The campus is so cute

644 Dream Comes into Reality

Lian He Nian asked his son to first confirm whether what the women on the TV station said was true. In front of his father, Lian Chengzhao could not be false at all, but this boy threw all the questions to Su Youlun, and he himself Mostly it is an accomplice, and all the things are planned by Su Youlun.

Even He Nian didn't understand why Su Youlun and the others targeted Lu Fangping and Han Zixuan in the hotel.

Even Chengzhao blamed Su Youlun for coveting the beauty of Suzhou and Hangzhou, Guo Linghua, trying to make something happen, but things turned out to be self-defeating, which led to today's situation.

He was more concerned about Su Youlun's injury, and even He Nian shook his head and frowned even more deeply: "It's horrible, severely disabled, and the key point is that it will be inhumane in the future. The other party directly cut Su Youlun's lower body with a knife. Who did he offend? So ruthless."

Lian Chengzhao was terrified when he heard this. He hoped that his father could investigate and deal with the murderer as soon as possible.

Lian He Nian asked him about Deng Jiajia, whether there was such a thing.

Lian Chengzhao said that it was just for fun, and that these women from the TV station originally hoped to hold our thighs to achieve the goal of being superior, so what they said was purely false.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. I heard that Deng Jiajia is still recuperating at home. Use this time, you go to Deng Jiajia, and you must keep an eye on this woman. If it doesn't work, you can spend some money. You understand me I mean, can you handle it?" Lian He Nian looked at his son gloomyly.

Lian Chengzhao pondered, "Dad, why don't I just marry Deng Jiajia, which will save me trouble. When this incident is over, I'll kick her again."

Although his son's suggestion was too **** and inhumane, Lian He Nian couldn't help but admire that he was still a bit smart, and asked him if he had confidence.

Lian Chengzhao hehe said, no problem, just wait for the good news.

Even He Nian breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Deng Jiajia didn't come out to testify, then it doesn't matter what Lin Xiaolan and the others say. The rest are Lu Fangping and Han Zixuan. Thinking of Su Youlun's murder, the two are the biggest suspects.

"Cheng Zhao, who do you think has the guts to attack Su Youlun in Suzhou and Hangzhou?"

Lian Chengzhao knew that his father had an idea, and he immediately said: "I think Han Zixuan probably did this, because the conflict between him and Su Youlun is more direct. Besides, Lu Fangping is relatively calm, so he definitely won't do anything. An act of murder."

Even He Nian analyzed it in this way, but now there is no evidence, not even a little bit of evidence, which is too surprising.And about Han Zixuan, he really didn't know much, he just knew that he was Guo Xiangtao's son-in-law, and the rest was blank.

About this person, you have seen, what kind of person he is.

Regarding his father's question, Lian Chengzhao thought hard for a long time: "I can't tell, but he is definitely not an ordinary character, otherwise the Guo family would not choose him. Besides, Dad, I have to remind you that this guy seems very powerful .”

How do you know that, Lian He Nian asked curiously.

Lian Chengzhao mentioned that Su Youlun posted an indecent video of Han Zixuan and Guo Linghua, but he didn't expect that in just a few minutes, the other party was hacked, completely hacked.This incident happened the day before Youlun was killed. It happened by coincidence. If you think about it carefully, there must be a close connection during this period.

Even He Nian didn't expect so many things to happen here, but everything is inference.

"Okay, I basically understand the situation, you have to be honest and quiet for me recently."

"I know, I'll be obedient." Lian Chengzhao really didn't dare to keep talking, but thinking of this case, he raised doubts: "Dad, one is Uncle Su, and the other is the Guo family. Who should you choose, you must have an idea in your heart, don't lose your future because of this."

Even He Nian is old and cunning, how can he not understand what his son means.

After Lian Chengzhao got off work at noon, he wanted to find Deng Jiajia, and this matter could not be delayed.He asked people from the TV station to find Deng Jiajia's address, and then went directly to Deng Jiajia to buy flowers and diamond rings.

Deng Jiajia is not from Suzhou and Hangzhou. Her hometown is a remote town in Hunan. It is not easy for her family to support her in college.After graduating, she stayed in Suzhou and Hangzhou and entered a TV station. Of course, she always longed to be able to stand out and be famous at home and abroad.

But when she entered the TV station, she knew how difficult it was, and she had to work hard if she wanted to be famous.Especially women, young and beautiful women, if there is no backstage promotion at home, they can only exchange their own ** for a little benefit.

Since joining the job for more than a year, she has also betrayed herself several times, eating, drinking and having fun with some local officials in Suzhou and Hangzhou, but they don't take her seriously at all. She is still a small editor and has not appeared on the screen. , of course she was distressed.

So she was very confused, every time when those old men pushed her back and forth, she felt sick, and she had to rush to the bathroom to rinse well after finishing, hoping that her soul could be washed, comforting herself, she was still a Pure girl.

But after the incident, life continued, and she was still Deng Jiajia who did odd jobs.A few days ago, Lin Xiaolan introduced Su Youlun and the others. She was actually hesitant, but her good sisters were gone, so she followed.After coming, she regretted it and refused to sleep with her at that time.

But how could she have thought that her fate was even more tragic. She didn't dare to recall that night, it was very painful, and then she asked for leave to rest. Fortunately, she had a good sister who kept calling to comfort her, otherwise she really didn't know what to do.

In the past few days, she has been thinking about a question. She is not famous at all. Stop holding those unrealistic fantasies. From now on, she will live an honest life and honor her parents. So I quit my job at the TV station and started again in another place.

At that moment, Lian Chengzhao appeared, holding flowers and a diamond ring, like a prince charming from heaven appearing in front of her.Then this guy launched his offensive to pick up girls, first he sincerely apologized, then sincerely confessed, and then expressed his attitude that he wanted to marry her as his wife.

Deng Jiajia couldn't believe her ears, and when she finally saw Lian Chengzhao kneeling at the door of her house, her mind became active.He opened the door and fell into his arms.

Lian Chengzhao sighed in his heart, this bastard woman is too granny to be deceived.

Deng Jiajia also had more thoughts and asked the two to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register their marriage immediately.Lian Chengzhao really gave up his blood and promised to register for marriage.However, the wedding may take a while. After all, the matter of the two of them came too suddenly, and it will take a period of time to adjust.

After that, the two successfully registered their marriage.Deng Jiajia still found it unbelievable. Holding the marriage certificate, she looked at Lian Chengzhao: "Chengzhao, am I dreaming?"

"No, I really love you."

Deng Jiajia knew that Lian Chengzhao didn't really love her, but of course she couldn't refuse such a good thing from heaven, because it was an opportunity.Besides, the certificate is genuine, so even if she gets divorced in the future, can she still get half of the property.Of course, she is still sitting on the dream, all these dreams are reflected in reality, God finally saved me.

Such a good thing, of course Deng Jiajia wanted to share it with her good sisters, but when she found out that the sisters were all in the police station, she asked Cheng Zhao what was going on.

Lian Chengzhao said that Su Youlun was assassinated and they were under investigation.Deng Jiajia was anxious and asked to see them immediately.

"Okay, you go. And when you get there, help me persuade them not to be too stubborn."

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