The campus is so cute

630 Check panties

Lu Fangping thanked Han Zixuan for his help. If the video of him coming out to have fun fell into the hands of his father's rival, the consequences would be disastrous.He held Han Zixuan's hand tightly, not knowing what to say.

"Speaking of which, I ruined your good deed, but I actually feel really sorry." Han Zixuan said modestly.

Lu Fangping suddenly understood why his father let him get acquainted with Han Zixuan. It was actually a learning opportunity.

Lu Fangping called Zhuo Ya out, Zhuo Ya knew that the matter had been revealed, she was frightened out of her wits, and told the truth, she was forced to do nothing, it was Su Youlun who forced her.

Han Zixuan felt that it was not easy for the little girls in these TV stations. Lin Xiaolan was able to repent at the critical moment and persuaded An Ran to brake.But not everyone's qualities are the same, presumably they are not too bad women in nature.

Lu Fangping didn't care about it either, and asked Zhuo Ya to pack up and leave here, and reminded her not to do such things in the future, if she wants to be famous and succeed in her career, she can't rely on cleverness.

When Zhuo Ya left, Han Zixuan laughed and scolded that you really know how to pretend, but you are better than me, no matter what, you really went whoring, and it was fun.

That's enough, don't make fun of me, I really don't dare to do it next time.Lu Fangping planned to invite Han Zixuan to go out for a good drink. Han Zixuan said that there must be a good show waiting for them downstairs.

Seeing that Lin Xiaolan and An Ran came out so quickly, Su Youlun was puzzled and hurried over to ask how things were going.

Lin Xiaolan was extremely angry, the humiliation in her heart burst out at this moment, and she didn't know where the courage came from, so she slapped Su Youlun twice.

An Ran covered her mouth and stood aside, she didn't expect Lan Jie to have such great courage.Su Youlun was stunned for a few seconds, staring at Lin Xiaolan with his hot face covered.

Lin Xiaolan said Su Youlun, you are a scumbag, we will not have any contact from now on, please don't harass me in the future, otherwise I will expose today's scandal to the public.

Su Youlun didn't dare to make the matter known to everyone, he glared at Lin Xiaolan fiercely, then looked at An Ran and asked what was going on.

An Ran was afraid of angering Su Youlun, so she had no choice but to say that after we went in, everything was in accordance with your requirements.But I didn't expect that Young Master Han was impotent, we had no choice but to come out.

Su Youlun laughed out loud when he heard this, that's why.He believed that An Ran would not lie to him, nor did he have the guts.Then Xiaolan must be angry with me because of what happened just now, Su Youlun hurriedly approached Lin Xiaolan, and said soft words, he did not behave properly today, but there is no way, Han Zixuan is the scum, he insists on messing with you Don't be mad at the thought that he's going to die in the end, baby.

Lin Xiaolan didn't want to talk nonsense with this kind of person, so she pulled An Ran and walked out of the hotel.

Lian Chengzhao came over, saw Su Youlun beaming, and asked what was going on, could everything be settled.

Su Youlun said that he was happier than getting it done. Do you know that Han Zixuan is incompetent, and he pretended to be aggressive with me just now, insisting on a double flight.

Lian Chengzhao, on the other hand, was a little calm, and took a closer look: "You Lun, I don't think so. You saw Che Zhenmen that day. He is very strong and powerful. How can he be incompetent? I think this There must be some tricks in the matter, I guess Lin Xiaolan must quit halfway through, and Han Zixuan probably got drunk, so this matter will fall through."

Su Youlun was quite upset: "What do you mean, my woman escaped, you don't seem to be happy about it."

To be honest, Su Youlun didn't want Lin Xiaolan to share with other men either.Lian Chengzhao wanted to have a fight several times, but was rejected by Su Youlun. For this reason, the two had a lot of differences. Lian Chengzhao felt that Su Youlun was not loyal enough to a buddy, and he could share his own horse without reservation. , you, Su Youlun, are so stingy.

In Lian Chengzhao's world view, what a woman is is to be played by a man.That's why this guy doesn't take women seriously, so he is very generous, especially with Su Youlun as a buddy, and takes the initiative to share his girlfriend.

Lian Chengzhao pouted: "You Lun, I also saw the slap you received just now. There was a complete split between you and Lin Xiaolan. I think Lin Xiaolan fell into the arms of other men, such as Han Zixuan. Han Zixuan is more handsome than you There is an advantage, the Guo family's ability is no worse than that of your mayor Lao Tzu, so Lin Xiaolan is very likely to change her mind."

Su Youlun felt that Lian Chengzhao's analysis made sense, and immediately took out his phone, but Lin Xiaolan refused to answer the phone, he was very angry.

Zhuo Ya also came out at this time, and Su Youlun stood there with a sullen face.

Zhuo Ya didn't dare to lie, she explained the truth, and asked Su Youlun for forgiveness, it's not that she didn't follow the rules, if you don't believe me, you can go to the room in the building to check, there is evidence inside.

Su Youlun waved her away and warned her not to talk nonsense.

"Well, I guessed it right. Lin Xiaolan betrayed you and told Han Zixuan the truth, so Han Zixuan went to inform Lu Fangping. You Lun, you are too bad this time. You lost your wife and lost your army." Lian Chengzhao made sarcastic remarks on the sidelines.

Su Youlun stomped his feet vigorously, and could only sulk secretly.

What happened in the downstairs hall fell into the eyes of Lu Fangping and the two of them. They looked at each other and couldn't help laughing wildly.

When the two came downstairs, Su Youlun and Lian Chengzhao were still pretending to be cold and warm.

Lu Fangping only said it was great and thanked You Lun for his hospitality.

Han Zixuan was still not satisfied, and took Su Youlun's hand: "Brother, I really thank you. I really answered that sentence. A wife is worse than a concubine, and a concubine is worse than a thief. And thank you for arranging those two ladies, who are fair and tender, especially the ones below. Is the abalone fresh, thank you, and I’m leaving.”

Su Youlun and Lian Chengzhao were very angry, and when they returned to the box, they could only vent their desires to Deng Jiajia.

When Han Zixuan returned home, he didn't expect his sister-in-law to be there, and his wife and sister-in-law interrogated him with a straight face.

Guo Lingsu went to Han Zixuan's side and smelled it, and immediately said displeased: "Sister, there is a situation, he smells of other women's perfume, and there is more than one person."

Guo Linghua looked at Han Zixuan with a smile, but said nothing.

Han Zixuan hastily explained that there was indeed a lady serving him while drinking, but he didn't do anything, he just drank some wine.

"Lie, I don't believe it." Guo Lingsu looked like a housekeeper, glared at Han Zixuan fiercely, and asked him to show proof.

How to prove it, Han Zixuan asked Guo Linghua for help.

Guo Linghua still believed in Han Zixuan, and planned to spare him, but Guo Lingsu firmly disagreed, pulled her sister aside, and demanded that he must be checked, this kind of thing can't be ignored.

"Susu, why do you look like his wife, you are more worried than me." Guo Linghua stared at her younger sister's pink face and said in a suspicious tone.

Guo Lingsu snorted: "Sister, what nonsense are you talking about, I'm completely thinking of you. You may not understand the situation, Su Youlun and the others are not good cakes, and brother-in-law may really do bad things by messing with them. You must not relax."

Guo Linghua couldn't hold back her younger sister, and to be honest, she felt quite awkward, so she asked, "How to check."

Su Su immediately said: "Of course I checked the underwear to see if there is anything left on it."

"Susu, you really know a lot." Guo Linghua's eyes were gentle but seemed to pierce Susu's heart with lethal force.

Guo Lingsu was a little flustered: "It's all said by the superior, and I don't know if it's right."

"The above said, why, maybe you have a boyfriend."

"No, I don't have a boyfriend." Susu became anxious: "Sister, I was wrong, I shouldn't sneak up on the ** website, but after all, I am also an adult, is it normal to be curious?"

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