Lu Bin became angry when he heard this, and he suddenly stood up from his seat: "Mr. Han, what do you mean by that?"

"Mr. Lu, what are you doing? That woman is your wife, is she your girlfriend?"

Lu Bin's face paled, and he sat down again dejectedly.

Han Zixuan patted his chest and said, "Mr. Lu, although I am a local ruffian, I still have a bottom line in life. I will never be like that Fatty Xu, who specializes in molesting women from good families and using despicable means to possess women."

Lu Bin continued to listen to see what he said next.

Han Zixuan said: "Just now you were there, and that woman agreed to sleep with me. After all, I was considered a hero to save the beauty at the time. I should get some money for risking this kind of thing."

"If Officer Xie is your girl, I will never touch her, and I will give you back both hands. But you and I know the truth. She is just a classmate with you, and we haven't even seen each other for many years. Besides, she seems to treat you very badly. I have a cold, am I right?"

"That being said, you can't do this. Wenxuan was forced to do so, and she definitely wouldn't agree to you." Lu Bin didn't believe that this kid was more attractive than himself. Although he was very playful and cynical, he It's not decent enough.

"Mr. Lu, it seems that you don't have a lot of experience with women." Han Zixuan chuckled.

This sentence hurt Lu Bin's heart. Speaking of which, he was indeed lacking in this aspect, but he sneered, "What do you mean?"

"Women like strong men. Look at me. At that time, when faced with danger, I was not afraid and bravely confronted evil forces. After she was rescued, she immediately pounced on me and agreed to be my woman." Han Zixuan said boldly .

Lu Bin rolled his eyes angrily when he heard this, and he said as if he was a hero, didn't he rely on the light of your boss? In fact, to put it bluntly, what happened today is all thanks to Ye Feng, and it has nothing to do with you .

"You mean to say that Wen Xuan likes you and has agreed to marry you." Lu Bin said in a mocking tone.

"Well, she promised me just now. I asked her to take a bath in the room first. I was about to come out to get some medicine, but I didn't expect to meet you." Han Zixuan continued to talk nonsense.

Lu Bin waited for the eyeballs: "Get some medicine, what kind of medicine."

Han Zixuan said wretchedly: "That's the kind, haven't you used it before? Men use the kind of medicine that shakes the nerves and fights bravely."

After hearing this, Lu Bin immediately understood, it turned out that this time he was also a drunkard, his body had been hollowed out long ago, thinking of his complacency just now, how could he let go of this opportunity to laugh at him.

"Mr. Han, I don't think you are very old, maybe 24 or [-] years old. I didn't expect that you would have health problems at such a young age." Lu Bin said sarcastically.

Han Zixuan didn't care at all, and wasn't even annoyed at all.

"Mr. Lu, you are right. Actually, I am in good health. It is not a problem to spend two or three hours a night. But today, my wife and I have been working all day during the day, and my body is a little lacking, so I went to Buy some medicine, and then turn on the horsepower later, and have a double flight." Han Zixuan continued to speak boldly.

Lu Bin's nose turned out of anger when he heard this, and he hurriedly picked up the drink in front of him and took a sip violently.

Han Zixuan continued: "My daughter-in-law, you must have seen it just now. How about it, she is a super beautiful woman. To be honest, I have been eyeing that policewoman Xie Wenxuan for a long time, but I have never dared to do it. This time I counted my luck , I actually picked up a big bargain for nothing, thinking about two white beauties, taking off their clothes and dangling in front of me, I feel that life is too wonderful and exciting."

Lu Bin couldn't listen anymore, he was convinced that Xie Wenxuan was not that kind of person.This kid is talking nonsense, deliberately provoking me.

Han Zixuan felt that it was almost done, and there was no need to continue teasing this tall, rich and handsome man, so he changed the topic: "Mr. Lu, do you have anything else to tell me?"

Of course Lu Bin had a lot to say, but it was a bit difficult for him to speak, but he finally said it: "Brother Han, can I call you Cheng?"

Han Zixuan nodded: "Success, you are older than me, let me call you Brother Lu. Although we met by chance, it is fate to meet you."

Lu Bin nodded happily: "You're right, let's have a bar instead of drinks." So he immediately called the waiter to ask Han Zixuan for advice on drinking.

Han Zixuan didn't care, and let Lu Bin decide.

Lu Bin said to drink red wine, which is what I usually drink.

Han Zixuan immediately held his feet and said: "Brother Lu, it seems that you are a rich man."

After hearing this, Lu Bin felt elated.However, his face was very modest: "Brother, you are welcome, brother treats you to this meal of wine."

Lu Bin ordered two bottles of authentic French dry red. Han Zixuan took a look and found that the price was more than [-] yuan.He thought to himself, this Lu Bin is quite open and bright.

Afterwards, the two ordered a few more side dishes and began to drink with each other.Speaking of two big men drinking red wine and chatting, they always feel that the atmosphere is a bit wrong, as if they are having sex.

Lu Bin didn't seem to be able to drink very well. After drinking a few glasses of wine, his face turned red. At this moment, he mustered up his courage and said, "Brother, brother, I beg you, let Wen Xuan go."

Han Zixuan said with an oh: "Brother Lu, I understand, you like her."

Lu Bin nodded and admitted at this moment: "Yes, to be honest, I have been secretly in love with her since I was in college, and I tried it a little bit, but Wen Xuan refused. After graduation, I went my separate ways. I have been busy with my career all these years. To be honest, brother, I haven’t married yet. In fact, I was waiting for someone. I didn’t expect to meet her again when I came to Hainan this time. A voice in my heart told me that Wenxuan is still the person in my heart.”

Han Zixuan listened patiently to how other men fell in love with their wives, and always felt a little awkward.I have many wives, and all of them are beautiful, which is indeed a distressing problem.The last time I went to Suzhou and Hangzhou, Linghua was missed by Su Youlun, and my sister-in-law was coveted by Lian Chengzhao.

This time I met Lu Bin again, and he firmly believes that there will be more such problems in the future.He can't deal with these people the same way he treated Su Youlun, after all, some of the men here are of good quality.

For example, Lu Bin in front of me is excellent in all aspects of self-cultivation, culture, and family background.He firmly believed that if Wen Xuan hadn't met him, maybe Lu Bin would have succeeded.

Han Zixuan put on a very helpful expression: "Brother Lu, since you have spoken, I will definitely not go against your opinion. Xie Wenxuan, I won't sleep anymore, let me do it for you."

Lu Bin nodded hurriedly, then shook his head again and said, "Brother, you are right in the first half of the sentence. You really can't do such immoral things. After all, you are not a couple, and you have a wife. How can you do this?" .”

"That's right, Brother Lu's lesson is, then where did I make a mistake in the second half of the sentence?" Han Zixuan didn't understand.

Lu Bin said: "Your last sentence made me think too obscenely. I really like Wenxuan. I don't only care about her body, but also her heart."

Han Zixuan got goosebumps when he heard this: "Yes, Brother Lu, you are very noble. Our backgrounds are different, and our realm of thought is also different."

Lu Bin patted Han Zixuan on the shoulder: "Brother, listen to me, don't fool around, that's not the right way. Look at your wife, what a beautiful girl, you are willing to let her live a life of fear with you."

Reluctantly, Han Zixuan shook his head.

"Then change your face and start a new life." Lu Bin said a lesson.

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