The campus is so cute

657 Don't Be Scared, Someone Is Deliberately Making Trouble

An Ran knew that she had no choice but to admit defeat, and she had no right to choose. The other party blocked all her escape routes, and she could even say that she had nowhere to go.

"How long will you give me?"

Han Zixuan drew three fingers, An Ran thought it was three months.But Han Zixuan said it was three days, and An Ran immediately collapsed, this is impossible, it is too difficult, why don't you kill me now.

It is indeed a bit difficult.If this matter is followed up hastily, the Lian family will definitely find out the problem.It is indeed not easy to solve this big pit within three days.It's better to slow down the speed a little bit, but it can't be prolonged.

Han Zixuan asked her how long it would take, and An Ran said it would take a year or so at the earliest.

No, it's too slow, Guo Lingsu's eyes widened: "It must be completed within three months, and it can't be delayed any longer."

An Ran suddenly recalled that the other party must have had some other purpose in seducing Lian He Nian, not what they said just now.But she didn't dare to ask too much, even if she was used as a pawn, so what.However, when she thought that she was also working for Han Zixuan, she felt a little better when she thought of this.

Guo Lingsu finally warned her that if there were any scandals in Suhang, I would directly deal with you.Of course, she was referring to her relationship with Han Zixuan.

At this moment Susu's phone rang, and Lian Chengzhao saw that Susu had disappeared, so he hurriedly looked for her.

Susu immediately smiled and said: "Young Master Lian, I'm sorry, I drank a little too much, and my brother-in-law and I went home first. Didn't we leave our contact information, and we will keep in touch often after that time. I will hang up first, You play slowly."

Lian Chengzhao secretly scolded the little girl for running very fast, but then he was relieved.Susu has already said, you can keep in touch in the future, hey, as long as you are in my palm, you will not jump into someone else's bowl.

Su Su ordered An Ran to go back, I think you know what to do.

An Ran looked at the two of them, and immediately understood that the brother-in-law and sister-in-law had begun to have an affair, and the light bulb for her was indeed inappropriate.It was really aggrieved, An Ran was very depressed, she reached out to ask the two for money, and she paid for this private room.

Susu took out her bag and took out a few banknotes and handed them to her: "Well, thank you, come on, work hard, and keep fighting for your dreams."

When An Ran left, Su Su danced excitedly, happily showing off what she had just done.Han Zixuan did not hesitate to dedicate all the nice words.

Susu hehe said: "Brother-in-law, I want you, let's see where you go."

"No, take a shower first." Han Zixuan said in surrender.

Well then, let's wash together.

An Ran returned to the karaoke private room with a downcast face, only Lin Xiaolan was left in the room at the moment.Lian Chengzhao saw that Susu Chick was gone, so he didn't stay any longer.Originally, he wanted to have some thoughts about Lin Xiaolan, but after thinking about the fierceness of this woman, and Su Youlun still eating and waiting to die in bed, he couldn't bear it anymore.

What's more, he is not interested in these women on the radio station now, and he puts all his heart and soul on Guo Lingsu.

As for Zhuo Ya and Lu Fangping, both of them obviously drank too much.Lian Cheng took care of their love and concubine, booked a room for them, and arranged for them to spend a good night together.

An Ran returned to the private room and saw that Sister Lan was still there, so she picked up the wine glass and poured herself a drink violently.

Lin Xiaolan saw her coming back, and asked playfully, "What's the matter, I was dumped again. I've told you hundreds of times, Young Master Han is not your type, but you just don't listen, and you never regret it."

An Ran didn't speak, just poured wine.Lin Xiaolan was afraid that she would get sick from drinking, so she comforted her to stop drinking, and let us go too.

At this moment, Lin Xiaolan called, and it was Han Zixuan.Han Zixuan said that he sent Susu home first, please forgive me for not taking good care of her at night, and let the sisters go home and rest quickly.

Lin Xiaolan said thank you, and expressed her gratitude to him, especially at the party at night, Lin Xiaolan used his influence, and the radio station leader paid attention to her.

She had a lot to say, but it was obvious that Han Zixuan was not too interested, and the words meant to end.At this time, she heard a woman's voice coming from the receiver. It was very vague, but it meant that she had finished taking a shower.

Lin Xiaolan knew that she was going to live a normal married life, and she was getting bored by chattering, so she could only hang up the phone reluctantly.She dragged An Ran away and took a taxi to go home.

Although Lu Fangping was drunk, he tried his best to stay sober.Because he understands his mission, he is determined not to make mistakes again.So when Lian Chengzhao offered a room with bad intentions, he knew it, but he didn't refuse it in person.

Because Zhuo Ya drank too much, it happened that she didn't need to spend money to book a room, this Lu Fangping is also a wonderful person.

After coming out of the room, Lu Fangping became slightly sober. He went back to the room where he sang just now. When he saw that no one was there, he knew that they were all gone. He asked the waiter to confirm that everyone had left. He also decided to go home. The wife and fiancee must not have a good face.

When he came to the bar, he just told the waiter that his friend who was drunk was called Zhuo Ya, and he hoped that the other party would serve him breakfast tomorrow morning. , Lu Fangping is still a relatively affectionate person, so it's not like being with a boyfriend and girlfriend, breaking up, and being an ordinary friend.

Although he and Zhuo Ya can only be regarded as sex, but sex is also a part of friends.

Because Lu Fangping was responsible for singing this time, the bar counter thought he was the leader of the group, so she talked a lot and said that one of your friends has booked a room, and asked if he also needs to prepare breakfast in the morning.

Lu Fangping asked if it was a man or a woman, and the other party said it was a woman, and described An Ran's appearance.He immediately confirmed that it was An Ran, she couldn't book the room alone, and it seemed that she was not particularly drunk when she booked the room.

Lu Fangping then analyzed who An Ran was with, could it be his private boyfriend.Suddenly he remembered that when he was singing, Han Zixuan was flirting with this Miss An, and An Ran's obvious interest in Han Zixuan was shown on his face, maybe the two of them were fooling around in the room.

Thinking of this, Lu Fangping suddenly cleared his mind a lot, and thought to himself brother, last time you said I was inexperienced, how come you made the same mistakes as me this time.No, I can't let you go astray at the happiest time in your life, I have to stand up and save you.Even if it was reciprocity, he asked for the room number and hurried upstairs.

Just came to the door of the room, Lu Fangping hesitated and did not take the initiative to knock on the door, but stuck to the door and listened.Sure enough, there were the sounds of high-spirited battles between men and women in the room.

Susu has been suppressed for a long time, and this time she can finally have a good fight, and she is not at home, so she simply let it go, and because of drunkenness, and her brother-in-law made herself too comfortable, so she couldn't kiss her. No sound is allowed.

Lu Fangping listened carefully, stupid, indeed he was fighting.It would definitely be impolite to interrupt rashly at this time, but this kid played tricks, remembering the scene where Han Zixuan played the role of a policeman and made fun of him last time, he showed a sinister smile.

So, imitating the method Han Zixuan used last time, he knocked on the door very urgently, and shouted at the top of his voice, "Police, routine inspection, open the door quickly."

When Han Zixuan and Susu heard the knock on the door, their bodies were instinctively tense.Susu's legs were tightly wrapped around Han Zixuan's waist because she was in sex. Fortunately, Zixuan had practiced before, but she was about to be pinched.

Susu's voice trembled, and her breathing was a little short: "Brother-in-law, what should I do, the police are here."

Han Zixuan looked very calm: "Don't be afraid, it's not the police, someone is making trouble on purpose."

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