The campus is so cute

75 Sign the agreement

Wei Baoshuai's subordinates must have often played with bondage, and even imitated some scenes in the film, turning the dignified policeman into a uniform to seduce.

Xie Wenxuan was all focused on figuring out how to escape just now, she didn't care about her makeup at the moment, she looked down, and suddenly felt angry from embarrassment.She stared at Han Zixuan: "Close your eyes, don't look."

Han Zixuan chuckled: "Okay, you can go out to meet the elders in your hometown after a while."

Wei Baoshuai felt annoyed when he heard that the two were talking about love, but the rope around his neck couldn't be freed, instead it became tighter and tighter, making it difficult for him to breathe.

"Handsome guy, don't be too busy." Han Zixuan sat on a chair, watching Wei Baoshuai make a fool of himself.

Wei Baoshuai has been in the rivers and lakes for many years, and it is the first time he has suffered a disadvantage, so he is naturally not convinced.But he understands a truth, everything is about strategy, and it depends on what people order.I was too negligent today, I never imagined that Han Zixuan would be so courageous, jumping into my study in the middle of the night, and at the same time secretly scolding those useless trash outside the door.

He also understands Han Zixuan's intentions, revenge, but he has a gentle face: "Brother Han, I didn't expect you to come, you say hello to me, so I can line up to welcome you, why do you jump in through the window?" He stretched out his hand to return He went to untie the rope around his neck, and when he lowered his head, he realized that he was already trapped. Unless he cut it with scissors or a sharp object, the more he moved, the tighter the rope would be.

Han Zixuan didn't want to talk nonsense with him, it was getting late, and the women at home must be very worried.In the evening he made up his mind and sneaked to He Lizi's boudoir.

"Wei Baoshuai, let's not go around in circles." Han Zixuan said while taking out a small notebook from the side. It was Wei Baoshuai's notepad, which recorded the bad things he did in these years in detail.Who did the work for, how much money was allocated, and recorded in detail.

He saw that it clearly stated that Liu Qi ordered him to teach Han Zixuan a lesson, with a commission of 5 yuan.The amount is a little too small, and that's all I'm worth.

Seeing his notebook fell into Han Zixuan's hands, Wei Baoshuai's face turned pale, and he immediately panicked: "Brother Han, Young Master Han. I am also forced to do nothing. Liu Qi holds the power, so I dare not not work for him."

Xie Wenxuan didn't expect that there was really something tricky behind it, and it was still a big fish. She thought to herself that the action tonight was not in vain.If Liu Qi was really caught for buying and killing people, her branch in the police station would definitely be more prosperous.Although she is not too interested in official positions, she is very happy to be able to become the idol of the police station.

"Wei Baoshuai, let's put it simply. Whether you want to die or live, it's all up to your choice."

Wei Baoshuai yelled unluckily, and opened his mouth just as he was about to call for help.Han Zixuan glanced at him coldly: "Although those people outside you are a bit capable, they are all idiots. It seems that you have a choice, so I will help you."

"Wait, Young Master Han, I want to survive, and everything is up to your arrangement." Wei Baoshuai felt his throat tighten, and he almost couldn't breathe.

"Okay, I say listen. I took this notebook away, and it will naturally be handed over to the relevant department for review. Liu Qi will definitely go to court in the future, and you need to be a witness."

Hearing this, Wei Baoshuai kept shaking his head: "Young Master Han, if I become a witness, then I will not survive. You understand in your heart that all the things I did are capital crimes."

"It doesn't matter, I can protect you from death. You are the accomplice, and they are the main culprits. You can stay in there for three to five years at most, and you will still be a good man after you come out. If you have nothing to eat, you can come to me." Han Zixuan smiled slightly and made a beautiful promise.

Xie Wenxuan naturally quit after hearing this, and shouted loudly: "No, he must die."

Han Zixuan gave her a hard gouged look: "You better save it, let's talk about it if you can get out alive tonight."

"What do you mean, are you going to throw me here?" Xie Wenxuan was quite depressed, especially seeing him staring at her protruding breasts, she felt shy and unbearable, as if her whole body was stripped.

"It's not impossible. There are so many wolves and tigers out there, why don't you be dumped to them." Han Zixuan's words were threatening, and Xie Wenxuan immediately fell silent. She lowered her head and stopped talking. Her fate is now in her hands. In his hands, it's really sad.

Wei Baoshuai didn't believe Han Zixuan, but he couldn't help it.If he doesn't agree, he knows what the consequences will be.

Seeing him nodding, Han Zixuan said again: "I took a quick look at your notebook, and there is a big person in it, who must be your backer."

Wei Baoshuai nodded in surprise: "Young Master Han, what do you mean, maybe you want to get rid of this person too."

"Of course, think about the consequences. If this person is not eliminated, even if you come out in the future, can he forgive you?"

Wei Baoshuai was ruthless: "Okay, I will do it."

"There is one last request. I will take this bar girl away. Captain Xie left it for you. You can enjoy it tonight." Han Zixuan smiled secretly, and when he came to Li Zhenzhen, the little girl was so frightened that she looked at Han Zixuan in confusion, He really is a knight.

Wei Baoshuai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and kept shaking his head: "I don't dare, Captain Xie, you can take it away together."

"It's useless for me to carry it. I don't have as good physical strength as you, and I still want to play Shuangfei." Han Zixuan came to Xie Wenxuan and patted her little face. At this moment, her eyes were full of anger. If she could release it, she would burn to death this man.

"Captain Xie, take good care of the handsome guy." Han Zixuan pulled Li Zhenzhen towards the door, but before he could move, Xie Wenxuan moved hard to block the door, looking pitifully at Han Zixuan's eagerness: "Han Zixuan, please, take me away."

"I'm going to have a room with my sister in the bar. Could it be that you also want to join in? To be honest, playing threesome is too shameful. Aren't you forcing me to commit a crime?" Han Zixuan was very embarrassed.

Xie Wenxuan felt that her soul had been humiliated, but there was nothing she could do.If you don't go with him, you will have to face Wei Baoshuai and those stinky men outside, just for comparison, Han Zixuan is a handsome guy, so he should feel better.

"Please, don't leave me behind. I will be fine in the future, and I won't show embarrassment to you. I will definitely play my role well." Xie Wenxuan's words were only understood by Han Zixuan.

"Then you have to be ready to fuck, take the initiative in bed for a while, don't put on a straight face like everyone owes you." Han Zixuan instigated.

Xie Wenxuan could only nod her head in humiliation.Han Zixuan glanced at her indifferently, I know you must be unconvinced in your heart, it is hypocritical flattery right now.How about this, let's sign an agreement, and you will be my slave in the future, I will be there whenever you are called, and you will take good care of me both on and off the bed.

So, Han Zixuan tore off a page from the notebook, brushed it up and handed it to Xie Wenxuan to read.Wei Baoshuai, who was standing aside watching the excitement, said: "Captain Xie, you should just follow Young Master Han. Young Master Han is young and promising, and looks much more handsome than me. He is definitely better than me."

To sign or not to sign, signing means the loss of personality, which is even worse than the previous rumors of the third party.She wondered: "Young Master Han, can you modify it. I will be your third party in the future, but the nature of the job has not changed." Her eyes slowly seeped tears of humiliation and sorrow. She wanted to die, but she died. If the problem cannot be solved, she will first send those corrupt officials to hell.

It's okay, Han Zixuan changed the word "slave" to "little three".Asked Wei Baoshuai to take out the ink pad, and Xie Wenxuan pressed his fingerprints.Han Zixuan nodded in satisfaction, and said to Li Zhenzhen, "Student Zhenzhen, push her and leave together."

The bodyguards outside the door whispered to each other, discussing in succession, looking forward to enjoying the wonderful taste of being a police flower for a while.But they saw a pair of wonderful combination coming out of the door, two women and one man, and what was even more astonishing was that their eldest brother was following behind, with a rope around his neck and a smile on his face.

This group of people suddenly realized something, and just as they were about to rush forward, Wei Baoshuai hurriedly stopped them, telling them to avoid and not to interfere in this matter.

Wei Baoshuai was really loyal enough, and provided Han Zixuan with a car. When they got in the car safely, Han Zixuan let go of the rope and said to Wei Baoshuai: "Remember what you said, if you dare to break your promise, I will come and get your little one as usual. Life."

The car started, Xie Wenxuan and Li Zhenzhen sat in the back row.Han Zixuan turned around and asked Li Zhenzhen where she was going, and I will take you home.

Li Zhenzhen felt that she had just had a dream, and she just came back to her senses at this moment.She looked at Han Zixuan shyly: "Young Master Han, take me back to your house, don't you say you want to take me to a room?"

Uh, Han Zixuan smiled miserably: "I dare not, there is a shrewd wife at home. I'll take you back, don't run around anymore." Then, he took out another envelope from his pocket, the envelope that Wei Baoshuai stuffed into him just now. Pass the labor fee to Li Zhenzhen: "Go back and study hard. Being a bar girl is not a serious job."

Li Zhenzhen took the envelope and burst into tears instantly.She was born in the countryside and came to the city to make a living. She has no skills and connections.I had no choice but to be a bar girl. I was unlucky today and was kidnapped by Wei Baoshuai. Fortunately, I met the hero Han Shao.

Han Zixuan's appearance was handsome, and the method he used just now was deeply imprinted in her mind, especially when he took her to the room, her heart was even filled with joy.She refused to accept his money and insisted: "Young Master Han, I don't ask too much. I am also like this sister. I will be your mistress. Do you think so?"

"Nonsense, you're all crazy, it's an honor to be a mistress, take the money and leave, or I won't be polite to you." Han Zixuan said with a stern face.

Li Zhenzhen broke down in tears, took the envelope, saluted Han Zixuan respectfully, and then looked at Xie Wenxuan: "Sister, you are so happy, why am I not you." After speaking, she opened the car door and trot away.

Xie Wenxuan snorted: "Pretend to be a saint, and deliberately act for someone to watch."

"Of course I'll show you. I don't dare to be too rampant in front of the people's police. Tell me, which hotel to go to and how many stars it is." Han Zixuan looked at her jokingly.

Xie Wenxuan said with a cold face, "Whatever you want. But I declare in advance that I will not work in a hotel lower than a five-star hotel, because there is too little taste."

"Being a mistress is so individual. Don't you know the purpose of mistress? Everything is for the master, and everything is obeyed by the master." Han Zixuan glanced at it, took out a knife and handed it to her: "Hurry up and untie the rope." , not to mention that you are quite suitable for binding, let's play this routine in a while."

"Vulgar, disgusting, rubbish." Xie Wenxuan kept cursing, but it was useless to have a knife. She was tied up all over her body, and there was no way to untie it. Moreover, her muscles were weak after being tied up for too long.

Han Zixuan stopped the car, opened the rear door, took out a knife and began to untie her rope, the rope was slowly untied, and the original black coat was also worn out, through the unexpected gaps of wear, one could clearly see the trace.

After untying the rope, Xie Wenxuan instinctively wanted to snatch his knife, and then stabbed him hard in the chest.But the arm was weak, as if broken.

Han Zixuan said, don't move around, take a good rest after returning home, and you should be fine tomorrow morning.Then hand over the notebook to her, and the rest will depend on your hard work. If this matter is successful, you will definitely be promoted.

When she got downstairs from her own house, the car stopped.Han Zixuan saw that she still didn't get out of the car: "What's the matter, let me carry you upstairs."

Xie Wenxuan looked at him with her lips pursed, and then said, "Thank you."

Wait, don't be too busy thanking, how does the mistress appreciate her man, should you understand this, do you still need me to teach you.

Xie Wenxuan pressed the car door with one hand, and suddenly she turned her head and kissed him on the cheek: "Satisfied, I'm leaving."

Han Zixuan touched his face, this woman is quite fierce.He started the car and gradually disappeared.

Xie Wenxuan stood where she was, watching the car disappearing in a daze, then turned and went upstairs, feeling extremely complicated.

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