Nine idlers

Chapter 9 Three Yang Real Fire

Chapter 9 Sanyang Real Fire (This chapter is free)

Xu Changqing and his group came to the Zixuan Pavilion at the back. The servants of the Chen family moved very quickly. Under Chen Deshang's instructions, they built the altar and placed the magic tools very skillfully.This small courtyard named Zixuan Pavilion is a branch temple specially built by the owner of No.13 Daiyi Village when he designed Fengshui for the expansion of the Chen family's house, for the convenience of going down the mountain to cast spells.Because the owners of Yizhuang in the past dynasties above Xu Changqing did not have a magic spell that can restrain all things in their sleeves. Every time they went down the mountain to cast a spell, they had to bring a lot of things, and Taohua Mountain couldn't have too many people up, so every time it was The owner of Yizhuang takes it himself.At that time, the owner of Yizhuang practiced his own destiny and made a solid foundation-building formula to integrate into the gods, which made it tantamount to extremely hard physical labor every time he went down the mountain, thus 'forced' the owner of Yizhuang to have to do something else Build a branch dojo.

At present, Zixuan Pavilion, a branch temple, is better than the yizhuang on Peach Blossom Mountain. The yizhuang that was originally built more than 100 years ago was destroyed in the hands of Shijiamen people decades ago. The Lingbao came from more than a hundred years ago, and the other things were slowly accumulated over the years.However, Zixuan Pavilion was not damaged at that time. The magical artifacts here and the talisman banners surrounding the courtyard have aura of a hundred years, which is many times better than those in Yizhuang.He also thought about moving the magic weapon here back to Yizhuang, but in this way, he would definitely make himself look too petty, and damage his image of a master in the eyes of the Chen family. Still not implemented.

Xu Changqing and others entered the Zixuan Pavilion, and the servants of the Chen family brought Chen Tao in with a smirk on his face.At this moment, Chen Tao's eyes were blank, his expression was dull, and his body moved unconsciously, as if he was interested in everything like a child who hadn't grown up yet, and like a mad dog who wanted to bite everything he saw. All of a sudden, the servants of the Chen family didn't look at him, so he ran to the side and grabbed the stool for a while to gnaw.

Chen Yu and Chen Tao were brothers and sisters, and seeing their always cheerful and lively elder brother become like this, they couldn't help but feel worried and wanted to cry. They regretted their decision to go to Peach Blossom Mountain that day. Zhang Yuan comforted him in a low voice, while Xiao En watched Chen Tao also felt very uncomfortable in this state, with an annoyed and regretful expression on his face.

Seeing the expressions of the three of them, Xu Changqing smiled appreciatively, and then comforted them a few words, then led Xie Ling to the eye of the Shangqing Nine Palaces Bagua Formation in the center of the courtyard, and asked her to stand there.Then he casually took a 'mao' brush from the incense altar, dabbed cinnabar on it, walked up to Chen Tao who was constantly fighting with his servants, and quickly tapped the brush on Chen Tao's forehead.I saw that Chen Tao immediately calmed down, followed the 'mao' brush as if it was attached to Chen Tao's forehead, Chen Tao was led by the 'mao' brush in Xu Changqing's hand, walked to the opposite side of Xie Ling, and faced her standing.

After letting Chen Tao stand in a good position, Xu Changqing quickly wrote an imperial talisman on Chen Tao's forehead, then cut off the thread of mortals that bound Xie Ling's middle finger, crossed the two threads of mortals, and then cut the other One end was tied to Chen Tao's middle finger, and a Shaoyin knot was tied.

Xu Changqing's preparations have been made, and the next step is to wait for the servants of the Chen family to arrange the dojo and Chen Deshang's ten altars of cinnabar.Taking advantage of this gap, Xu Changqing came to the three of Xiao En and asked about what happened that day.Sean couldn't describe the situation in Chinese, and speaking English at this time was a bit out of place, so Zhang Yuan said it, and he and Chen Yu made up for the shortcomings.

It turned out that after the five of them left Yizhuang, they walked smoothly under the guidance of lanterns and fire. Along the way, several people were very excited, talking about what they saw in Yizhuang before, and they were originally wary because of Xu Changqing's warning The heart also gradually relaxed.When they walked halfway up the mountain, several people heard movement behind them, and then they all heard Xu Changqing calling them from behind. Xie Ling turned her head first, and Chen Tao, who was standing next to her, also turned her head. And Xiao En and Chen Yu and Zhang Yuan beside him finally turned back.

The next few people felt drowsy for a while, and Sean was quickly awakened by a wave of heat in his heart. At that moment, he saw that something was wrong. The others all had dull eyes and crazy expressions as if they were hypnotized.So he immediately stretched out his hand to wake up Chen Yu and Zhang Yuanyao beside him, just as he was about to wake up, a bright light sank into the midair not far in front of them from the direction of Yizhuang, and then a bolt of lightning from the sky hit the place where the light disappeared. place, and then saw a black phantom in the lightning instantly swallowed by the lightning.

After the lightning and the phantom disappeared, Chen Tao and Xie Ling also came to their senses. At this moment, they remembered Xu Changqing's warning again. After checking that no one was injured, they were relieved.Although they still had lingering fears, they all thought that Xu Changqing had helped them resolve the catastrophe just now, and they were all fine.When the five returned to Chen's house, they were still chatting and laughing, and they even made an appointment to watch the lantern display tomorrow, but the next morning, Xie Ling fell into a coma, and Chen Tao became crazy.

After hearing their description, Xu Changqing couldn't help but lament the good luck of Xiao En, Chen Yu and Zhang Yuan, and the bad luck of Chen Tao and Xie Ling.Xiao En drank a whole cup of Liuyang tea, which gave his body the ability to resist evil spells. After seeing all five people turn their heads, the Nine Lives True Monarch obviously did not expect that one of them would wake up, and Chen Yu and Zhang Yuan were woken up by Xiao En before the Nine Lives True Monarch had time to perform the secret art of conjuring souls on them.Because Chen Tao and Xie Ling were not awakened by Xiao En in time, one soul and one soul were taken away by the True Lord Nine Lives, but the True Lord Nine Lives failed to take away all the souls of Chen Tao and Xie Ling, so the soul of the caster was It was destroyed by Xu Changqing.

"The reason why human beings are called the spirit of all things is because human beings are born to be protected by a spiritual object of heaven and earth." Xu Changqing looked indifferent, took out three pieces of yellow paper, and then drew an eye-opening talisman on it with cinnabar, and Put them on the eyes of Xiao En and others, and said: "Don't move around! Don't panic!" Then he put his sword fingers in front of his eyes, and said: "Spiritual blessing, open!"

Following Xu Changqing's incantation, the Dao talisman attached to the eyes of Xiao En and the others immediately burned, causing the three of them to panic. If Xu Changqing hadn't reminded them in advance, the three of them would have slapped it down.Soon the three of them calmed down. They felt miraculously that the Dao Fu was clearly burning in front of their eyes, but they couldn't feel any heat, nor could they feel the pain of being burned by the fire.

When all the Taoist talismans were burned out, the three of them were immediately stunned by what they saw. It turned out that they saw a fire burning above everyone's heads and shoulders. The only difference was the size and color of the fire. 'Slightly different.

Xu Changqing guessed from the expressions of the three of them what the three of them saw, and said lightly, "Did you see three fires burning on all of them?"

The three of Xiao En nodded at the same time, and looked at Xu Changqing suspiciously.

"These three fires are the three-yang real fires that God gave to everyone." Xu Changqing smiled and said: "As long as there are these three-yang real fires to protect the body, people will be immune to evil, and practitioners If the ** is practiced to a great success, the Three Yang True Fire will be upgraded to become the Three Flavors True Fire that can ignite everything in the world. Although the Three Yang True Fire is good, it will be affected by the person's physical condition, and its ability will become fluctuating. When the three yang true fires are all extinguished, that is when a person dies. People die like a lamp extinguished, which is what it means, so the three yang true fires are also called the fire of the soul."

"Mr. Xu, why are the Sanyang real fires on my brother and sister Xie so weak?" Hearing what Xu Changqing said, the three of them all looked taught, while Chen Yu pointed at Chen Tao and Xie Ling. Sanyang Zhenhuo said.

"They lose one soul and one soul, and the Sanyang True Fire will naturally become extremely weak." Xu Changqing looked at Chen Tao and the two, and said: "Unless people die, the Sanyang True Fire will not be extinguished generally, but there is a In this case, the Sanyang True Fire will be extinguished for a short while. When a person turns his head quickly, his own breath will blow out the fire on his shoulders. If there is a flaw and loses any effect, even a small wandering spirit can invade and take away the control of the human body. I blew out the real fire of the three suns on your shoulders, so that those who are interested can easily take away your souls, that's why I warned you at that time, no matter what you hear, don't look back."

Hearing Xu Changqing's words, the three of Xiao En were taken aback for a while, and they all looked at each other, not knowing what to say.At this time, Chen Deshang had already brought in the ten altars of cinnabar with people, and he also had people carry two large boxes, walked up to Xu Changqing quickly, and said: "Mr. The top-grade cinnabar on the ten altars has been more than 50 years old exactly as the master ordered, and black dog blood has been added."

Hearing Chen Deshang's words, Xu Changqing's eyes flashed with excitement. He walked to the ten altars of cinnabar, opened the lids and smelled them one by one, and it was indeed high-grade cinnabar that was more than 50 years old, and one of the altars was almost 100 years old.For Xu Changqing's seemingly distrustful behavior, Chen Deshang was not angry, on the contrary, he praised him very much. In his heart, Xu Changqing was acting rigorously and not allowing personal affection.

Seeing Xu Changqing coming back, Chen Deshang pointed to the two boxes and said: "Besides, the old man was afraid that the talisman papers needed by the master would not be enough, so I bought two boxes of talisman papers from Master Zhao of the Wulei Sect of Maoshan, and gave them to my husband. "

Xu Changqing suppressed the excitement in his heart, walked to the box pretending to be an expert, asked his servants to open the box and have a look, and then asked him to close it.Although his demeanor and expression seemed very indifferent, in fact his heart was fluctuating endlessly.He has long heard that all the masters of the Maoshan Dharma Master Wulei Sect and the real people with high cultivation levels have retreated into seclusion. He didn't believe it at that time, but now he believes it.If those real people with profound Taoism hadn't retreated, that real person Zhao wouldn't dare to sell these two boxes of five thunder talisman papers that have been refined for more than 100 years by using the five thunders of the upper Qing Dynasty. There is no place to buy money.He could almost imagine how annoyed those real people would be when they left the customs and saw their own situation after the catastrophe passed.

Excitement turned into excitement, the expert still wanted to continue pretending, Xu Changqing looked indifferent, nodded to Chen Deshang, and said: "Chen Weng, don't worry!" Seeing that the dojo has been set up, he said: "Trouble Chen Weng Send people to clear the area around Zixuan Pavilion, no one can get close within [-] feet, and let all the male servants who belong to the dragon, tiger, and monkey in the house surround it within [-] feet."

"Okay, the old man will order someone to do it right away!" Chen Deshang nodded, and made a full salute to Xu Changqing: "The next thing will be Mr. Lao!"

Xu Changqing also comforted with confidence: "Chen Weng, please rest assured!"

After Chen Deshang left with his servants, Xu Changqing came to the front of the incense altar, facing Chen Tao and Xie Ling, while Xiao En and the other three were arranged by him in the banner array behind him.Afterwards, he pulled some hair from Chen Tao and Xie Ling's heads, burned them together with the soul-attracting talisman to ashes, then poured the ashes into three cups, took out a gourd from the sleeve, and put the rootless hair inside. Pour the water into the cup and give it to the three people to drink.

After the three of them frowned and drank the talisman water, Xu Changqing took out three more silver needles, pierced the middle fingers of the three in turn, and dripped the blood from the middle fingers into the three cups separately.The blood of the middle finger is the yang blood of the human heart, and its effect is almost similar to that of fine cinnabar, but it is easier to exert its effect because of its popularity. spell.

While Xiao En and the other three were struggling to shed blood, Xu Changqing picked out three talismans and decrees made from 50-year-old willow trees from the magical instruments prepared by the servants of the Chen family next to him, and then used the blood of the three people's hearts as ink to separate them The names of Chen Tao and Xie Ling were written on the decree and handed over to the three of them.The branches of the willow tree can fight ghosts, but the trunk of the willow tree can send souls. The decree made of willow trees is the best magic weapon for attracting souls.

"Wait a while, when I practice the method, the three of you will call out their names loudly." Xu Changqing ordered the three people behind him, then straightened his clothes, lit three sticks of incense, and bowed to the four directions After worshiping, Chen Tao and Xie Ling put two sticks of incense in their mouths respectively, and the remaining stick of incense was 'inserted' on a small peach tree figure on the incense altar.After that, he pricked Chen Tao and Xie Ling's middle fingers, dripped some blood from his heart, and used the blood to write their names on the front and back sides of the Taomu figure.Later, when they were fighting, in order to prevent the two of them from being injured, Xu Changqing found them a mahogany substitute to replace them.

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