Nine idlers

Chapter 101

Chapter [-]

"Don't mess around, Mr. Xu is removing Gu poison for Lin'er!" Seeing the situation, Dong Zhenyu endured the pain on his body, and shouted loudly: "All of you get out, don't hinder Mr. from casting spells!"

While Dong Zhenyu was speaking, the Yin God War Ghost slowly floated up and hung over Xu Changqing's head, as if he was protecting Xu Changqing's law.Seeing such a situation, adding Dong Zhenyu's words, everyone had other thoughts and retreated one after another. Zhang Tiezheng hesitated for a moment, looked at the Yin God War Ghost on Xu Changqing's head, and also exited the room.

At this moment, Xu Changqing saw that Dong's family had all left, so he took the Yin God and War Ghost back into his body, then settled down, and slowly controlled the six-yang spiritual fire in Dong Lince's body, occupying all the meridians little by little, and finally only vacated one path leading to it. After the meridian of the heart meridian, he began to suppress the green snake poison attached to the life meridian of the spine with all his strength.Although the Gu poison still wants to resist, and constantly uses his own Gu insect gas to fight back, but under Xu Changqing's full force, any counterattack is futile, so under the refining of the spiritual fire, the Gu poison retreats and compresses little by little , and finally formed a very small Green Snake Gu.

As the spirit fire refined and dispelled the evil spirit left by the previous Gu poison on the spine lifeline, both Dong Zhenyu and Sheng Qingping felt the pain of bone scraping in their spines, and couldn't bear to cry out loudly.The pain caused them to involuntarily tear apart the sheets they were holding in their hands, and it also made their expressions extremely distorted, with blue veins appearing on their faces, as if their blood vessels were about to burst at any moment.

Xu Changqing is not the first time to help people untie the Gu, he naturally knows how painful it is to untie the Gu, there have been people who died of pain before the Gu was untied, so he let Dong Zhenyu and Sheng Qingping The two share the pain.It's just that he didn't expect that the Green Snake Gu would be so powerful, even if it was shared by two people, it would be so painful.So he accelerated the speed of the spirit fire to exorcise evil spirits, and quickly drew the spirit fire to 'force' towards the little green snake. Seeing that the green snake Gu was surrounded by the spirit fire, there was no way to escape, and it got into it without any choice. A meridian deliberately left by Xu Changqing pulsed towards Dong Lince's heart.

"Introduction talisman!" Seeing that the green snake Gu had entered the urn, Xu Changqing immediately pinched the seal of dragon, tiger and Luo with his hand, and unleashed a stream of pure Dao power to attract the talisman around Dong Lince.I saw those charms flashed a red light, and then disappeared in the skin, forming strands of magic power, which instantly blocked the only meridian channel of the green snake Gu, entangled the green snake Gu like silk.

Just as Xu Changqing was at a critical juncture in casting spells to eliminate Gu, suddenly two Dongpu ninjas came out from the ceiling out of thin air, one turned his body into a long knife and slashed towards Xu Changqing's head, the other turned into a ball of fire. To wrap Xu Changqing.

The attack of these two Japanese ninjas had already been expected by Xu Changqing, and he saw the Yin God and War Ghost rushing out from his head in an instant, and smashed the vajra pestle on the big knife with all his strength.The big knife immediately dispersed into a cloud of mist and fled outwards, while the Yin God War Ghost also dispersed the ghost body in an instant, turning into a cloud of golden ghost energy to wrap the cloud of mist.I only heard a dull scream from the ghost aura, followed by the ghost aura suddenly turned red, and immediately returned to normal, and regrouped into the Yin God War Ghost, but the appearance is a little more than the solemn treasure statue just now part hostility.

At the same time that the Yin God and War Ghost were attacking, Xu Changqing took out Maitreya's cassock from the universe in his sleeve in an instant, and secretly pinched the magic formula with his free left hand, and manipulated the Maitreya cassock to wrap the ninja who had turned into a raging fire.The Dongpu ninja seemed unwilling to be caught just now, and risked his life to increase his fire skills, trying to burn Maitreya's cassock that was hugging his body.However, how could Xu Changqing give him a chance to exert his power, and immediately changed the formula, controlling the Maitreya cassock as if he was wringing dry clothes, twisting the cassock into a twisted shape all at once.I only heard a series of sounds of bones breaking inside the cassock, and at the same time the surface of the cassock was gradually stained red with blood, and the extra blood dripped down the end of the cassock onto the floor.Xu Changqing immediately performed the five-element Taoism, aroused the spirit of fire, and burned Maitreya's cassock inside and out. After the Dongying ninja's body was completely burned to ashes, when he put Maitreya's cassock in his sleeve, the ashes scattered on the ground.

After Xu Changqing took care of these two Japanese ninjas, he clearly felt that these two ninjas seemed to be a little stronger than before.In fact, how did he know that these two ninjas are five-element jounin carefully trained by Fujioka Zuosuke. They specialize in assassinating political opponents for those high-ranking Japanese officials in Japan. Xu Changqing took care of two of them lightly.

At this time, the Green Snake Gu in Dong Lince's body was entwined by dozens of Dao forces into a cocoon, no matter how hard it struggled, it still could not break free from the shackles of Dao forces.At this time, Xu Changqing also refined all the witchcraft and evil spirits attached to Dong Lince's body with the six-yang spiritual fire, then jumped onto the bed, stretched out his hand to circulate the true essence, and tapped his "acupoint" of Tanzhong, and the six-yang spirit The fire disperses, and then slowly integrates it into the Sanyang True Fire to replenish the vitality lost in these days.

At this moment, Dong Lince's face also became rosy, his chest began to heave obviously, his breathing became heavy and powerful at the same time, and his body also recovered warmth.The changes in Dong Lince's body were also felt by Dong Zhenyu and Sheng Qingping who were on both sides of him. Although the pain had passed, the energy in their bodies had been exhausted. They tried their best to get up and sat on the side of the bed, ignoring their grooming Looking at Dong Lince who had returned to normal, he couldn't help crying with excitement.

"Is Lin'er fully recovered?" Sheng Qingping quickly calmed down, wiped away her tears, and asked Xu Changqing expectantly.

"It's still the last step." Xu Changqing said indifferently, and then untied the red dust rope on the fingers of Sheng Qingping and Dong Zhenyu, and tied it to his own hands. Under the puzzled eyes of the couple, The sword pointed at Dong Lince's chest, and slowly raised his true energy upwards.

I saw that with the lifting of the fingers, Dong Lince's flesh seemed to stick to Xu Changqing's fingers, and it bulged upwards, gradually forming a very scary-looking big bag.When Sheng Qingping raised her head to ask Xu Changqing why, she was stunned by the scene in front of her. She saw that Xu Changqing also showed pain on his face, blue veins appeared on his forehead, his eyes were bloodshot, drop by drop. Beads of sweat oozed from his forehead and dripped onto the blanket on the bed.

"Why are you doing this?" Seeing Xu Changqing's appearance, Sheng Qingping didn't know why. Xu Changqing was taking the place of their husband and wife, bearing the pain that they should have endured. Tears welled up in his eyes, looking 'Sex' looked at Xu Changqing complicatedly, at this man whom he once loved deeply but now wanted to bury deeply.

Xu Changqing is not in the mood to pay attention to the thoughts of other people around him now, he is trying his best to peel off the trapped green snake Gu from the meridians little by little, and lead it upwards along the **, the pain of peeling is like someone took an iron drill to drill into your bones Same, definitely inhuman pain.

"Come out!" Xu Changqing yelled angrily, then raised his sword finger sharply, and saw a mass of green light the size of a broad bean penetrated from the skin on Dong Lince's chest, suspended in mid-air, and could be vaguely seen from the green light. I saw a small snake constantly hitting the edge of the light.Xu Changqing breathed a sigh of relief, his body felt unprecedentedly relaxed, after a short rest, he immediately took out a gourd containing corpse aura from the universe in his sleeve, and put the green snake Gu and corpse aura together to increase the power of the green snake Gu Power, save it for future opportunities.

When the Green Snake Gu was taken out, Dong Lince took a deep breath immediately, and then slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was Xu Changqing, a stranger, with a hint of fear in his eyes immediately. When he saw his When the parents were on both sides, they immediately shouted in a milky voice: "Father! Mother! Lin'er is so scared! Lin'er is so scared in the black hole!"

"Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid!" Dong Zhenyu and Sheng Qingping rushed forward to hug their son, touched his thin cheeks, and burst into tears of joy.

At this time, the people outside the door heard the voice, and all of them rushed in. Surrounded by the bed, they looked at Dong Lince who had regained his sanity excitedly, couldn't help crying, and asked about his health situation.The strong family affection around him was obviously not suitable for Xu Changqing. He shook the red dust rope with his fingers to untie it by himself, put it in the universe in his sleeve, then quietly retreated to the back, turned and left the room.

At this time, Zhang Tiezheng, who was standing at the door, looked at Xu Changqing with tears in his eyes, and said "thank you" softly, and Xu Changqing smiled indifferently and gave him a salute, then walked out of the room and left the building.

"Changqing." When Xu Changqing walked to the main building along the garden path, Sheng Qingping's voice suddenly came from behind him. When he turned his head, he saw her leading Dong Guanqing and quickly chasing after her.After coming in front of Xu Changqing, she looked at Xu Changqing who always looked indifferent, and the past events in her mind flashed before her eyes. At this moment, she didn't know what to say. After thinking for a long time, she said gratefully: "Thanks!"

Xu Changqing smiled faintly, then hesitated for a moment, and said, "I'm sorry!"

Sheng Qingping knew the meaning of Xu Changqing's words, she shook her head, with a look of understanding in her eyes, then lowered her head, and said to Dong Guanqing who had an inexplicable face: "Guanqing, he is my mother's good friend, A character in your name is taken from his name, quickly call Uncle Xu."

"Uncle Xu!" Dong Guanqing looked at Sheng Qingping with a little puzzlement, then called out generously, and then asked, "Uncle, does your name also have the word Qing in it?"

Xu Changqing looked at his daughter with a rare tenderness on his face. He squatted down and said with a smile, "Uncle's name is Xu Changqing, which means the same as the green character in Guanqing's name." "As he said, he reached out and 'touched' the head of the little girl in front of him, feeling the strange feeling of being connected by flesh and blood, and said: "Uncle, this is the first time I saw Guan Qing, and I know that Guan Qing is very good and knows how to take care of my younger brother , Uncle is very happy, so he decided to give Guan Qing a meeting gift!"

Saying so, Xu Changqing took out an antique necklace from Qiankun in his sleeve in front of Dong Guanqing, removed the gemstone in the middle of the necklace, and then took out the Bodhisattva relic, and put the Bodhisattva relic on the place of the gemstone.Afterwards, he circulated his true energy and displayed it in the way of a white lotus crossing the world Buddha element, mixed with a little bit of five-element Taoism, and refined the necklace pendant little by little into a budding lotus flower.

Sheng Qingping had stayed in Yizhuang for a while, so she naturally knew what this thing was, her face was startled, and she was about to refuse on Dong Guanqing's behalf, but Xu Changqing raised her hand to stop her.Xu Changqing put the refined necklace pendant in Dong Guanqing's palm, then grabbed her little hand, scratched it on the middle finger, a drop of blood dripped out, and landed on the lotus bone.I saw that as the blood slowly penetrated into the lotus, the lotus also slowly opened and turned into a golden lotus, and in the middle of the golden lotus was the Bodhisattva relic, and it emitted a faint white light to cover Dong Guanqing's body. Covered in hands, it looks extremely exquisite and magical.

"Wow!" After Dong Guanqing saw this golden lotus, he couldn't help crying out immediately, his eyes 'revealed' the desire to get it, so he looked up at Sheng Qingping, and begged: "Mother!"

Sheng Qingping looked at Xu Changqing, sighed, and nodded slightly. Dong Guanqing immediately hung the golden lotus around her neck happily, then turned around and ran to the western-style building, wanting to show it to her younger brother.

"The things you gave are too precious!" Sheng Qingping said looking at Dong Guanqing's carefree figure.

Xu Changqing regained his previous indifference, and said: "What can be more precious than her!" Then he took out two bottles of ordinary body-replenishing pills from Qiankun in his sleeve, and handed them to Sheng Qingping, saying: "One bottle is for your son, two capsules a day, take it separately at [-] noon, as for the remaining bottle, you and your husband can use it yourself!"

Sheng Qingping was also polite, took the 'medicine' bottle, and asked with a little concern: "Are you going back to Chenjiachong?"

Xu Changqing shook his head, without expressing it, but said with a serious expression: "From today on, you must remember, don't tell anyone about the relationship between Guanqing and me."

After finishing speaking, he stopped explaining and walked quickly towards the door of Dong's mansion, while Sheng Qingping was stunned for a moment, and then wanted to catch up to ask what happened, but his figure had already disappeared in the woods.

Under the terrified eyes of Dong's servants, Xu Changqing quickly left Dong's mansion, waited for the carriage waiting by the roadside, and said in a deep voice, "Take the official road in the inner city of Tianjin to Beiping."

"Drive!" Hearing this, the coachman immediately raised his whip and drove the carriage towards the inner city.At this moment, in the carriage compartment, Xu Changqing closed his eyes slightly to feel the changes in the golden 'liquid' circle at this moment.

After unraveling the cause and effect of Sheng Qingping's grievances, the speed of the golden 'liquid' cycle was several times faster, and the way of operation also changed. After 36 cycles in the forward direction, it turned in the opposite direction for another 72 cycles. , together, one hundred and eight weeks are a civil and military week.Secondly, nearly 36% to 72% of the golden 'liquid' true essence produced during the [-]-week rotation is still absorbed by the spirit treasures, war ghosts, god eyes, and civil and military fires in the body. The produced golden 'liquid' essence was divided into two parts, one part was replenished into the wasted golden 'liquid' true essence, and the other part was integrated into the lower dantian, which was repeatedly tempered by civil and military fire. .

In this way, just after the carriage entered Tianjin City, Xu Changqing's body had already recovered nearly 72% of the gold 'liquid' essence that had been consumed in Xu Changqing's body with the help of the [-]-week reversal, which made Xu Changqing feel inexplicably happy , I deeply feel that this trip to the capital is a little more sure.

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