Nine idlers

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Chen's Fighting Skills (This chapter is free)

After everything was ready, Xu Changqing checked repeatedly and felt that everything was safe. Regardless of Xiao En and others looking at him, he scooped out a little cinnabar from each of the ten jars, and put that jar in his sleeve after scooping up each jar. middle.When all the ten jars were put into his sleeve, he took out six pieces of Wulei talisman paper from the box, and then put the talisman paper and the box into his sleeve as usual. It was only at this moment that he felt that the capacity of the universe in his sleeve had reached the outer circle. The limit of what the circulating true energy can support this side of the world is.

Seeing the large jars and boxes disappearing in front of Xu Changqing in an instant, Xiao En and the three of them were all surprised. Both Xiao En and Chen Yu wanted to ask what happened, but they were immediately stopped by Zhang Yuan and shook their heads. , indicating to the two of them not to be too troublesome, just watch it, so as not to cause any trouble.

Xu Changqing stood in front of the incense altar, with his eyes slightly lowered, his mind already integrated into the Eight Diagrams Formation of the Nine Palaces of the Shangqing, and after the rapid operation, the Earth Seal Boundary Curse mobilized the entire Chen Jiachong's spider-like earth spirit veins, and soon found the hidden Nine Lives True Monarch in the coffin of Yizhuang in the east of the city.At this moment, Zhenjun Jiuming is using the dense yin energy around Yizhuang to heal his wounds. A few days ago, Xu Changqing broke a life soul injury, and it has not healed until now. Five life souls gathered around his body to form a body. The simple five-element spirit-gathering array speeded up the absorption of Yin Qi, while the remaining two souls leaned over the body of Yizhuang, and the souls of Chen Tao and Xie Ling were imprisoned by the two souls. in vivo.

Xu Changqing withdrew his mind, showed a disdainful smile on his face, and said to himself: "I don't know how to live or die! He dares to attach himself to the corpse while the living soul is imprisoned in the soul of life, he is not afraid of the corpse's breath." I don't even understand such a simple taboo, I really don't know how this old ghost cultivated, and even made such a big name in Mang Mountain? It seems that those who sound powerful are not necessarily It's really that powerful."

Afterwards, he grabbed the mahogany sword on the incense altar, randomly picked it from a pile of talismans on the table, picked up two talismans, and followed his feet, chanting the mantra.The talisman paper ignites spontaneously without fire.When the Taoist talisman was about to burn out, he turned his left hand into a sword finger, circulated the supernatant golden core essence, attached it to the body of the mahogany sword, pushed forward from the root of the sword, and said, "Go!"

The two talisman papers pasted on the mahogany sword burned instantly, turning into two balls of rootless fire, which shot towards Chen Tao and Xie Ling respectively.When the two fires touched the bodies of the two, they immediately merged into them. Except for the clothes that burned a big hole, which showed that two fires had burned here before, the skin exposed from the burned hole But there were no signs of burns at all.At this time, Xiao En and the other three saw that the Three Yang True Fires on Chen Tao and Xie Ling had changed. They were originally small dark red flames, but now they turned into three balls as if they had been fueled. A big fireball of bright red color.

Seeing Xu Changqing starting to cast a spell, the three of Xiao En quickly grasped the decree and called out the names of Chen Tao and Xie Ling.Following their shouts, the souls far away in Yizhuang's Minghun's body stopped still and began to struggle desperately, faintly showing signs of breaking free from Minghun's body.There was an abnormality in the Soul of Fate, and Nine Fate True Monarch, who had the same heart as him, immediately woke up from the healing process, and a shocked expression appeared on his skinny face.When he sat up from the coffin and was about to take the two life souls back from the corpse, he found that the life souls could not be separated from the corpse immediately, as if they were being pulled by something, making the Nine Lives True Monarch He had to put all the other five life souls into his body to increase his mana.

While True Monarch Nine Lives was trying to recover his soul from the corpse, Xu Changqing launched a second round of attacks.From a wooden box on the incense altar, he took out two mortal ropes twisted together by nine mortal threads. One end of the rope was tied with a silver nail, and the other end was a ring.Xu Changqing quickly put the ring on the middle finger, then clamped two silver nails, recited the mantra silently, circulated the true energy, and threw it towards the necks of Chen Tao and Xie Ling.Seeing that the nail pierced into the necks of the two men, there was not a single drop of blood left in the wound, and not only did the nails completely sink into the necks of the two men, but even the Hongchen rope that was following behind rushed into it.

What Xu Changqing used was a rather advanced Taoist method in the Longhushan School of Sanshan Talisman, called Taiqing Yuanhua Silver Needle Determination Method. Through the victim's natal soul, it is connected with the detained soul to achieve the goal of killing the enemy in the air.This kind of Taoist method is very domineering and difficult to learn. Practitioners who have not reached the top level of refining and refining qi will not be able to display it at all even if they practice it.As far as Xu Changqing knows in the world, apart from himself, only Master Zhao Wuyang of Lingxiao Tonghua in Longhu Mountain is proficient in this method.

The silver nail tied with the red rope pierced through the bodies and souls of Chen Tao and the two, pierced out from the soul at the other end, and pierced into the corpse together with the soul of Nine Lives Zhenjun.At this time, Nine Fate True Monarch felt that although he could still know the current situation of Fate Soul, he could not control Fate Soul, as if there was a layer between him and Fate Soul.This kind of situation was something he had never encountered after he became a soul of destiny. The True Monarch of Nine Lives who had already started to panic knew that he had encountered an extremely difficult master.

Nine Lives Zhenjun felt that ever since he inadvertently learned that the Zhong family in Xiangxi got a bronze armored corpse, it seemed that luck was getting farther and farther away from him.From the beginning of following the Zhong family's exorcist and lost people, to trying to take a few people as hostages, but being killed by someone, and then being trapped in such a small place inexplicably, every time When you go out, you will return to this Yizhuang instantly inexplicably.Now even the two life souls that he had worked so hard to refine were out of control, which made him feel that the whole Chen Jiachong seemed to be showing a strange feeling.

Originally, according to the habit of the True Monarch of Nine Lives, he would run away immediately when he encountered a strong enemy, but now that he escaped, the two life souls in the corpse would be lost.The loss of one life soul has already made him feel heartbroken, and if he loses two more, it will cost him his life.What's more, the materials needed to refine the souls of life are extremely difficult to find. He has searched the entire Mang Mountain for so many years, using all the means of cheating and abducting, and finally collected these souls of life.Now even the most basic power of the soul of life has not been exerted, and it has been imprisoned by magic. No matter what, he is not willing to give it up just like this.In addition, the soul of life is connected with the cultivation level of the original life. If the soul of life is lost, the cultivation level of the original life will be reduced. With his current situation in Mangshan, if the news of his lowered cultivation base spreads, he will die at that time. Not even scum.

Determined to fight, Nine Lives True Monarch immediately rushed to the two corpses, bit the tip of his tongue, and spat out a mouthful of blood, and at the same time made all five life souls in his body spit out a mouthful of true essence in his blood.When his blood was floating in mid-air, he took out two three-yin piercing thorns that he had treasured for a long time, circulated the mysterious Yin ghost power in his body, and collected all his heart-blood in the bone gap of the three-yin piercing thorns, and pointed it between the eyebrows of the two corpses. He pierced it fiercely, hoping to use the three yin stabs to stimulate the fierceness of the soul of life and get rid of the corpse.

However, just when the Nine Fate Zhenjun was about to finish casting the spell, Xu Changqing also used his pure golden core essence to 'control' the silver nail at the end of the red dust rope, and tightened the two life souls and the other soul. Lock it tight.At the moment when the Sanyin pierced the god's thorn into the eyebrow of the corpse, he used his strength to retract the Hongchen rope, and the silver nail at the end of the Hongchen rope locked the two life souls and one soul and the other from the corpse, and passed through Chen Tao together He and Xie Ling's soul and body were brought to Zixuan Pavilion.

At the moment when Xu Changqing locked away his soul, True Monarch Nine Fate immediately felt that his two souls suddenly disappeared from his eyes, and instead appeared somewhere in the mountain city at the same time.Although Sanyin stabbed the divine thorn in the air, the evil energy contained in the divine thorn still rushed into the bodies of the two souls along the soul channel that had not completely disappeared, and caused damage to the souls of Chen Tao and Xie Ling at the same time. direct harm.The Soul of Fate was nailed to death with silver nails and tied with red dust ropes. Although the evil energy entered the body, it was still unable to move, and all the attacks of the evil energy on Chen Tao and Xie Ling were transferred to the mahogany man Xu Changqing had prepared in advance.The sacrificial incense held in the mouths of Chen Tao and Xie Ling, and on top of the mahogany man's head instantly burned to ashes, while the mahogany man was shattered into a dozen small pieces.

At this moment, the souls of Chen Tao and Xie Ling were floating around the two of them. Since they had been out of the body for too long, they didn't know how to go back. It was only because of the shouts of the three of Xiao En that they were able to stay outside the body for such a long time.Xu Changqing also understood this, immediately cast a spell, knotted the Taoist Hunyuan seal with both hands, and said the mantra: "Heaven, earth, universe, and universe are connected by a line, and the Hunyuan Dao fixes the three souls, order!"

With Xu Changqing's two-handed seal pointing towards the soul, the soul was immediately pulled by the power of the spell and returned to its original position. The Sanyang True Fire on the shoulders of Chen Tao and Xie Ling suddenly burned vigorously, and then Return to normal immediately.Chen Xie, who hadn't felt anything all this time, let out a long sigh of relief, fell softly on the ground, and fell into a coma.

"Okay! Stop yelling!" Xu Changqing turned around and greeted the three people who were still shouting the names of Chen Tao and Xie Ling hoarsely: "The two of them are fine, you carry them down immediately, cook some ginseng soup for them Two to replenish one's vitality, so as not to fall to the root of any disease."

Just now when the three of Xiao En were calling the names of Chen Tao and Chen Tao, they watched Xu Changqing cast a spell, and when they saw his red dust rope being pulled out of Chen Tao's necks, they almost couldn't hold back and screamed.Because they not only saw the two balls of light transformed by Chen Tao and Xie Ling's soul, but also saw two black shadows bound by red ropes and nailed to their hearts with silver nails. The shadow seen by Peach Blossom Mountain was exactly the same.After seeing the two balls of light melt into their bodies under Xu Changqing's spell, they heard Xu Changqing's order. They quickly threw away the decree in their hands and ran to Chen Tao and Xie Ling. When the black shadows, they all bypassed a little by coincidence.

At this moment, Xu Changqing felt that the Nine Lives True Monarch was rushing over here, while Xiao En and the others were still dawdling, and couldn't help frowning, and urged: "Hurry up and take them away, and you should leave together. You can't get close to the range of thirty feet!"

Xiao En and the others felt the urgency of the matter from Xu Changqing's serious expression, and regardless of the defenses of men and women, Xiao En carried Chen Tao on his shoulders, while Zhang Yuan and Chen Yu supported Xie Ling, and quickly left Zixuan Pavilion.After seeing a few people leaving, Xu Changqing seemed to have lost a kind of restraint, moved his arms, and then used the fine cinnabar to draw the Shangqing Wulei talisman on the Wulei talisman paper leisurely. Hun ignored them at all, allowing them to struggle uselessly.

Not long after, when Xu Changqing finished drawing the sixth Five Thunder Talisman, a cloud of black mist emerged from the wall on the east side, and soon condensed into a solid body outside the Nine Palaces and Bagua Formation of the Shangqing Nine Palaces.I saw a man in the official uniform of the python robe of the Qing Dynasty, dressed like a minister, hanging in mid-air. He was wearing a coral-top official hat that he got from no one knew where. Few faces.

Speaking of which, Nine Lives Zhenjun is also considered a genius. He was selected as a scholar at the age of 15. At that time, he was a sensation in the local area, and everyone called him a child prodigy.However, his official career seems to have come to an end. For nearly 30 years later, he never passed any exams, and he spent all the savings left by his parents at home. The only thing left is his old man. house.After that, Jiuming Zhenjun found the evil book on ghost cultivation in the old house, and embarked on a path of practice that could not be turned back.Although he became a practitioner, he still couldn't forget his original wish, so he found a complete set of funeral official uniforms from the graveyards of some senior officials in the court, wore them, and asked his subordinates to pretend to be government servants, and every time he went out They have to ring the gong to clear the way, just like official officials traveling, which is also a scene in the Mangshan area.

"This fellow Taoist, I have no grievances with you, why do you want to hurt me again and again?" Jiuming Zhenjun seemed to feel that the Jiugong Bagua formation on the ground was very dangerous, and sacrificed him immediately after taking shape. Pull out the thousands of soul flags that have been refined for a long time to protect the whole body, then take out the pair of Sanyin thorns in his hands, look at Xu Jiujiu coldly, Xingshi asked the crime: "A few days ago, I killed my life with the technique of the five thunders and spirit swords. Hun, this time I even tied my two life souls, does your excellency really think that my Nine Lives True Monarch of Mang Mountain is so easy to bully?"

Seeing the two life souls tied up to cover up the truth, Jiu Ming Zhenjun was actually extremely anxious, but he pretended to be calm, distorted the facts, and did not mention the matter of taking away Chen Tao's soul and soul.In the end, he would announce his name. He wanted to rely on the reputation he had gained over the years to suppress Xu Changqing first.

Xu Changqing didn't like the Nine Fate True Monarch at all, he didn't even seem to pay attention to him, he used his hands to secretly move the real energy, controlled the silver nail through the red dust rope, and slammed into the hearts of the two souls.The phantom of Fate Soul trembled violently like water waves, and the faces that were originally hidden in the black and ghostly aura were also 'revealed' because of the severe pain, distorted and deformed, excruciating pain, and the shrill screams came from The mouths of the two souls screamed at the same time, spreading outward like ripples.The dragon and tiger servants who were thirty feet away and turned their backs to Zixuan Pavilion, after hearing this sound, their minds were "swayed", and the three yang real fires on them triggered a wave of fire that could be seen by the naked eye. The invisible light.The rays of light are instantly connected together to form a bowl-shaped invisible barrier, and the cry of the soul of life hits the barrier to form ripples of water droplets.

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