The campus is so cute

629 Not suitable for skinning

A blush suddenly appeared on Lin Xiaolan's beautiful face, she lowered her head and whispered, "I know, you did it on purpose to show Su Youlun."

Oh, Han Zixuan immediately became curious.

Lin Xiaolan suddenly showed a look of embarrassment and indignation: "To be honest, let me tell you the truth with An Ran. Su Youlun's grandson has no good intentions. He called us to sleep with you, and asked us to secretly record the video."

In fact, Han Zixuan has already guessed that the truth is close to ten. Su Youlun really took great pains to achieve his goal.

At this moment, An Ran completely stood on Lin Xiaolan's position and added: "Yes, these are all requested by Su Youlun, and this is a small video recorder." She took the evidence out of her satchel.

Han Zixuan pretended to be nervous: "No way, what is he going to do?"

An Ran hurriedly said: "Obviously, he intends to use these videos against you. As for the purpose, I don't know."

Lin Xiaolan looked at Han Zixuan's disguise, and reminded: "An Ran, you really think that Young Master Han is a fool. In fact, he knows it in his heart, but he just deliberately played a play with Su Youlun." Then she looked at Han Zixuan: "You You must know that I am Su Youlun's girlfriend, so you named me on purpose."

Han Zixuan shook his head and said he didn't know, he just saw that you were pretty, so he had some thoughts in his mind.

Lin Xiaolan smiled: "But I want to thank you for letting me know what a beast is, and for letting me realize that the behavior of our sisters today is shameful. Han Shao, I will not participate in the battle between you and Su Youlun. But I hope you can win, and in the end, you must teach this scumbag a lesson and avenge the majority of sisters."

"Look at what you said, I just came out to drink and meet girls, how come I became a hero." Han Zixuan waved his hand: "Well, since you insist on leaving, I won't stop you."

Lin Xiaolan and An Ran showed expressions of gratitude, and expressed their thanks to him one after another.Suddenly Lin Xiaolan made a surprising move, she ran to Han Zixuan and kissed him on the cheek: "It's a reward for you, it's not easy for you to have an affair for the first time, you can't get nothing, right? "

Seeing this, An Ran imitated Lin Xiaolan and kissed Han Zixuan on the other cheek: "Master Han, thank you."

Han Zixuan couldn't laugh or cry, could this be the legendary slap on a sweet date.But reciprocity, he reminded, what if Su Youlun sees you when you go downstairs, he will definitely be suspicious.

Yes, An Ran stopped Lin Xiaolan immediately, the key is that she didn't get any video, I'm afraid Su Youlun would not be satisfied.

Lin Xiaolan looked at Han Zixuan with an expectant expression: "Since you said so, you must have a way."

Han Zixuan said kindly: "Okay, I'll throw out my old face and don't want it. When the time comes, you will say that my ability is not good enough."

An Ran and An Ran looked at each other, this is too cruel.

An Ran came to Han Zixuan's side, and asked with a pair of innocent big eyes: "Master Han, there must be something wrong with you."

"What's the matter, do you know how to cure it?" Han Zixuan asked mischievously.

Lin Xiaolan hurriedly pulled An Ran back, apologizing to Han Zixuan, the two quickly left the room, and came to the corridor Lin Xiaolan complained about An Ran, what are you talking about.It's not easy for us to escape from the tiger's mouth, what will happen if Han Zixuan repents.

What a pity, people don't like us at all.An Ran sighed: "At first I expected to be a mistress, but I didn't live up to it."

"Yes, you and I should stop dreaming. From now on, we must live a down-to-earth life and be worthy of our conscience." Lin Xiaolan was filled with emotion.

"Yeah, I really gained a lot this time. By the way, what about Zhuoya? Can that Lu Fangping be easy to talk to?" An Ran said worriedly.

Lin Xiaolan said that she was most worried about Deng Jiajia, and she must have been bullied so badly.

In another room, Lu Fangping was having sex, while Zhuo Ya was moaning beneath him, and at the same time quietly recorded the scene of the two making love.

Of course, the most miserable one is Deng Jiajia. I thought that I don’t need to be a company, as long as I drink and drink with the boss, I will be acquainted. Who would have thought that in the box, Su Youlun and Lian Chengzhao, two beasts, almost used the method of sex. Deng Jiajia is disabled.

After Su Youlun finished venting, he went to wait in the lobby on the first floor.

Han Zixuan also thought of Lu Fangping, should he be reminded? Think about it, Lu Fangping is actually a nice person, if Su Youlun took advantage of him, it would be too sad.

So he got dressed, came to Lu Fangping's room, knocked on the door, and claimed that the police were prostitution.

In the room, Lu Fangping and Zhuo Ya were immediately petrified, and hurriedly put on their clothes.Lu Fangping suddenly understood that he was framed by Su Youlun.Zhuo Ya also became worried, once she entered the police station, her future would be completely ruined.

Han Zixuan kept knocking on the door, threatening and intimidating.

Lu Fangping asked Zhuo Ya to go to the bathroom immediately, and hide in it not to come out.Zhuo Ya hurriedly followed the instructions and rushed into the bathroom.

Lu Fangping calmed down, and then came to open the door.When he saw Han Zixuan standing at the door, there was no one else, so he immediately clenched his fists and planned to beat him up.

Han Zixuan immediately made a silent gesture and asked, "Where's Miss Zhuo?"

Lu Fangping snorted coldly: "Where is the bathroom, Brother Han, you can make trouble like this, you scared me to death."

"Fuck, you really did it, the son of the dignified party secretary really went whoring." Han Zixuan said in shock.

Lu Fangping asked him to keep his voice down: "Stop talking about me, didn't you do it too?"

"I didn't do it, otherwise how could it be done so quickly." Han Zixuan shook his head, thinking to himself that this Lu Fangping is really big-hearted.

Han Zixuan came to the bed and found the pocket video recorder. Seeing the scene of a man and a woman moaning in the video, he couldn't help admiring: "Brother Lu, isn't it good? You are very skilled."

Lu Fangping immediately understood that Zhuo Ya must have done it, she must not have the guts, and Su Youlun was behind it.Of course, the purpose of Su Youlun's doing this is also obvious. He covered his forehead: "I'm a little dizzy and confused after drinking."

"Brother, you are so loyal, thank you for saving me." Lu Fangping held Han Zixuan's hand.

Han Zixuan let go of his hands and asked wonderingly: "I really doubt your IQ, you will make this little mistake."

"You didn't make trouble. You are not afraid of playing Shuangfei, so I thought there should be nothing wrong. But you are too insidious, you didn't even give me a warning beforehand."

Han Zixuan picked up the video recorder and was about to put it in his pocket, but Lu Fangping hurriedly reached out to snatch it: "Brother, don't do this, it's not normal."

Han Zixuan smiled, and then squeezed hard, the video recorder broke immediately, he smiled: "Don't worry, I won't tell your father, it's not easy for you, being a good man at home is a habit, first If you were caught cheating the first time, it must have left a brand in your heart. But please be careful, and be careful when you cheat next time."

Lu Fangping hehe said: "I have been taught, by the way, what's your situation, why did you brake halfway."

"Hey, I'm not feeling well today, and it's not suitable for running skin."

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