The campus is so cute

59 Searching for Evidence

He Lizi finished her announcement and pulled Ye Tianyu out of his room. Before leaving, she looked at him with warning eyes.

Ye Tianyu came to He Lizi's boudoir, puzzled: "Sister Lizi, brother Zixuan and Bi Yunxi are lovers. It is legal for them to sleep together. Is it too much for you to interfere with them?"

"Where the hell are you? Are you with me?" He Lizi noticed that Ye Tianyu, a little brat, was becoming more and more disobedient, unlike the previous one who had always obeyed her orders.

Of course I messed with you, Ye Tianyu immediately stated his position, and said it very firmly, but he was still very curious, especially since Bi Yunxi didn't seem to be pregnant.

"Sister Lizi, you said that Bi Yunxi is going to be pregnant with a baby, why is her stomach so flat, the baby won't have a miscarriage, right?" she asked innocently.

He Lizi lightly poked her forehead with her hand, teasing: "They are fake couples, last time they deliberately lied to get married and asked for leave, I understand the truth."

Oh, so that's what happened, sister, you still have a chance.

He Lizi gave her a gouged look: "Nonsense, I warn you, Bi Yunxi is a bad woman, we will ignore her from now on, sister Hanyu said, we must unite to the outside world, and try to get her to leave here voluntarily."

Ye Tianyu shook his little head and nodded vigorously: "You guys just give orders, anyway, I will follow your arrangement."

"That's fine, don't sleep tonight, stay next to Bi Yunxi's room, and see if she will be safe at night." He Lizi covered her mouth and yawned: "I'm sleepy, and I have to go to school tomorrow."

"But I have to go to school."

"You sleep in class, why don't you sleep at night, wake up and help us do some work, then I will reward you, remember, keep an eye on me." He Lizi patted her fleshy face: "I'm wondering , everyone lost weight in military training, why is your face still so fat?"

"Don't touch it, it's not fat, it's cute." Ye Tianyu evaded and asked, "What if Bi Yunxi takes action? She's going to brother Zixuan's room."

"No way, she shouldn't be so shameless. You don't need to disturb her, everything will wait for my arrangement tomorrow morning."

Ye Tianyu intentionally exposed a small gap in the door, she stared at it with wide eyes without blinking, suddenly she saw Shen Hanyu coming out of the room, just in time to see that her door was open, came over curiously and opened the door, saw her Puzzled: "Tianyu, what's wrong with you, you still don't go to bed so late."

Ye Tianyu rubbed his sleepy eyes: "I'm guarding the door for Sister Lizi, she's afraid that Bi Yunxi will go to Han Zixuan's room at night."

Shen Hanyu's heart suddenly sank. He Lizi was really fooled. She noticed the change in this child very early. She was originally a proud young lady. Since Han Zixuan rescued her from the wine table twice, her mentality began to slow down. change.Although she didn't say it, on the surface she showed indifference to Han Zixuan.

But the fact that she personally lent her luxury car as a birthday gift to Han Zixuan shows that she has an unusual affection for him. During the time when Han Zixuan was not around, He Lizi would occasionally be in a daze, which had never happened in the past .Today Han Zixuan deliberately let Bi Yunxi live in, the purpose is very simple, to test He Lizi's reaction, unexpectedly this girl is so restless.

Shen Hanyu sighed regretfully, Ye Tianyu asked in doubt: "Sister Yu, what's wrong with you, why are you sighing?"

"It's nothing, silly boy, stop staring, go to sleep, there are still many things to do tomorrow." Shen Hanyu looked at Ye Tianyu, they are all his good sisters, he must protect them completely intact, and he must not Let a wolf be carried away.

Ye Tianyu's childlike nature, it doesn't matter that I'm not sleepy, just to watch the excitement.

Shen Hanyu didn't say anything, went to the bathroom, and then went back to her room.

When Ye Tianyu stared until twelve o'clock, she almost couldn't help but fell asleep. She was sitting on the chair, her eyes were dazed, when suddenly a figure slid past, moving very fast, like lightning.She moved her body flexibly, came to the door, looked carefully, and there was nothing.

Bi Yunxi entered Han Zixuan's room and snickered softly: "That silly boy Tianyu is still staring at her, and He Lizi is really hurtful enough to order the silly girl around."

Han Zixuan secretly sent a text message to Bi Yunxi just now, and then Bi Yunxi came, but her movement was too fast, and Ye Tianyu's chaotic head couldn't stand it.

"Don't say it, it's very exciting, and it feels like cheating." Han Zixuan opened the quilt, Bi Yunxi took off his clothes, and lay down obediently.

Bi Yunxi covered her mouth and smiled: "It's really interesting, let's watch the excitement tomorrow morning."

He Lizi had something on her mind, and she didn't sleep well all night. During this night, she didn't know how many times she woke up in the middle of the night, and then came to the door to listen to the movement outside the door.Suddenly she realized her behavior, why on earth did I do this, after thinking about it, it was still the same reason, discordant voices are not allowed at home.

She came to Ye Tianyu's room early, saw that she was sleeping like a pig, and couldn't bear to disturb her, so she left again.Going to Bi Yunxi's room, he knocked on the door after hesitation, but there was no movement inside.

Shen Hanyu came out of the room after washing, she shook her head and looked at He Lizi and said: "Stop knocking, she has gone to Han Zixuan's room."

"Sister Yu, how do you know?"

Shen Hanyu waved: "Come in with me." He Lizi didn't understand, so she followed in.

When she saw the computer screen, she remembered that there was a camera at home, but only in the upstairs corridor. After midnight, Bi Yunxi entered Han Zixuan's room like a ghost.

"Lizi, look at you, your eye circles are dark, you must have not slept well yesterday." Shen Hanyu felt sorry for her, but she couldn't say too deeply, otherwise it would hurt her self-esteem.

He Lizi tried her best to argue: "It's okay, I slept well."

"Silly boy, don't be fooled by your thoughts. I can see that you like him. So you are very anxious to see him with other girls. "

No, Miss Yu, what are you talking nonsense about.He Lizi hastily retorted, saying that she was looking for Bi Yunxi to see if she was there, and concerned about whether she slept well last night. After all, she lived in our house, and as the master, I should take care of her.

"Then why do you keep Tianyu up in the middle of the night and watch the door for you?"

"I don't. I'm sure this girl likes peeping. She is afraid that others will say about her, so she deliberately framed me. Wait for me to teach her a lesson." He Lizi angrily scolded in her heart, little brat, little liar, I will fix you in a while.

Shen Hanyu hesitated and said: "Lizi, you are an adult and have the right to choose your own love. My sister reminds you to keep your eyes open. Some men are not worthy of your love. If you love them, you will regret it."

He Lizi was confused: "Sister Yu, what nonsense are you talking about? Could it be that you are in love? Elder sister, the three of us sisters must get married first. You are not too young, so hurry up and get married."

"I, I may never have love in my life." Shen Hanyu said quietly, and went downstairs to leave.

He Lizi understands everything, carefully recalling every word she said just now, could it be that she is really in love, it is absolutely impossible.

"Lazy pig, get up." He Lizi woke up Ye Tianyu, and stretched out her hand to pinch her pink face.

Ye Tianyu cried out in pain, dazedly: "Sister, my good sister, I stood guard for you last night. I was only [-]:[-] in the middle of the night, and I am dizzy now."

"I ask you, but there is something to gain."

There was no harvest, Bi Yunxi was very honest and stayed in his room all the time.Ye Tianyu suddenly became excited: "Sister Lizi, you are really right, she still has face, she dare not be too presumptuous."

"You pig's head, you really have a pig's head." He Lizi patted her hard angrily: "Bi Yunxi ran to Han Zixuan's room at twelve o'clock, your eyes are so big, what are you doing?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Come with me to Han Zixuan's room, and we'll catch him.He Lizi pulled Ye Tianyu and was about to knock on Han Zixuan's door, when Bi Yunxi pushed the door out, she smiled and said, "Good morning, both of you."

He Lizi glared at her, cursed shamelessly in her heart, and then rushed in, but Bi Yunxi blocked the door: "Sorry, Zixuan is getting dressed, it's not appropriate for you to go in."

He Lizi and Ye Tianyu were stunned, and Ye Tianyu pointed at her: "Bi Yunxi, I kept staring at you last night, why did you come in?"

"Silly boy, you might have fallen asleep at that time." Bi Yunxi smiled: "The eyes will be round in the future, don't be negligent."

He Lizi watched Bi Yunxi go to the bathroom, pushed open the door and broke in.Han Zixuan had long been dressed tidily, and was sitting comfortably looking at the scenery outside the window.

"Take it easy, this door belongs to your family, you don't feel bad if it breaks." Han Zixuan turned to look at her, and was startled when she saw that she turned into a black panda.

He Lizi told Ye Tianyu, "Search for me."

Ye Tianyu was confused: "Sister, Bi Yunxi has gone out, why are you searching?"

"Search for evidence." He Lizi said.

"What, evidence, what evidence." Ye Tianyu was even more confused. Although Han Zixuan had committed a crime, the prisoner was already in the house, so what evidence was needed.

He Lizi ignored her and searched the room, especially the trash can, but the room was spotless and there was no trash can at all.So I started digging through drawers and cabinets.

Han Zixuan was also surprised: "Lizi, what are you doing, why are you acting crazy."

Leave me alone, and then she ordered Tianyu to unfold the quilt, the evidence might be there.

Now Han Zixuan understood, my grandma, this girl took the wrong medicine.He hurriedly stopped Ye Tianyu: "Tianyu, hurry up and persuade your sister, she is crazy."

Ye Tianyu understood and agreed, and came to He Lizi: "Sister Lizi, don't be crazy, why don't you go to the hospital."

He Lizi didn't have any evidence, but she was still worried and asked Han Zixuan, "Give that to me."

"What." Han Zixuan didn't understand.

He Lizi stared at him resentfully: "Don't pretend to be with me, even the thing that is worn on your men's upper body, from today onwards, it will be completely destroyed."

Ye Tianyu stared at her ignorant eyes, feeling that the two of them were talking about riddles, the things on the man, oh, she understood, she was stunned immediately, and shouted: "Sister Lizi, you are not going to castrate Brother Zixuan, are you? No, a man will become a eunuch."

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