The campus is so cute

79 Above the law

After Hu Baowen finished talking with Gao Sen, both of them had smiles on their faces.

Later, Hu Baowen met Liu Qi, but his attitude was completely opposite.Hu Baowen posed as a prosecutor and gave a routine lecture, asking a lot of questions.Liu Qi is in a very bad mood now, and he didn't expect things to turn out like this.

He has been unable to understand that a small person has caused him such a heavy injury, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to turn over, and that Wei Baoshuai, a damn bastard, he really regrets not getting rid of this person sooner.

Hu Baowen asked: "Liu Qi, your case has already been committed. There are many physical and personal evidence against you. What else can you say?"

Liu Qi shook his head: "There is nothing more to say, I accept the punishment."

"Well, let me ask you again, you said in the record that you did certain things according to Gao Sen's idea, how do you explain this." Hu Baowen's eyes were aggressive, even murderous.

Liu Qi said frankly: "That's true. For example, the car accident that deliberately caused Director Sun of the Personnel Department was arranged by him."

Suddenly, Hu Baowen was furious: "Liu Qi, don't talk nonsense. Do you have evidence, such as physical or personal evidence."

The physical evidence and witnesses have been destroyed, and of course he knew about it.Liu Qi couldn't understand why Prosecutor Hu suddenly became angry, but after being in the officialdom for many years, he immediately understood that someone was protecting Gaosen.

Immediately, he was refreshed. He and Gao Sen were tied to the same boat.As long as Gao Sen is fine, he is absolutely fine.

"Let me think about it carefully, Vice Mayor Gao was not involved in this matter." Liu Qi said carefully while observing the expression on the other party's face.

Soon, Hu Baowen smiled lightly, and patted him on the shoulder: "Liu Qi, you are a person who understands things, so don't talk nonsense."

Liu Qi nodded heavily: "I understand everything, and I will revise the testimony."

Hu Baowen was afraid that Liu Qi would repent, and reminded: "Liu Qi, you have committed a crime, and how to judge it is a matter for the court. But as long as Gao Sen is here, he will never let you suffer for nothing. If you continue to talk nonsense Badao, the happy days of your wife and children are over."

In an instant, Liu Qi felt a gust of cold wind hit.He had never been in contact with Hu Baowen in front of him, so he didn't expect that his style of doing things was similar to that of a bandit.Looking carefully at the middle-aged man in front of him, he was ordinary, thin, of medium height, and looked very kind on the outside, but he didn't expect this person to be so vicious.

Hu Baowen left the interrogation room, and Tan Chunqing waited outside the door for a long time.He didn't know what was said in it, but he had an intuition, a sense of foreboding lurking around him.

"Prosecutor Hu, how is the inquiry going?" Tan Chunqing looked at Hu Baowen with cold eyes.

Hu Baowen immediately came over to shake hands with Tan Chunqing: "It's okay, I just asked about it as a matter of routine, thank you Tan Bureau for your cooperation, and hope that our cooperation will be more pleasant in the future."

Tan Chunqing looked at this person's back and did not turn around for a long time.Xie Wenxuan came over and carefully asked: "Director, you think there is something wrong with this person."

Tan Chunqing shook his head: "It's nothing, I don't know if you know Hu Baowen and some of his resume."

Xie Wenxuan is only familiar with her own stall, she doesn't know anything about the outside world.But she heard Director Tan's doubts, and asked curiously in her heart: "I don't know, maybe the director knows something."

"Well, this person was promoted very quickly. It took less than two years to be promoted from an ordinary employee to the position of section chief." Tan Chunqing sighed: "I don't know who is behind him. These days, the backstage is just easy to use. "

Xie Wenxuan had no interest in these things at all, so she remembered something and said, "By the way, Wei Baoshuai's wife has left Nanhai, and his so-called younger brothers have basically broken up. Should we find them all?"

"In this case, forget it. Wei Baoshuai's downfall has reminded some people, and they will definitely restrain themselves a lot." Tan Chunqing turned to look at Xie Wenxuan: "Wenxuan, that day Zixuan sent you back."

Xie Wenxuan blushed inexplicably, and hurriedly replied: "It's useless, my brother took me home."

"Isn't Zixuan very upright? He didn't seize such a good opportunity." After Tan Chunqing finished speaking, he returned to his office with a smile.

Xie Wenxuan went back to her office bitterly, and now there are rumors in the police station that the two are on good terms, and what happened after that night became even more exciting.

Hu Baowen left the police station, and a black Mercedes was waiting outside. After he got in the car, he took out his phone: "It's been done, what should we do next."

On the other end of the phone: "Bring back the vulture, and solve Xie Wenxuan and Tan Chunqing."

Hu Baowen responded: "Okay, I understand."

There was a new change in the case between Liu Qi and Gao Sen. Liu Qi changed his confession. The records about Gao Sen were all false. He deliberately framed Gao Sen in order to fear that things would be exposed and find someone to back him up.

In fact, many people saw the way, but they didn't say anything.Obviously there were people from Gao Sen in the court, and it was very easy to operate. Gao Sen was acquitted, and Liu Qi was sentenced to death for murder and other charges, with a one-year reprieve.Wei Baoshuai was also sentenced to death, but the treatment was different, and he demanded immediate execution.

Tan Chunqing was very angry, and kept knocking on the table in the office and yelling: "Gao Sen, Hu Baowen, you must have colluded."

Xie Wenxuan advised from the side: "Tan Bureau, don't be discouraged. Let them escape this time, and they will never be given a chance in the future."

"Who is the person behind them? The power is too great." Tan Chunqing couldn't figure it out. In Huaxia, there is an existence above the law.

Xie Wenxuan was also very shocked by the result of the penalty. After Hu Baowen met the two, everything turned around.Suddenly, she felt that she was very small, and that her life was a little hopeless.

She went to see her grandfather Xie Zhongxian and explained the cause and effect of the incident.Xie Zhongxian was very calm, and he was not surprised after listening.

"Grandpa, I'm so angry, why don't you say a word." Xie Wenxuan knew that her grandfather was a character with rich experience, so he must have his own opinions.

Xie Zhongxian said lightly: "Wen Xuan, actually there are some things I should tell you. In our country, the law only restrains the majority of people, and has no effect on a small group of people. This small group of people may be bad people, or they may be good people , how to deal with them, we need to think of another way to solve it.”

Xie Wenxuan was very shocked by this new theory. She graduated from a regular police school, studied the country's laws and the constitution, and understood that everyone is equal before the law.However, today, these are just floating clouds. It turns out that as long as you have power, you can solve all problems.

"But, grandpa, where is fairness and democracy in our country?" Xie Wenxuan lost control of her emotions, and her body trembled slightly when she spoke.

"Wenxuan, this world is like this. For example, in foreign countries, there are many terrorist organizations, many illegal organizations, and even killer alliances. They exist safely, and in our country, similar organizations will continue to be born." Xie Zhongxian wanted to draw out Han Zixuan's Molong organization, but he hesitated, let Zixuan handle everything by himself.

After a sleepless night, Xie Wenxuan couldn't sleep no matter what.If there is really an organization behind Hu Baowen and the others, does it mean that she will be in danger? After all, she has offended them.Grandpa reminded her to be careful when going out in the future, bullets should go to court, and she should wear body armor.

How long, has been calm and peaceful.But, nowadays, life is dangerous and worrying.Inexplicably, Xie Wenxuan felt a force, since life chose her, she had to face it bravely.

Han Zixuan went to a very small bar, it was quiet and almost no one was there, and it was daytime.But he had to come today, Ling Tao asked to meet him.

The two sat facing each other without speaking.Drink, drink silently, one cup after another.Han Zixuan didn't take the lead in breaking the silence, he knew the pain in this man's heart, and he needed to drink away his worries.His so-called eldest brother is dead, and he is a man who values ​​friendship very much.

About 10 minutes later, Ling Tao finally spoke: "My elder brother died, and his two wives also left safely. My world seems to have disappeared, and there seems to be no reason to live in my life."

Han Zixuan didn't understand why a 30-year-old man would be so melancholy.He is a man with a story, and the story behind it is bleak.

"Actually, your life is new every day. Today is a relatively good day." Han Zixuan took a sip of the wine in his glass, and carefully observed his every move, toasting, sitting posture, and drinking speed.

He discovered one thing, in fact, he discovered it a long time ago, he is a soldier.Han Zixuan had military training. Although the time was short, he understood them. Keeping his body straight at all times, hunched over and hunched over is not their style.

"You have been a soldier, and you are very skilled. You are definitely not an ordinary soldier." Han Zixuan asked casually.

Ling Tao raised his head and glanced at him: "You are very young, but you have good observation skills, and your skills are even better. I can't figure out who you are."

Han Zixuan suddenly became confused. At first, he defined himself as a rural person. He Lizi and the others said that he was a stinky hooligan, and his classmates said that he was a rich second generation pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.But Han Zixuan said to himself, shouldering heavy burdens, at the same time, he also needs to be an expert who can pick up girls.

"A person who is neither good nor bad is definitely better than Wei Baoshuai."

Forget about him, Ling Tao said: "He has nothing to do with me."

"Ling Tao, I can see that you have experienced tragic stories, otherwise you would not have left the army and lived with the bastards." Han Zixuan said gently: "If you don't mind, you can tell me Listen. Maybe I can help you."

Ling Tao still had a defensive attitude, dodging his eyes and said forcefully: "I don't have any tragic past."

"Really, you have a girlfriend, you are very affectionate, but she has suffered misfortune, so your life has changed." Han Zixuan entrusted her aunt Han Qingyun to investigate Ling Tao, Han Qingyun is omnipotent, she has everything friend or spy.So he immediately got a little bit of news from Ling Tao, even so, Han Zixuan felt that it was enough.

Ling Tao's eyes widened in disbelief: "How do you know, you investigate my background."

"No, it should be said that I appreciate you, so I want to know you in all aspects." Han Zixuan said with a smile.

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