The campus is so cute

673 The Ashamed Master

Liu Peng was quite furious, and immediately called and told people to try to block the news as much as possible, so that this matter must not affect tomorrow's key events. At the same time, he ordered the Chaoyang branch to investigate the matter and find out what was going on.

In fact, Liu Peng has his own answer in his heart, and I'm afraid it still has something to do with Han Zixuan.He was really angry. He had already arranged a large number of people to search for them, but there was no progress at all. Instead, he was ashamed of himself.I really regret that I shouldn't let Liu Qi, a trash, do things in the first place. This idiot doesn't know whether to live or die.

Ding Wei and others sent Liu Qi to the hospital. The doctor couldn't help being stunned when he saw such a tragic situation. It was the first time he encountered such a scene after many years of medical practice.

The doctor saw that they were dressed in police uniforms, and they should be comrades of the police. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It's not easy to be a policeman these days.Seeing that the officer's arms and legs were bloody, he asked him about his injuries.

Ding Wei exaggerated, saying that their director had just carried out a blasting mission and personally dismantled the bomb installed by the terrorists. Unfortunately, the enemy was too cunning and the bomb exploded, and our director was seriously injured.

The doctor gave a thumbs up and praised Liu Qi who was still in constant commotion: "This police officer, you are doing well. It is our happiness to have a people's police like you in the capital. On behalf of the people of the whole city, I would like to express my gratitude to you." This doctor was really sensational, and immediately gathered all the nurses around him to salute Liu Qi.

When Ding Wei and the others saw this scene, they couldn't laugh or cry in their hearts.I urge the doctor to stop worshiping and treat him quickly. Can this situation recover?

The doctor shook his head: "How is that possible? It's good to be alive, but please rest assured, officers, we can put prosthetics on this police officer, and all of them are imported from abroad. But he will definitely not be able to fight at the forefront in the future, which is a pity That's it, such a good people's police just withered.

Ding Wei and others waited outside the door while contacting Liu Qi's family members.Soon Liu Qi's wife and Liu Likun came, and when they heard about Liu Qi's affairs, they cried bitterly and asked what was going on.

Ding Wei still said the same thing, protect the injured people, please rest assured, Mrs. Madam, the country will definitely give Director Liu a decent account.

Liu Likun listened to Ding Wei's nonsense with tears in his eyes, and couldn't believe that his father was so great.

At this time, the boss of the Chaoyang branch came to learn more about the situation.

Ding Wei didn't dare to talk nonsense in front of the boss. Someone planted a bomb in Liu Qi's car. The car exploded just as Liu Ju got out of the car. The driver and two personal guards died.Speaking of this, Ding Wei shed tears of sadness.

The boss of the Chaoyang Sub-bureau is named Du Bo, he is a very experienced person, he has become a master after many years of being around.The reason why Liu Qi had such an ending must have something to do with what he did these days.With regard to the upcoming changes in the capital, Du Bo has always been on the sidelines, staying neutral so as not to get involved in muddy waters.

Du Bo looked at Ding Wei seriously and said: "Remember what I said, this matter must be kept secret. If the outside world asks, just say that Liu Qi died heroically, and you can make up any glorious deeds. Tomorrow, the foreign missions will come. Foreigners should not be allowed to see how poor the law and order in our capital is."

Ding Wei nodded, and couldn't help admiring his actions just now. He still had a good mind and knew that the above would definitely arrange it like this.He smugly recounted the conversation he had just had with the doctor.

Du Bo showed a look of admiration: "Ding Wei, Liu Qi will definitely not be able to get up in the future, and you must work hard in the future."

How could Ding Wei not understand the meaning of this sentence, and couldn't help but rejoice in his heart.But when he thought of the big devil Han Zixuan watching him, he couldn't help feeling panicked.

Regarding the explosion at the gate of the Chaoyang branch, the news did not pay special attention.After all, all the problems are on tomorrow's main event.

When Ye Tianyu returned home, her mother Li Biyun blamed her for not answering the phone just now.Ye Tianyu didn't want to tell about her kidnapping, so as not to worry her family members.Just find any reason and let it go, Li Biyun didn't ask any more questions.

At six o'clock in the evening, when the news broadcast the bombing of the police station.Ye Tianyu giggled, Ye Wenbo looked at his weird daughter and his wife.

Li Biyun shook his head to express that he didn't know, this girl has been acting weird since she came back.

Just as Ye Wenbo wanted to question his daughter what was going on, he suddenly received a phone call from the National Commission for Disciplinary Inspection, saying that he needed to assist in the investigation of something.

He didn't think too much, and simply told his family about the situation.Ye Tianyu immediately got up in a hurry to persuade him: "Dad, you can't go, it's too dangerous."

Ye Wenbo thought this girl was too weird, but now he didn't have time to ask, so he picked up his clothes and left in a hurry.

Li Biyun went to the girl's room and asked Ye Tianyu what was going on, and if something happened in the afternoon.

Ye Tianyu was worried about his father's situation, and felt that this matter could no longer be concealed, so he said that he was coaxed by the police in the afternoon, saying that you were kidnapped and injured and sent to the hospital.When I got into the police car, the police officers taped my mouth and nose.

Li Biyun's eyes were wide open, she couldn't believe her ears, this girl could still hold her breath after such a big thing happened.

Ye Tianyu said that the gang of policemen who exploded in the Chaoyang sub-bureau just now were the masterminds of kidnapping me, hehe, you bastards, let you offend my brother Zixuan, you will get your retribution.

Li Biyun still didn't understand it very well, and asked her daughter to explain in detail what happened and how you were rescued.

Ye Tianyu said it several times before Li Biyun understood a little bit. She also understood a little bit about the current domestic politics, but she didn't expect that her own home would be affected as well.At this moment, she was faintly worried about her husband's safety.

"Mom, don't worry, I'll call Brother Zixuan immediately, he will definitely have a solution."

Li Biyun also knew that Han Zixuan was his father-in-law's most proud apprentice, but there was a little conflict between them.And now it was rumored that this Han Zixuan had many conflicts with Liu Peng, the No. [-] head of the government. I really didn't expect this person to be so courageous.After all, she is still with women, and she is afraid to participate in politics.

"No, Han Zixuan is a traitor to the country, girl, don't be stupid."

The country's rebellion depends on who you compare it to. How about the people's police, who openly kidnapped me. If my mother hadn't been helped by brother Zixuan, our mother and daughter might not be able to see each other.

Li Biyun had no choice but to think that he should contact his father-in-law. After all, he has rich experience, and he is more suitable than me to handle this matter in such an occasion.

Ye Qingsong lives in the home of his daughter Ye Wenmin, but the old man is always concerned about the situation in the country. In fact, he knows these things better than anyone else.In the final analysis, it was the problem left by Molong back then, and now it was time for a big explosion.At this moment, he was faintly worried about his apprentices, wondering if they could win the final victory.

At this time, the daughter-in-law called and said that Wenbo had been taken away, and she didn't know what to do now.

Ye Qingsong first reassured their mother and daughter, and told them not to panic. It is not clear what the situation is now.

Li Biyun talked about Han Zixuan to see if he could get help from him. It was thanks to him that Tianyu was able to pull his teeth out of the police station this afternoon.

Ye Qingsong remembered that some time ago, he deliberately avoided Zixuan, and felt ashamed in his heart.This, let Tianyu call him, I'm sorry.

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