The campus is so cute

645 stunning effects

The three of Lin Xiaolan had been in the police station for a day, and they understood that this was the other party's trick, so they were detained for 48 hours.During this period, Wang Zongren came several times and used threats and intimidation tactics, hoping that the three of them would not talk nonsense.

The three of them were not afraid, since this was a police station anyway, they didn't dare to do anything too extreme, they would stay for another day at most before going out.

But here, the life of the three of them is of course difficult. They are worried whether the TV station will fire them once they go out, because Wang Zongren threatened the three of them with this.Lin Xiaolan didn't fear power at all at this time, so she ignored those things. Now she really wanted to see Han Zixuan, tell him what happened here, and hope that he would help her.

But the mobile phone has been confiscated by the police, and there is no chance for them to make a call.

Zhuo Ya and An Ran also calmed down at this time, they are small people, and there is no reason to delay their future life because of Su Youlun's crap.The two advised Lin Xiaolan not to be too stubborn, and to keep her mouth quiet after she went out, so as not to cause trouble.

Lin Xiaolan knew the hearts of the two of them, and understood them: "It's okay, I have my own plans for this matter. After you go out, you can work in peace."

The two anxiously asked her what she was thinking, Lin Xiaolan's eyes showed a bright light, and she said mysteriously: "I won't tell you."

"Sister Lan, I can't figure out what you are doing now. I had a private date with Han Zixuan for dinner, and rekindled my old relationship with Su Youlun. When did you become so bohemian?" An Ran joked, anyway, in It's too stuffy here.

Zhuo Ya also nodded hurriedly and asked her what happened.

Lin Xiaolan said that she has nothing to do with Han Zixuan at all, and besides, you all saw the meal, and his wife was watching, so I had no chance to do anything.

An Ran asked vigorously: "Hee hee, let's confess, so you also have the same idea, and you still blame me."

"I'm not as shameless as you. I took the initiative to flatter you, and I was finally kicked out of the car by Han Shao. It's too embarrassing." Lin Xiaolan poked her forehead with her hand: "Okay, I thought about it, after we go out, We must find Jiajia and make her stand up and identify those two shameless men, anyway, I stand with her."

Ah, Zhuo Ya and An Ran's eyes widened, and they couldn't help muttering in their hearts, does Jia Jia have the guts?

At this time, a policewoman came here and said that their colleague Deng Jiajia had come and asked to see the three of them.The three women were surprised and delighted at the same time.

When the three of them saw Deng Jiajia, they were immediately dumbfounded, because Deng Jiajia had changed too much. Speaking of which, her appearance was relatively backward among the four women, and of course she could be considered a beauty. That is the definition of beauty today. Too simple.

Deng Jiajia's appearance is not as beautiful as Lin Xiaolan's, her body is not as slender as Zhuo Ya's, and her temperament is not as good as An Ran's seduction of women. The only thing that stands out is that her skin is very fair, and her facial features are not very prominent.But with her fair face and her pure smile, there is still a little market.

But today, Deng Jiajia has changed a lot. She put on makeup and achieved amazing results, which can even be described as stunning.Of course, these are not important. Once a woman puts on makeup, she can indeed change.The key is the temperament of her clothes, the nobility and elegance revealed, which surprised them.

"Jiajia, are you okay?" Lin Xiaolan asked with concern.

An Ran stared at Deng Jiajia's dress, which was worth at least tens of thousands of yuan, and said incredulously, "Jiajia, you have developed."

Zhuo Ya looked at Deng Jiajia with aloofness and sourness on her brows: "Jiajia, I haven't seen you for a few days, it's impressive."

Deng Jiajia was originally very modest among the four of them, but today she spoke with a cold arrogance: "Everyone, how are you doing?"

Lin Xiaolan felt something different, and hurriedly asked: "Jiajia, what's wrong with you, and this suit on you, is it yours?"

"Hahaha, of course it's mine." Deng Jiajia showed a smug smile: "By the way, I originally wanted to visit you at work today, but I didn't expect you to be here. I will report a happy event to you, about me."

The happy event surprised several people, guessing in their hearts that it must have something to do with Deng Jiajia's change at the moment.

"I'm married." Deng Jiajia still said in a proud tone.

Married, several people look at each other, of course I think it is impossible.You were bullied by two hooligans just now, you are still in recuperation, and now you are married, what a lie.

An Ran hurriedly asked: "Who are you marrying and who is your husband?"

"Well, anyway, you will know sooner or later, my husband is a big shot, a well-known young master in Suzhou and Hangzhou."

The first person the three associate with is Han Zixuan, because all three of them have more or less inappropriate thoughts about him, and they simply think that Deng Jiajia is the same as them.But he immediately denied it. Han Zixuan has a wife, even if he takes care of his mistress, we can't do it, let alone you.

Lin Xiaolan suddenly had a premonition of something, and there was a rumble in her mind, it could be him.

"Okay, I'll just say it directly. My husband is Lian Chengzhao. We have already obtained the certificate. The wedding will be held in a few days. You should come and join us." Deng Jiajia actually took out her marriage certificate to convince them.

Several people took turns and watched it several times, and it was indeed true.

Lin Xiaolan immediately understood that this was a trick used by the Lian family. Lian He Nian used this trick to protect her son, Jiajia, you are so stupid.

Of course, An Ran and Zhuo Ya immediately understood what was going on, but to be honest, they were still very envious. Their sisters all longed to marry a rich and powerful man. Unexpectedly, Jia Jia took the first step. are ahead.

Lin Xiaolan immediately persuaded Deng Jiajia that Lian Chengzhao was using you, and he was simply lying to you.Then she talked about her thoughts just now, and asked Jiajia to testify in court, pointing out that Lian Chengzhao and Su Youlun raped you.

Deng Jiajia was immediately annoyed when she heard this: "Lin Xiaolan, why do you speak so harshly? That's my husband. No matter what happens between us, it's normal."

"What about Su Youlun?"

Su Youlun is a useless person, why should we continue to target him.Well, don't try to persuade me.When I come to see you, I just hope that you can take care of yourself. You will go out tomorrow. After you go out, be honest in your quarrels and stop talking nonsense.Especially if you say some bad things about my husband, otherwise I will turn my face against you.

Lin Xiaolan and the three women were really surprised by the sudden situation.Deng Jiajia didn't stay too long. Before leaving, she coaxed and said, I have established a good relationship with the leaders here, and they will treat you preferentially, and they will definitely not embarrass you.

Lin Xiaolan shed tears of sadness when she saw Deng Jiajia leave.An Ran and Zhuo Ya didn't take it seriously: "Sister Lan, why bother, getting angry over a bitch."

An Ran said to herself: "I feel that I am low enough, but compared with Deng Jiajia, I am really far behind."

"Yeah, I thought I was greedy for money before, but after the comparison, I realized that I'm too clean."

Looking at Zhuo Ya, An Ran suddenly became discouraged and said: "Hey, after you go out, hurry up and find a young master to marry yourself. I'm also happy to be a little three and a little four."

Yes, you must get married.Zhuo Ya agrees, in fact, the two are just jealous.

Lin Xiaolan suddenly asked to see the police, the police asked her what she was doing, Lin Xiaolan said she wanted to make a phone call.

Not to mention, Deng Jiajia was really strong, and the police really gave Lin Xiaolan the phone, but they asked her who she wanted to call.

Lin Xiaolan said Han Zixuan.

"What's your relationship?" the policeman asked politely.

"He is my brother-in-law." Lin Xiaolan thought it was not bad to say that.

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