Several women in the family were making a fuss, Han Zixuan received a call from the capital, and it turned out to be from Yang He.

Han Zixuan knew that it must be related to today's matter, so he couldn't wait to answer.

Yang He asked very seriously: "Chen Yu and Lin Hong, did you do it?"

Han Zixuan had to admire the old man's insight ability, he knew it so quickly, and he couldn't hide it, so he had to admit it.

Yang He was very angry when he heard this: "Zixuan, you are a mature man, why did you do such a ridiculous thing."

"He must have offended me. You know me. I don't like to take the initiative to find fault. What's the matter, is it troublesome?" Han Zixuan didn't take it seriously at all.

Yang He knows that this kid is very powerful now, not only because of his father who is the number one leader in the country, but also because of his tyrannical strength.And I went to Switzerland some time ago, which solved a lot of troubles for the country, and my reputation and status have improved a lot.

But this kid is too reckless, even if he teaches the other party, there is no need to make things so big.

"I'm at a loss now, and I don't know what to do." Yang He said in a difficult way.

Han Zixuan said very easily: "It's okay, I'll handle it. Since the future trend of the matter is still unclear, you'd better not tell my father for now."

"Okay, but I want to remind you that Chen Tianyuan is not easy to fool. If you really can't solve it, call me in time."

After hanging up the phone, Han Zixuan immediately arranged for someone to go to the hospital to see how the two were injured. At the same time, he paid close attention to the recent movements in the South China Sea. A big man from the capital was about to arrive here.

Chen Tianyuan's actions were very quick, he arrived at South China Sea that night, and rushed to the hospital without stopping.At the same time, he arranged for his direct secretary to contact the secretary of the Nanhai Municipal Party Committee, the mayor, the chief of the public security bureau, etc., to understand the progress of the case and find out who was behind the scenes.

After the hospital's timely treatment, Chen Yu's condition is relatively better. The operation performed may cause some problems with his right hand in the future, but basically it will not have much impact.

Lin Hong's condition seemed to be serious, but in fact it was not a serious problem, it was just that his face was disfigured, and a handsome old man had completely withered away.

When Chen Yu saw his grandfather coming, the fear in his heart was relieved a little, and he threw himself into the old man's arms and wept bitterly.

Chen Tianyuan looked at his grandson's misery, and burst into tears: "Xiaoyu, don't worry, I will never let you get hurt in vain. The pain you suffered will be repaid a hundred times."

Chen Tianyuan felt that a quick decision must be made. He only stayed in the hospital for a short while, and then immediately checked into the hotel, so that all the local leaders of Nanhai came to report to him.

Municipal party secretary Zhang Yunfei and police chief Tan Chunqing heard that a big leader had come to the capital, and it was a heavyweight leader, so they rushed over immediately.The two of them basically knew what happened in the South China Sea, and they cursed in their hearts who was so bold that they dared to attack the Chen family.

The two thought in their hearts that in the South China Sea, there was no one else with such courage except him.But neither of them dared to hand over this person, after all, the matter was still under investigation.But even if it is confirmed, the two of them might not admit it.

Chen Tianyuan asked the two people what the result of the investigation was, and whether the man behind the scenes could be found.

The two of them were bureaucratic, and they had already arranged for people to investigate overnight, and it is estimated that there will be clues soon.

Chen Tianyuan immediately asked: "You two, is there any organization in the South China Sea, there are many female killers in it."

Both shook their heads, expressing their ignorance.

Zhang Yunfei said that the South China Sea is very peaceful, and even the riots that were rampant before have subsided now, and then he looked at Tan Chunqing.

Tan Chunqing immediately agreed, saying that the security management in the South China Sea was very good and the ground was peaceful. He began to chatter nonsense, but before he could say a few words, he was blocked by Chen Tianyuan.

"Okay, it's useless to say less, since it's peaceful, how can such a tragic incident happen." Chen Tianyuan stared at the two people, he didn't know much about them, and thought that these two people might not be willing to tell himself Be honest.

Chen Tianyuan tried his best to calm down his mind, and asked calmly, "Do you understand Han Zixuan?"

The two looked at each other, and Zhang Yunfei said, "I don't understand, what's wrong."

"I suspect that he is the mastermind behind the scenes. I ask you to investigate this person now to find out what his background is." Chen Tianyuan ordered.

The two could only pretend to agree with Vino's nod.

Chen Tianyuan felt a little tired, so he ended the conversation without saying anything.But he couldn't sleep, his body was already very tired, he was already old, and after hearing what happened to his grandson, he immediately aged a lot.In fact, there is more anger in my heart. It's really upside down that someone dares to touch their family members in a dignified Huaxia.

The old man woke up early the next day, and then arranged for the secretary to drive to wait near Han Zixuan's luxury villa, he wanted to observe first.

Han Zixuan knew about the movement long ago, and Chen Tianyuan came.He was not moved at all, anyway, only his people knew about this matter, and he had temporarily hidden Qiao Fenghuang and the others, no matter how powerful Chen Tianyuan was, he still didn't correct him at all.

He had already made up his mind last night, and temporarily took evasive measures to avoid direct contact with Chen Tianyuan.Anyway, he is just guessing now, and he can just pretend that he doesn't know anything when the time comes.At the same time, he told Ye Tianyu that if Chen Tianyuan came to find her, he should behave calmly and not show his feet.

Ye Tianyu understood the seriousness of the matter, so of course he obeyed obediently.Speaking of which, she was also responsible for the incident, and she was very troubled that bad things had happened to him no matter what.

Everything was normal in the morning, Han Zixuan took his women out to school, just like usual.

Chen Tianyuan sat in the car to observe, but couldn't see anything at all.He asked his secretary Cao Ming: "What's going on at Han Zixuan's house? Have you investigated it clearly?"

"Investigated, but the information is not very comprehensive. This man seems to have no background, but he is very popular with women. As you saw just now, there are many women in the car, all of whom are outstanding. Among them is the local tycoon He Hongchao. Daughter, Ye Tianyu, Shen Hanyu."

Cao Ming began to introduce the sources of information about these girls. Chen Tianyuan was very surprised when he heard that Yang He's daughter and Yang Hong's daughter lived here.

"These girls are all related to him." Chen Tianyuan asked in a daze.

Cao Ming nodded: "It should be, otherwise they wouldn't live together, hey, I can't figure it out."

Chen Tianyuan began to re-judge Han Zixuan, and Yang He actually married his daughter to him, indicating that this person has a special background and identity, and his roots should be in the capital.

But the surname Han in the capital doesn't have a prominent family, which is very puzzling to him.But it's not easy for him to ask Yang He, because his relationship with Yang He is not very good, in fact, his relationship with Yang Qihua is not good.But it's just not in contact, and there is no deep contradiction.

Chen Tianyuan then followed all the way to the school, but there was still no valuable information.In the end, he decided to ask Ye Tianyu himself.So, Chen Tianyuan called Ye Wenbo to explain the situation.

Ye Tianyu received a call from his father: "Tianyu, your grandpa Chen is in Nanhai, and he wants to meet you. You should tell the truth when the time comes, and tell him everything you know."

Ye Tianyu pretended to agree, and then used the spare time to come to the school gate.Chen Tianyuan took the initiative to get out of the car, waved to her, and let her get in the car.

Chen Tianyuan first politely asked her about her personal life and so on, and it was nothing more than polite concern.In fact, the old man was just probing. After all, the other party is a child. I believe that with her deterrent power, she will definitely say it obediently.

Ye Tianyu behaved very well-behaved, answering every question without seeing anything at all.

Suddenly, Chen Tianyuan asked: "Tianyu, Chen Yu has come to look for you, right?"

Ye Tianyu knew that the one who should come would always come, she nodded: "I have, but we have already talked about it, it is not suitable to be a couple. Grandpa Chen, I hope you can understand."

"Well, I'm not involved in your affairs, so let me ask you, do you know that Chen Yu is injured." Chen Tianyuan stared at her coldly.

Fortunately, Ye Tianyu had already prepared, she made a surprised expression: "What, I was hurt, what happened, I don't know."

This child is definitely a master of acting. In fact, last night, Han Zixuan gave her training in this area. He didn't allow her to sleep until Han Zixuan felt satisfied.

Chen Tianyuan was very helpless, could it be that the child didn't know at all.

"Grandpa Chen, how is Chen Yu doing now? Is the injury serious?" Ye Tianyu said with great concern.

"It's nothing serious, but now there is a shadow in my heart, I'm afraid it won't be easy to recover in the short term." Speaking of this, the old man's face was full of pain.

Ye Tianyu told the old man not to worry too much, now he must take good care of his body and catch the bad guys as soon as possible. "Ye Tianyu still had a naive and romantic face when he said this.

Chen Tianyuan really believed in Ye Tianyu, he felt that a good girl would not lie to him.

"Where do you live now?" Chen Tianyuan asked seemingly carelessly.

"My cousin's place." Ye Tianyu had already made preparations.

"Where does your cousin live?" Chen Tianyuan asked.

Ye Tianyu said innocently, "I live in South China Sea."

Chen Tianyuan almost vomited blood, this kid, can't he go on the right path?Well, he went straight to the point: "I heard from Xiaoyu that you already have a boyfriend."

Ye Tianyu hummed: "Yes, fiance. It's hard for me to say anything about the marriage given by the family."

"What does the man's family do?" Chen Tianyuan finally asked what he wanted to ask the most.

"I don't know." Ye Tianyu's divine reply.

Chen Tianyuan was a little angry at the moment, obviously this kid was playing tricks on me.

Ye Tianyu also felt that he was acting too much, and hurriedly corrected him: "I'm also learning about it. We just got along, and we really don't know much. Grandpa Chen, why are you asking this, I'm not your granddaughter."

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