The campus is so cute

614 Sister-in-law, right and wrong

Han Zixuan and Guo Linghua returned home under everyone's envious and jealous eyes. Before reaching the door, Guo's family members came out to greet them. Guo Xiangtao's two sons came over with his wife and children from a distance, and held Han Zixuan and the two of them separately. hands in a warm welcome.

We are also very familiar with each other, exchanging warm greetings.Guo Linghua obviously wanted to see her sister more, she looked around for her slim figure with her beautiful eyes, but she couldn't find her among the welcoming crowd.Hey, it's strange, she is most looking forward to their return home, why is she not among the welcoming crowd.

"Big brother, second brother, little sister Susu, why don't you see her come to pick me up?"

The two elder brothers were also very puzzled, they were still there just now, who knows why the child disappeared in the blink of an eye.Han Zixuan was actually also searching for that figure, saying that he hadn't seen him for a long time, and he missed him very much.

When I finally met Guo Xiangtao, Guo Xiangtao had a kind smile on his square face. After meeting, he held Han Zixuan's hand tightly. Seeing his daughter's radiant face and knowing that she was doing very well, he felt relieved.

The room at home has been tidied up a long time ago. Guo Linghua's original room has been cleaned all the time, so he can live in it with a simple tidying up.Han Zixuan and Guo Linghua went back to the room to sort things out first, and then went to the living room to chat with the old man.

When the two returned to the room, Guo Linghua complained that this child, Susu, had no sense of sisterhood.I still have to be my elder sister to visit her in person, well, I'll go and have a look.

Guo Linghua asked Han Zixuan to rest for a while, and she went to find Susu.Han Zixuan nodded, and suddenly thought of his relationship with Susu, Guo Xiangtao only allowed the young lady to be betrothed to him, but he did not agree with Susu.Besides, Susu is still a student, if he knew that he also ate the little girl, the whole family wouldn't have skinned me.Therefore, he feels that he misses it, and he should pay attention to some of his actions.

Guo Lingsu knew what was going on outside. She was lying on the bed at the moment with many things on her mind.My mind is full of images of a person, and I really want to go out to see him, but I dare not.After all, he is her brother-in-law. If the relationship between the two of them is exposed a little bit, her father will definitely not spare them lightly.

Hearing the sound of footsteps outside, she basically concluded that it must be her sister, so she immediately closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

Guo Linghua opened the door and came in. First, she looked at the layout of the room, which was no different from before she left.I saw an exquisite figure lying on the bed, but her face was facing into the bed, revealing her round and plump buttocks.

Guo Linghua smiled, walked a few steps to the bed, then stretched out her hand and slapped the soft and round buttocks twice: "Stinky girl, you don't even come out to greet me, and you still let me be your sister Come to see you."

"Ah, I hate it." Guo Lingsu hurriedly covered her butt, then turned around and said with a face of shame: "Sister, you are getting more and more obscene, touching other people's places casually."

Then she pretended to yawn: "I came back so soon, I remember I was home at night. Sister, I'm sorry, I remembered the wrong time."

Guo Linghua didn't bother to worry about it, she sat by the bed and looked at this younger sister carefully, she hadn't seen her for a few months, she seemed to have matured a bit, and the original immature feeling was gradually diminishing.At the same time, Guo Lingsu was also examining her sister, and found that her sister was becoming more and more attractive, so that even a girl like her couldn't help but be deeply attracted.

During this period of time, she read a lot of love novels, which described that once a woman experienced the nourishment of love, her skin would get better and her temperament would also change.In short, it is becoming more and more feminine. Now my sister is at the peak of a woman. It seems that her love is very sweet. I can't help it, she feels a bit savory.

The two sisters chatted, and soon regained their previous enthusiasm. There seemed to be endless topics between the sisters.

Guo Lingsu finally brought the topic to Han Zixuan slowly: "Sister, it seems that my brother-in-law treats you well, is the relationship between you very good?"

"Of course, my sister is very happy. The happiest thing in my life is meeting him." Guo Linghua said here with a radiant happiness on her face, which caused Susu on the opposite side to feel uneasy.

"Sister, don't post about your happiness, let me envy you." Guo Lingsu complained.

"Hee hee, you are still a child now, what is there to envy. In a few years, you will also meet your love." Guo Linghua suddenly said: "By the way, I bought a lot of gifts, hurry to my room, I'll take you to see it."

"Really, then I have to take a look." Guo Lingsu immediately cheered up, followed Guo Linghua out of bed, and then went to her sister's room.

Pushing away from her sister's room, Guo Lingsu suddenly froze because she saw Han Zixuan.

Han Zixuan drove all the way. Nanhai is not too far from Suzhou and Hangzhou. After driving for five or six hours, he felt a little tired.And he will definitely drink and eat later, he intends to refresh himself, so he took off his coat and lay down on Guo Linghua's bed with only a short sleeve on.

When Guo Linghua saw Han Zixuan, she immediately walked over with distress, and carefully covered him with a blanket.Han Zixuan woke up suddenly, took the blanket and said hooliganically, "Honey, why don't we sleep together, I'm boring by myself."

"Baby, my sister is here." Guo Linghua knocked off his wolf hand that was trying to grab her, looking a bit coy.

Han Zixuan was stunned immediately, turned around and saw a pretty figure at the door, hurriedly sat up from the bed, and said dryly: "Susu is here, school is over."

Seeing his cold tone, Guo Lingsu felt very uncomfortable.But so what, after all, the relationship between the two is shady.And if I have feelings, he probably has forgotten me long ago.

"Brother-in-law, hello." Guo Lingsu said bluntly.

Han Zixuan felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, so he said that he was tired, I rested, and you sisters chatted casually, he lay on the bed again, and turned his body around.

Guo Linghua observed the subtle reactions between the two of them, and found nothing, so she felt a little relieved.Before she came back, she often tortured Han Zixuan, whether she was having trouble with her sister, but Han Zixuan refused to admit it, and claimed that he was not interested in children.She herself was dubious, and her return this time happened to be a good time for a new confirmation.

Guo Linghua took out her sister's favorite little gift, but she found that Susu was not in a good mood, so she went back to her room after not staying for a while.

Where can Han Zixuan fall asleep, there are many worries in his heart, how to deal with the relationship with his sister-in-law is indeed a difficult problem.First of all, I am determined not to get too close to her. I can control it, but Susu may not be able to. Once she reveals her feelings, Guo Linghua and the others will definitely be able to see it.Yes, I must be cold and hard-hearted.

Soon, when it was time to eat, Han Zixuan and the two were called over.Guo Linghua reminded him not to drink too much, after dinner, we still have important things to do in the afternoon.

Han Zixuan asked confusedly, "What are the arrangements for this afternoon?"

"Take me back to my in-law's house, I want to be the first." Guo Linghua said with joy in her eyes.

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