The campus is so cute

96 Washing is healthier

Yang Xueyi did not refuse, but just nodded silently, her eyes quietly fell on Han Zixuan, wanting to see his reaction.

Han Zixuan is very dissatisfied. He doesn't want to have too much contact with Yang Xueyi now, because they have a lot of grudges between them. Maybe the conflict with the Yang family will become more and more serious. For their family, the only solution is to have less contact.

However, Shen Hanyu deliberately retaliated against him, but let him partner with Yang Xueyi, what it meant, he knew in his heart, and pushed him to the forefront.

After returning home, Han Zixuan explained the day's events to the public while having dinner. He Lizi immediately frowned and looked at Shen Hanyu with displeasure, complaining in her heart that Miss Yu had a problem with your selection of candidates. Why did you choose Yang Xueyi? Don't you know that Yang Xueyi is a beauty? The two of them cuddled and hugged together, and there would definitely be problems after a long time.

Shen Hanyu's face was calm: "Arranging Yang Xueyi is the school's decision. She is our school's trump card, not to mention she is very good. It is rumored that she dances very well, and she can just show it to everyone."

When no one was around, He Lizi pulled Han Zixuan aside and sternly told him not to get too close to Yang Xueyi, if any bad rumors spread between the two of you, see how I will deal with you.

Han Zixuan reassured her not to worry in the past, I am very strong in resisting the temptation of women, and hang out with you every day, when will you see that I can't control it anymore.

This is really elusive, and He Lizi sneered again: "Han Zixuan, you don't really have a problem, right? If there is something unspeakable, you might as well go to the hospital, I won't laugh at you."

I sprayed your face with saliva, Han Zixuan wanted to show her his masculine charm, lowered his voice and said: "How about you come to my room at night and help me heal."

"Bah, that's a good idea." He Lizi shot him a look, but Han Zixuan hugged her body, and she panicked: "Don't move, Sister Yu will find out."

Sure enough, Shen Hanyu's voice soon came: "Han Zixuan, come downstairs with me, I want to train you."

After the dance class, Shen Hanyu left the two of them to discuss what dance to choose during the competition, as well as clothing and so on.

Yang Xueyi didn't say anything, but looked at Han Zixuan with weird eyes.

Han Zixuan hurriedly expressed his opinion: "Mr. Shen, is there any dance that does not require physical contact? You know, there are differences between men and women."

Yang Xueyi was stunned for a while before slowly returning to her senses.Shen Hanyu looked at her and asked, "Xueyi, what do you think differently?"

"Since it's a dance with men and women, how can there be no physical contact? Besides, I simply understand that the contestants participating in the competition are basically mixed dances of men and women. I think you have all seen the show "Dancing Forest Conference", and the current style is close to this one. .”

Shen Hanyu nodded uncontrollably: "That's true. Men and women need to have solid basic skills in solo dancing, and you are not professional players, so you have to make use of your strengths and avoid weaknesses. The key to victory is your perfect cooperation."

Afterwards, Shen Hanyu chose modern dance for the two, mixing tango, rumba and other elements together. The key point is that the figures of the two are very well matched, especially the appearance of the two, which is definitely outstanding in this competition.

Yang Xueyi was named the school girl of the new generation, her elegant and refined appearance, coupled with the influence of her family temperament, made her stand out from the crowd.Han Zixuan, tidy up well, he is a rare handsome sunny guy.

Han Zixuan glanced at Yang Xueyi: "Student, you can actually refuse. To be honest, I don't like you very much. The other girls are better than you."

Yang Xueyi didn't get annoyed, but instead sneered: "Han Zixuan, you seem to be very afraid of contacting me, it doesn't suit your personality."

"Oh, it sounds like you know me very well. Could it be that you are interested in me and secretly conduct a detailed investigation on me."

Yang Xueyi was still not angry: "You are very confident. I have investigated you, because I have only one purpose, to kill you."

When the two were at odds, the door of the dance room opened, and a charming woman walked in. Tong Feifei glanced at Yang Xueyi and Han Zixuan in the field, envious.

She also led a group of players for this competition. Although she tried her best to select excellent players, it was her regret that she could not choose Yang Xueyi.

"Mr. Shen, I really envy you. I'm afraid you won the championship again in this competition. It is hoped that you will be promoted to the deputy director at that time." Tong Feifei's tone was full of sourness and strong jealousy.

Shen Hanyu glanced at her. In school, both of them were art dance teachers. They often had competitions when selecting students or leading teams in competitions, and they didn't like each other.

Tong Feifei couldn't understand her pretending to be reserved, she had a very vicious appearance, but she put on a cold and repulsive attitude, which made all the men in the school fall in love with her.The key point is that Shen Hanyu is indeed skilled. He often represents the school in competitions or lectures. He is so popular that he almost becomes a celebrity in South China Sea.

Shen Hanyu has always looked down on her since she came to Nanhai University.Tong Feifei flattered and flattered the leader.Moreover, it was rumored that she was coquettish and fooling around with some leaders from the outside world, anyway, she made a mess of her statement.Even so, Tong Feifei's coquettishness has attracted many people's attention. She is also the prey of men in Nanhai University. According to the survey, Tong Feifei is the woman that male students want to have sex with the most. So she has a lot of students, and of course there are more boys. .

Shen Hanyu ignored her, and still knew about Han Zixuan and Yang Xueyi from the sidelines.

In fact, Tong Feifei came today to see how Shen Hanyu is preparing. This time leading the team, her biggest competitor is Shen Hanyu.Besides, the leaders above have already spoken, whoever has outstanding grades may be promoted.

Seeing Shen Hanyu's stinky behavior again, Tong Feifei snorted coldly in her heart, and then came to Yang Xueyi.

At this time, Han Zixuan had already stopped, because he could smell the strong perfume, which made it difficult for him to breathe.As the woman got closer, Han Zixuan could see her face clearly.

The age should be less than thirty, oval face, pointed chin, high nose bridge, deep and bright eyes.If she puts on makeup well, she can be said to be a rare beauty.But he just made himself look like a bird. Although heavy makeup can make a woman more beautiful, sometimes it doesn't necessarily add points.

Han Zixuan had known Tong Feifei's name for a long time, and he was also very aware of the conflict between her and Shen Hanyu, so he thought to himself that this competition might be another battle between the two.

Tong Feifei took Yang Xueyi's hand and couldn't help but praise her appearance and wisdom, with a deliberate fawning look in her eyes.Yang Xueyi smiled modestly, and said hello to Teacher Tong, but didn't say anything.

"Xueyi, in fact, with your materials, you have a better room to play. Why don't you come to my class. In this competition, I will definitely let you win No.1 and become a proud star of South China Sea." Tong Feifei There is a taste of flattery in the words.

Then, she looked at Shen Hanyu: "Mr. Shen, you don't mind if I pull your students."

Although the students have already chosen the teacher's class, there are still many variables in the future. For example, like Tong Feifei, if they win over students, as long as the students are willing, other things are not a problem.

Shen Hanyu smiled faintly: "Of course I don't mind."

Yang Xueyi smiled gratefully: "Teacher Tong, I'm sorry, I have already chosen Teacher Shen, so there will be no change."

Tong Feifei persisted for a while, but she didn't move.She felt regretful in her heart, but she didn't dare to lose her temper with Yang Xueyi, so she could only vent all her grievances on Shen Hanyu.It's all you, without you, I, Tong Feifei, decided to become the only existence of Nanhai University.

Tong Feifei felt ashamed and decided to leave.Han Zixuan followed quickly and shouted, "Teacher Tong, why don't you take me away."

Tong Feifei turned around and glanced at him, then snorted: "Who are you, I don't care about you."

Han Zixuan touched his nose, and Yang Xueyi laughed out loud.Shen Hanyu glanced at him and said angrily, "Han Zixuan, could it be that you like her smell."

Han Zixuan was slightly taken aback. It was the first time he had seen Shen Hanyu with a temper. Normally, Shen Hanyu wrapped herself up very tightly and could not see emotions.

"I like it, it's really coquettish." Han Zixuan looked at the door and smiled.

Soon, the time for the competition came. The venue for this competition was located in the Art Theater of this city, where some cultural programs of Nanhai City were often held here, as well as some star concerts and so on.Therefore, this dance competition is still very grand, and some newspapers, radio stations and other media in the city have come.

For convenience, the organizer specially arranged a hotel for the participating groups. Although it is not a five-star hotel, it is located next to the art theater and has convenient transportation. After the competition, the contestants can take a good rest.

The competition adopts a knockout system. There are a total of twenty representative teams. After several rounds of selection, the top three are finally selected.

When he arrived at the hotel, Han Zixuan shared a room with a costume and props maker. His name was Du Lei, and he was also a teacher of Nanhai University.It's just that he just graduated, and now he is an assistant, responsible for running errands.

Yang Xueyi and Shen Hanyu naturally lived in the same room. They arranged accommodation first, and then the organizer had a brief ceremony. It was nothing more than a speech by the leader, talking about the rules of the game, encouraging the players, and so on.

After everything was over, Han Zixuan and the others returned to the hotel.His room was next to Shen Hanyu and the others, and it was not time to go to bed, so he decided to go to the side to have a look.

Knocked on the door and waited for a long time before Yang Xueyi opened the door and looked at him displeasedly: "Is there something wrong?"

"Mr. Shen, talk to her." Han Zixuan looked around but didn't see her.

"Ms. Shen is taking a bath. Go back to your room first. Teacher Shen will come to you later." Yang Xueyi seemed to have just taken a bath, her hair was wet and draped lazily on her shoulders.

After taking a bath, she seems to lack the arrogance of the past, and more lively and beautiful as a little girl.Han Zixuan couldn't help but look at it a few more times and praised: "After taking a bath, it really is different."

"What do you mean?" Yang Xueyi hurriedly examined herself, but fortunately, she was well dressed, with no bare spots.

"It's good. The advertisement says that it's better to wash and be healthier. You look much better now." Han Zixuan smiled cheerfully, and then glanced at the bathroom, but couldn't see anything.

Yang Xueyi suddenly burst into anger, and just about to explode, Han Zixuan hurriedly waved his hands: "Hey, don't be impulsive, you can't beat me."

Yang Xueyi could only hold back her breath.

Han Zixuan added: "Student Yang Xueyi, can I discuss something with you, let's change rooms, I'm not used to sleeping in the same room as a man."

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