The campus is so cute

85 You sleep with me

Han Zixuan went to Xie Wenxuan's house and found two women watching TV on the sofa. The plot was a boring urban emotional drama. He wondered that they could play together.

The key point is that the personalities of the two people are very different.Yunxi is quiet and gentle, while Xie Wenxuan is not feminine at all.

Xie Wenxuan immediately asked about today's actions. Although she already knew the result, she cared more about the process.If she is not injured, this is the kind of thing she would most like to participate in.

Han Zixuan said that it has been handed over to your police station for investigation, and Bureau Tan has returned to work safely. He asked me to tell you to rest in peace.By the way, how do you feel today.

Xie Wenxuan is actually very grateful to him, especially for arranging Bi Yunxi to take care of her.I really didn't expect that there was such a delicate beauty beside him, and Yunxi had such a gentle temper. As a woman, she sometimes felt that she really needed to improve.

Bi Yunxi said softly on the side, she has already checked the wound, and there is nothing serious, it will be no problem for at most a month.Xie Wenxuan listened to Bi Yunxi's words, and inexplicably remembered the intimate behavior of the two last night.

Han Zixuan injected her with true energy to heal her wounds. Although those bad hands did nothing, the man's hands actually brushed her skin.

"That's good, Yunxi, let's go, don't delay Officer Xie's recovery." Said, Han Zixuan took Bi Yunxi's hand and walked towards the door.

Xie Wenxuan was a little stunned, but immediately she was relieved, they are boyfriend and girlfriend, and both of them are students, they must have their own things to be busy.

Bi Yunxi smiled at Xie Wenxuan: "Sister Police, goodbye. Take a good rest, I will come to see you when I am free."

Han Zixuan went out the door without turning his head.The moment the door closed, Xie Wenxuan suddenly felt a sense of loneliness and an indescribable sadness in her heart.

"Zixuan, you must have given Xie Wenxuan your true energy yesterday, otherwise she will definitely die." Bi Yunxi's eyes showed a bit of naughtiness: "Tell me, did you strip all the other girls and take the opportunity to touch them?"

Han Zixuan felt that it was very uncivilized for Bi Yunxi to say this, and he was much gentler when he took off his clothes, and he didn't take the opportunity to touch, but touched it openly.Healing? There is no reason not to touch it.What is a male gynecologist who sees all the bottom of a woman?

"I talked to her a lot today, but she's not as ugly as you described, and she's actually quite gentle."

Because she was hurt, because she was facing you, and she was grateful to us in her heart, how could she still be like a tigress.In short, this woman has no femininity, just look at her wardrobe.

"Pervert, watch carefully." Bi Yunxi gave him a charming and affectionate look.

Han Zixuan smiled involuntarily: "Yes, I'm a pervert." He stretched out his other hand, stroking her breasts through the clothes.

Yunxi immediately pressed his hand, and said quietly: "You didn't come back last night, I thought you put Officer Xie to sleep."

"Yunxi, don't speak so rudely, am I that kind of person?" Han Zixuan felt chills in his heart.

Back in the classroom, the class held a class meeting in the afternoon and announced an important matter at the same time. The whole school will hold an English test, and the classes and teachers will be arranged according to the test results.The top [-] students in the whole school become Class A. Whoever gets in is a great honor. Although our museum department is small, I hope some of us can get into Class A.

As soon as Pan Shaoqi finished speaking, the students below suddenly lost their energy. The students were tired of the exams, and they were divided into classes according to their grades, as if they were back in high school.

Han Zixuan didn't care about this, the purpose of his going to school was not to study.Li Xiaoxu frowned: "I'm sure I can't do it. Although I was admitted, the top student in the college entrance examination in our village is far behind the students in your city."

Zhao Ming laughed at him for showing off the number one student in the college entrance examination in his village. He dismissed it: "My hobbies are computers, English, and foreign languages. Why should I study hard?"

Shangguanfei seemed to know some inside information: "Do you know that if you are admitted to Class A, foreign teachers will be specially arranged, and you will enjoy special care for studying abroad, etc. Anyway, Nanhai University has held English Class A for many years in order to build an international famous school. , the response has been very good.”

However, the students of the museum department are all left behind by other colleges. Although their grades are not bad, compared with other top majors, their grades are still a bit worse.

After returning home, Han Zixuan asked He Lizi if you are currently studying in English class A.He Lizi understood instantly, and she was proud: "Of course, you think that I am a vegetarian, and you are going to hold an exam soon. You don't think you want to get into class A, do you?"

He Lizi said in her heart that you really dare to think, what is the concept of being admitted to Class A, the full score in English is 150, almost all the students in the class have full scores, and the lowest score is 148.You are a rural person, you don't know where you are in elementary school, and you still want to be admitted to class A, I laughed so hard.Seeing her smirk, Han Zixuan gave her a hard look.

"Don't be dissatisfied. Let me tell you the truth. Our school's English class A is well-known throughout the country. It is comparable to the English department's major, or even better. Besides, our school is a national key. There are too many top students from all over the country. They want to be admitted. Class A is too difficult." He Lizi was serious: "I don't mean to look down on you, to be honest, some of your performances have surprised me."

"He Lizi, to put it bluntly, you still look down on me and think that it is impossible for me to pass the exam." Han Zixuan was very angry.

He Lizi snorted coldly, you came out of the countryside, you were able to sneak into the university, and it was my family Tuomenzi who arranged for you to go in.Apart from being crooked, tricked and deceived, do you know how to learn seriously?

"I don't like you anymore." He Lizi became more energetic, shaking her head triumphantly.

Ye Tianyu hurriedly made fun of it, and understood what the two were arguing about.She said with a bitter face: "Sister Lizi, you have to make up lessons for me. My English is the worst. Those letters are twisted and weird, just looking at them makes me troubled."

"It's okay, it's okay if you don't pass the exam."

"No, how embarrassing, you are my sister, I can't embarrass you." Ye Tianyu insisted.

He Lizi laughed: "Forget it, you have brother Zixuan, what are you afraid of, can you be worse than him?"

Ye Tianyu laughed immediately, and came to Han Zixuan: "Brother Zixuan, I'm very sorry, you must not take the bottom No. 1 exam, otherwise we will all feel chilled."

Han Zixuan's self-esteem has been severely humiliated. To put it bluntly, he looks down on his origin. What happened to the rural people? Now the rural people can know martial arts and drive. I also want to tell them that the rural people can also speak birds.

"He Lizi, do you dare to bet with me, I will definitely be admitted to Class A."

He Lizi's personality was originally arrogant, and she was suppressed by Han Zixuan some time ago, but today she finally had the opportunity to explode.

"Okay, just bet, whatever you bet on."

Han Zixuan said viciously, "I'm admitted to Class A, so you will sleep with me at night."

Ye Tianyu covered her mouth in surprise, then laughed wildly, her face flushed and she rushed to He Lizi: "Sister Lizi, you just agree."

"Go away, why don't you agree." He Lizi shook her head hastily: "Rogue, I think about these nasty things every day, Yunxi is not enough to accompany you, you insist on pulling me, what do you want to do?"

"Three batches." Ye Tianyu said in surprise.

Han Zixuan clutched his forehead, my grandma.He Lizi's face turned red immediately, and she ran over to tear her mouth apart. How many times, shocking adverbs came out of this female devil's mouth.

Although Ye Tianyu's body looked like a meatball, she ran faster than a rabbit. When she returned to her room, she hurriedly locked the door: "Sister Lizi, stop chasing her, I was wrong."

This girl is purely an unbeatable cockroach.He Lizi had no choice but to go back to her room.

Han Zixuan was left in the air, he was very annoyed, and came to He Lizi's room.

Seeing him coming in, He Lizi threatened, "Don't be foolish, or I'll tell Sister Yu that you jumped out of the window to my room and molested me that night, and she will definitely not forgive you."

"Then what about our bet." Han Zixuan continued the topic just now.

"For another bet, I won't play three batches." She suddenly realized that she had said the wrong thing, and hurriedly spat.

Han Zixuan smiled: "It's okay, it's just the two of us together."

"You think it's beautiful." He Lizi's fair face turned rosy. How many times has Han Zixuan liked to see her blushing and her heart beating, as if admiring a beautiful woman?

He Lizi thought about it: "Let me talk about my bet first. If you don't get into Class A, you definitely won't get in. Kneel down, let me ride you, and stick a note on your face."

After saying this, He Lizi couldn't help laughing, she thought of a song, riding a turtle to watch the sunrise, and she didn't know who was so talented to compose such a song with connotation.

Han Zixuan didn't smile, but just watched silently. Suddenly, he felt that He Lizi's smile was much sweeter, without the rigidity she had in school.Because she is a public figure and has a proud personality, she rarely smiles so indulgently.

"If you don't speak, it means you agree."

"Okay, I promise you." Han Zixuan nodded, then turned and left.He Lizi followed immediately, and whispered: "Then I also agree to your bet, but you sleep on the sofa, and I sleep on the bed."

Three days later, the English test began. In fact, many people are still looking forward to this test, because everyone knows that the new generation of campus belle Yang Xueyi will definitely be admitted to Class A, and the students who are not assigned to the same major as Yang Xueyi are secretly working hard , for this close opportunity.

After the exam was over, Han Zixuan left the exam room, but unfortunately, he ran into Yang Xueyi on the way. Han Zixuan couldn't avoid it, and walked past her with his eyes wide open.

Yang Xueyi turned her head and shouted, "Han Zixuan."

Han Zixuan didn't seem to hear, Yang Xueyi was a little annoyed, she ran over and grabbed his clothes: "Han Zixuan, what are you pretending to be?"

"Did you call me? Do we know each other?" Han Zixuan was puzzled.

Seeing his virtue, Yang Xueyi secretly hated him, although she lost to him in kung fu, it was inevitable, who made him have a good master.

"I paid homage to your master. In fact, you are not very good. Everything is thanks to your master." Yang Xueyi has not changed, it is still the same.

Han Zixuan was astonished, this woman was really extraordinary, no wonder she disappeared for a long time, she turned out to be unconvinced and found her master.

"Oh, thank you for your compliment." Han Zixuan smiled hypocritically.

"Your master accepted me as an apprentice." Yang Xueyi said quietly.

Han Zixuan immediately jumped three feet high: "What, no way."

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