her cold attitude, Han Zixuan felt chilled out. He went to Beijin to treat his father himself, and searched for the driver who caused the accident. It was a painstaking effort.But Shen Hanyu didn't know about this, Han Zixuan told Shen Zhirong to keep everything secret and give her a surprise when the time comes.

"You're in a bad mood, maybe there's something bothering you at school." Han Zixuan spoke cautiously.

"It's nothing, I'm fine, thank you for your trouble." Shen Hanyu glanced at him: "If there's nothing else, I'm going to rest."

This is the order to evict guests, Han Zixuan nodded: "Okay, I won't disturb your rest."

Just as Han Zixuan turned around, Shen Hanyu suddenly said: "Wait, let me ask you something, what happened to Bi Yunxi. I remember that it was clearly stipulated that strange women are not allowed to come in. Why did you forget this rule?"

I finally found the crux of the problem. The reason for her cold attitude was Bi Yunxi, not because she was in a bad mood after seeing me, Han Zixuan.

"Mr. He arranged for Yunxi to come in, and I didn't expect that either." Han Zixuan hurriedly explained.

However, Shen Hanyu is so shrewd.She curled her lips and smiled coldly: "Forget it, I still don't understand your thoughts, you and Bi Yunxi are lovers, so you made this request to Grandpa He." She changed the subject: "Han Zixuan, I can warn you, You can pick up girls, but don't worry about the other girls in the room."

Han Zixuan was surprised, Shen Hanyu really had a keen perception beyond ordinary people, and discovered his plan.

Shen Hanyu continued: "I remind you to get Bi Yunxi away as soon as possible, otherwise you two will leave the villa directly. Although this is the He family villa, I am the direct guardian of their sisters, and I have the right to do so."

"Okay, I'm done talking, you can go."

Han Zixuan left the room depressed, and went downstairs.Han Zixuan waved at Bi Yunxi: "Honey, go upstairs to sleep."

Bi Yunxi hummed, and suddenly felt that this was someone else's house, and Zixuan and herself were a little too presumptuous, but the two of them had slept together hugging and hugging for a long time, and they had formed a habit.

She blushed and hurried up the stairs shyly.

He Lizi and Ye Tianyu were stunned, especially Ye Tianyu, who opened his small mouth and hurriedly shook He Lizi: "Sister Lizi, did you hear what Han Zixuan just said?"

"I didn't hear that, I was watching TV." He Lizi thought to herself why she was depressed, they were a couple, and it was normal for them to sleep together.

Bi Yunxi went upstairs to Han Zixuan's room, and whispered: "Zixuan, this is someone else's house after all, we should not sleep together, they will definitely laugh at me."

Han Zixuan shook his head hastily: "No, I won't be able to sleep if I don't hug you now, and I will easily suffer from insomnia at night. If I suffer from insomnia, I will lose energy the next day, and I will not be able to study hard in class. If that happens, my grades will drop, and I will have to hand in my exams if I fail at the end of the semester." Supplementary examination fee."

Yunxi burst into laughter: "Show treasure." Then she said nervously: "I saw Shen Hanyu. Although that woman is beautiful, she has a very indifferent personality and ignores me. To be honest, I feel aggrieved living here , might as well go back to the school dormitory."

"Yunxi, did Shen Hanyu say anything to you?"

"That's not true, but I'm really angry. Thinking about us helping his father in Beijin, she didn't feel any gratitude to us at all. It's all your fault. There are so many women, why do you have to pick her up?" Yunxi murmured She pursed her mouth, feeling dissatisfied.

"It's okay, I'll take care of Shen Hanyu's side, so you can rest assured to live here, what about Grandpa He, she dare not do anything to us." Han Zixuan hugged her into his arms: "I have wronged you, in fact, we can stay here Buy a big house here, and then build our own small nest."

"It's okay for me to be wronged. The key is Shen Hanyu. You will take her in from now on, and I will let her serve me."

OK, I promise you.Han Zixuan wanted to sleep with Yunxi, but Yunxi resolutely refused, saying that there were two little ancestors downstairs, and she would sneak into his room after they were all asleep.

Han Zixuan thought it made sense, and let Bi Yunxi go back to his own room first.

After Bi Yunxi went upstairs, He Lizi followed the TV with her eyes, but her mind was fuzzy about what was actually going on, and Ye Tianyu yelled in her ears: "Sister Lizi, will the two of them do that together? I'll tell you later It must be very exciting to eavesdrop."

Ye Tianyu's baby is not pure anymore. Ever since she happened to witness Han Zixuan's lower body, she went to Du Niang's place to search when she had nothing to do, so she learned more and more knowledge, and sneaked into **.

When she saw it for the first time, she blushed and her heart beat, as if her heart was about to jump out. It turned out that this is what happened between men and women. Thinking of the woman moaning, Ye Tianyu thought vulgarly, they would definitely do that too. .

He Lizi slammed the TV off, hugged her knees with her hands and thought hard.

Ye Tianyu planned her: "Sister Lizi, let's go, let's go and eavesdrop, there will definitely be a good show."

"Eavesdrop on you big-headed ghost, no, what has happened to our house, it has become a hotel for them to enjoy themselves." She immediately bounced off the sofa, full of energy: "Follow me, let's go upstairs."

"Let's go, listen to the spring song." Ye Tianyu happily followed.

He Lizi turned her head and gave her a vicious look, and reprimanded: "Ye Tianyu, little brat, you've failed in learning."

"Sister, I also followed school." Ye Tianyu stuck out her tongue, pretending to be cute.

He Lizi didn't have time to educate her now, so she rushed directly to Han Zixuan's room, and then knocked hard on the door.Ye Tianyu reminded sister, keep your voice down, this will alarm them, we should sneak in secretly.

I kicked you to death, He Lizi raised her leg and kicked her round buttocks, Ye Tianyu held her buttocks and still smiled meanly.

Han Zixuan was about to take a bath when he heard commotion outside the door.He opened the door and looked at the two of them: "Why, why don't you sleep at night, why are you arguing?"

Without further ado, He Lizi rushed into the house and searched for a long time, but there was no sign of Bi Yunxi.Ye Tianyu followed suit and looked under the bed.

Han Zixuan smiled and said, "What are you searching for?"

He Lizi stared: "Catch rape."

Han Zixuan hurriedly shut up and opened his arms: "Search whatever you want, as long as you leak the house."

"She slipped pretty fast." He Lizi ordered Ye Tianyu, you go to Bi Yunxi's room and call her out. I, Miss He, have something to say.

Soon, Bi Yunxi also came, and looked at He Lizi unhappy: "What are you doing, it's past ten o'clock, don't make trouble."

Humph, He Lizi gave her a blank look: "I declare that everyone who lives here should be well-behaved, especially when sleeping at night, each sleeps in its own room, and no discordant sounds are allowed."

Han Zixuan asked intentionally: "Miss He, what do you mean by the disharmonious voice? Don't say it so cryptically. I'm a rural person with little knowledge and don't understand."

Ye Tianyu lowered his head, wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and said to Sister Lizi, let's see how you explain it.

He Lizi blushed immediately, glared at Han Zixuan fiercely, and said in her heart that you clearly knew what I meant and deliberately embarrassed me.

"It's that kind of voice, the kind of screaming." He Lizi bit the bullet and looked at Han Zixuan and said.

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