The campus is so cute

73 Late Night Action

After returning home, He Lizi was still troubled by the accident at the party, always thinking that her absurd behavior caused today's trouble.

Han Zixuan called Xie Wenxuan and paid close attention to that classmate to see who would pick him up in the end.

Shen Hanyu was also in the party, and as the guest leader, she witnessed the situation.She asked Han Zixuan to go to the room to have a look. This girl is very scheming, so don't be overwhelmed at this moment.And I hope that Han Zixuan will not blame her, the post has been completely deleted, this assassin should have nothing to do with He Lizi.

Han Zixuan didn't blame He Lizi at all, his intuition told him that the murderer he met tonight was normal and not like a deliberate arrangement.Because that person has no ability at all, and he relies entirely on a brute force.But it was really brave, daring to strike in front of so many people.

When he came to He Lizi's room, he saw her lying on the bed, sobbing softly.As for what, I'm not hurt.

"Lizi, I'm not dead yet. Why are you crying?" Han Zixuan came to the bedside and teased her lightly, hoping to relieve her depression.

"I didn't blame you at all. Besides, it's not clear who that person is. Why should you blame yourself? In other words, even if he is your admirer, he saw the post of recruiting a boyfriend to assassinate me. I wouldn't I blame you, it shows that you are very attractive, and at the same time, it also deeply warns me how difficult it is to pick you up."

No matter how Han Zixuan teased and teased, He Lizi still ignored him.

Han Zixuan had no choice but to use hooligan means: "Stop crying, if you cry again, I will take off your pants and spank your ass."

He Lizi was not moved, but cried even more fiercely.

Damn, insist on forcing me.Han Zixuan rushed forward, held He Lizi down, and then slapped her sexy and plump buttocks with the other hand. Although the strength was not heavy, it was like scratching an itch, but it stimulated He Lizi.

She stopped crying immediately, and her whole body seemed to be frozen, because she felt that the man's hand was getting more and more wretched, and she even started to caress there.She hurriedly turned around and pushed his hand away: "Rogue, get out of here."

Han Zixuan saw that her pretty face was now covered with pear blossoms, like a newly watered leaf crabapple, bright and moving.Who said that a crying woman is not beautiful, at this moment He Lizi is very beautiful.Couldn't help it, he was slightly obsessed looking at it.

He Lizi couldn't bear to be stared at by his pitch-black eyes, she pouted: "The pervert took advantage of me again."

Han Zixuan leaned forward and gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with his hands: "Fool, don't cry, I didn't blame you."

"But I feel uncomfortable. What should I do if the assassin succeeds in assassinating you today? I will be uneasy for the rest of my life." As soon as He Lizi finished speaking, Han Zixuan grabbed her body and embraced her.

He Lizi was dumbfounded, she got into a man's arms for the first time, and she always longed for a warm support, so this was what it felt like.Ye Tianyu broke in at an untimely moment. Seeing the two hugging each other, she hurriedly covered her eyes and shouted, "Sorry, I went to the wrong room."

Being disturbed by Ye Tianyu, He Lizi left his embrace in a hurry, her face was flushed and her eyes were drunk: "Go back, I'm fine."

When Han Zixuan returned to his room, Bi Yunxi asked He Lizi if she was okay. She really didn't expect her to be so scheming and blame herself for what happened tonight.

"Fool, I didn't expect girls to be really persistent when they are stupid." Han Zixuan smiled bitterly, Bi Yunxi shook his head and said: "Zixuan, now that He Lizi has gradually fallen into obsession, and has really fallen in love with you, you have to hurry up and take this opportunity She took it."

Don't worry, Han Zixuan has a bigger goal, to take down the woman in the next room.However, it is very difficult for Shen Hanyu not to enter.

Xie Wenxuan called him, and they have already asked about it. This person's name is Huang Song, and he is also a student of your Nanhai University. He said that he can't understand you.

Han Zixuan curled his lips, he acted low-key enough, he felt that Huang Song was definitely not telling the truth.Sure enough, Liu Likun took him away in the end.

Seeing that his father hadn't moved, Liu Likun became a little anxious, so he took action tonight.In fact, Huang Song is either a student of Nanhai University, or a vagrant on the street. He usually hangs out with Liu Likun and gets a lot of benefits from him.

Han Zixuan was thoroughly inspired by tonight's assassination, and he decided to do it first, otherwise it would be too dangerous to be passive all the time.For example, tonight, although she was not injured, He Lizi was burdened.

The next day, he went to the police station.Everyone in the police station seemed to know him. Although they didn't have a good look at him, they didn't say anything.

"You are crazy, what are you doing here?" Xie Wenxuan was very annoyed, afraid of rumors outside.Fortunately, her leader Tan Ju is an upright person. If she encounters a bad boss and spreads the relationship between them maliciously, how will she behave in the future.

"Officer Thank you, it's been a few days, how are you thinking?" Han Zixuan came to the office very unceremoniously, as if he had entered his own home, and sat on the long sofa beside him in a grandiose manner.

"I thought about it, but I still can't do it. It's too risky to do that. In fact, I'm not afraid of anything. I'm afraid of negative impact on the police station." Xie Wenxuan told the truth.

"That's fine. Since you don't want to be promoted, then I won't force you. I will take part in tonight's operation alone, and you can tell me Wei Baoshuai's specific address." Han Zixuan raised his buttocks and made a gesture of leaving.

"Just pretend, sooner or later you will fall." Xie Wenxuan snorted, but still gave him the address, thought for a while and said, "I will accompany you tonight."

Han Zixuan took the note, glanced at it, put it in his pocket, and left the office.Don't want to just open the door, Tan Chunqing walked in, he took a look, hesitantly said: "Am I bothering you, then I will go out first."

Xie Wenxuan hurriedly stood up from her seat, with an unnatural expression on her face: "Director, if there is nothing else, you can ask me for something."

"It's nothing serious. Since the two of you have something to talk about, I'll come back in the afternoon." Tan Chunqing was sure in his heart, it turned out that Han Zixuan was not talking nonsense, and they really had something to do with each other.

Xie Wenxuan hurriedly grabbed Director Tan, and then said to Han Zixuan: "You go back first, I will look for you at night."

Han Zixuan didn't say anything, just smiled at Director Tan, turned around and left.

Tan Chunqing sat on the sofa without saying a word, but his face was full of smiles.On the other hand, Xie Wenxuan's face was flushed red, remembering that she said that she would go to see you at night, the meaning was vague, which made people think about it.

Tan Chunqing finally said: "Wenxuan, I'm in a relationship. Is this a good thing? I have no intention of objecting. Han Zixuan is quite interesting, with a shrewd mind and good skills. You are a good match."

"Director, you have misunderstood. We are not that kind of relationship."

Director Tan said that there is no need to explain, let me mainly tell you one thing.I heard that you arrested Mao Biao, the above said, let him go quickly.

Xie Wenxuan did not refute, but insisted on her actions at night.

Director Tan said: "Wenxuan, I know you are very capable, but there are some things we don't need to take too seriously, as long as the other party is not the heinous kind of person, just turn a blind eye."

Liu Qi found Wei Baoshuai, and asked, "Baoshuai, what's going on. I heard that Mao Biao also went in, so it won't be a big deal."

"Minister, you don't have to worry. Even if Mao Biao confesses, there is no problem. He has already returned. I let him go out for a while. Instead, your young master made the first move. He is too impatient."

Liu Qi also found out about what happened at school, and he severely blamed his son afterwards.Liu Likun didn't realize that he was mistaken at all, instead he complained that his father took too long to deal with Han Zixuan, did he take such painstaking efforts?

"Bao Shuai, I always feel that this matter is a bit troublesome. Han Zixuan is too mysterious, and I'm a little uncertain about him. I'm afraid he will retaliate."

"It's a joke. I've cleared the police station. They won't take action against us. Don't be impatient. I'll deal with Han Zixuan." Wei Baoshuai vowed.

Liu Qi didn't say anything, but hoped that he could take action quickly to fulfill his promise to his son.

At night, Han Zixuan and Xie Wenxuan agreed on a location.Both of them were dressed in black, hiding in the dark night.Wei Baoshuai is very rich, and currently lives in the Dongcheng villa area, which is very luxurious.According to legend, he also had two wives who lived together for his enjoyment.

The two of Han Zixuan came to the gate of the villa, hid in one place, and found two people guarding the gate, good guy.It seems that this kid is afraid of death, and he must have done a lot of bad things secretly.Otherwise, how could he arrange bodyguards? It seems that there should be many bodyguards in the yard.

It was the first time for Xie Wenxuan to do this kind of thing. Whether it was arresting people or stalking people, it was a large-scale operation.She knew the truth in her heart, because she had a thorough understanding of the other party's actual situation.Tonight's action was too sudden, and she was a little bit uncertain.

The two agreed on a countermeasure, and Han Zixuan said: "You deal with these people on the periphery and attract their attention. I will sneak into Wei Baoshuai's house directly and search for evidence."

Xie Wenxuan couldn't help frowning after hearing this: "You can die if you don't pretend to be forceful. Their house is heavily guarded, how can you enter easily."

"I have my own way, remember, if you really can't resist, you run away. I don't need to teach you how to run away, I don't want you to be my burden." Han Zixuan knew that Xie Wenxuan was very capable, but this woman was sometimes a bit stubborn.

Xie Wenxuan was really angry, and really wanted to go away and not participate in this matter.But she was not reconciled, she wanted to prove her ability.

"Don't brag, when you die inside, I will applaud and be happy. By the way, who is your wife, I can help spread the word."

"Thank you, I have too many wives, I won't die easily." After Han Zixuan finished speaking, his body just pulled himself off the ground and climbed over the big wall outside.

Seeing his movements, Xie Wenxuan remembered that he climbed over the wall and checked the fence of the police station.I couldn't help but admire in my heart, this bastard, why is his body so good.That is the essence of martial arts, he can be so advanced.

She didn't have time to think too much, so she sneaked closer, and under the cover of the night, she came to the two bodyguards, holding two sharp knives in her hand, and stabbed them into the chests of the two with two puffs, a fatal blow.

Originally, she wanted to keep alive, but thinking about these people are not good people, she just killed them.

After Han Zixuan crossed the wall, his body shuttled through the air as fast as lightning.Finally, when he came to the balcony of the second-floor building, he took a closer look. There was a room with lights on, and he leaned against it gently.The curtains blocked the view, but Han Zixuan's hearing was good, and there were moans of men and women in the auditory hall.

This is a bedroom, presumably the other must be a study.Han Zixuan felt that Wei Baoshuai was related to the Liu family, and as a minister-level figure, if Liu Qi was connected with the underworld, there would definitely be some documentary evidence between them.It doesn't matter whether it's account sharing or profit sharing.They will definitely calculate very clearly, and it is the safest way to sign each other in writing.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of fighting coming from the yard, Xie Wenxuan also started to fight, just to make time for him, he pried open another room, and then got in.Unexpectedly, there was a woman standing in the room. At this moment, her eyes were wide open, staring nervously at Han Zixuan who jumped into the room.

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