The campus is so cute

81 I Don't Understand Romance

Just as Xie Wenxuan was about to sit up, she suddenly felt a pain in her chest, and she was prone to having sex.She immediately lay down again, and hastily tightened the blanket covering her body. She rarely blushed, and unconsciously blushed, showing a rare femininity under the light.

Han Zixuan immediately stopped her from moving, your body has just recovered and needs to be recuperated for a while.He said cheekily: "Can you sit up a little bit, let me feed you some porridge, and try my handicraft."

Xie Wenxuan pursed her lips, tightened the blanket, and leaned slowly on the bed, occasionally revealing the snow-white skin around her neck, which was very seductive.

Han Zixuan couldn't help saying, don't make such a seductive gesture, and I realized that you are also a woman when you are naked.

Xie Wenxuan was about to have a fit, staring at her dark eyes.But immediately she was relieved, because he was the savior.

It was the first time for Han Zixuan to cook for a woman, and for the first time to feed a woman. In fact, his skills were not bad, but he didn't have a chance to show them off.Xie Wenxuan smelled the fragrance of rice wafting from the bowl, and her stomach growled.

They had no words before, only tacit understanding, warm and romantic pictures.Unknowingly, Xie Wenxuan's eyes were covered with a layer of mist, and tears flowed out like rain.Was she moved by what the man did, or was she feeling the burst of joy that she was still alive, maybe both.

After finishing the porridge, Han Zixuan wiped her mouth gently with a napkin, jokingly said that you don't need to be grateful for what I did, the reason why I saved you was because of me, and to be honest, I feel very guilty.If, I mean, if you're not here today, I'm afraid I'll have trouble sleeping and eating for the rest of my life.

What's wrong, this man is so tender today, as soft as a gentle and warm light, shining on the soft place of her heart.

"You are also good at medicine." Xie Wenxuan would have spoken in a disdainful or displeased tone at ordinary times, but right now, she looked at him with eyes full of admiration.

I just understand a little bit, the situation was urgent at that time, not to mention the gunshot wound you got, you must have trouble going to the hospital, so I decided on my own, took off your clothes, and performed surgery on you.I'm sorry, I saw your body, I hope you don't mind, I'm forced to act in a hurry.

Damn man, he took advantage of it and said it confidently, it seems that you are still wronged.Xie Wenxuan doesn't want to get entangled in this issue, she is not the kind of pure and virtuous woman, and it is not ancient now.So what if someone raped her, life would go on.

What's more, he just glanced at him a few times, and this man is Han Zixuan.For some reason, Xie Wenxuan didn't feel very sad when he saw her.

Han Zixuan immediately changed the subject, talking about the cause of the incident, feeling that it was related to Gao Sen's case, and asked her opinion at the same time.Have you ever offended other enemies before? As a policeman, you must have many enemies.

Xie Wenxuan insisted that it must have something to do with Gao Sen. She felt something the moment Gao Sen was released. She remembered that day when Gao Sen left the police station, he looked at them with deep hatred in his eyes.

Han Zixuan said, "Will you tell your family?"

Xie Wenxuan hurriedly said: "No, the reason why I called you at the first time is that I don't want them to know, so as not to worry." Then she wondered: "You don't know how to call."

"No, but this matter cannot be covered up, and it's a serious matter, so I must tell your grandfather about it." Han Zixuan suggested sincerely.

Xie Wenxuan said don't talk about it yet, and tell him when I recover. Only you and I know about this, and I hope you can keep it a secret.

Han Zixuan nodded, thinking to himself, if the other party hired snipers to ambush Xie Wenxuan's house, then the next target might be Tan Chunqing.In comparison, Xie Wenxuan is nothing more than a small soldier, while Tan Chunqing is a big fish.

He said what he thought, and Xie Wenxuan immediately became alert, and immediately took out the phone and called Tan Chunqing, but the other party's voice remained the same.Xie Wenxuan was relieved and just asked some other questions.

Han Zixuan snatched the phone: "Ju Tan, I'm Han Zixuan. Xie Wenxuan was ambushed by a sniper at home today. Be careful. The next target may be you."

Tan Chunqing was shocked, and immediately asked Xie Wenxuan about her current physical condition.Han Zixuan briefly explained that he hoped he could come and we can discuss the next strategy.

Xie Wenxuan glared at him, complaining that he was talking too much, why did he scare the chief, this matter is not as serious as you think.Han Zixuan said that she was stupid after being injured, why should the other party attack a small person like you, what benefit can they get by killing you.

If this was really done by Gao Sen and his gang, their revenge is first, and second, they feel that the existence of people like you threatens them, so they decided to exchange blood and install their own people in the police station.Perhaps, there are people from them in the police station at present, and as long as Bureau Tan dies, that person may be revealed and become the new chief.

Xie Wenxuan looked at Han Zixuan suspiciously, and suddenly asked, "Could it be that you know who they are and who is behind them?"

"If only I knew, why bother talking nonsense with you, just find someone to kill them and solve the problem. Wenxuan, I know you are irritable and easily agitated. Don't worry, I will definitely avenge you, but it will take time .” Han Zixuan came up and held her hand.

It was the first time that Han Zixuan called her by her name, he was kind yet steady.Xie Wenxuan shook off his hand and said slightly angrily: "You leave first, I want to change clothes."

"What are you afraid of? I've seen what I should see, and I've seen what I shouldn't. Why do you have to pretend in front of me?" Han Zixuan said jokingly, and suddenly smiled secretly: "Wen Xuan, you have such a good figure , don’t always wear uniforms when you’re not working, it’s too tightly wrapped.”

"Sexy, you finally exposed your wolf nature." Xie Wenxuan gouged him hard, but today was different, he felt that he looked pale and powerless when he stared at others.

"Go to my closet and bring me the shirt." Xie Wenxuan had to tell him because it was inconvenient.

Han Zixuan came to the closet, opened it, and took a look. There were not many clothes, except for the work uniform for get off work on weekdays, the casual sportswear for off work, plus a few elegantly colored underwear, no lace, no lace, not even half of it. Cups, not to mention interesting models.He couldn't help smiling wryly, this woman doesn't understand romance and sentimentality at all.

He picked out an army green shirt and handed it to her.After Xie Wenxuan picked it up, her face flushed slightly: "Help me get a piece of underwear."

Han Zixuan shook his head: "Let's forget about today, you are not suitable to wear it yet."

Then I just see our leader like this, it's too shameful.Han Zixuan said it's okay, this shirt is dark enough to block you.Should your leader really check on your injury? I won't allow it.

Xie Wenxuan froze for a moment, then turned around obediently, and changed her shirt.Anyway, she didn't have any scruples, and suddenly her snow-white back was completely exposed. Han Zixuan sneaked a look, and then went out.

Soon, Tan Chunqing hurried over.Seeing Han Zixuan in the living room, he hurriedly asked about his injury and what happened.

Han Zixuan briefly told about Xie Wenxuan's injury, so that he doesn't have to worry too much, and now think about your own problems first.At this time, Xie Wenxuan came out of the bedroom and lay on the bed all afternoon, she would be frozen if she did not move, not to mention that the leader was outside, she would always come out to meet her, and at the same time reassure him.

Seeing that Xie Wenxuan was fine, Tan Chunqing felt a little relieved.Start to analyze the before and after of this matter, who is behind the scenes.

Han Zixuan said that it doesn't matter who the other party is, but it is obvious that the other party's next target may be you, so you have to be mentally prepared.

Tan Chunqing suddenly became angry, slapped the table in front of him and yelled, "Damn it, fuck it, these bastards."But Tan Chunqing is not a reckless person, everything is analysis at present, he looked at Han Zixuan: "Zixuan, do you have any good suggestions."

Suddenly, Tan Chunqing realized that Han Zixuan was very special. Ordinary people would panic when encountering this matter, but he was calm and calm, and handled it very properly.

Han Zixuan said that this incident was caused by me, if I hadn't caught Liu Qi, there wouldn't be these troubles, and I would definitely help with all my strength.He thought for a while and said that the other party will definitely adopt sniper tactics, keep it safe and secret, and leave without leaving a trace when they are done.

They will not set up an ambush near the police station. The target must be somewhere near your home. I decided to check the terrain near your home tomorrow. What you have to do is to keep your face and live as usual.

The other party asked for a one-shot kill. For example, today, they might think that Wen Xuan was already dead. If I hadn't come quickly, Wen Xuan might really be dead.Only Han Zixuan knew in his heart that he saved her life by expending Molong's true energy.

Xie Wenxuan sat silently at the side, listening to him talk about this matter, her heart was full of ups and downs.

Tan Chunqing heard what he said was very reasonable, and asked him if he needed help.Han Zixuan reminded him that there may be people from them in the police station, and now no one is necessarily reliable, only we believe in ourselves.

Later, he mentioned Ling Tao, one of his good brothers, who was from the special forces in his early years, and he would definitely help.

Han Zixuan said again: "Recently, you don't want to go to work, and ask the unit for leave to say that you are sick and recuperate at home. In fact, this is to lure the snake out of the hole, and the other party will only choose to do it when you are at home."

Xie Wenxuan felt it was too dangerous to do so, Tan Chunqing waved his hand: "No problem, just listen to Zixuan's arrangement."

Before Tan Chunqing left, he held Han Zixuan's hand: "Zixuan, take good care of Wenxuan, and I thank you on behalf of the overall situation, otherwise we will lose the best people's policeman."

Han Zixuan smiled faintly, expressing that he would definitely take good care of her.

After seeing off Tan Chunqing, Han Zixuan looked at his watch, it was already past nine o'clock, and at this time the family's urgent call also followed.

He Lizi asked on the other end of the phone: "Han Zixuan, what time is it? You haven't come home yet, and you're having fun outside again."

"I won't be going back today, tell Yunxi for me." Han Zixuan replied, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm doing serious business today."

Then, he hung up the phone hastily.

Xie Wenxuan glanced at him quietly: "I'm fine, you go home, I can take care of myself."

"It's nothing, I also obey your director's arrangement. Besides, you are injured now, how can I go home with peace of mind." Han Zixuan smiled, "You don't need to thank me too much, I actually don't want to go home, it's too noisy."

Xie Wenxuan didn't know his family situation and knew nothing about him.Today, she suddenly wanted to know more about him.

"Really, do you really have a wife?" Xie Wenxuan asked abruptly.

Han Zixuan rubbed his head and felt a little embarrassed: "Forget it, I'm not too young, and I'm not ugly. Is it so difficult to find a wife?"

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