The campus is so cute

86 Deliberately releasing water

Han Zixuan thought to himself, Master, you are too confused, and you should look at whether the student has enough material to accept an apprentice. Although Yang Xueyi has good qualifications, but you don't know the friction between us, how can she be my junior sister quietly.

When Yang Xueyi saw Han Zixuan's angry and even a little bit angry expression, she suddenly felt a touch of pleasure in her heart. From the time the two of them met to today, when they became rivals in everything, she never found any advantage.Instead, she was humiliated, and when she lost face, it happened to her who was extremely proud and self-esteem.

Han Zixuan suddenly remembered something, the master once said that he had only one apprentice in his life, and that was you, Zixuan.He calmed down, and the expression on his face returned to normal: "Oh, well, congratulations."

Yang Xueyi was slightly stunned, and could only tell the truth: "Actually, I'm just his named disciple. Your master told me to let me learn Kung Fu from you. I hope you will teach me more in the future."

Han Zixuan secretly laughed in his heart, what's the matter, he doesn't believe that Master is soft-boned, regardless of your Yang family's power and power, his master has a weird temper, and when he becomes stubborn, he will not be soft-hearted.

Sorry, we are not from the same academy, so it is impossible to meet during the day.I have to go home at night, and you go home, there is no time at all.I'm afraid we can't be brothers and sisters anymore. Han Zixuan thought of Chen Yuluo with the title of "senior brother". She probably has already investigated my background.

He remembered the two black-clothed strangers who attacked him that night, and his intuition told him it was the Chen family or the Beijin Song family.At that time, his judgment was arranged by Liu Qi. Later, when Wei Baoshuai was caught, it was only after questioning that he found out that he had not arranged anyone at all.

When I have the opportunity to go to Beijin again, I must catch this person, thinking that he remembers one of the faces of the people.

"It doesn't matter. Isn't the English placement test going to be held soon? We will be in the same class by then." Yang Xueyi showed a smile at the corner of her mouth, and her smile was a little bit ecstatic and even smug.

Han Zixuan didn't understand: "The test results haven't come down yet, why do you think we can definitely be assigned to the same class."

"I went to Beijin, and I probably found out about your situation. You never went to a formal school. You just learned kung fu from your master. Even if you learned some cultural courses, it is probably just superficial. Especially English, not me Look down on you, I guess you don't even understand." Yang Xueyi suddenly knew Han Zixuan's weakness, it turned out that he was not invulnerable.

Han Zixuan opened his mouth wide in astonishment. Is this the case for all women? When the hair grows, the knowledge becomes short. Nanhai University's new and old campus girls have their heads squeezed by the door.

"So, during this exam, I deliberately let the water go. I will definitely not go to Class A. I will go to you in whatever class you are assigned to. With my grades, I can choose classes and teachers at will." Yang Xueyi He smiled even more proudly.

After returning from Beijin, her grandfather told her that if she wanted to learn kung fu, she had to start with Han Zixuan. Doesn’t that old Yetou like to pretend to be aggressive? Just kill his apprentice, and he will definitely accept you as his apprentice. , His proud apprentice was killed by my granddaughter, his old face must be sour.

Yang Xueyi had no choice but to tell her grandfather Yang Qihua about her experience at school. She wanted to learn kung fu and return to the furnace because she lost to Han Zixuan.Yang Qihua was annoyed at the time, and was angry with Ye Qingsong, but he never thought that his granddaughter would be angry with his apprentice.

"Xueyi, don't be afraid. I will order someone to tie him up for you right away, so that you can let go of your anger and dare to bully our Yang family. It's too shameful." Yang Qihua was not like this when he was young, but he loved the After seeing Xueyi, he couldn't bear her being unhappy at all, so he discovered that the granddaughter who came back halfway this time had changed a lot, and there was a reason for it.

Yang Xueyi said that she can solve this matter by herself. Since she is not good at kung fu, she must study with humility. She figured it out, and she must be close to Han Zixuan.

When the opportunity to take the English test came, she racked her brains to come up with this brilliant method, and she took a big risk. She was recommended as a top student, but what did she mean by failing to enter English Class A? The school slapped herself in the face.But Yang Xueyi doesn't care about that, she wants to be a junior sister with all her heart.

What can Han Zixuan say, praise her for being smart, or belittle her for being out of her mind.However, on the other hand, Yang Xueyi doesn't pay attention to methods when doing things, as long as she achieves her goal.This bitch, when Han Zixuan compared girls or women to bitches, his heart was full of deep admiration for them.

"What if I get into Class A? Wouldn't it be even more embarrassing for you to fail in Class A?"

Yang Xueyi was very confident: "Han Zixuan, if you get into Class A, sows will climb trees."

Soon, the results of the English test were posted, and Han Zixuan and Bi Yunxi got their wish and got into Class A, and their grades were among the best.Take a closer look, No.1, full score paper, most of the students must think that the name behind it is Yang Xueyi, but unexpectedly, the name is Chu Weichen.

Look for Yang Xueyi's name again, fifty years away.The students pointed at Yang Xueyi's grades, some sympathized with her, thinking that she did not perform well in the exam, but most of them were secretly happy.The students that the school spent a lot of money to hire had no more than that.But whoever made their family powerful, the school didn't dare to provoke them. When Nanhai selected the most outstanding high school students back then, they didn't choose Yang Xueyi. You know, these are unspoken rules.

Bi Yunxi was surprised and puzzled: "Zixuan, my intuition tells me that there is something wrong with Yang Xueyi's exam this time."

Han Zixuan walked out from the crowd, feeling a little uncomfortable. After all, Yang Xueyi's grades were also due to him.

After returning to the villa, Ye Tianyu and He Lizi were unhappy.Ye Tianyu's results came out, she was out of the top [-], but it was not easy for her.

The reason why Lizi was depressed was very simple.That rural man created a miracle again, and he and Bi Yunxi both entered Class A. Could it be that men and women sleep together, and their heads can become smarter.

During dinner, Shen Hanyu personally praised Han Zixuan and Bi Yunxi, which teacher doesn't like children who are good at studying. Although Shen Hanyu is only a dance teacher, she was pleasantly surprised to find that the children in the room are all smart people.She is the oldest among them, so she treats them as children, but for Han Zixuan, she thinks that he is still dangerous.

Ye Tianyu pouted and looked unhappy because Sister Yu didn't praise her, but when she thought of Yang Xueyi, she laughed.Because of Han Zixuan, and the last time Yang Xueyi asked them to fight for wine.He Lizi and the other three girls all looked down on Yang Xueyi, and the three girls were condensed into one strand at the moment, very vitriolic, belittling Yang Xueyi to nothing.

Shen Hanyu was very surprised, she hurriedly finished her meal and went upstairs, she found that she was really old and couldn't get along with these children.

Seeing that the three of them were still burying Yang Xueyi, Han Zixuan couldn't help but said, "Can you be a little humane? Even if we can't be saints, we shouldn't be bitter and mean villains."

He Lizi was immediately displeased: "Hey, we said Yang Xueyi, you are angry, is it because you touched her last time, you two had an affair, so you feel distressed."

Ye Tianyu booed: "That's right, brother Zixuan is a pervert, and he likes to touch girls' breasts. So what if he touched Yang Xueyi, she will ignore you at all, brother Zixuan, you still want to fuck her, I can warn you, there are so many women in the family Except for Sister Yunxi, you have taken care of it, and the others have not been taken care of, so don't go out all the time and feel ashamed."

Han Zixuan nodded shyly: "I understand, I accept criticism with an open mind. I will work harder in the future to get you all in my hands."

Bi Yunxi pinched Ye Tianyu, feeling that the girl's words were always surprising: "I haven't been dealt with by him. From today on, Han Zixuan, sleep alone."

No way, you are united, but you can't aim at me.But it doesn't matter, Han Zixuan smiled triumphantly: "Yunxi, you can rest from today, naturally someone will sleep with me."

He Lizi had a fever on her face, and pulled Ye Tianyu: "Let's go, let's play a game."

After the two of them left, Bi Yunxi came to Han Zixuan's side and fell into his arms: "Zixuan, do you know the inside story of Yang Xueyi's exam?"

Han Zixuan nodded, and then told the whole story, Bi Yunxi burst out laughing, I thought it must have something to do with you, and I guessed right.What are you going to do? I heard that Yang Xueyi's tutoring is strict. The key point is that Yang Xueyi is the signboard of Nanhai University. If the signboard is knocked down, the school will definitely lose face.

Han Zixuan smiled: "Yunxi, do you know the background of Yang Xueyi's family? Nanhai University is bullshit in their family. At most, it's just a discussion among students. It depends on whether Yang Xueyi can stand it."

He Lizi and Ye Tianyu went back upstairs, Ye Tianyu remembered their bet, and shouted: "Sister Lizi, you are going to sleep with brother Zixuan tonight. Hee hee, be careful, don't mess with the little baby." come out."

He Lizi went crazy and threw herself on Ye Tianyu.Ye Tianyu's head was bright: "Sister, don't be angry, brother Zixuan will definitely look for you at night, you should think about how the three of you will sleep."

"Sleep on your head." He Lizi cursed, hey, she found that Bi Yunxi hadn't gone upstairs, so she came out quietly, stood on the second floor and looked down. Regardless, no shame at all.

Ye Tianyu covered her small mouth, then hurriedly pulled He Lizi back into the room, and asked with some longing, "Sister Lizi, what does it feel like to kiss. See how happy Yunxi is, I'm so envious of dead people."

"Didn't I tell you last time, the feeling of kissing pigskin, why are you envious. Could it be that you are thinking about spring, there are many boys in your class, which one do you choose, hurry up." He Lizi said sarcastically.

"No, I'm still young and not yet full. Sister, who did you give your first kiss to?" Ye Tianyu didn't know what was wrong. She had watched a lot of kissing scenes on TV, but she didn't feel anything like today. Her body unexpectedly exploded. It's a wonderful feeling.

He Lizi was restless and snorted, and instead of answering her question, she said, "Tianyu, did you notice that? Bi Yunxi acted like us on the surface, and then fell into the arms of that stinky man again. Don't play with her again." .”

"Well, I promise to follow your pace and not stand in the wrong team." Ye Tianyu said with a smile.

"Okay, you can play the game by yourself, I'm going back to my room." He Lizi went back to her room sullenly.

Ye Tianyu pursed her lips, thinking to herself that He Lizi was going to fight Bi Yunxi for the final fight, it was so exciting, who would win in the end, I bet on Sister Yunxi, because Sister Yunxi has bigger breasts.

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