The campus is so cute

813 Investigation

Chen Tianyuan completely collapsed, it was too much effort to communicate with this child.

Cao Ming on the side wanted to laugh but didn't dare to, because the current situation didn't allow it.He has known this child from the Ye family for a long time. He heard that he is a living treasure. When he saw him today, he really lived up to his reputation.

Since the passage could not be opened from here, Chen Tianyuan simply called Ye Wenbo directly.

Ye Wenbo was very troubled. Although he didn't know the specific situation, he somehow had a judgment in his mind that it probably had something to do with Han Zixuan.However, considering Han Zixuan's importance to the Ye family, he would never betray him.

Chen Tianyuan went straight to the point: "Wen Bo, what kind of person is the fiancé you engaged to Tian Yu?"

Ye Wenbo knew that trouble was coming, so he started to play tricks, saying that he didn't know.Everything is arranged by the old man, it seems to be the apprentice he taught, we don't know it very well, but since the old man has already arranged it, it is not easy for us as children to object.I also asked Tianyu to get in touch with him. As for whether it will be successful in the future, it all depends on the children's own wishes.

Chen Tianyuan was very angry. Obviously, Ye Wenbo was playing tricks with him.But he was not easy to get angry, so he lowered his annoyance and inquired about Mr. Ye's situation.

Ye Wenbo said that his father left the capital to find his confidante from many years ago. The two of them traveled around the mountains and rivers, and we couldn't get in touch for the time being.

This is true, Ye Qingsong really went to play with his old lover.

I was so mad, Chen Tianyuan hung up the phone angrily.

Ye Tianyu put on a timid posture: "Grandpa Chen, I still have to go to class, can I go back?"

Chen Tianyuan couldn't do anything to a girl, so he asked her to go back first, but he said that he would contact her anytime.

Chen Tianyuan asked his secretary, Cao Ming, what he thought of this matter.

Cao Ming analyzed that it was obvious that the Ye family didn't want to talk about Han Zixuan's situation and intended to protect him.It can be seen that this person has a special identity and background. I have a hunch that Han Zixuan is not easy to deal with.

Chen Tianyuan punched the window of the car angrily, almost smashing the window into pieces.Cao Ming was worried about the old man's health, and advised him not to get angry. We will definitely be able to investigate the origin of this person, as long as the method is proper.

After half of his speech, Chen Tianyuan immediately looked at him.

Cao Ming said: "Since Yang He's daughter and Yang Hong's daughter live here, we can use this to open the way. Yang Qihua is also in the South China Sea, so we can ask him to find out about the situation. Although the relationship between you is not very good, but After all, there is no deep hatred, he should help us."

Chen Tianyuan pondered for a while, then nodded, okay, let's drive to find Yang Qihua.

Chen Tianyuan naturally knew the location of Yang Qihua's family by taking advantage of his connections in the South China Sea.Let Cao Ming bring a heavy gift, and he will visit the door in person.

Yang Qihua is now retired at home, and he is usually very lonely. He only hopes that his granddaughter will come back on weekends and have a little reunion.Usually he just went out for a walk when he had nothing to do, but today he was just about to go out when the doorbell rang.

Yang Qihua thought it was the arrival of his two granddaughters, and his face was very excited.Counting the days, the two granddaughters should also come back.

But when he opened the door and saw two men, he was slightly stunned. He carefully looked at the man in front of him who was about the same age as him. He felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember it in a daze.

Chen Tianyuan was the first to break the silence: "Old Yang, it's me, Tian Yuan, Chen Tianyuan."

Chen Tianyuan and Yang Qihua muttered the name, suddenly realized: "It's you, why are you here, come in quickly."

Yang Qihua is very enthusiastic. The two were in the same army when they were young, and they performed very well. It is inevitable that they are competitors.After that, they all served as officials in the capital, but they stood in different faction camps, and the contradictions inevitably deepened.But that's all, there is no deep hatred.

Now both of them are retired at home, although they have not contacted each other, but this meeting, the past scenes are vivid in my memory, not only feeling that the years are ruthless, but both of them are now gray at the temples, so there is no intention to continue fighting.

Yang Qihua was very enthusiastic. He was alone at home and finally met a friend who could talk.He asked him why he came to South China Sea, don't you live in the capital.

Chen Tianyuan said that he came here to travel and see the scenery.I know you live here, so I'll take a look, don't bother you.

"No, since you're here, you must stay for a while longer so we two can have a good chat."

Chen Tianyuan knew that he should not expose his purpose too much, and needed to infiltrate slowly, so the two sat down and chatted very speculatively, basically recalling the past days, chatting very happily.Then they started talking about each other's family situations, and Chen Tianyuan started to make moves.

Yang Qihua didn't understand what he meant, so naturally he didn't have any reservations.He said that although his two granddaughters both live in Nanhai, they are not around, and they have a man they like, so they don't want to see me at all.

Chen Tianyuan hurriedly asked: "Really, both granddaughters are dating."

Yang Qihua said: "Xueyi has a partner, and Xueqing can't live without her sister, so she also lived with her."

"What are you doing, son-in-law? Do you treat me well?" Chen Tianyuan asked politely.

Although Yang Qihua sometimes doesn't want to see Han Zixuan, he should of course praise him in front of outsiders: "Of course, let's talk about their own choice. It's not easy for me as an elder to interfere. Let them handle the young people's affairs by themselves."

"Your grandson-in-law must not be an ordinary person, but your Xueyi is very outstanding." Chen Tianyuan did not forget to praise and said, this sentence is true, Yang Xueyi is indeed very outstanding.

Yang Qihua originally wanted to brag, but felt it was unnecessary.Do you still have to keep a low profile? Besides, Zixuan's identity is best not to be exposed, as long as you understand it in your heart.

"It's not that big of a deal, so I just cheated my granddaughter away with a single mouth." Yang Qihua took this opportunity to take revenge on Han Zixuan, this brat really cheated his granddaughter away.

"Old Yang, you are really humble."

Yang Qihua hurriedly asked: "Don't talk about me, how is your grandson, he is not young."

When mentioning his precious pimple, Chen Tianyuan couldn't help being sad, he finally couldn't hold it back, and let out a deep sigh.

Yang Qihua knew something was going on inside, so he hurriedly asked what was going on.

Chen Tianyuan talked about what happened to his grandson. He was beaten with a gun in the South China Sea. He came here to investigate this matter, not for sightseeing at all.

Yang Qihua was dumbfounded: "There is such a thing, the other party is too courageous."

"Lao Yang, I actually have a request when I come to you. I wonder if you can help."

Yang Qihua patted Chen Tianyuan on the shoulder: "Tianyuan, although we had some small conflicts in the past, we have long since forgotten it. Now we are good buddies. If you have any problems, just ask, I will definitely help."

"Okay, I'm not familiar with the place where I live, help me investigate this matter, who did it." Chen Tianyuan said.

"No problem, leave it to me, and I will definitely give you an account of this matter." Yang Qihua promised.

Cao Ming said at this time: "Ju Yang, you have worked so hard. On behalf of our family, Chen Yu, thank you."

"You're welcome, I'll call now." Yang Qihua then picked up the phone on the table.

He naturally gave it to Han Zixuan, of course he knew about Han Zixuan's energy in the South China Sea, he must know such a big thing.

When Han Zixuan received a call from Yang Qihua, he thought that the old man asked them to go back to have a reunion dinner again, but he didn't expect it to be this matter.

He sighed in his heart, something bad is going to happen.Chen Tianyuan and Yang Qihua knew each other, and they seemed to be good friends.Things are getting more and more difficult, so for the time being, he can only continue to pretend to be stupid, saying that he will definitely investigate this matter.

Yang Qihua hung up the phone and said to Chen Tianyuan: "Tianyuan, don't worry, there will definitely be results in a few days."

"Oh, I don't know who you called."

"It's my grandson-in-law." Yang Qihua said with a little pride.

Chen Tianyuan didn't say anything, so I'll wait for your news and see how you can explain it to me.He said he was going to the hospital, so he would not stay.

Yang Qihua stated that he would go to the hospital to see him, and Chen Tianyuan politely expressed his gratitude, saying that his grandson's mood is unstable now, and after a few days, I appreciate your kindness.

Yang Qihua nodded, expressing his position that the investigation will definitely find out the results and give you justice.

Leaving Yang Qihua, Chen Tianyuan said angrily: "Yang Qihua, I hope you don't disappoint me. If you protect your grandson-in-law, I will never end with you."

Cao Ming said that Yang Qihua should not be that kind of person, I think he is quite understanding.

I hope so.

Cao Ming asked again: "If the murderer is really Han Zixuan, what should we do?"

That's right, Chen Tianyuan has been thinking about this problem too, it's really difficult.However, the state has state laws, and the family has family rules. Even if Han Zixuan is the king of heaven, he must be punished severely.

The two went to the hospital first to see how their grandson Chen Yu was doing.The most important thing now is to find those three women. As long as they are found, things will be easy.

Chen Tianyuan followed him in the morning and secretly took photos of the women in Han Zixuan's villa. Although the angle was not good, the faces could still be distinguished. He asked Chen Yu and Lin Hong to see if there were any of these women in the hands of the murderer.The two looked at it several times in turn, shaking their heads and saying that there was nothing at all.

Lin Hong said that if Han Zixuan did it, he would definitely not let the woman in their home.

Chen Tianyuan asked the two if they could remember the murderer's appearance, and let the police in South China Sea handle it according to the portrait.

Lin Hong sighed: "It's not easy, the three of them were all wearing heavy makeup at the time, and they are experienced killers who are good at disguising themselves. Even if we meet the three of them again, I'm afraid we may not be able to recognize them."

Chen Tianyuan thought of the hotel surveillance video, and immediately contacted the police to find out the situation.However, the police said that they had obtained a lot of information, and hoped that the leaders would come and take a look.

Chen Tianyuan was very excited when he heard that, and let the two continue to recuperate. He took Cao Ming to the police station immediately.

When they arrived at the police station, Tan Chunqing gave him a warm reception.Chen Tianyuan asked coldly: "How is the situation going?"

Tan Chunqing said: "The surveillance video has been obtained, I hope the leader will take a look."

Chen Tianyuan stared at the surveillance video, Chen Yu and the two were eating, and soon a modern girl with three measurements and scantily clad appeared beside their dining table.Not long after, Lin Hong went to the dining table of the three of them to strike up a conversation, and anyone with a discerning eye could immediately see that there were ulterior motives.

Seeing this scene, Chen Tianyuan was very angry. He had known Lin Hong's personality for a long time, and he liked women.He didn't expect to come here and cause trouble, he suddenly realized an important question, he has been forgetting to ask why the other party did the attack.

Could it be that the reason is that Lin Hong and Chen Yu planned to moleste them.If that's the case, it's different.

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