The campus is so cute

72 The feeling of kissing pigskin

Although meeting the two on the road didn't cause him any major trouble, Han Zixuan felt very upset, but he remembered that face, and if he could meet them in the future, he would definitely recognize it.

After returning home, He Lizi and the three girls were watching TV in the living room on the first floor. There was no sign of Shen Hanyu, so they were probably in their own room.Han Zixuan has been wondering why this woman always shuts herself in the room, maybe she is playing alone, what can she play alone.

Bi Yunxi saw the strangeness in Han Zixuan's complexion, and immediately came to his side to care and inquire, and took out a hot towel to wipe his face, acting extremely gentle and virtuous.He Lizi looked at it in her heart and suddenly realized something.

"Don't mention it, I met two hooligans on the way home." Han Zixuan glanced at He Lizi, and found that this girl was watching him secretly, but her expression was a little strange.

He Lizi was molested yesterday, and she stayed behind and was discovered by sister Yu.It was inevitable that Han Zixuan felt ashamed, and the expression on his face was very unnatural.

However, she has a strong ability to adjust, and realized that yesterday was completely caused by her own negligence, and she will not make similar mistakes in the future.What made her feel sad was that Han Zixuan didn't go to her room at night, which made Ms. He wait all night in vain.

"What's going on, the law and order in South China Sea shouldn't be so bad, there are so many hooligans." Bi Yunxi knew that a few hooligans would not cause trouble to Han Zixuan.

"The two of them are Miss He Lizi's admirers, and they insisted on practicing alone with me. You said how angry I was, and I was going to be beaten for no reason. Fortunately, I know some martial arts, otherwise I don't know if I can be a man in the future." The more Han Zixuan spoke, the angrier he became, but he didn't look at He Lizi.

He Lizi's face was pale, and all her posts were deleted, why are people still so persistent.

Ye Tianyu said in surprise: "Brother Zixuan, what do you mean? Why can't you be a man from now on?"

Each of them held a knife in their hand and said to me.If I can't beat them, they use the knife, you know.

Well cut your dick.Ye Tianyu laughed out loud.

Han Zixuan fainted, and hurriedly pulled Bi Yunxi: "Yunxi, go upstairs. Help me see if it's still there, I'm a little hesitant."

He Lizi slammed Ye Tianyu on the head and cursed: "You idiot, Ye Tianyu, I find that you are getting more and more perverted now, you are simply a female hooligan."

Ye Tianyu rubbed her head and lowered her head: "Stop beating, you let me study on the Internet, how about it, the results of my studies are not bad. No, I will go upstairs to see what they are doing."

Ye Tianyu just broke in, saw the scene inside, and immediately backed out, saying, "Sorry, I entered the wrong room." Her face was pink, and she hurried into her room.

Bi Yunxi was ashamed: "It's all your fault, for not closing the door."

Who would have thought that they would dare to barge in, this womanizer.

He Lizi hurried to Ye Tianyu's room, closed the door tightly and asked, "Tianyu, tell me quickly, what did you see when you went in."

"Don't say it, even if you beat him to death." Ye Tianyu shook his head stubbornly.

He Lizi became even more curious. Seeing that her face was flushed, and even her forehead was slightly sweating, she guessed that the two of them must have done that kind of thing.In the former, she secretly installed a bug and knew what the two of them had done.

He Lizi leaned into Ye Tianyu's ear and asked, "Did they do that kind of thing, take off their clothes and caress each other?"

"Sister Lizi, you are worse than me, and you actually called me."

He Lizi didn't have the time to argue with her, so she shook her pitifully: "Tian Yu, my good sister, we are of the same heart and mind, we are in the same team."

"No, I saw sister Yunxi lying in brother Zixuan's arms, and they were just kissing. But they looked so sweet just now, I'm so envious." Ye Tianyu asked He Lizi: "Sister Lizi, have you kissed before?" Well, what's that like?"

"It's not tasteful, it feels like kissing pigskin. If you envy, find a pigskin to practice." He Lizi pressed her forehead: "Remember, don't rush into the room in the future, otherwise your eyes will hurt if you see dirty things. Blind."

"Really or not, then I won't dare in the future." Ye Tianyu glanced at her and said, "Sister Lizi, you're jealous again."

"What nonsense, go to bed quickly." He Lizi glared at her, then went back to her room.

Throughout the night, He Lizi suffered from insomnia.In his mind, he actually fantasized that he was lying in his arms, and then the two kissed intimately together.Slowly, she fell asleep.

The freshman welcome party is about to begin. After class, Pan Shaoqi found Han Zixuan: "Zixuan, I have some good news for you. The host of the party decided to have you and Yang Xueyi as partners. You can be regarded as golden boys and girls, and you will definitely shine in the audience."

What, partnering with Yang Xueyi, Han Zixuan directly refused to do it, not interested.I am not the only man in the school, there are many people who are more handsome than me.

Pan Shaoqi never expected that Han Zixuan would refuse, he thought that all men dream of this opportunity.In fact, he hoped that Han Zixuan would take this role, which would be considered a credit to his museum profession.

"Zixuan, think about it, don't refuse so early. To tell you the truth, the boys are eager to compete for this position. The school made a list of boys, and Yang Xueyi didn't like it, so I hand-picked your name."

Han Zixuan was surprised, there were many conflicts between him and Yang Xueyi.This woman has to be very strong. If she doesn't take revenge on herself or embarrass herself, she is considered very humane.Why would she take the initiative to ask to be his partner? Suddenly he understood the woman's motives.When I arrived at the venue, I deliberately made me lose my face and secretly retaliated against me.

Even though Pan Shaoqi rubbed his lips, Han Zixuan finally refused to agree.And he gave a high-sounding reason, Yunxi would be jealous if there was a shrew in the family.

The whole school knew about the matter between Han Zixuan and Bi Yunxi.Nowadays, the era of college students is relatively open, allowing students to get married, and what's more, they take their children to attend classes.

Knowing that Han Zixuan refused, Yang Xueyi was not angry.Because everything was in her expectation.Now when she faces Han Zixuan, her heart is full of deep admiration, and she hopes that one day she can learn more kung fu from him.But the shame in my heart will not be forgotten, and I will seek justice after I finish my studies in the future.

Xie Wenxuan never replied, Han Zixuan couldn't help feeling a little anxious.This girl looks at the rush, and she does things cleanly.Why is it so sloppy this time? Could it be that Wei Baoshuai is really so difficult to deal with.

He doesn't have time to take care of this right now, he has to finish the evening party first, he and Yunxi practiced every day in the past few nights, the tacit understanding of skills and movements became more and more proficient, and even reached the state of tacit understanding.All of this is thanks to Han Qingyun. The two of them live together every day, so they naturally feel quite good.

The evening party was held in the school auditorium, preceded by speeches by leaders.It is nothing more than a welcome to new students. Some time ago, the military training ended and real university life began. I hope that the students will find their place here and spend it happily.

Then go over, military training shows the physical fitness of the students and tests the quality of the students.And tonight's party reflects the literary and artistic qualities of the students, which is purely a display of personal charm. The host of the friendship party is Yang Xueyi.

Since Han Zixuan was not coming, Yang Xueyi decided to be alone.She is beautiful and radiant tonight.A red dress made her look as delicate as a flower, showing a bit mature, dignified, noble and elegant.

Her appearance caused a wave of applause from all.The school leaders sitting in the front row couldn't help admiring. They had happy smiles on their mouths. They spent a lot of energy to attract Yang Xueyi at the beginning, which can be said to be painstaking, and today it has played a role.

The leaders discussed with each other why there was no male student to host, and they knew that Han Zixuan was originally invited, but he didn't come.Yang Xueyi decided to support the stage alone. She has rich experience in hosting, so there is absolutely no problem.

Soon the show started, and each college arranged a show, which was wonderful. Now the students have high artistic talent and their performances are in place.No less than a professional stage performer.The leaders and the students in the audience applauded one after another, and the anger of the venue was instantly brought into the air.

Then Yang Xueyi announced the curtain. Next, there will be a passionate Latin dance between men and women brought by the Museum Academy. The performers are Han Zixuan and Bi Yunxi.

The students in the museum applauded immediately, because they had never seen the performance of the two, not even the rehearsal.Han Zixuan said that on the day of the party, he will definitely give you a big surprise.

Han Zixuan was wearing a black dance suit with a white bow tie around his neckline, like a prince descending gracefully.Bi Yunxi is wearing a sexy red dress with suspenders, the skirt is sparkling around, and the same pair of red high-heeled shoes is under her feet, revealing a smooth and white calf, which attracts infinite reverie.

Originally, I wanted to choose more revealing clothes, such as the one with split thighs, and the one that almost shows the buttocks when dancing.Han Zixuan resolutely quit, wouldn't it be cheaper for those perverts.Now, Bi Yunxi is wearing a suspender, which has satisfied the eyes of everyone present.

He Lizi was also sitting in the crowd, next to Ye Tianyu.Ye Tianyu couldn't help admiring: "Sister Lizi, sister Yunxi is so beautiful tonight."

"Okay, I see it." He Lizi also had to admit that Bi Yunxi was beautiful tonight. She had always thought she was beautiful before. Bi Yunxi's charm lies in her gentleness, virtuousness, and understanding of what men think.

Only now did she realize, especially today's Bi Yunxi, who is so beautiful, that she is the princess tonight, and the prince is by her side.

The music sounded, the bodies of the two danced, and all the eyes of the audience looked at them, admiring, envious, jealous, and complaining.But these are not important, everyone knows that they are a perfect couple.

Yang Xueyi watched them from behind the scenes, she also admitted that they danced very well, it turns out that this man still has so many shining points.

Suddenly, she noticed that a man stood up in the audience, which was not new, because many people stood and watched, but Yang Xueyi noticed that he was walking towards the stage, and this man's right hand was tightly pressed against the edge of his trousers, as if hiding what.

What is this man going to do? His body is getting closer and closer.Suddenly this person moved his body, his body bounced up, holding a sharp dagger in his hand, he threw himself at the two dancing people.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yang Xueyi reminded loudly: "Han Zixuan, be careful." Then, she picked up the microphone at hand and threw it at that person viciously.

Han Zixuan also found this person, and hurriedly separated from Bi Yunxi.Yang Xueyi's microphone played a role, hitting the man's body, slowing down his movements a little.However, this little time was enough for Han Zixuan to make full preparations.

The man's dagger stabbed fiercely, Han Zixuan stretched out his hand to resist, and pressed his wrist. The man's hand felt pain, and he hastily let go of his right hand holding the dagger.Han Zixuan took advantage of the situation and fell on his back, the man fell to the ground in response, and then Han Zixuan's foot stepped on it hard.

The incident happened so suddenly, it only took a few seconds for the students to discover the assassin and Han Zixuan subdue the assassin.But the audience He Lizi and Ye Tianyu were extremely nervous, especially He Lizi, who almost screamed for a moment.

Several leaders in the front row of the school rushed over and called a few burly boys to hold the man down.Taking a closer look, he is not very old, he should be a student.

Ask him who, which college, and why he was assassinated.The boy didn't say anything, just kept his mouth shut.

Seeing this, Han Zixuan said, "Leaders, forget it. Let this person be handed over to the school security first, and then handed over to the police. Our party will continue."

After the party ended hastily, Han Zixuan called Yang Xueyi to stop: "Student Yang Xueyi, thank you."

Yang Xueyi turned around gently: "You're welcome, it seems that you have offended someone, so be careful in the future."

He Lizi and Ye Tianyu hurried to Han Zixuan's side and asked with concern.He Lizi felt guilty. She felt that the student just now was her admirer, and she was all to blame. She insisted on recruiting a boyfriend, which almost killed him.

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