The campus is so cute

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Xie Wenxuan couldn't stand him and started bragging again, but recalling all the things that happened before, this man really has a lot of skills.She has always wondered why grandpa would give up his figure and follow this person, and now he finally understands a little bit, but letting Wen Hao follow him is a good choice.

"Han Zixuan, how did you meet my grandfather, and why he treats you so well, even beyond family affection."

Han Zixuan was puzzled, could it be that Xie Zhongxian didn't tell them about his life experience, or this woman was deliberately probing.

"I'm very curious about what your grandfather told you." Han Zixuan asked in surprise.

Xie Wenxuan recalled that conversation with her grandpa, and her heart was full of annoyance and depression. Grandpa said that our Xie family owed them, and the only way to repay them was to give, even if they were oxen and horses.Wenxuan remember what I said, always follow behind Han Zixuan, he is your future master.

What age is this, and there are masters and slaves.Xie Wenxuan was indignant, especially when she saw his younger brother accompanying Han Zixuan like a scumbag, her heart was more filled with deep sorrow, lamenting that in this world, no matter how powerful you are, you are still very small in front of some people.

Their Xie family has status in the South China Sea. Grandpa is a soldier of the older generation, and his official position is not small.Now that he is retired to take care of his life, his three sons are doing well now, and they all have a place in the army, in the officialdom, and in the shopping mall.She didn't understand that the Xie family could rely on their own strength to grow and take off steadily, but everything was broken by the man in front of them.

Thinking of this, her face darkened: "Forget it, don't pretend to be with me, our Xie family will never be able to hold our head up in front of you." After saying this, she returned to her bedroom.

Han Zixuan was startled, feeling dull.He didn't blindly ask for it, he was also giving slowly, comparing his heart with his heart, he was changing his heart.He understands a truth, if you want to be successful, if you want to stand in a higher position, you need not only strength and strategy, but also people's hearts.

In the middle of the night, Xie Wenxuan felt a dull pain in her chest, and she couldn't sleep no matter what. When the pain was the worst, she couldn't help moaning.

Han Zixuan came to her bedroom and saw that she was sweating and her face was pale.He walked quickly to the bedside and said in a low voice, "It hurts, right? Go to the hospital tomorrow, they will handle it more professionally."

"No, this pain is nothing. I want to get better as soon as possible and grab that person with my own hands." Xie Wenxuan still kept her spirits up. This woman is a little strong who can't be beaten, and sometimes she is stronger than a man.

Han Zixuan knew that she needed to be healed now, if he didn't go to the hospital, he could only rely on his Molong Qi to infuse it, which would relieve her.But the fastest, it will take nearly a week to really get better.

"I'll help you heal." Han Zixuan gently pulled her up: "Don't be brave, if you don't go to the hospital and rely on recuperation at home, it will take a long time, how about this, I will give you a massage and keep it to relieve the pain. At least you can sleep peacefully."

"What are you doing again? You've seen me all, and now you want to take the opportunity to touch me, right?" Xie Wenxuan said weakly.

Han Zixuan smiled wryly and nodded: "Okay, I just have a plan. Besides, how do you know that I didn't touch you when I was treating you? To tell you the truth, I touched not only the top, but also the bottom."

"You, pervert." Xie Wenxuan gritted her teeth tightly.

Han Zixuan wondered why she always called me a pervert, because the expression on my face was so sexy.In comparison, he prefers to listen to perverts, and he looks a little more refined. When a woman speaks these two words, her eyes are a little more charming. It will be more interesting.

"I admit it, but can you change your name, be more affectionate." Han Zixuan teased, and then stretched out his hand to press her chest.

Xie Wenxuan instinctively stretched out her hand to stop her, Han Zixuan shouted: "Don't move around, it's not that I haven't touched a woman before, even older than you."

The position of the bullet was slightly higher than the chest, and she was lucky. If the bullet was slightly off, and unfortunately hit one of the meat balls, Han Zixuan didn't dare to think about it.In fact, women love their breasts very much, no matter how big or small, after all breastfeeding is necessary for pregnancy and babies, and it is also a delicacy for men to taste.

Xie Wenxuan felt a stream of inexplicable air flow into her body, and she was terrified immediately, remembering the scene where Han Zixuan jumped directly over the wall.

"You are really good at kung fu, God is fair enough, why do you favor you so much." Xie Wenxuan pouted, and stared at his hands at the same time, in case he behaved improperly.

"In fact, sometimes caring means getting more, and sometimes getting more is not a good thing, because you need to give more." Han Zixuan smiled bitterly as he recalled his childhood of practicing kung fu in his early years.

Xie Wenxuan understood this truth and couldn't help getting to know him better.After losing her true energy, she felt much better, Han Zixuan covered her with a quilt, and told her to rest well, don't think too much, everything is up to me.

What a warm word, Xie Wenxuan turned her head, and crystal tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

Han Zixuan asked Ling Tao to go to Tan Chunqing's house. Tan Chunqing did not go to work, and he had already greeted the personnel department. He was not feeling well and had to rest for a few days.

In fact, as the bureau chief, he doesn't sit in the office every day.Most things are left to the subordinates, and it is not surprising that he does not appear in the situation.Sometimes I go out for meetings, sometimes I go out for interviews and so on.

When Tan Chunqing saw Ling Tao, he immediately felt that the man was extraordinary, especially his whole body was full of domineering, and his eyes were as sharp as a knife.Good guy, Zixuan's friends are really unusual.

After chatting briefly, Han Zixuan told him to put on a bulletproof vest at home just in case, and live as usual without making too many changes.

Han Zixuan and Ling Tao went to a resident next door. They revealed their identities. The head of the household looked at them suspiciously and asked, "You are policemen, do you have any IDs?"

Han Zixuan thought that people's awareness of protection was getting stronger and stronger, so he had no choice but to let Bureau Tan come over to speak.Bureau Tan is a public figure, and the head of the household naturally knows it. After hearing their intentions, he immediately expressed his opinion: "That's fine, I'll stay at my friend's house for a few days, and just let me know when you finish the case."

Han Zixuan and Ling Tao opened the window and pointed at a tall building across the street. This is a comprehensive office building, Xintian Building.Now that the sun has just risen, it is estimated that the other party has not moved yet.

Tan Ju's house is located on the seventeenth floor. If the opponent adopts sniper tactics, he will definitely be on the seventeenth floor.Han Zixuan and Ling Tao moved the binoculars to the window, watched some terrain carefully, and then let Ling Tao take a look, after all, he is a professional.

After Ling Tao read it, he began to draw the map, and finally calculated the hidden location of the sniper and turned it into a circle.

The two closed the windows and drew the curtains at the same time, and began to think about the next move. They planned to go to the opposite building to see for themselves and narrow the scope as much as possible.

At the police station, deputy director Xia Limin held a meeting, which was always the case on Mondays, but Xie Wenxuan and Tan Ju were not among the colleagues who were in place. After careful inquiry, they found out that Tan Ju was on sick leave, but Xie Wenxuan didn't make a sound.

Immediately ordered to call Xie Wenxuan, but it didn't work, and the other party was turned off.Usually, Xie Wenxuan was never late, and some people couldn't help teasing Captain Xie for having a boyfriend. The two of them dated too late last night.

Xia Limin didn't say anything, but briefly explained the main work of this week and some work arrangements.At the end of the meeting, Xia Limin approached Zhao Bin, the head of the technical section: "Zhao Bin, you can go to Wenxuan's house to see if you are sick or something."

Zhao Bin has a good relationship with Xie Wenxuan, and they get along very happily.Xie Wenxuan is the captain of the operation, and Zhao Bin is the chief of the technical section, and they have cooperated with each other for a long time.Zhao Bin was also deeply puzzled as to what Xie Wenxuan was doing.

"Okay, I'll arrange someone to take a look at it later." Zhao Bin responded suddenly and said, "By the way, Ju Tan is ill. Should we go and take a look? Whether he is hospitalized or at home."

"Forget it, you also know Tan Ju, he doesn't like publicity. Besides, he's always been in good health, so he's probably fine. I'll call in person in a while." Xia Limin feels very refreshed today. The boss is not at home. The feeling of calling the shots.

Zhao Bin teased: "Ju Xia, I feel pretty good today, especially when I presided over the meeting just now, I really didn't see it, he is very general."

"You boy, don't talk nonsense, I'm still the deputy squad leader. Be careful, Bureau Tan listened and plucked your hair." Xia Limin walked away with his slightly fat body shaking.

Zhao Bin immediately arranged for his men to go to Xie Wenxuan's house to see what was going on and report in time.

Vulture received a call from Hu Baowen: "Vulture, you did a good job. The next target is Tan Chunqing. Remember, try to be as fast as possible, while he is currently at home, this is the best time."

Vulture responded: "Okay, I will deploy now."

Han Zixuan and Ling Tao went to the opposite building, mainly on the [-]th floor to check. After inspection, they found that there were three offices here, two of which were residents.After careful understanding, one of the heads of the household has gone abroad, and the house has been vacant for a long time.

Then I went to the 16th and [-]th floors and took a look. There are offices and residents.Han Zixuan probably knew it in his heart.

At this time, Xie Wenxuan called him and said that someone knocked on the door of her house just now, and the voice was Xiaotian from their unit.

Han Zixuan asked if she didn't answer, this is what he ordered when he left, no matter who knocks on the door, don't make a sound.In fact, Han Zixuan wanted to announce the news of Xie Wenxuan's death, but he didn't have the heart to do so.If he couldn't tell, Tan Chunqing's refusal to go to work would definitely make the enemy suspicious.

"Take care of yourself. When I'm done, I'll go see you." Han Zixuan said softly.

"It's okay, you can take care of yourself, I can take care of it myself." Xie Wenxuan hung up the phone in a hurry, and suddenly found that her palms were covered with sweat, why was she so nervous just now.

After Han Zixuan and Ling Tao observed the building carefully, they hurried downstairs. When they arrived at the lobby on the first floor, a person came in from the door. This person was wearing a hat and holding a heavy box in his hand.

When Ling Tao saw this person, he immediately lowered his head.For the convenience of their movements, both of them deliberately wore sunglasses. If others didn't pay attention to them, they wouldn't recognize them.

When the man got on the elevator, Ling Tao raised his head, with bloodthirsty eyes in his eyes: "Young Master Han, he has appeared."

"Who." Han Zixuan became alert.

"Vulture, Xiao Kefan." Ling Tao felt the blood rolling all over his body.

Han Zixuan nodded lightly: "It is probably this person, he is the sniper."

Ling Tao wanted to go back now, but Han Zixuan grabbed him: "Wait, don't be impulsive. We are all judging, wait a little bit, and we will definitely catch him."

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