The campus is so cute

71 Teach others

"Lizi, it's me." Shen Hanyu stood at the door, staring at the girl in the room with mixed feelings in his heart.

He Lizi turned around hastily, her face was flushed, her heart was beating wildly.

You are waiting for Han Zixuan, tell me, how far you have progressed, Shen Hanyu hastily observed her closely, and found that her eyes dodged him, no need to guess, she understood everything.

"Sister Yu, don't talk nonsense, I didn't wait for him." He Lizi felt that her sophistry was feeble, and regretted why she didn't take a look just now, otherwise she wouldn't have made such a big joke.

Shen Hanyu patted her head and was concerned: "Why don't you go downstairs to eat, and avoid him on purpose, but you are thinking about him in your heart, and you deliberately leave the door for him. In my impression, your door is always locked tightly. "

Shen Hanyu is He Lizi's older sister. She has no brothers or sisters, and she shares many intimate words with her. At this moment, she doesn't want to share, she just wants to have it for herself.

"Sister Yu, don't ask, I can take care of my affairs. You have been tired all day, go back and rest."

"You've grown up, so I won't ask you much about relationships, but I just remind you that girls should know how to protect themselves, and delete that post about recruiting a boyfriend quickly. If you're a girl doing this, it won't affect much. "Shen Hanyu suddenly said: "If you really want to jump into the fire pit, my sister hopes that you will recognize your opponent. Bi Yunxi has the advantage over you."

Why do you all dislike me? Am I really inferior to Bi Yunxi? Did you see how gentle I was when Han Zixuan broke in just now? I will do whatever that bastard asks me to do.

After class, Han Zixuan took Xie Wenhao out of the campus and asked him to drive to a place.Xie Wenhao didn't understand and asked, "Young Master Han, where are we going?"

"Let me teach you a lesson. Could it be that you forgot that when you were drinking last time, you were beaten by gangsters. Don't you want to take revenge?"

Xie Wenhao wanted to take revenge a long time ago, but those people were all detained, and he could only wait for them to come out.Han Zixuan said that there is still a master who has not been caught, and his name is Mao Biao.

Mao Biao, Xie Wenhao remembered, but how can Mao Biao be caught.

Han Zixuan said that if you call your sister, she must know. She is a policeman and is very familiar with the places where local gangsters gather.And if you mention my name again, she will definitely come.

Xie Wenhao dubiously called his cousin. At first Xie Wenxuan opposed him, saying that the matter had been dealt with and Mao Biao had no problem.But when she heard Han Zixuan's name, she immediately regained her spirits.

Soon, Han Zixuan and the others waited until Xie Wenxuan got into the car, and then took out a pistol to hold Han Zixuan's forehead, but she couldn't say anything.

Xie Wenhao was dumbfounded. He stopped in a hurry and turned to look at her: "Sister, what are you doing? Put the gun away quickly. What if it goes off?"

Xie Wenxuan gave him a hard look: "Don't worry about it, I'm going to kill him today."

Saying that, this bitch actually pulled the bolt of the gun, and she really wanted to do it.

Han Zixuan was calm: "Police, I'm a good citizen. I brought you here today to help you solve the case. Last time you released Mao Biao privately, there is indeed a problem."

"I don't need you to deal with the case, you can save it. I will kill you now, and then I will surrender myself."

Xie Wenhao was confused, what happened to the two of them, since the first time they met, there had been constant quarrels, and now it has risen to the level of fighting.

"Give me a reason to kill me, I can't just hang up in a daze. I still have a wife, you have to give them an explanation." Han Zixuan looked at Xie Wenxuan in the back seat through the small mirror in front of the car. She was still in a police suit. Dress, apple face, shoulder-length short hair, heroic, majestic, but lacks femininity.

"You spitting blood, you framed me."

"If you kill me, you will take it seriously, then you will be completely labeled as that hat, and how will the whole police station treat you then." Han Zixuan turned his face, stretched out his hand and gently moved her gun away up.

She understood that once the bastard was shot, the whole police station would know that she murdered her lover, and her mistress' hat would be firmly slapped on.Damn it, Xie Wenxuan was very angry, how did she meet him, her life was completely defeated.

Xie Wenhao made a rescue from the side: "Sister, don't be stupid. Put the gun away quickly, and let's teach the bastards a lesson together."

Han Zixuan said again: "Mao Biao is not as simple as it appears on the surface. To tell you the truth, I may be in trouble. Someone behind Mao Biao wants to punish me. If you can show what is behind, maybe you will be promoted."

"Your business has nothing to do with me."

Xie Wenhao said that it has something to do with me, sister, I was beaten badly in the bar last time, and now my face is still swollen, I can't swallow this breath.

Xie Wenxuan was very reluctant, but she was relieved when she saw her brother.Although his younger brother is a dude, they both have the surname Xie after all.Thinking about it carefully, the last time Mao Biao was dealt with was indeed too hasty.But helping him handle the case, how could she be happy.

But she agreed and went to find Mao Biao.

Although Mao Biao is a gangster on the street, this kid is doing pretty well. He has a small bar, where gangsters can eat and drink.He was having sex with the little girl at the bar at the moment, when he suddenly saw Xie Wenxuan coming, his body shivered.

Instinctively, he was going to say hello to Officer Xie, after all, they were old acquaintances.But when he saw Han Zixuan next to Xie Wenxuan, the kid changed his mind and ran away.

Seeing him like this, Xie Wenxuan strode up and subdued him.The bar fell into chaos for a while, Xie Wenxuan took out her police officer ID: "It's none of your business, just handle the case routinely."

So Xie Wenxuan took Mao Biao to his office.Mao Biao shouted: "Police, why are you here again? I explained everything clearly last time."

"Really, then why did you run away when you saw me?" Xie Wenxuan glanced at Han Zixuan, and wondered in her heart that there was really something mysterious about it.

Mao Biao said that he was a gangster, his legs went limp when he saw the police, and his escape was also an instinctive reaction.Han Zixuan approached him: "Mao Biao, do you know me?"

Mao Biao shook his head: "I don't know, who are you?"

Han Zixuan called Xie Wenhao: "Go, beat him up."

Xie Wenhao couldn't bear it long ago, he waved his fists and punched wildly.Xie Wenxuan didn't say a word, let this kid vent his anger first.

"Mao Biao, take a closer look, do you know us?" Xie Wenhao became addicted to beating, and finally kicked him a few times, finally venting his depression.

Mao Biao covered his face and looked at Xie Wenxuan: "Officer Xie, you guys are ganging up on bullying, and I'm going to sue you."

Han Zixuan came up to Mao Biao: "My name is Han Zixuan. Last time your little brother surrounded me at the Big Universe Bar. They recruited them all. You asked them to do it."

Mao Biao shook his head hastily, Han Zixuan saw that this kid was really persistent, kicked him in the stomach, Mao Biao was thrown flying, and hit the wall with a plop, he groaned in pain.

His legs are not those of a dude like Xie Wenhao, they have been practiced for many years.Xie Wenxuan frowned when she saw it: "You can't strike lightly, you will kill him."

Han Zixuan ignored her, and squatted on the ground looking at the painful Mao Biao, showing a fierce look: "Say it, who ordered you, if you don't tell me, I will let you return to your position today."

Mao Biao originally wanted to hold on, but this is not a police station, there is Wang Fa there.But facing Han Zixuan, he was Wang Fa.Helpless, in order to survive, he had no choice but to recruit, and his superior was Wei Baoshuai.

Xie Wenxuan was no stranger to hearing Wei Baoshuai's name. The police had a record of this person. He was a well-known gang leader in the local area. He had been trying to arrest him, but someone above him had been protecting him.

Han Zixuan turned to look at Xie Wenxuan: "How about it, I didn't say anything wrong."

Xie Wenxuan sneered, "Wei Baoshuai, we can't touch him, there are people above him."

"What are you afraid of? This time we also brought out that person, what do you think?" Han Zixuan vaguely felt that that person was his enemy, and he basically sensed it.

Xie Wenxuan hated the underworld gang of hostile elements, but now the gangsters have begun to pay attention to their bright appearance, suits and leather shoes, like a business owner.Moreover, they have a wide range of popularity and manage well from top to bottom.

If she can win this case, Xie Wenxuan's reputation will definitely be further upgraded. Promotion is secondary. The key is to get rid of these social scumbags and return the world to a pure sky.

"It's really easy for you to think. It's very difficult to report such a big case to us. I'm afraid the higher-ups will not agree."

"Why are you so stubborn, you are also the captain, you can make your own decisions." Han Zixuan encouraged her.

Xie Wenxuan gave him a blank look: "Let me go back and think about it first, how to deal with Mao Biao."

Han Zixuan said: "Take him back and detain him for a while, let him reflect on himself, and then come out and be a good man."

Han Zixuan didn't let Xie Wenhao follow him. He went home alone. On the way, he kept wondering who the person behind him was. Of course, Liu Likun was most likely.But he can't be negligent, and there may be others.

He walked into a secluded path, because it was very late, and there were almost no people on the road, only the dim street lights were reflecting his lonely figure.

Suddenly, he saw two figures approaching him, one in front and one behind. Han Zixuan thought they were moving fast enough, so he stopped and waited for their arrival.

Soon, the two of them approached Han Zixuan.Their bodies were obviously men, but they couldn't see their faces clearly. Firstly, it was Hei Tian, ​​and secondly, they wore black masks on their faces, and only their dark eyes stared at him.

"Two friends, are you male or female?" Han Zixuan asked.

"We're men," said one of them.

"Oh, why don't you show your face and let me see, maybe you are a ladyboy."

The two were not angry, the other one said: "Han Zixuan, we want to challenge you to compete for He Lizi's boyfriend."

Han Zixuan was astonished: "That post has been deleted, He Lizi is not recruiting a boyfriend, maybe the two of you didn't see it." He wondered in his heart, and his intuition told him that the two of them could not be students, and the voice of a student's body was not like this.

"Sorry, we didn't see it." After one of them finished speaking, the two of them moved and rushed towards Han Zixuan.

Han Zixuan didn't dare to neglect, and greeted the two of them.After fighting, Han Zixuan discovered that the two of them are not students, but they are clearly Lianjiazi, and their movements are quite experienced.

Suddenly, he remembered something. These two opponents reminded him of the Chen family's trip to Beijin. The last time they escaped safely from Beijin, there was no movement from Beijin. Could it be that they have sneaked into the South China Sea.

At the beginning, Han Zixuan was careless, thinking that they were ordinary characters, so he moved slowly and was in a state of passive defense.Later, he felt that this matter must be investigated and clarified, so he began to make efforts.

After a short fight, Han Zixuan couldn't judge their backgrounds, but seeing that they all used military martial arts and some basic martial arts routines, he couldn't judge.

"You are from the Chen family." Han Zixuan exclaimed.

"Hmph, stop their nonsense." One of them yelled, and the wind of fist rushed towards him.The other person didn't dare to slack off, Hua Shan slashed his palm like a sharp knife and cut Han Zixuan horizontally.

Seeing the opportunity, Han Zixuan pressed the tip of his tongue against his upper teeth, tapped his toes, and jumped upright.The two were slightly taken aback and looked up at him.Han Zixuan looked at the situation and used a stance of the heavy drop, which landed straight on the ground, and kicked the two people's heads with both legs at the same time.

The two of them moved quickly and avoided one after another, but one of them moved a little slower and was kicked by Han Zixuan, causing his body to crooked a bit.Han Zixuan immediately reached out and attacked his face. The man felt that the crisis was coming, so he used the universe to rotate and leaned back as far as possible to avoid the attack.Helpless, Han Zixuan could only turn his fists into palms and seize the opportunity to grab the mask on his face, and then pulled it hard, revealing his true colors.

A man's face, but very strange.

Seeing that his companion had been exposed, the other person hurriedly stopped: "Quickly withdraw." Afterwards, the two moved as fast as lightning, and disappeared into the night in an instant.

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