The campus is so cute

675 Give me another gun

Liu Qi was terrified when he heard Lu Chengwen's words. He had only one son in his life, and now that he was in such a miserable situation, he didn't want the only blood of the Liu family to be lost.

Lu Chengwen heaved a sigh of relief when he saw his birdlike appearance.He came from a rural family, and he was used to seeing the arrogant and domineering attitudes of some big men, and he always hated them, and he especially wanted to see them being knocked down to hell.

Liu Qi is a representative of vivid characters. It can be said that his mood is very refreshing, with a kind of secret pleasure.Lu Chengwen chuckled and said, "Director Liu, I'm here to pass on a message. To be honest, I can't do anything to help you. There is a saying that good and evil will be rewarded, you understand."

Lu Chengwen left the hospital and hurried to the next stop, which was the police station.

Ding Wei didn't dare to go home today, he was afraid of encountering a killer or something at home, and his companions were the same, sitting together in a group, struggling with hard faces.

A brother asked: "Brother Ding, we can't stay home forever, we can't live through this day."

Ding Wei sighed: "Grass, I also want to live a good life. But now there is no way to live. Who dares to say that the head can still be hung on the head."

Another person said: "Captain Ding, the explosion outside the police station must have been done by Han Zixuan, is there someone else? You and I both know that Liu Qi offended many people, maybe other enemies."

"Fart, ask the guy who eats on your neck, in the capital, or in the whole country, how many people dare to commit such a big case at the feet of the emperor. Who else can there be besides him, Han Zixuan, he is too natural, too cruel and inhuman."

Ding Wei was so sad that he couldn't help but began to cry, muttering that he still has a two-year-old son with him, and he might not be able to see each other in the future.

Several people also became sad.At this moment, a gust of cold wind suddenly came, followed by the creaking sound of the door of the police office, and a dark figure stood outside.

Ding Wei and the others were terrified in their hearts. Seeing this scene, there was no majesty of the police, and they were scared out of their wits: "Please, don't kill us. We are also ordered to do things, and we are forced to do inhuman things. .”

Lu Chengwen stood at the door and listened to their confession. He came here to do something on order.Han Zixuan wanted to see what Ding Wei who threatened him looked like, tall, short, fat and thin, he should know who he was.

"Who is Ding Wei?" Lu Chengwen's voice was deep and metallic, and there was a sense of death in the dark night environment.

Ding Wei tremblingly got out from the gap of the underground table, and raised his hands high: "Master, I am, please forgive me, I have old and young, and the whole family is pointing at me to earn money, give me a way out Bar."

If you want to choose a way out, it depends on your luck, come with me.

Ding Wei seemed to be under the control of evil thoughts, his body could not be controlled at all, so he could only passively follow Lu Chengwen.In fact, it's not that Lu Chengwen knows any sorcery and evil methods, it's just that Ding Wei is panicking in his heart. At this moment, there is a devil living in his heart.

When leaving the police station, the breeze was blowing on Ding Wei's face, and the winter in the capital was still very cold.He woke up quite a bit at this moment, looking at the man in front of him.It can only be described as mighty and strong, with a standard manly figure and a rough aura.Looking at Lu Chengwen's domineering posture, he couldn't help but worship him.

"Brother, are you Han Zixuan?" In fact, Ding Wei had seen Han Zixuan before, but his mind was already confused.

Lu Chengwen chuckled: "Ding Wei, what eyes do you have? My boss is much more handsome than me."

Ding Wei immediately flattered: "Actually, you are not bad, you are very mighty."

"Stop talking nonsense, come with me to meet my boss. You don't have to be too scared, our boss is a very particular person and won't kill innocent people indiscriminately. If you are so timid and coy, you will be in bad luck. Don't Forget that you are also a man, and you still have a police status."

One sentence reminded Ding Wei, yes, he is also a student who graduated from a formal police academy. Although he is not highly talented, he is not so useless.In fact, he was originally a bloody man, but he was just fooling around with a bastard boss like Liu Qi, and his own inertia was also fueled.

In fact, these days, regardless of men and women, changes in the environment can easily change this person.Unless I have super self-control ability, for example, if a man is rich, it is easy to go bad, and if a woman is beautiful, it is easy to go to sea.

Lu Chengwen simply learned about Ding Wei's personal information from Qian Zhao, and thought that this person was not bad enough and could be saved.

On the way, Ding Wei didn't dare to show his anger, so he could only follow behind Lu Chengwen, his head was dizzy, waiting for the imminent death.

When I came to the hotel, I went to Lu Chengwen's room first. After a while, the door opened and three men walked in.Han Zixuan walked in front in the center, Tieniu and Qian Zhao were on the left and right.

When Ding Wei saw the person coming, when he saw the young man walking in front of him, he immediately recognized in his mind that this person was the famous Han Zixuan.Without saying a word, this guy ran towards him directly, and then came to a graceful posture of kneeling and worshiping.

Qian Zhao and Li Tieniu couldn't help frowning when they saw this look.Just now the three of them were analyzing what kind of man Ding Wei was. Han Zixuan said he was a general. When this man threatened me, he was quite domineering.How can I see myself like this bird.

Lu Chengwen also frowned: "Zixuan, this guy is terrified."

Han Zixuan and the others sat down and watched Ding Wei kowtow in front of him. This guy really had stamina, as long as Han Zixuan didn't speak, he would keep kowtowing.Even the floor was faintly stained with blood, this persistence frightened them.

Han Zixuan didn't want the floor to be ruined, so he asked Lu Chengwen to stop him.Ding Wei raised his head slowly, with a resolute look on his face: "Han Zixuan, I just ask you to spare my family members, they are innocent."

So it turned out that he was not praying for himself, but me for his family, Han Zixuan felt a little better.If the guy is a jerk, he doesn't even bother to meet him.

"Okay, I agree to your request, your family is safe." Han Zixuan said lightly.

Ding Wei's eyes were grateful: "Thank you, I can go with peace of mind. Please give me a gun, I don't want you to do it, so as not to dirty your hands."

Han Zixuan and the others were slightly stunned, and ordered Lu Chengwen to give him a gun, to see what tricks he could do.

Ding Wei took the gun, faced east and said goodbye to his wife and son.Then he raised the gun slowly.

Qian Zhao's heart moved, this guy wouldn't plan to fight back rather than die.But his worries were unnecessary, Ding Wei aimed the gun at his temple, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The sound of Kacha sounded, Gan Zhao couldn't help but close his eyes, he couldn't stand the bloody scene.These perverted elders, why did you bring me to watch this drama.

However, the headshot scene didn't happen. Ding Wei's palms were sweaty, and he pulled it a few times, but there was still no sound.He looked at Han Zixuan tremblingly: "Come on, give me another gun."

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