The campus is so cute

707 The realm has improved

Han Zixuan couldn't help laughing when he heard this, this Lu Bin is also an interesting character.

Seeing Han Zixuan's disdainful smile, Lu Bin immediately said, "Brother, brother, am I wrong?"

Han Zixuan nodded and asked, "Brother, please explain carefully."

Lu Bin drank another glass of wine, and then continued: "Let's just say that these gangsters will end up in trouble sooner or later. Today's Xu Wenqiang is a typical example. In fact, Brother Wen and others are basically whitewashed, just lustful Let him get the evil result today."

Han Zixuan added: "This can only be blamed on him."

"You're right, but let's analyze this incident, let's take today's incident as an analysis, why he dared to attack Wenxuan blatantly. First, he relied on his status as the boss here and his relationship with the public security bureau. They are all good, and I have a lot of buddies and friends. I told him that Wenxuan’s family background told him not to touch him, but he resolutely does not believe in evil, because he firmly believes that even if things get serious, he can end it. But it’s a pity , you suddenly appeared, and that Ye Feng also came, it was indeed an accident."

"Another point is that Ye Feng is different now. He has developed from a gangster boss to a formal enterprise company. I can only say that Ye Feng is a very good person. Of course, the boss of your Nanhai has some strength. Ye Feng has a good friendship."

Han Zixuan nodded frequently, thinking that there was nothing wrong with Lu Bin's analysis.

Lu Bin concluded: "Therefore, it is not the right way to mess around in society. One day if you fail to keep it, your life will be accounted for. Once you cause trouble, it is a trouble. If you don't cause trouble, your superiors are in trouble. You must also participate together. Speaking of it It's also very dangerous. Today's bosses are too cunning, and they let the younger brothers do the fighting. When the brother dies, he can pay some funeral expenses and it will be settled, but how can that little money compare with the social value of people?"

Han Zixuan shook his head and said, "Brother Lu, what you said is too elegant. I don't understand how to explain this social value."

Speaking of this, Lu Bin became very proud: "Brother, do you know what I do?"

Han Zixuan has been paying attention to this Lu Bin for a long time, from his words and deeds to his clothing taste, and he has some information in his hands, so he said without hesitation: "Brother Lu, it should be the big boss."

Lu Bin nodded: "It can be said that I have two listed companies, mainly engaged in real estate and electronic products."

Han Zixuan immediately showed admiration: "Brother Lu, you must be quite rich, a listed company, at least tens of billions."

Lu Bin said modestly: "There are not so many, but we are working hard in that direction."

Han Zixuan gave a thumbs up: "Excellent, Brother Lu, did you do this all by yourself?"

"That's not true. To be honest, I'm a typical tall, rich and handsome man. My family's conditions have always been good, but with my hard work, it's just getting better and better."

"That's not easy. Brother Lu, I've met a lot of tall, rich and handsome people. Most of those people are rich and unkind. They are no different from Xu Wenqiang's attitude in dealing with people. It's true that you have high moral character and higher life values ​​than ordinary people. not much."

"Haha, my brother is absurd. Remember one sentence, our country is a society with the rule of law, and we cannot do things that violate the law and discipline. In addition, we must not do things that are rich and unkind, and that are detrimental to morality. The old suzerain said that sooner or later there will be retribution Yes, this sentence is still very correct." Lu Bin felt that the mental state of the little gangster in front of him had improved a lot in an instant, and he couldn't help feeling relieved that this [-] yuan meal was not in vain. the right path.

"Brother, after listening to my words, you will definitely have some ideas in the future."

Han Zixuan nodded immediately: "Well, I understand. When I return to Nanhai, I will immediately leave the organization and become a person of value to society."

"Okay, that's great. Come on, I'll toast you a glass of wine." Lu Bin took the initiative to pick up the glass.

After the two clinked glasses, Lu Bin grabbed Han Zixuan and said, "Brother, with regard to Xie Wenxuan, it is the right choice if you know what to do."

"Well, I see, I will persuade her to leave here as soon as possible."

Lu Bin couldn't help but smile when he heard that, it wasn't easy, Wen Xuan, I saved you again, but this time, although it wasn't like pulling your teeth from Xu Wenqiang's mouth, it was still quite difficult.

But Han Zixuan's next sentence made him feel speechless.

"Brother Lu, what if this bitch pesters me so shamelessly that she insists on sleeping with me." Han Zixuan said with a toothpick in one hand, picking his teeth in an unsightly manner.

"How is this possible, Wen Xuan is not that kind of shameless person." Lu Bin blushed and said thickly.

Han Zixuan shook his head: "Brother Lu, it seems that you have a problem with this woman's judgment. Didn't I save her just now, and I said that I would sleep with her as a reward. You were there at the time, and she readily agreed. After we finished dealing with Xu Wenqiang's matter, this girl can't wait to fulfill her promise, you know, I've been busy all day, and I can't take it anymore, so I came out to get some medicine, and I happened to meet you."

At first Lu Bin thought this kid was talking nonsense, but the two had already had a heart-to-heart conversation just now, and Han Zixuan had changed his appearance.Then what he said now should be true. In this way, Wen Xuan has really changed, becoming so casual and dissolute.


Lu Bin suddenly stood up: "Brother, I'll go find her."

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"No, I have to persuade her. There are many ways and methods to repay, and there is no need to sacrifice a woman's reputation." Lu Bin's attitude was very firm, and he called the waiter to pay the bill.

Han Zixuan hastily stopped him and said, "Brother Lu, it's useless, your persuasion may not be effective. Think about your inability to protect her just now, and she doesn't approve of you at all in her heart. If you persuade her, maybe she will be upset. Rebellious psychology, just against you."

Lu Bin listened to this, sat down again, thought carefully, what Han Zixuan said was not unreasonable, he said gratefully: "Brother, what you said is too right, I was a little reckless just now, hey, don't look at how much older brother is than you You are not as old as you, but you are not as good as you when dealing with women, just from your beautiful and beautiful daughter-in-law, it can be seen that you are good at dealing with women."

Han Zixuan pretended to be shy and said: "Brother Lu, there is a saying that is good, is there a specialization in surgery? Everyone has different specialties."

Lu Bin showed an expression of appreciation. He never thought that a little gangster would be able to say this vocabulary. Yes, the grade has improved a lot.

"Brother, since that's the case, then brother can only beg you with the cheek to send Xie Wenxuan out immediately. Even if she really wants to sacrifice herself, can you refuse at all?"

"Well, brother, you are so right, I will listen to you."

Lu Bin was elated, but he immediately said: "Brother, brother, I am very grateful to you, what do you want, money or other material things."

Han Zixuan retorted: "Brother, you are too vulgar. Although I don't have as much money as you, I am not the kind of person who is greedy for money."

Lu Bin admired Han Zixuan even more now, and said with shame: "Yes, I'm making a cliché, but my brother must buy you a drink. Come, continue serving the wine."

Han Zixuan grinned and said, "Brother, can you change the color, I have diarrhea after drinking red wine."

Lu Bin understood, and said boldly: "Okay, then change to white, Wuliangye will do it."

Han Zixuan nodded vigorously: "That's great."

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