There was a painful expression on Ling Tao's face. It has been many years, but he still can't forget it.In fact, he also wanted to forget, but a certain corner of his heart reminded him all the time that he had to kill this person himself because of the deep blood feud.

He joined the Special Forces in his early years, and only entered after going through various selection tests. He vowed to make good use of this opportunity, learn all the skills in his body, and serve the country.

But the dream was quietly shattered, and there was a person who trained with him, named Xiao Kefan.Entering the Special Forces at the same time as Ling Tao, both of them belonged to the genius type, competitive and compared with each other, but Xiao Kefan's results were always a little bit worse than Ling Tao's. After a long time, Xiao Kefan developed hatred towards Ling Tao.

Finally Xiao Kefan launched revenge, since he could not defeat Ling Tao head-on, he had to take special measures.

Once, the army gave the two of them a holiday to go home to visit relatives. They happened to be from the same place, so they went home together.

Ling Tao didn't notice Xiao Kefan's distorted psychology towards him at the time, but he just felt that this person was very serious and had a strong self-esteem.In fact, in a way, these are excellent qualities, Ling Tao thinks so.

He really made friends with this comrade-in-arms, and even regarded him as his own relatives.After returning home, the two still kept in touch. Once Xiao Kefan went to his house to look for him. Ling Tao was very happy and entertained him warmly.

At that time, Ling Tao's girlfriend lived with him, she was a beautiful and kind woman, but Xiao Kefan's dark psychology planted the seeds at this moment, he lived with Ling Tao for many days, and behaved honestly and honestly.Ling Tao felt that Xiao Kefan had changed, and perhaps leaving the army allowed Xiao Kefan to show his original self.

Therefore, Ling Tao was negligent, because his family lived in the country, and he often went to the town to buy some supplies.Unexpectedly, when he came back from the town, a tragic scene happened at home.

His girlfriend was disheveled, her hair was disheveled, and there was a man's filth on her face and body.He felt dizzy at the time, but there was no sign of Xiao Kefan.

The next day, his girlfriend secretly took a large amount of sleeping pills, and because the rescue was late, a bright flower withered at a young age.Since then, Ling Tao's originally bright world has been darkened. He vowed to find Xiao Kefan and kill him himself.

Back in the army, there was no Xiao Kefan.Therefore, Ling Tao also left the army early, and he must be found even in the remotest corners of the world.

However, the world is so big, where can I find Xiao Kefan.In the end, Ling Tao drifted to the South China Sea, living in poverty, drinking every day to forget his sorrows.At this time, Wei Baoshuai appeared in his life, and he saw at a glance that Ling Tao was from the army, and his love for talents surged.

Wei Baoshuai not only supports him in life, but also cares for him and talks to him.After learning what happened to Ling Tao, he stated that he would definitely be able to find that person. Because of his belief, Ling Tao stayed and worked for Wei Baoshuai.

Although Wei Baoshuai has a bad character, he treats Ling Tao very well.That's why Ling Tao wants to protect his women and send them out of the land of right and wrong safely.

Han Zixuan finished listening quietly, what can he say.It's a shame when this happens to any man, unless you don't love your woman.He didn't want Nuno to be able to help him find that person, because he didn't have that ability yet, but he hoped that Ling Tao could become stronger, a man should be self-improvement.

If you fall, you yourself are lost.How to grasp the future, Xiao Kefan is sure to be happy to see your present appearance. Isn't your hard work these years worthless.

One sentence awakened the dreamer, Ling Tao suddenly raised his dark eyes, and said sincerely: "Han Zixuan, thank you very much."

"It's nothing. In fact, I also have a very bad past. Listen to my tragic story." Han Zixuan then talked about his life experience, only saying that he was a baby, his family was attacked by the enemy, and he survived. Wouldn't it be more difficult.

Of course he wouldn't say anything about Mo Long, and when Han Zixuan told this story, he didn't feel so miserable.Maybe he was too young at that time, maybe Han Zixuan didn't have these things in his memory.In fact, the main thing is that he is an optimistic and open-minded person. The past will eventually be history, and the future is in his own hands.

Ling Tao didn't expect that the clean and handsome young man in front of him would have such an unbearable past. Compared with himself, his current depraved life has ruined himself.

The two continued to drink, but they drank with a feeling of sympathy.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang, and it was Xie Wenxuan calling.Han Zixuan understood that she would never call him for no reason, because something important must have happened.

"Young Master Han, save me. There are snipers near my house, and I've been ambushed." On the other end of the phone, Xie Wenxuan's voice was weak.

After Han Zixuan finished listening, his heart trembled.He hung up the phone and ran out.Ling Tao followed: "What happened, do you need help?"

"Get in the car." Han Zixuan nodded at him.

The car shuttles through the crowds in the street.Ling Tao was secretly surprised, his driving skills were so good, even better than the professional driving mechanics in the army, he became even more curious about Han Zixuan.

Within a minute, Han Zixuan appeared downstairs at Xie Wenxuan's house, and took a closer look at the surrounding buildings. The window of Xie Wenxuan's house happened to be facing a tall building, and the sniper was probably in ambush there.

Now, he didn't have time to think about it. He got out of the car and rushed to the stairs. Without waiting for the elevator, he ran directly to the artificial escalator beside him.Ling Tao, who was following behind, was amazed at the speed.Xie Wenxuan's family lived on the seventh floor. Although he had never been here, he called Xie Wenhao just now and asked about it.

When he came to the door of 703, Han Zixuan knocked on the door and softly shouted: "It's me." But there was no sound from inside, and Han Zixuan became even more nervous.

He took out a silver needle from his pocket and twisted it up and down against the keyhole.In three seconds, the door opened.Ling Tao witnessed the scene after scene, and felt mixed feelings in his heart. This young master Han looked more like a special forces trained, with good agility, speed, and various skills.

In the room, Xie Wenxuan was slumped on the sofa, with a pool of blood on her chest.Han Zixuan rushed forward and called Xie Wenxuan's name, but she didn't feel it.

Ling Tao also rushed in, and the scene in front of him also horrified him.This kind of life has been away from him for many years, and he thinks he was the best sniper in the army back then.

Han Zixuan touched her nose, and she was still breathing.Now she had to be operated on, so he rushed into the kitchen and took two sharp knives.There was no alcohol, so I had to go to the wine cabinet to get a bottle of white wine.

Gently took off her white coat, the blood was already stained red.Han Zixuan said to Ling Tao: "Brother Tao, help me see where the sniper can set up an ambush. Let's see if we can catch this person now."

Without further ado, Ling Tao began to check.Han Zixuan carried Xie Wenxuan to her bedroom and prepared to operate on her.

As a last resort, because Xie Wenxuan was shot in the chest, he had to take off her underwear, revealing a pair of plump white and tender breasts, but he has no time to appreciate these now.Holding a sharp knife in his hand, he cut open the wound bit by bit. Because there was no anesthetic effect, Xie Wenxuan wailed in pain and passed out.

Ling Tao quickly found out the clue, and when he came to the door, he didn't push it open.Because there was a woman in the room, he didn't want to be Xiao Kefan's second.

"I'll go out for a while, I found the sniper position."

Han Zixuan hummed and continued to operate on Xie Wenxuan.Fortunately, I learned a lot from my master when I was young, otherwise Xie Wenxuan might die today.

After taking out the bullet, Han Zixuan found some medicine for knife wounds at her home.Xie Wenxuan has a sense of prevention and travels outside every day. It is uncertain when an injury may occur, so some medicines are necessary at home.

Afraid of wound infection, Han Zixuan couldn't put on underwear for her, and only covered her with a thin blanket, then he left the bedroom with the bullet he took out, and came to the living room.

Not long after, Ling Tao came back again, and he shook his head: "Nothing was found, the sniper probably slipped away after firing one shot."

Han Zixuan also knew that it was impossible to catch the sniper, so he thanked him.

Ling Tao asked suspiciously: "Who is she, and who has she offended?"

Han Zixuan explained Xie Wenxuan's identity. Some time ago, he handled a case, which was probably related to this matter, and he was retaliated by the other party.

Ling Tao was shocked. Someone dared to retaliate against the police. The other party was too courageous.He carefully looked at the bullet he took out, and suddenly he fell into deep thought, and the expression on his face slowly became serious.

Han Zixuan was surprised: "Could it be that you can see the origin of the bullet and judge the identity of the other party."

"That's not possible, but there are not many good snipers in the world. This person is obviously a veteran. He was killed in one blow and retreated immediately." Ling Tao recalled the woman's physical condition and asked, "How is she?"

"Still in a coma, but nothing serious." Han Zixuan said lightly. If Xie Wenxuan died because of this incident, he would feel guilty.After all, he was the one who bewitched him when he dealt with Wei Baoshuai.

Ling Tao looked at Han Zixuan up and down, and finally couldn't help laughing: "Han Zixuan, Young Master Han. What kind of person are you? You can even operate on patients. I have to admire you. You are the most comprehensive genius I have ever seen. Shoot you can you."

Han Zixuan shook his head: "No, but it's possible to shoot."

At first, Ling Tao didn't react, but then he figured it out and laughed loudly: "Brother, you are really shameless."

Han Zixuan said to Ling Tao: "Brother Tao, I can just stay here, you can go back and rest. You have helped me a lot today, thank you for your hard work."

Ling Tao nodded, then took his hand and said sincerely: "Zixuan, I've figured it out, let's mess with you. Look at you, brother, I have low self-esteem, and I need to learn more in the future, otherwise society will weed me out. "

"Brother Tao, this matter is definitely not over. I must find out who is behind the scenes. I may trouble you."

"In a word, no problem. I'm leaving. This female policeman is good. She will call you first in case of danger. You must have a good relationship, so seize the opportunity." Ling Tao patted him on the shoulder, and then He left with sonorous and forceful steps.

Han Zixuan returned to the bedroom, Xie Wenxuan was still unconscious.In order to wake her up as soon as possible, he decided to take some convenient measures and infuse her with Molong Qi.

Han Zixuan judged that she would wake up in an hour.It was dark now, and he entered the kitchen and began to work.

When Xie Wenxuan opened her eyes, her mind was a little confused.Think carefully about what happened before, today is the weekend off.She cleaned the house at home, then started sitting yoga and exercising.

Suddenly, the sound of a gunshot came through the glass of her house.

She looked at her chest, it had already been bandaged, and suddenly her face turned red, she hurriedly tightened the blanket, and carefully recalled the scene after the injury, but her mind was blank, only her last phone call with Han Zixuan.

At that time, why she called him, she still doesn't understand.

Han Zixuan came in with a bowl of hot rice porridge, seeing her eyes rolling, he knew she was awake, and said concernedly, "You finally woke up, get up and eat something."

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