The campus is so cute

658 Public Enemy

Guo Lingsu stared blankly at her brother-in-law: "Brother-in-law, you really have a big heart. Whoever is making trouble in the middle of the night must be the police. What should I do? I don't want to be ashamed to go in."

Han Zixuan didn't care: "Don't be afraid, let's continue."

Ah, Susu made a sound, and let out a soft moan, forget it, enjoy it first, anyway, there is a brother-in-law. He is not afraid, what am I afraid of.

Lu Fangping knocked on the door for a long time, but seeing no response from inside, he put his ear close to the door, and heard that the man and woman inside were still hard at work, but I didn't take the people's police seriously at all, these two people are too arrogant up.

So, he continued to scare, but it was useless. Suddenly he heard Han Zixuan's voice from inside: "Lu Fangping, can you calm down for a while, do you have any humanity, do you still have the habit of listening to the bed?"

Su Su was surprised when she just said something, but was blocked by Han Zixuan's lips: "Susu, don't talk, it's Lu Fangping."

Su Su's face was flushed red: "How could it be him, shouldn't he be with Zhuo Ya at this moment?"

Lu Fangping saw that his identity was exposed, so he didn't pretend to be his voice at all, and showed a shameless laugh: "Young Master Han, you are so elegant. But I can remind you, go home early after you are done, otherwise your wife will punish you to go home and kneel Washboard."

Seeing that the people inside ignored him at all, Lu Fangping felt that he was bored, so he hurried downstairs. When he reached the first floor, he stopped suddenly, feeling that something was wrong. There is still a bottom line in being a human being, and you will not easily have a relationship with a woman. Although An Ran is charming and affectionate, she may not be able to really attract Young Master Han.

Therefore, he suspects that the woman in the room may not be An Ran, it may be Lin Xiaolan or some other mysterious woman. So instead of leaving here, he went to a corner coffee room next to him, ordered a cup of coffee, and waited for Han Zixuan of the emergence.

About half an hour later, Lu Fangping saw Han Zixuan walking out with a girl, who turned out to be his sister-in-law Guo Lingsu. Could it be that the woman in the room just now was Susu? No way, this is a bit too evil.

Lu Fangping followed the two out of the entertainment center, and found that the two had taken a taxi home. He regretted it a bit. He should have waited outside the door of the room just now, and then he would be able to determine the authenticity of the matter. Good boy, when the time comes From time to time, I will continue to observe secretly, and I will definitely find the hottest affair in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

For the past two days, Susu has been chatting with Lian Chengzhao on the Internet, the purpose of which is to understand his family from the side. For example, his mysterious mother, Lian Chengzhao is indeed cunning enough, he talks very little about his mother, And deliberately avoid it.

Even so, Su Su also learned a lot of information.

Han Zixuan immediately arranged for Qian Zhao to attack Lian Chengzhao's computer and open a breakthrough here.

Han Zixuan counted the time. It would be very difficult to make a breakthrough if he wanted to discover the secrets of the Lian family in a short period of time, and he couldn't stay in Suzhou and Hangzhou any longer. He decided to leave here tomorrow and return to the South China Sea.

Before leaving, he personally visited Lu Yuanchu to explain the progress of the matter.

Lu Fangping laughed loudly when he heard this: "Young Master Han, I remember you boasted so much that you could solve the battle in three days."

Lu Yuanchu gave his son a hard look, smiled at Han Zixuan, and politely expressed his gratitude: "Zixuan, no matter what, I have to thank you."

"It's nothing. I'll keep following this matter, but I'm leaving Suzhou and Hangzhou. Regarding the progress of this matter, we will continue to keep in touch. What do you think?" Han Zixuan suggested.

Lu Yuanchu said no problem, I believe you will not disappoint me.

Han Zixuan talked about another idea of ​​his own, about An Ran, and it has been properly arranged.

The father and son of the Lu family were dumbfounded when they heard this. This move was too insignificant. Lu Yuanchu had to look at Han Zixuan differently. This kid is decisive and straightforward, and has a calm mind. He always has tricks that surprise him.

Although he is not very optimistic about this idea, but it can be tested. He asked if this is safe and reliable, and if she is your insider, there will be no mistakes.

Lu Fangping chuckled: "Dad, don't worry about this, An Ran is Young Master Han's lover, there is absolutely no problem."

Han Zixuan shook his head hastily and said, they don't have that kind of relationship, it's just that this woman has a little trick in his hands, so she must obey my orders. Of course, I don't have any special expectations for her, the main line is still concentrated in Switzerland Over there, within a short period of time, I believe there will be results.

Talking about Su Youlun again, I heard that he has woken up, but after waking up, he has serious mental problems and seems to be a little schizophrenic. The police have been there several times and want to get some detailed information. But he can’t say anything Come on, it is obvious that what happened that night has caused a serious mental blow to him, and I am afraid it will be difficult to recover.

After hearing this, Han Zixuan felt more at ease to leave Suzhou and Hangzhou. As long as Su Youlun can't wake up, Lin Xiaolan will be safe.

When he was leaving, Lu Fangping personally sent it out and asked him symbolically when he was leaving. Han Zixuan said it would be tomorrow.

Lu Fangping was obviously a little sad, but then he smiled and said: "Young Master Han, I have thought about it. After a while, I will go to Nanhai to find you."

What are you looking for me for? Han Zixuan strongly refused.

What's the matter, I'm not welcome. I'm just going to see what you're doing and what you're busy with. I'm very curious.

I am a student. I usually study hard and concentrate on my homework. Although I occasionally skip classes, I can basically pass the exam.

Lu Fangping felt that this sentence was too harsh, you are a good student, what a joke. He remembered what happened that night, pulled him back and lowered his voice: "It wasn't An Ran who was with you in your room that day."

One day, Han Zixuan pretended to be confused.

The young lady gave me a sloppy eye, and then I left, but I didn't leave immediately, I was secretly waiting for you in the coffee shop downstairs, and I found out that you came out with your sister-in-law.

Han Zixuan didn't panic at all: "Then what's the matter, I brought her out, so I have to take her back."

Lu Fangping was stunned, unable to say anything, only blamed himself for not grasping the evidence. But he kindly reminded: "Zixuan, I am older than you, so listen to my advice, don't play too big."

"Think about how good your fate is, to be able to marry a superb woman like Guo Linghua as a wife. Do you know how much men in Suzhou and Hangzhou envy you? If you kidnap your sister-in-law again, you You can become the public enemy of men in Suzhou and Hangzhou."

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