Han Zixuan and Ling Tao returned to the room next to Bureau Tan. Ling Tao immediately came to the window and wanted to open the curtains to take a look, but Han Zixuan stopped him.

"Don't open the curtains. If Xiao Kefan is the killer, then he must be very vigilant. You also said that you are from the same unit. Let's be careful not to disturb him." Han Zixuan let Ting Tao to the sofa, I hope he will talk more about Xiao Kefan.

"You have been looking for him before, but you didn't find him." Han Zixuan was puzzled.

Ling Tao reluctantly suppressed his impulse and sat down. He had been looking for Xiao Kefan all these years, and even went to Xiao Kefan's hometown, but he found nothing.Later, a good friend of his told him that Xiao Kefan went to a foreign country and became a mercenary.

Oh, Han Zixuan understood: "The reason why you didn't go to Xiao Kefan is because you have some scruples."

"That's right, I don't have any power now, I'm afraid I won't be Xiao Kefan's opponent with my own courage, so I have been forbearing, I never thought that he came to the South China Sea, God has eyes."

Xiao Kefan went to the seventeenth floor, looked at the terrain, and inquired about renting a house, and he naturally found a good place.But when he heard that person said that two people came up to ask about the house just now, he immediately became alert.

Immediately took out the phone: "Xiaolang, something is wrong. I have arrived at the designated location, but someone has already been there just now."

Xiaolang didn't take it seriously when he heard this: "Vulture, you are too nervous. In fact, you did a beautiful job yesterday. Xie Wenxuan has not come to the unit so far, and there is no registration record for her in the hospital. She is probably dead."

Vulture couldn't help feeling proud: "Of course, I'm still very confident in my marksmanship. Unless there is a miracle, the woman will definitely die."

"Vulture, after finishing this job, you can report to the headquarters. You don't have to perform tasks outside all the time, and I will arrange a very secure position for you, just like me."

The vulture was still nervous: "Xiaolang, I don't know what to do, why don't I change places. For example, when Tan Chunqing was on the way to work, I stopped him by car, and I can still solve him."

"No, that's too risky, and there are too many pedestrians on the road, there will be troubles. Now that Tan Chunqing is recuperating at home, this is the best opportunity. After a few days, when the news of Xie Wenxuan's death comes, we will be passive. Now , Immediately." Xiaolang's voice was ruthless and decisive.

Xiao Kefan hesitated to hang up the phone, and then took out the master key to open the door of the overseas residents. Of course, all his actions were very fast and would not be seen by outsiders.

When he came to the window, Xiao Kefan took out his binoculars and looked at the tall building of the other party, and quickly locked his target on Tan Chunqing's home. After observing, he found that Tan Chunqing was sitting on the sofa watching TV as usual.Old boy, today is the day of my death.

Xiao Kefan was a cautious person, so he took another look. There was a strange room next to Tan Chunqing, with the curtains still drawn in broad daylight.

He took out the phone again: "I want detailed information on the situation of the two residents next to Tan Chunqing."

"Wait a minute, I'll call you back later."

Taking advantage of this time, Xiao Kefan opened the bag he was carrying, pressed the password, and opened it.There are some parts inside, and he began to assemble it skillfully, and soon a sniper rifle appeared in front of him, and he touched it caressingly, as if stroking a woman's skin.

The skin of a woman, Xiao Kefan recalled the same thing for many years, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.In fact, he still has one regret, that he didn't win against Ling Tao.After this matter is settled, he returns to the headquarters, and must do everything possible to find this person, and kill him himself.

Soon, the other party called: "The resident on the east side of Tan Chunqing is a businessman, and he is often not at home. I guess it is the one you said to block the curtains. The one on the west side is my house, you understand."

Xiao Kefan smiled: "Owl Wolf, wait for my good news, but for the sake of safety, you go to this house on the east side to have a look."

There was a knock on the door, Han Zixuan hurriedly held his breath, and quietly came to the door, when someone shouted outside, "Is there anyone, I'm delivering a courier."

Han Zixuan didn't make a sound, but listened to the voice carefully, feeling a little familiar.He suddenly became cautious, and originally wanted to look into the cat's eyes to see who was outside, but he gave up again.

Soon, the outsiders left.Ling Tao immediately came over and asked, "What's going on, maybe the other party noticed it."

Han Zixuan shook his head: "It's nothing, it's a courier." In his mind, he carefully recalled the voice of that person just now. It was a little familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it.

Han Zixuan made a phone call with Tan Chunqing: "Bureau Tan, the other party has already started to act. At present, we basically know that the other party is a former special forces sniper. Keep calm and don't panic."

Tan Ju's face was full of excitement: "***, special forces sniper, really worth the money, these grandchildren, I'm waiting for them."

Xiao Kefan felt relieved, took the sniper rifle, turned on the scope, and calibrated the alignment. Suddenly he became alert again, took out the binoculars and looked at the west room, but it was empty and he couldn't see anything.

He took aim with the sniper rifle for a while, and found that Tan Chunqing had disappeared. He didn't panic, but felt that this was normal.It is impossible for a person to maintain a posture all the time. Fangzheng's fish has already taken the bait, it's just a matter of time.

Han Zixuan called Bi Yunxi and asked her to come to Bureau Tan's building, but it wasn't the seventeenth floor, she went to a higher floor above, in the name of buying a house, and took the opportunity to observe the movement in Xintian Building.

Bi Yunxi didn't quite understand it at first, but when she found out about the whole plan, she was overjoyed. After returning to Nanhai, she went to school every day and went home, feeling that her life was too peaceful.

Now, it was finally her turn, her life was to assist Han Zixuan.She changed her attire, like a professional manager, and came to the sales office in the name of buying a house.

The salesperson was a gentleman, and when he saw Bi Yunxi's stunning appearance, he was immediately moved, and immediately served him enthusiastically.Bi Yunxi came to the eighteenth floor, listening to the man's nonsense while pretending to ask.

She came to the balcony, opened the window and looked out the window and exclaimed, "This place is really nice. Opposite is the Xintian Building, and my unit is inside."

"Miss, that's really great. Hurry up and buy this house. This place is in a commercial area, and you won't lose money if you buy it."

"Okay, let me go back and discuss it with my husband." Bi Yunxi showed a charming smile.

Ah, you are married, the salesman smiled bitterly, he was taken away by wolves at such a young age, why are beauties so anxious to get married these days.

"Zixuan, you are right, there is movement on the [-]th floor opposite." Bi Yunxi whispered on the phone.

Han Zixuan nodded: "Yunxi, you've worked hard. You should go to Xie Wenxuan's house right now. I'm afraid she can't take care of her alone. Please help."

Bi Yunxi didn't say anything, just snorted and hung up the phone.

Han Zixuan glanced at Ling Tao: "Brother Tao, get ready to act. You go or I go, or the two of us go together."

Ling Tao smiled confidently: "Brother, the enemy is right in front of us, and I can deal with it myself. Just keep an eye on Bureau Tan, and he won't be surprised."

"Brother Tao, then you should be careful. I'll go to Bureau Tan to ask for a gun, so you can defend yourself."

Ling Tao smiled coldly: "No, you're underestimating me too much. Although I may not be your opponent, I'm enough to deal with Xiao Kefan."

Han Zixuan patted him on the shoulder to encourage him: "Come on, and we must catch those who are alive. We need to know more about what's behind it."

You don't have to worry about these things, I've asked you clearly, and then I'll end him.Ling Tao tidied his clothes to prevent accidents. He still had a sharp knife stuck in his waist, then pushed open the door and went downstairs quickly.

Ling Tao hurriedly left the building, still wearing sunglasses on his face, and then moved like lightning to Xintian Building, took the elevator to the seventeenth floor.After getting out of the elevator, Ling Tao immediately called Han Zixuan.

Knowing that Ling Tao was in place, Han Zixuan hung up the phone to Ju Tan: "Ju Tan, come out and show yourself. If you hide again, the other party may become alert."

Tan Chunqing came out of the bathroom, holding a washbasin in his hand, went to the balcony to dry clothes, shaking his head, humming a little song, leisurely.

Xiao Kefan saw him coming out and immediately prepared to act.Suddenly he cursed secretly: "Grass, the clothes drying outside block the view. Damn it."

Tan Chunqing returned to the room, and then called Han Zixuan: "Zixuan, I'm sitting in the living room right now, watching TV."

Han Zixuan reassured him not to worry, the other party would definitely take action.At the same time, I told Ling Tao to wait quietly, as long as the other party makes any movement, you are rushing in.Otherwise, it would scare the snake away, because Han Zixuan remembered the person who delivered the courier just now.

Of course Ling Tao wanted to rush in now and kill Xiao Kefan directly.But Han Zixuan is now his immediate boss, and everything must follow his arrangements.

He was in a coffee shop next door, drinking coffee, occasionally looking at the exit of the door.

Half an hour passed without any movement. Ling Tao glanced through the window and immediately understood.He immediately informed Han Zixuan that the clothes of Tan Ju's family blocked Xiao Kefan's sight.

My day, Han Zixuan unexpectedly had an accident in the middle of the matter, he immediately told Bureau Tan the situation, but told him not to deliberately bring clothes into the house, just go out and fiddle with them casually.

Tan Ju didn't expect that there was so much knowledge in it, and it turned out that it was not easy to be assassinated, so he secretly smiled wryly.Tan Chunqing came out of the window again, took another washbasin in his hand, and started to dry clothes.

Xiao Kefan thought to himself, this old guy doesn't have a wife, he has to do things like drying clothes by himself, it's over, today is probably enough, the clothes must be blocking his sight.

However, he was surprised. Originally, there were some big clothes to dry, but now they were replaced with underwear, and a pair of bright red underwear was rippling in front of his eyes.This old man is so coquettish even when he is old.

Ling Tao took a look, and almost spit out the coffee he just drank.Lao Tan is really different, and his thinking is unique.

Just now it was a big piece of clothing that was enough to block the line of sight, but now it is changed to underwear, which has greatly reduced the obstacles for long-range shooters. Xiao Kefan smiled confidently, and it can be completely ignored.

Holding a sniper rifle, he aimed his sight at Tan Chunqing who was sitting on the sofa watching TV, and pulled the trigger.

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