Nine idlers

Chapter 100 Spirit Fire Removing Gu

Chapter 100 Spirit Fire Removing Gu

"What? What did you say?" Dong Zhenyu suddenly sat up from the ground, walked quickly to Xu Changqing, wiped the tears from his face, and asked in surprise: "You said she was dead?"

Xu Changqing nodded slightly, and said: "I have seen it, the current Green Snake Gu has lost control, it is just attacking the host with instinct! It is precisely because of the lack of control that the Green Snake Gu is fatal. None of the killing moves have been used, just attached to your son's lifeline to absorb his vitality, which is why your son is alive today."

"You know this Gu poison so well, you already have a way to save it, right?" Dong Zhenyu looked at Xu Changqing expectantly, his breathing seemed to have stopped, waiting for Xu Changqing's answer.

Xu Changqing closed his eyes slightly, as if he was thinking about something. After a while, he nodded and said, "Yes, I have a way to get rid of this poison!" Dong Zhenyu immediately showed a happy smile on his face. After he said the words of thanks, Xu Changqing said again: "But the method is too vicious, and you need to exchange your life for your life."

Dong Zhenyu's face changed suddenly, and he was completely stunned. He seemed to have sensed the meaning of Xu Changqing's words, and repeated in a murmur: "Life for life?"

"As I said just now, the Green Snake Gu is a fatal Gu. It is very difficult to unravel. The only way is to transfer the poison to other people." Xu Changqing stood up without any expression on his face, walked to the window, turned his back to Looking at Dong Zhenyu, he said: "Casting a spell to transfer the poison to others, not everyone is suitable as a successor. Only people with close blood can complete the transfer of the poison, that is to say, only you, Lianxin and your daughter can do it." He is the most suitable candidate. In addition, no matter who receives the transferred Gu poison, he will die immediately, and there is no other way to save him."

After Dong Zhenyu heard Xu Changqing's words, his eyes became dull, his face lost all color, his legs couldn't support his heavy body, and he sat on the sofa involuntarily, Xu Changqing closed his eyes at this moment, expressionless It seems to be waiting for Dong Zhenyu to make a decision.The room became extremely silent, only Dong Zhenyu's heavy breathing could be heard, and after a long time, Dong Zhenyu took a deep breath, stood up from the sofa, and said in an extremely calm tone: "Since the matter has been What I caused, let me end it! Mr. Xu, please transfer that poison to me!"

"You have to think carefully." Xu Changqing didn't turn his head, nor opened his eyes, but said coldly: "If it is transferred to your body, you will die immediately."

"Consider? What else do I have to consider!" Dong Zhenyu smiled bitterly, and said, "Not to mention that this incident was caused by me, even if it wasn't, no matter who Qingping, Guanqing and Lince lost, I would be heartbroken." Absolutely, it would be better if I do it, maybe they will feel better."

"Don't you think they won't be sad when you die?" Xu Changqing slowly opened his eyes and said.

"At least you won't be sadder than me." Dong Zhenyu said sadly: "I know that Qingping has never forgotten you. Although she married me, her heart has never been on me. My personality is much stronger than mine. She may be sad when I die, but she will still persist in living after she is sad. And the children are still young, as long as they make up a lie, they can take it with them and wait for a long time They will naturally know the truth, but they have grown up and won't be so sad. So..."

"Brother Dong, you are wrong! And it's very wrong." Xu Changqing turned around and looked at Dong Zhenyu with complicated eyes, then turned to the door and said, "Lianxin, you should come in and tell your husband!"

At this time, Sheng Qingping, who was in tears, pushed open the door and walked in. She had been eavesdropping outside the door just now, and when she heard her husband's heartfelt words full of sincere emotions, she finally couldn't help crying.Seeing Sheng Qingping walking in, Dong Zhenyu quickly stood up, looked at his wife extremely guilty, opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again, finally lowered his head, his tone full of guilt, and said : "I'm sorry! Qingping! It's all my fault!"

Sheng Qingping stepped forward, looked at her husband with a complicated expression, slapped her husband hard on the face, then stepped forward to hug him hard, crying bitterly: "Why don't you understand my heart until now?" ?”

After speaking, he buried his head in Dong Zhenyu's arms and began to cry bitterly, while Dong Zhenyu was at a loss and didn't know how to comfort her.

"Brother Dong, you are much better than me. It is a thousand times better for Lianxin to marry you than to marry me." Xu Changqing sighed, stepped forward, and said sincerely: "For Lianxin For me, I am just an unbearable memory from the past, while you are her hope and reliance in the future, which one do you think holds more weight in her heart?"

"I..." Dong Zhenyu didn't know what to say for a moment, he could only hold his wife tightly and said, "I'm sorry! I was wrong."

"No, you're right, I was wrong!" Sheng Qingping looked up at her husband, shook her head slightly, then turned to look at Xu Changqing with strange emotions in her eyes, and finally her expression gradually calmed down, and she said: "You must have other ways to save Lin'er, right? The reason you did this is just to let me understand the importance of Zhenyu in my heart, so let me forgive you, right?"

Xu Changqing looked at Sheng Qingping, nodded slightly, with a scheming smile on his face, and said, "As expected of the person I was going to marry back then, it seems that you are the person who knows me best in the world."

When Dong Zhenyu heard that Xu Changqing had other ways to save his son without sacrificing himself and his family, Dong Zhenyu immediately showed a happy smile, but when he thought that he was being played by Xu Changqing in this way, he couldn't help being extremely annoyed and glared at Xu Changqing.Compared with Dong Zhenyu's anger, Sheng Qingping seemed much calmer. She looked at Xu Changqing, and said slowly: "Are you eager to get rid of that relationship at the beginning? Could it be that the vow of eternal love back then was just to you... "

"Shackles! It's just a shackle." Xu Changqing took Sheng Qingping's words, looked at her calmly and said, "This is not only a shackle for me, but also for you. It should be let go." When the time comes, you should let it go. Is it really so comfortable to let it stay in your heart all the time? Think more about your children and husband!"

Sheng Qingping bit her lips, regardless of her husband, stepped forward to hug Xu Changqing tightly, rested her head on Xu Changqing's chest, and released the last trace of her feelings for Xu Changqing.When there was no longer any attachment to Xu Changqing in her heart, she let go of her hand, retreated to her husband's side, and said with a calm expression on her face: "I promise you, as long as you can cure Lin'er, I will not be here." Regardless of the original enmity, I will forgive you."

Xu Changqing saw that his purpose of coming here had been achieved, a little smile appeared on his face, and then he immediately restrained his smile, looked at Dong Zhenyu and Sheng Qingping solemnly, and asked: "I have one more thing I have to ask, when was Guan Qing born?"

"What do you mean by asking?" Dong Zhenyu immediately became alert, clenched his fists, looked at Xu Changqing angrily and said, "Guan Qing has nothing to do with you, she is my Dong Zhenyu's daughter."

"Zhenyu, don't do this." Sheng Qingping reached out to hold her husband's fist, patted his chest, turned her head to look coldly at Xu Changqing, and said, "Yes, as you think, Guanqing is your daughter. "

Although Xu Changqing already had the answer in his heart, Sheng Qingping's confirmation still made him change his face slightly. He opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't say it. ' Slightly gloomy.

Sheng Qingping seemed to know what Xu Changqing was thinking at the moment, looked at him with a sneer, and said, "You also thought about your inability to raise Guanqing, all you care about is your avenue, and the only thing you care about is your avenue opportunity, So what if you know that Guanqing is your daughter? Are you capable of raising her? Can you give her fatherly love?"

"You're right! It's too dangerous for Guanqing to be by my side, but I'll be happy by your side." Hearing Sheng Qingping's words, Xu Changqing's expression returned to his usual indifference, and he nodded slightly, not much longer. He said, "Let's go! Now is the time to help your child detoxify."

After finishing speaking, he left the room and walked towards Dong Lince's bedroom. Dong Zhenyu and Sheng Qingping looked at each other with complicated eyes, then nodded at each other in unison, and held each other's hands tightly. , walked out of the room.

After Xu Changqing left the room, he stood at the door of the next room and said to the closed door: "Miss Dong, I hope you don't spread this matter. When Guanqing grows up, if you think it's appropriate, Tell her again."

Then he walked into Dong Lince's room slowly, and after the Dong family's husband and wife also passed by the door, the door slowly opened, Miss Dong stuck her head out and looked outside, and she saw no one. He walked out quickly, took a few deep breaths, and returned to his nephew's room as if nothing had happened.

At this moment in Dong Lince's room, everyone had recovered from the shock. Zhang Tiezheng also rushed to the room because Xu Changqing had just unlocked the spell. After learning what happened, he stood silently aside. She cursed loudly, but just gave him a cold look.Xu Changqing walked to Dong Lince's side again, looked at Dong Guanqing who was taking care of his younger brother in a complicated way, calmed down, and turned Dong Lince's body over.At this time, the green snake attached to Dong Lince's back seemed to become thicker, and the snake's body floated vaguely on the surface of the skin. Layers of layers could even be clearly seen on the skin of Dong Lince's back. snake scales.

"Except for Mr. Dong and Mrs. Dong, please leave this room immediately." Seeing this situation, Xu Changqing immediately ordered coldly.

Everyone glanced at each other after hearing this, turned around and left the room without saying anything more, only Zhang Tiezheng hesitated for a moment, then walked out of the room under Sheng Qingping's signal, closed the door, and stood guard at the door, ready to rush in at any time .Xu Changqing took out an antique bowl from Qiankun in his sleeve, wiped it clean, and said to the two, "I need a bowl of blood, who will come?"

Dong Zhenyu took a step forward without hesitation, opened his cuffs, and stretched out his arm. Xu Changqing was not polite, stretched out his hand and scratched his wrist lightly with his finger, and the blood flowed from the unwounded wrist in a very weird way. come out.After filling a bowl, he wiped the bleeding area with his fingers again, and the blood stopped flowing out immediately. Except for the blood stains on his wrist, there was no difference from before.

Xu Changqing stepped forward and took off all the clothes on Dong Lince's body, and then painted spells on his chest and limbs with blood, not even missing the soles of his hands and feet, just enough to use up a bowl of blood.Then he took out two red ropes, tied Dong Lince's middle finger, and tied the other end to the middle fingers of Dong Zhenyu and Sheng Qingping's wife respectively, and then ordered the two to sit beside Dong Lince with serious expressions He said: "When I cast a spell to strip the poison from the child, the pain that the child should have suffered will be transferred to you. You must be mentally prepared, it is not a pain that ordinary people can bear."

The two looked at each other, nodded and said, "We can bear it!"

Xu Changqing circulated his true energy, with sword fingers in his hand, and quickly drew a Shangqing six-yang evil-dispelling talisman in the air, and then used the five-element Taoism to add the spirit of fire to the void talisman, and followed the sword to move the talisman towards Dong Lince on the bed At one point, he said in his mouth: "The six yangs burn the body, the law returns to the original, and the magic weapon is as urgent as a law! Burn!"

I saw that following Xu Changqing's Taoism, the Taoist talisman immediately turned into six spiritual fires, rushed into the little boy's head, followed the head of the six suns all the way down, burned his body with the spiritual fire, and drove away all evil spirits in the body. evil spirit.Just when the Six Suns Spirit Fire was burning in Dong Lince's body, Dong Zhenyu and Sheng Qingping felt a hot pain from the red dust rope at the same time, and penetrated into their bodies. It was stronger than the piercing pain, and the two who had been prepared for a long time couldn't help but screamed out in pain.

As soon as Zhang Tiezheng, who was guarding the door, heard the shouts in the room, he immediately opened the door and came in. Seeing the scene in front of him, he mistakenly thought that Xu Changqing was casting a spell to harm the three of them, so he immediately shouted, stepped forward and punched Xu Changqing.At this time, Xu Changqing was trying his best to 'control' the spirit fire to force out the green snake poison, and he couldn't draw out his hand to block Zhang Tiezheng's fist. Just when the fist was about to hit Xu Changqing's body, a golden Dharma protector appeared in front of everyone In front of him, Zhang Tiezheng grabbed Zhang Tiezheng's hand and threw him back.

This guardian deity is Xu Changqing's Yin God and War Ghost. His appearance is so similar to those of Wei Tuo King Kong in the temple. For a while, everyone didn't know what to do. Even Zhang Tiezheng, who got up from the ground, was stunned. up.Both Dong Mu and Sheng Mu, who had already converted to the Western Church, thought it was the real Wei Tuo Vajra, so they couldn't help kneeling in front of the Yin God and War Ghost.

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