The campus is so cute

615 see in-laws

When eating at the wine table, the whole family sits together naturally and happily, and the atmosphere is very happy.Of course some people are not very happy, of course it is Guo Lingsu, although the person is there, but the heart does not know where it flew.Of course, Han Zixuan was the main focus today, and no one would pay special attention to Guo Lingsu.

Guo Lingsu obviously didn't have much thought about eating, so she left after eating a little.The rest of the people still ate well, the two uncles finally caught Han Zixuan, how can they drink less, they will definitely pour him down.But at the end of the drink, except for Han Zixuan, everyone else collapsed.

Guo Xiangtao is old, so of course he can't drink too much, so after drinking afternoon tea, he called the two of them to the living room to chat again, and asked Han Zixuan to stay at home for a few more days, at least ten days and a half a month.

Guo Linghua said coquettishly: "Dad, we don't have that much time, and Zixuan is very busy. To be honest, he was the first one to visit you, so let's do it to you."

Of course Guo Xiangtao has face, he knows Han Zixuan's true identity, and he would be amused when he thinks about it. He went on the wrong path in the first half of his life, but he didn't expect that in his later years, the Guo family would become even stronger in the future.

After chatting for a while, Han Zixuan said that he would go out in the afternoon and visit Shangguan's house. He had a good friend Shangguan Fei, and he planned to take Linghua to visit my parents.

Guo Xiangtao immediately became excited when he heard this, and immediately ordered people to prepare gifts, how could he be negligent.Guo Linghua Zizi said that she had already made preparations, so don't worry about that.

"Linghua, I won't say anything unnecessary. You are very sensible, and you must know what to do. Remember, you can't embarrass the Guo family, let alone Zixuan." Guo Xiangtao blessed and exhorted.

Guo Linghua waved her hand: "I know what to do." She made preparations for presents, and at the end she didn't forget to visit the younger sister, who was resting in the room.

I came up to care and asked her that she didn't have a good appetite when she ate just now. Seeing that you didn't eat much, these dishes are all your favorite flavors.

Guo Lingsu rubbed her head and said, "I feel a little tired recently. The school is approaching the end of the year and the exam is coming. I have to review and read every day, so I don't eat a lot."

"Oh, then you must pay more attention to your body, you are the future talented woman of our family." Guo Linghua patted her on the shoulder: "Sister, go out for a walk in the afternoon, do you want to go with me?"

"Shopping." Guo Lingsu's eyes showed excitement, after all, it is every girl's nature to love beauty and love shopping.

"No, I was a little nervous when I said it. I went to see Zixuan's parents." Guo Linghua's brows were full of joy.

Guo Lingsu felt a burst of disappointment in her heart when she heard this, her sister was going to see brother Zixuan's parents, but what about me.But she immediately showed an excited smile, wishing her sister a good performance.

"Since I'm going to see my brother-in-law's parents, I won't go. It's not suitable." Guo Lingsu said that even if I wanted to go, brother Zixuan probably wouldn't agree.

Guo Linghua originally hoped that the two sisters would go together and be her companions.Since her younger sister didn't want to go, she wouldn't force her, and told her to rest well, so she left Susu's room and came to the yard.

Han Zixuan opened the car door and told her to get in the car quickly. The two were very happy, holding hands was watched by the second lady who was standing by the window and watching. The second lady was very sad, and then she fell on the bed and covered her face with a quilt. The body couldn't help shaking.

Soon, the two arrived at Shangguan's house, and everything went smoothly.In the end, Han Zixuan told his aunt Wang Yunqing that he wanted to meet his parents.

Since Zhao Zekai faked his death and left the capital last time, they returned to Suzhou and Hangzhou.Of course, everything was kept secret. When they returned to Suhang, they lived in Shangguan's house. Everything was very peaceful. The ground in Suhang had no idea that the No. [-] head of the country was here, and it still appeared in this form.

Wang Yunqing personally led the way, twisted and turned around Shangguan's house, and finally came to a house.Han Zixuan carefully looked at the environment here, and it should be said that the security measures are absolutely fine.

Just talking about the Shangguan family, it is the object of the state's key protection, and there are even troops outside to coordinate protection.There are all their own bodyguards inside, with layers of protection, and there is no problem with safety.

"What is the chief doing recently?" Han Zixuan asked.

Wang Yunqing said: "I don't know about this, but I haven't gone out since I came here. But I believe that he will not ignore it. He must be operating in secret, and he will definitely not let his opponent's tricks succeed. "

This is a very luxurious villa. When Han Zixuan and the others came in, they found that Zhao Zekai was on the phone, and Wang Yunzhu was watching TV in the living room.

When Wang Yunzhu saw Han Zixuan coming, he immediately jumped up from the sofa, but he didn't know what to say.Zhao Zekai's eyes seemed to be very calm, he just nodded at him, and continued to speak into the microphone.

The atmosphere seemed a bit awkward, but Guo Linghua didn't care, came to Wang Yunzhu, and called out sweetly "Mom".

Wang Yunzhu was stunned for a moment, then understood in an instant, and a smile bloomed on his face.She had met this young lady of the Guo family, and at that time she felt that this woman was excellent, and only her own Zixuan could match her.And I remember that time when we were having dinner, the two of them looked weird, it turned out that they were in a relationship.

"I remember your name is Linghua. Look at you. You are so beautiful. Zixuan is so lucky." Wang Yunzhu took Guo Linghua's hand, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

Guo Linghua said happily: "Mom, I bought some gifts for you and Dad, and I don't know if you will like them. But this is a little wish from us, I hope you will accept it."

"Of course I like the gift, as long as it is given by you, we all like it." Wang Yunzhu looked at Zhao Zekai who was talking on the phone, showing a happy smile.

Han Zixuan saw that his wife was really familiar, but it was good, so as not to make the atmosphere too stiff.Although Han Zixuan has admitted in his heart that they are his parents, but when facing them, he is still a stranger, and it is really difficult to open his mouth.

At this time, Zhao Zekai finished the phone call and came over with a smile: "Zixuan, bring your wife to give us New Year greetings, you boy, you are so vulgar, but I like it."

Zhao Zekai took a bottle of Wuliangye casually and said excitedly, "My father and I made it tonight."

"Okay, but I'm afraid you are not my opponent for drinking." Han Zixuan said without humility.

"That's not necessarily the case, this really needs Bibi to know." Zhao Zekai's eyes were full of tenderness, and then he turned his head to look at Wang Yunzhu with a hard look.

Wang Yunzhu understood immediately, and took Guo Linghua's hand: "Linghua, go to the room with Mom, I also prepared a gift for you."

Guo Linghua excitedly followed and left. Of course she understood that Han Zixuan and Zhao Zekai must have something important to say, and she also had a task, so she must take good care of this noble but ordinary mother-in-law in front of her.

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