The campus is so cute

97 Counting and counting

What Han Zixuan said was the truth. He had a brief chat with Du Lei just now, and found that this person was relatively dull. To put it nicely, he was honest.Although Han Zixuan is also an honest and good boy, he has nothing in common with him. When I asked him if he had the guts to tease Yang Xueyi, the kid turned pale with fright, and pulled Han Zixuan and begged him not to talk nonsense. If Yang Xueyi knew about it, he would not live. up.

Angry Han Zixuan could only come out, but had no choice but to go to the next room.

Yang Xueyi smiled coldly: "Han Zixuan, don't think I don't know, you are interested in Teacher Shen, otherwise you wouldn't apply for her class."

Han Zixuan hastily corrected: "Yang Xueyi, you said this wrong. It should be said that Teacher Shen is interested in me. Why is it that I am the only boy in the school who enters her class?"

Yang Xueyi was too lazy to argue with him, and now she was not in the mood to talk nonsense with him, so she put on a posture of driving people away and pushed open the door: "Please go out, don't forget that when you came, Teacher Shen stipulated that running around is not allowed."

Han Zixuan was kicked out, but he opened the door of the house with a smirk and said, "I have good news for you. Teacher Du Lei likes you. He asked me to send you a message to invite you to take a walk outside at night."

"Boring." The door was slammed shut with a bang.

Han Zixuan felt extremely bored, thinking of the coquettish and sexy teacher Tong Feifei, I don't know which room she lives in, according to her personality, she must not be able to bear the loneliness.

Sure enough, at this moment Tong Feifei was entangled with a fat man on the bed, panting, and accompanied by the man's low growl, Tong Feifei pretended to moan happily.

"Baby, you're so sexy, I can't help myself." The fat man put his arms around Tong Feifei, stroking with his big hands recklessly.

Tong Feifei squeezed into the man's arms, showing off on purpose: "President Jiang, you are amazing, you make me so comfortable."

Jiang Wei laughed loudly, with a wandering smile on his face: "Wait for me to catch my breath, let's continue."

Tong Feifei gave a hum, and stroked the man's fat with elegant and white hands, bewitchingly said: "President Jiang, you must arrange a good ranking for me in this competition, at least I must enter the top three."

Jiang Wei is the president of the Dance Association and the main judge of this competition. He smiled triumphantly: "No problem, as long as your students don't make serious mistakes in their performance, the top three will definitely be fine."

Tong Feifei is very satisfied, she is this kind of woman, as long as she can get huge benefits later, she will not hesitate to make any sacrifices.What's more, she has done too many things like sleeping with men.

However, she thought of her old opponent Shen Hanyu, and frowned: "President Jiang, there is one more thing. Shen Hanyu also participated in the competition. The two of us have always been at odds. You need to help me a lot."

Jiang Wei understood everything, and the originally lonely place suddenly became agitated again.During the mobilization meeting during the day, he saw Shen Hanyu, and suddenly felt dizzy. This woman is very famous in the South China Sea, and she has always been the beauty coveted by many men.But Shen Hanyu is also famous for being glamorous and never gives men any chance.

"Feifei, Teacher Shen is still so exciting, she is still single." Jiang Wei looked at Tong Feifei and touched her, but in his mind was Shen Hanyu's slim figure and charming eyes.

Tong Feifei was immediately displeased, and left Jiang Wei's embrace: "Hmph, all of you men miss her, she's just a vixen, what's so good about it."

Jiang Wei smiled mischievously, "Of course you are better, I like you the most." He hurriedly hugged Tong Feifei tightly.

The two were talking extremely disgusting love words, but Jiang Wei was thinking about how to get the body of Leng Meiren, and Tong Feifei beside him could be used.

"Feifei, I know you are at odds with Shen Hanyu, and I want to help you very much this time. But once Shen Hanyu's students perform very well, there is nothing I can do." Jiang Wei is already bald, his forehead is shiny, and his eyes are full of cunning.

Tong Feifei heard Jiang Wei's meaning, and frowned: "President Jiang, how could you do this and go back on what you said."

"That's not what I mean, Feifei. I really want to get Shen Hanyu. I don't want her heart. I just want to possess her once. Can you help me?"

Tong Feifei secretly scolded the old pervert, but her heart was slightly moved. If Shen Hanyu was beaten by a man, she would definitely be happy to see this scene.Maybe Shen Hanyu couldn't think about it and made some outrageous actions, such as jumping off a building, committing suicide or something, then she would have no competitors in the future.

Jiang Wei opened his bid: "Feifei, as long as you can help. Don't worry, the remuneration will definitely not be small, and you will definitely stand up in Nanhai University in the future. I will strongly support you behind the scenes."

Tong Feifei smiled: "Okay, but you know. Shen Hanyu keeps herself clean, why would she sleep with you."

"That's why I asked you for help. It will definitely not work from the front, so we will start from the side. For example, I will provide you with some medicine."

Tong Feifei nodded: "Okay, I will satisfy you, an old pervert. But we have agreed, you must cover me from now on."

Han Zixuan knocked on Tong Feifei's room, but there was no one in it.He wondered in his heart, where did this romantic man go, maybe he was fooling around with some man.So he wandered around from room to room, listening for discordant sounds in which rooms.

Damn, so many rooms are playing sports.Han Zixuan was about to collapse, thinking about it, it was rare for the leaders of these dance associations to come out, so they must find some young lady or something, or maybe they got in touch with their old lover.

Tong Feifei is so coquettish, there must be many old lovers out there.Finally, he found his target, and just when his ears were close, he happened to hear the two secretly discussing about Shen Hanyu. Although he didn't hear everything clearly, he probably understood a lot.

President Jiang, Tong Feifei, and Han Zixuan memorized the names of the two in his heart. If something unexpected happened to Shen Hanyu, he would definitely not be soft-hearted.

The next day, the competition started, which was the preliminary round.Although exciting, but after all, did not enter the finals.Han Zixuan and Yang Xueyi successfully entered the semi-finals, and the students in Tong Feifei's group also performed very well and advanced smoothly.

After dinner, Han Zixuan was bored, and Du Lei was playing with his mobile phone alone. Suddenly, the door opened, Tong Feifei rushed in, and shouted to Du Lei: "Ms. Du, come to my room, I have something to ask You help."

Without hesitation, Du Lei came to Tong Feifei's room, and immediately asked after entering, "Teacher Tong, may I help you?"

But just after Du Lei finished speaking, a soft and fragrant body rushed in, Du Lei was suddenly dumbfounded, his eyes were round and round, and he looked at everything that happened in front of him dully.

"Mr. Du, you have been working for several years." Tong Feifei asked while reaching out to touch his chest.

Du Lei swallowed. Although he was honest, he knew what was about to happen.It has long been rumored that Teacher Tong likes to seduce men, but he did not expect that he would not be spared either.But his heart was itchy again, it was the first time a woman took the initiative to throw himself into his arms, and it was a gorgeous and sexy woman.

"It's only been a year." Du Lei didn't refuse, and said foolishly.

"Do you like me?" Tong Feifei pressed her seductive red lips up.

Before he could say the word "like", Du Lei felt dizzy, as if time had stood still, and his mind was at a loss.

The taste of a woman's saliva still remained in his mouth, Du Lei's heart was beating wildly, and his blood was rolling all over.But Tong Feifei pulled away from her body and teased him with a pair of charming and mature eyes.

"Remember, sneak into my room at night."

Du Lei nodded, then turned to leave.But Tong Feifei hugged him again: "Leilei, can you do me a favor?"

At this time, Du Lei had lost himself a long time ago, but after he understood Tong Feifei's intentions, he was stunned.

Tong Feifei handed him a pack of medicine: "Pour it quietly into Tong Feifei's cup of tea. As long as you complete this task, I will serve you for free in the future, and I will guarantee that you will be promoted. You don't want to be a handyman for the rest of your life, right?"

Yes, what do men long for all their lives, beauty, money, status.Although Du Lei is upright, how can he refuse when the temptation comes.

"Don't worry, Shen Hanyu will definitely not doubt you. If you are so honest, you won't believe it even if you kill her."

Du Lei understood that Tong Feifei took revenge on Shen Hanyu.Tong Feifei saw that it was difficult for him to make a decision, and continued: "Don't worry, there is Chairman Jiang anyway, so you don't have to be afraid."

When Du Lei went to Tong Feifei's room, Han Zixuan also came to Shen Hanyu's room, with a serious face, he briefly explained the conversation about cheating on Tong Feifei last night.

Shen Hanyu didn't believe it at first, thinking that Han Zixuan was deliberately scaring people.But Yang Xueyi was convinced: "Mr. Shen, Tong Feifei is not a good woman. Maybe it is true what Han Zixuan said. She colluded with Chairman Jiang and deliberately framed you."

Shen Hanyu was unmoved: "What are you afraid of? I just stayed in the room. They dare to use force on me. Could it be that there is no king's law?"

Han Zixuan suddenly said: "Mr. Shen, this world is like this. The law of the jungle only restrains ordinary people. This woman Tong Feifei is quite scheming. This time is just a good opportunity to suppress her."

Knowing that Han Zixuan has a solution, Yang Xueyi asked curiously, "Han Zixuan, could it be that you want to use your tricks."

"Yes, by the way, get that president Jiang Wei out and teach him a good lesson. Even Tong Feifei, let this couple suffer a bit."

Tong Feifei knocked on Shen Hanyu's door, and she smiled: "Xueyi, come to my room, I have something to do with you."

Shen Hanyu frowned displeased: "Tong Feifei, she is my student, what can you do with her?"

"Anyway, it has nothing to do with you. Besides, Yang Xueyi is also a student of Nanhai University, and I am a teacher of Nanhai University. Why can't I have anything to do with her." Tong Feifei's tone was eccentric, and she stared at Shen Hanyu fiercely.

Yang Xueyi hurriedly stood up and said to Shen Hanyu: "Mr. Shen, don't mind. Teacher Tong must be in a hurry."

Yang Xueyi followed Tong Feifei and left, Han Zixuan came out of the bedroom and glanced at her: "Well, I'm not wrong, Tong Feifei has started to act."

Shen Hanyu is still skeptical: "I can't see anything yet."

Han Zixuan smiled slightly: "Mr. Shen, someone will bring you tea and drinks in a while, you must drink it face to face."

"Drink it, in case there is really medicine." Shen Hanyu frowned.

Han Zixuan snickered: "You don't believe me, don't you?"

Shen Hanyu bit her lip: "Just drink it, I really don't believe it."

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