After Xie Wenxuan returned home, she felt exhausted all over. She went into the bathroom and lay down in the bathtub. Her mind was still full of what happened just now, especially what she did tonight. If she was not careful, she would fall into the devil's den. Fortunately, Han Zixuan exist.

Thinking of this man, Xie Wenxuan's heart was full of complicated emotions, especially when she took the initiative to kiss him. At that time, she was not out of her mind, it was just an instinctive act of gratitude.She said this to herself, and she felt much more at ease in her heart.She will never have any feelings for him, even if all the men in the world are dead, she will not.

Han Zixuan didn't enter the villa through the main entrance openly. Suddenly, he had an idea, climbed over the wall and entered, and then jumped to the window to peep at Shen Hanyu.Everything was a warning to him from tonight's action, and he regretted it, why didn't he discover this shortcut before.

However, he was disappointed, the windows were closed tightly, there was no light in the room, and he could only vaguely hear the sound of the woman sleeping peacefully and soundly.He looked around, the lights in He Lizi's room were still on, evil thoughts surged in his mind, then he approached slowly and listened carefully.

There were two girls talking in the room, and Bi Yunxi was here.It seems that the relationship between them is not so close, they will whisper.

He Lizi asked: "Bi Yunxi, why did Han Zixuan go, why didn't he come back so late."

Bi Yunxi knew about Han Zixuan's actions tonight, but she wasn't worried at all.But she remembered that he was with another woman, and the instinctive sensitivity of women made her a little impatient.

For this reason, she said angrily: "I don't know, what a man can do in the middle of the night, you can figure it out after thinking about it. I guess he is fooling around with some woman."

What, He Lizi's eyes widened, and the anger in her heart surged: "Why don't you care about him, you are his girlfriend." Then she felt inexplicably happy, Bi Yunxi didn't hold him back.

Bi Yunxi heard the sarcasm in He Lizi's tone, and was not angry.However, he became even more suspicious in his heart. Although the two of them slept together almost every day, Han Zixuan was a vigorous man, holding a beautiful woman could only be touched but not enjoyed, and this feeling was quite uncomfortable.Could it be that he really couldn't bear it, and found a woman to vent his anger completely. Thinking of this, she was relieved again.

Seeing that she didn't respond, He Lizi couldn't help but annoyed and said, "Hey, why don't you talk. You sleep together every night, and he steals food everywhere. I don't know if you have fulfilled your girlfriend's obligations." She thought of herself some time ago From eavesdropping, it seems that the two of them just slept together and didn't do that kind of thing.Driven by curiosity, He Lizi couldn't help but probe: "Bi Yunxi, you are still a virgin."

Bi Yunxi was slightly surprised, and immediately blushed. If she admitted it, she would have slapped herself in the face. She whitened her: "What does it have to do with you, you are the old maid."

He Lizi judged the conjecture in her heart even more, and continued to attack: "Stop pretending, although you and Zixuan sleep together every day, but he doesn't touch you, I don't know if he is too civilized, or you are not attractive to him. Could it be that there is something wrong with Han Zixuan?"

Han Zixuan was sweating profusely after listening to their conversation.Unexpectedly, He Lizi observed very carefully. Could it be that she often listened to the room in the middle of the night.

Bi Yunxi didn't want to continue discussing these unnutritious topics with her, so she snorted: "I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going back to my room."

He Lizi was beautiful in her heart, she got up to see the guests off and said tauntingly: "Bi Yunxi, don't go to his room anymore, he is a man who doesn't give up, why waste your youth, you are not bad, there must be someone in school Many boys follow you."

Han Zixuan felt trembling all over, if he lost this reputation, wouldn't it damage his reputation for the rest of his life, shit, he couldn't bear it.I also had doubts in my heart. After all, I didn't find a woman to really experiment.

Suddenly regretted letting Li Zhenzhen go, that girl was very willing to dedicate her life. Although Li Zhenzhen was not as good-looking as the four beauties in her family, she was pure and well-behaved, and she could do whatever she wanted.

At this moment, He Lizi closed the door, turned off the light, and lay on the bed ready to sleep.Han Zixuan listened for a while, and heard He Lizi say with a smile: "Han Zixuan, the man who doesn't lift, curse you, haha."

My day.Han Zixuan pushed open the window and jumped in.He Lizi didn't feel anything, she was still mumbling.

"I curse your breasts are getting smaller and smaller, and finally shriveled into an airplane runway." Han Zixuan said viciously, staring at He Lizi who was lying on the bed with a smirk on her face.

He Lizi yelled suddenly, sat up from the bed, panicking.She thought the robbers were coming in the middle of the night, and there was only a black figure shaking in front of her eyes, but she was familiar with this figure.

"Why did you suddenly appear, pretending to be a ghost." He Lizi jumped out of bed, turned on the light, and saw him appearing in black.Wei Wei was stunned: "Why are you dressed like this, you must have done nothing good."

Han Zixuan showed a fierce look: "He Lizi, take off your clothes, I want to fuck you."

He Lizi blushed, folded her hands on her chest, and said viciously: "Rogue, hurry back to your room." As soon as she finished speaking, she felt a flash of a figure in front of her eyes, and the man's strong and powerful body rushed over.

Han Zixuan pressed her under him and looked at her carefully.At this moment, He Lizi panicked and waved her hands wildly: "Rogue, get up quickly, or I will call someone."

"Come on, let them all come and see how you were bullied by me." Han Zixuan said as he began to take off his clothes.

He Lizi hastily covered her eyes with her hands, almost crying and said: "Zixuan, I said something wrong just now, and I will never dare again."

"It's late, do you want to take it off yourself, or should I take it off for you?" Han Zixuan looked at her at this moment. She was wearing a pink pajamas. Because of her body twisting just now, the gap in the neckline was accidentally exposed, and the white breasts inside were exposed. faintly revealed.

He Lizi pressed her neck tightly with both hands: "Rogue, if you don't get up again, I will really call someone."

Suddenly, Shen Hanyu's voice came from the door: "Lizi, what's wrong with you, who are you talking to?"

Han Zixuan hastily covered her mouth and lowered his voice: "Don't talk."

Shen Hanyu was worried, and continued: "Lizi, you open the door quickly, or I will open the door and go in."

Han Zixuan secretly scolded this girl for coming at this time.He gave He Lizi a meaningful look, and then jumped out of the window like a fox.

It happened that Shen Hanyu also opened the door of He Lizi's room at this time. As the eldest sister in the villa, she took care of their sisters, so she had the key to the sisters' room.After she came in, she found that He Lizi's face was flushed and her clothes were a little messy, she looked at her in surprise: "Lizi, what's wrong."

Shen Hanyu said while patrolling around, not even putting down the bed.Nai He didn't find anything, and finally the target was locked on the open window.

He Lizi rubbed her head and rubbed her eyes to pretend to be sleepy: "It's okay, maybe I'm dreaming. Sister Yu, why aren't you asleep yet."

"I heard there was movement in your room, and Han Zixuan hasn't come back yet." Shen Hanyu didn't continue, and came to the window and said carefully: "It's cold at night, don't open the window."

She then glanced outside a few times, but found nothing.

He Lizi responded and said, "Sister Yu, I'm fine, you can go back and rest."

Before leaving, Shen Hanyu reminded: "When you sleep at night, the doors and windows are closed tightly. There is a jackal in our house."

Fortunately, Shen Hanyu appeared in time, He Lizi couldn't help but sigh, otherwise she might be insulted tonight, damn Han Zixuan, keep cursing you.

When Xie Wenxuan handed the materials to Director Tan, Tan Chunqing didn't take it seriously, but when he looked carefully, he suddenly turned pale with shock.He hastily closed the office door tightly and questioned how she got this material.

Xie Wenxuan told the truth that Han Zixuan played a key role.Moreover, he asked me to transfer the materials to you. I hope you will handle this matter impartially.

Tan Chunqing knew that this matter was very serious, and if it was not handled properly, it would cause trouble.But he is full of righteousness in his heart, and he does not allow this bad trend in society to continue to cause cholera in the world.So, he planned to go all out, and he was willing to spend his life to find out these people, so that they could get the retribution they deserved.

The handling of this matter was progressing very quickly. Because of Wei Baoshuai's important witness, Liu Qi and the mysterious big shot fell at the same time. Did a lot of bad things.

Although the matter has not yet been judged, their crimes have been confirmed.Wei Baoshuai also went to prison. He sat in a dream and hoped to get out of prison as soon as possible, but the country's laws were ruthless, and Han Zixuan didn't have a good impression of people like him at all.

Of course Xie Wenxuan was the happiest. It turned out that everything Han Zixuan did that day was to deceive Wei Baoshuai. At that time, she really thought that Han Zixuan was going to cover up this person.

The police station held a small celebration banquet. At the same time, it revealed that Xie Wenxuan was about to be promoted to the chief of the operation section because of her outstanding performance in this operation. Everyone congratulates him very much.

Tan Chunqing said to Xie Wenxuan: "Wenxuan, should we also call Han Zixuan, after all he has helped us a lot."

Calling him, Xie Wenxuan was completely unwilling.But what the director said made sense, but she was afraid that some gossip rumors would spread all over the sky. Fortunately, Wei Baoshuai went to prison and Li Zhenzhen disappeared, but what happened that day was still deeply imprinted in her mind, and the note was still in his hand .

Tan Chunqing saw her hesitation, and hurriedly said: "Wenxuan, you and Zixuan don't really have something to do, otherwise why are you dawdling, it doesn't suit your temperament."

Absolutely nothing, Xie Wenxuan immediately denied it. In order to dispel the suspicion of the leader, she had no choice but to call Han Zixuan and said that there will be a celebration dinner tonight, hoping that he can attend.

Naturally, Han Zixuan would not refuse, because this was a shortcut to making friends. Once he got acquainted with the police, it would definitely be more convenient for him to do things in the future.

"Follow the order and make sure to arrive. That you dress nicely, don't embarrass me."

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