The campus is so cute

674 I salute you

Han Zixuan received a call from Ye Tianyu. The little girl had a sweet mouth and first expressed her gratitude, saying that she was in a critical situation at the time and was almost bullied by those rogue policemen.

"Tianyu, tell me, have they done anything to you?"

"That's not true, but those people's mouths are not clean, and they said some insults to me." Ye Tianyu thought of those people who said that they had big breasts, and really wanted to kill them with a knife. What does I have to do with you.

Han Zixuan knew what those people said after thinking about it, comfort her not to be afraid, I will definitely vent my anger for you.

The little girl was a little scared. After all, there was a big commotion just now. Liu Qi from the Chaoyang branch was blown away. She didn't want to make the commotion too big. I guess that group of people must be timid now, so leave them alone , Hurry up and take care of our family's affairs.So, she said that her father had just been called away by a mysterious phone call.

Han Zixuan understood that this was Liu Peng's trick to control Ye Wenbo.In fact, it was similar to Yang He's situation. He was not very worried, because the situation would be completely reversed tomorrow.He comforted Tianyu not to worry, your father will arrive home safely tomorrow.

Ye Tianyu firmly believed in Han Zixuan, but she was worried about his safety, hoping that he would pay attention to safety, and believed that he would definitely win the final victory in this war.

Han Zixuan wanted to continue chatting with Sister Tianyu, but Xie Wenxuan hung up the phone abruptly: "The chat is endless, the little girl doesn't study hard, so she keeps calling men for nothing."

"You're thinking wildly, Tianyu is just expressing gratitude."

Xie Wenxuan snorted coldly: "I don't believe it. By the way, I must meet this girl one day. It is rumored that this girl has developed very well. I want to see it."

At this moment, Lu Chengwen started to act. He first came to the hospital, changed into a white doctor's attire, and then ostentatiously looked for Liu Qi's inpatient ward.

There were two policemen in charge of protecting the door. When they saw the doctor coming, they let Lu Chengwen in without thinking about it.After Lu Chengwen entered the ward, he found his wife was waiting on him, but Liu Likun was gone.

Lu Chengwen said that he would give the patient a full-body examination and hoped that other people would avoid it. Liu Qi's wife wiped away her tears and looked at Lu Chengwen: "Doctor, please, please save my husband. He is a hero of the people."

Lu Chengwen nodded, but didn't say anything.

When there was no one in the room, Lu Chengwen looked at Liu Qi.At this moment, he was in a coma. He had just finished the operation, treated the wound, and was temporarily unconscious by the anesthetic.Lu Chengwen pulled out a test tube from the tray, and then took out the syringe to draw the liquid inside and inject it into Liu Qi's body.

Soon, Liu Qi opened his eyes. In fact, he has been in a coma since the bombing.He didn't know what happened at all, but just now Lu Chengwen injected him with a special medicine, which could quickly restore all aspects of his body's functions.

Seeing himself lying on the bed surrounded by white, Liu Qi was frightened.Just as I was about to move my body, I realized something was wrong. After feeling it for a while, my face turned ashen, and one of my legs and one hand were gone.He couldn't help but burst into tears, and after a lifetime of messing around, he didn't expect that it would end up like this.

Lu Chengwen stood beside him, holding back a smile in his heart and said, "Ju Liu, wake up."

Liu Qi looked at the doctor in front of him, and immediately asked about his injury and how it was.

Lu Chengwen poured milk on him and said, "Don't worry, your life is still alive."

As for my arms and legs, can they recover?

Lu Chengwen's eyes widened: "If you want to recover like this, it's just a dream."

Liu Qi felt something was wrong, the other party was a doctor no matter what, how could he talk to me like this.But at the moment, he was in an extremely bad mood, so he didn't care about it. He just hoped that the doctor could find a solution as soon as possible. Their family had money, so any method would work, as long as it could treat his leg.

Suddenly, Lu Chengwen had a vicious thought, the money from your adultery must be ill-gotten gains, so why not take this opportunity to loot it all.

"Really, you are a little broken policeman, how much money can you have?"

Liu Qi didn't hide it at the moment, saying that his family had millions of dollars, all of which were accumulated in his early years.

Lu Chengwen said to the doctor: "It should not be embezzlement of ill-gotten gains. Believe it or not, I will report to your superior."

Liu Qi is about to cry, I am already like this, why are you still bullying me.

"Doctor, please do me a favor. As long as you can treat my leg, I am willing to offer a reward of 100 million."

Lu Chengwen nodded: "Okay, but I need money now, can you give it?"

Liu Qi nodded, okay, I'll call my wife right away.Soon Liu Qi's wife came, and when she saw her husband woke up, she was overjoyed and showed admiration for the doctor.

Liu Qi comforted her not to be too sad, this doctor can make me recover, but the other party wants 100 million, quickly take out the bank card and give him 100 million immediately.

Although Liu Qi's wife is reluctant, she can do anything to save her life. As long as her husband can recover and stay in the job in the future, it is necessary to get promoted and make a fortune. .

Lu Chengwen took a bank card, put it in his hand and smiled: "Okay, Chief Liu Qi is indeed a trustworthy person."

Liu Qi was slightly stunned, how could the other party know his name.

Lu Chengwen asked his wife to go out again. At this moment, Lu Chengwen took off the mask on his face and smiled.But there was something sinister in the smile.

Liu Qi didn't understand what his smile meant, but it was malicious.

"Liu Qi, you have a precious son, Liu Likun, right? I heard that he is still alive and kicking."

When Liu Qi heard this, he immediately panicked: "You, who are you?"

"Don't shout, if you dare to shout out, not only you are finished, but your wife and children will die together." Lu Chengwen stared at him fiercely and said: "You don't need to know my identity, but you can probably guess it. It's from Han Zixuan's side."

Liu Qi felt as if something was blocking his throat, and he couldn't speak a word.After he woke up, he knew that Han Zixuan must have done it, and no one else could do such a vicious thing except him.

"You guys, what is he going to do?" Liu Qi felt scared. He really regretted it at the moment, but regret was of no use.

"Liu Qi, in fact, you don't have much fun living. As you are now, you suffer a lot, you can't take care of yourself, your job is gone, your future is gone, and you offended us. What will you do in the future?" Lu Chengwen I can't help but feel sorry for him, he is a good person, but now he is not a ghost or a ghost.

Liu Qi really wanted to kneel down and kowtow to this brother to apologize, but his body couldn't do it at all, so he could only rely on his mouth to say: "Brother, I know you are here to make up for the knife. I beg you, I will give all the savings in the family to you." You, just let me live."

Lu Chengwen immediately became angry: "What do you mean by that? You describe us as a gangster."

Liu Qixin said that you are terrorists where you are a gangster, but he flattered you: "Brother, I was wrong. You are the righteous people of the country. I salute you for the mission of maintaining world peace."

This sentence is quite sweet, Lu Chengwen pursed his lips and said: "Okay, the purpose of my coming is to tell you, you tell your son Liu Likun, be prepared, my boss is always ready to take his dog's life."

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